Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 6:19 pm
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 6:21 pm
Edmund and Bonnie waited and the bushes right before the canyon pass. Before them was the shadow. Something that looked like another bunny. The question was whether or not It was a shifter or someone friendly. Edmund cowered back in the the bushes.He wasn't a particularly brave bunny but neither was he a scaredy cat. There was just something about the figure in front of him that made his heart stop.Or at least felt like it. There was some kind of edge as it turned its head this way in that, A kind of hint of familiarity but he could think of no one who would be familiar here.
His first instinct would not have been fear except for the fact he had heard of and had been part of the attack of Sans Merci normally he would have thought anything that looked or acted like him was familiar. As if maybe they were from his land. But he had seen no one from there since he had left.
The shadow kind of reminded him of how his brother looked. Ears flicked back. Body covered in roses just like him. Desmond always had to be just like him. Maybe it was a twin thing but Edmund had spent years hating it. He tried so often to be his individual self that it grated on him when Desmond just had to copy him, Why couldn't he just let him be different?
Ironically Edmond wished that his brother was here with him. He wouldn't mind the copying or the incessant questions or well anything if only he was here. Bur Edmond knew that was impossible. His baby brother, his twin was dead.
Edmond tried to pull his courage up around him like cloak then he walked out of the brushes Into the dying light, The other soquilis head lifted up and look to him. It's little familiar raised it's hackles in defense of it's friend.
The rabbit looking one seem to stumble about. All Edmond could see of him was his outline but he didn't move completely right There was something off with him. His familiar seemed hellbent on projecting it's companion from him as though he was the threat.
The ilght must be playing tricks on his eyes or this was some cruel twist of fate. The bunny soquili looked like it was asimliar hue to his brother. And that scent...It smelled like the roses his brother wore. For a moment, he wondered if somehow he had moved onto some other plane or if his brother had crossed back over.
His voice was low, urgent. "Are you a ghost? Do you come to remind me of him? I need no reminder, I think of him everyday." His voice went gruff then bitter before it broke off.
The little bear famiiar growled in warning as he got closer. Edmund finally made it there by alternating jumping away from the bear and placating it. When he did get there though, he could not believe his eyes. This has to be some spectre or some sick joke. He was dead! Desmond was dead! He'd seen him go under the water hiimself, swept away by the flood waters. They had onlly found small petals or items of his...But, no, he was dead.
He couldn't let this hope grow. Hope was dangerous that way. He just needed to go with it This soquili just looked like his twin brother, it couldn't possibly be him, coud it?
The look-a-like stumbled around murmmering and bumping into Edmund's shoulder. Edmund wasn't sure what was wrong with him, but something definately was. He looked toward the little familiar, a bear with horns. "Why is he like this? What happened?"
For a moment the bear tilted it's head and didn't move. Slowly he began to scoop and put his paw to his mouth as though-- "He ate something?" The bear nodded "Can you not talk?" The bear considered this for a moment this raised his paw and did it back and forth. Well, that wasn't really an answer but at the moment it didn't matter.
"What did you eat?" He guided the soquili to past the pass and settled him down in a camp. "I need to know." But the soquili merely looked at him then hiccuped. Well, it probably wasn't poisonous then. Probabaly. Or else he'd be dead by now or have hives or a fever. Besides for the motor skill issues, there didn't seem to be anything wrong with him.
Edmund soothed the soquili who reminded him so much of his brother. It was both a balm to his soul and a rip at the same time. That this visage so reminded him of his brother was a gift and a knife. Because how could he look at this face and think his brother gone? How could all those terrible feelings be all messed up in him again just because this soquili looked like his brother? It was insane. Sometimes, soquili just looked alike with no relation. He had to keep telling himself that.
Bonnie came up to him and put her little paw on him. She had never met Desmond, he'd long been gone when she'd bonded with Edmound. But she sensed that perhaps there was an opportunity here. "It may not be your brother, but he's not awake and he looks like him. What I mean, is this is a chance to tell your brother goodbye. Maybe your last chance.
Edmund felt foolish at first, but of course she was right. He could let this look-a-like stand in for his brother and finally get some closure. He took a deep breath and started. "I used to make such a big deal of you trying to act like me or when you wanted to do things together. Desmond, I wasn't nice to you." The bear lifted it's head. "I kept trying to push you off and tell you that I didn't need you or want you Des." He could feel the tears streaming down his face, "But that was a like. I do want you. I do need you." He broke down into sobs.
The other soquili gently butted his head, "It's okay Eddie, I forgive you"
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew