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PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:06 pm
Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Drew
Race: Angelic, human
Age: 47
Gender: male
Wepons: KO ((sword of angels)) excalboro ((spear of kings)) long staff, long bow, and a flute
Powers: extremly good healing speels, slight elemnt casting, summining, read minds, blue mage, time mage, charming
Bio: Drew is a very wealthy kind of guy. He grew up to a very powerful family in politics of the heven nations. At a young age Drew was forced a good natrue of manners and morals. He was sent away to a fine arts school ((school of fighting)) and graduated at the age of 12. He had high honors in all his classes and mastered many technices(sp) in fighting. DRew went on latter to serve in the Heven army and was highly awarded for his victoys in battle. Drew was asinged to cammand his own fleet by the age of 20 and ended many of the wars of his time. It was durying this time of serves he met the love of his life and married he beautiful Yuna. Together her and Drew created there own dynasty and rule a part of the Hevens land. Drew had three kidds, his first was talim (a pretty girl who now is 25 and is working on her fine arts degree) then came specter (an sly boy who was very rebelious and masstered ghosty powers and is only 22) then last was Toru (very pretty and only 16, she is going to become a diplomat and a very good one at that) This was Drews family and they all live together in a big castle built up in heven 7. Drew runs his dynasty there and controls life as we know it among them.
Personality: Drew is very outgoing, hes moral and mannered, always looks out for others before himself and will go thruogh anything to finish the job. Drew is detirmined and nice.
Apperence:User Image  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:08 pm
Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Joa Boo
Race: Lycan
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Wepons: Scythe, pike,
Powers: shadow trickory
Bio: Joa Boo was once a great sameri of his time. His people lived far from the rest of the world and in peace. One day when they where atacked by a beast, Joa Boo was comanded to fight the Lycan. The battle was feirce and lasted over a day. Joa Boo lost and to redem his honor he had to kill himself. He did not agree with these terms and instead of killing himself he finished off the beast. Latter Joa Boo was banished from his land for the lack of honor and for a very long time was lost in the forests. There he began to becom the beast he hunted and learned how to control it as well as his new ability to control the shadows. His mind was set on hate and wanted a way to get back at those people for destroying his life.
Personality: Controling, hard headed, nice, strong, deep minded, charming
Apperence sad i have no time for this, sorry takes to much work and my comp cant take it.)  



PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:09 pm
Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Nitsu
Race: human
Age: young
Gender: male
Wepons: Harp, two swords, spear, canon bow,
Powers: mind reading, charming, blue mage
Bio: Nistu is the second son of the great and evil Joa Boo. he fell in love with a girl he met on the way to the Market and from there his life was thrown into his past with the runes once agin. His dad was banished into the shadows because of his perfect theory and his atempts to destroy the world. Nitsu sought to reveng his father and find all the runes for himself. After finding the red rune and a combination of his hate, Joa Boo come back to life through nitsu's mind. The girl Nitsu met saved his life and the world. ((theres more but I cant add that untill after it has been uncovered in an RP))
Personality: Fun, happy, energetic, loyal, humble, helpful, nice
Apperence: ((none))  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:51 pm
Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Yuna
Race: Human
Age: 45
Gender: Female
Wepons: long staff, two pistols, short rod, short knife
Powers: best at summoning, magic all around; healing, basic elemnsts at max, black magic, wind element, earth element, blue mage,
Bio: when Yuna was a young girl she was sent on a pilgrimage to summon the final aeon. She trvled there with a boy named Tydus who freed her from the fate she would have to take. together they killed the sin without her haveing to sacrifice herself and brought what is called the eternal peace. After defeating Yevon who was the creater of sin all of the aeons creaters died as well. Tydus happened to be the drem of the faith which is one of the aeons. He vanished and Yuna was on a mission to once agin find her love. So she joined up with a man by the name Drew who travled the worlds for artifacts holding mystic powers and she hoped to find a way to bring tydus back. Through this search Drew and Yuna was sent into a war where Drew ended up saving her life from her own love. Tydus had come back but was very diffrent. he wanted reveng. Drew killed him and confesed his love to Yuna. They got married soon after the war and started there own dynasty on hevon7. Together they had three kids....Talim, Specter, and Toru.
Personality: protective, motherly, cute, happy, nice, outgoing, humble.
Apperence: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.  



PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:22 am
Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Talim
Race: Human
Age: 25
Gender: female
Wepons: short staff, twin swords, moon disks, huge bumerang
Powers: control of the winds, basic element use, charming, time control
Bio: Talim was Drew and Yunas first child. She easyly was spoiled beying the only child untill the age three where her brother was born. Like her mother she remaned human human and was tought to act like a young well kept girl. At a young age she learbed every thing about being edicate but then was sent away by her father to a fine arts shcool where she learned to fight. When she grauated DRew gave her a braclet that he had uncovered that gave her control of the winds. She kept the bracelet on where ever she went and learned to master its abilitys. She left her family at the age of twenty to work as a general at Hevon 6.
Personality: cute, livly, honest, head strong, nice, daring, cheerful
Apperence: ((get one if you can))  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:28 am
Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Specter
Race: Human
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Wepons: Long knife, pistol, levendeta((name of his long sword))
Powers: ghost((the power to go invisible, walk through, and flying)) assasin, ninja viel
Bio: Specter was the second of Yuna and Drew. At a young age he began to form difrently and had weird sensations that caused him to becom invisible or he would sudeny fall through things or walk through a door. Specter then started flying. he lived his life away from most people except his famlily. For being a ghost specter was never aloud to play with any of the other kids and couldn't even go to school. His fater tought him every thing but mostly how to fight. Specter at the age 18 took up the job as a highly gifted assasin. he works with his dad but behind the sceens and most people dont even know he exsists.
Personality: dark, rebelus, loyal, suspicus(sp)
Apperence: ((get one if you can))  



PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:23 pm
gaia name: Joa Boo
username: Joa boo
physical age: 45
actual age: 12,349
gender: Male
weapon: Bone Scythe, Air Pike, cannon pistol
sexuality: straight
bio: Joa Boo was once a great samurai of his time. His people lived far from the rest of the world and in peace. One day when they where attacked by a beast, Joa Boo was commanded to fight the Lycan. The battle was fierce and lasted over a day. Joa Boo lost and to redeem his honor he had to kill himself. He did not agree with these terms and instead of killing himself he finished off the beast. Latter Joa Boo was banished from his land for the lack of honor and for a very long time was lost in the forests. There he began to become the beast he hunted and learned how to control it as well as his new ability to control the shadows. His mind was set on hate and wanted a way to get back at those people for destroying his life.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:47 pm
((this is for Alec’s new thread))

Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Mitus
Race: Clestral
Job/class: Red Mage
Age: 37
Mesmrane (large and long scimitar like blade with a thick and powerful cut. Known as the angels blessed weapon)
Exculbre (The holy lance)
Fitch (Mitus’s flute)
Homeland: Zein
Appearance: Your typical knight in shining armor. Long blonde hair, with a pretty face. Very strong and fit with tight and beautiful armor.
Personality: Kind and the biggest team player. Is a mentor and wise person at heart and looks out for everyone else before himself. Never gives up and always tries to outsmart his enemies rather then just fight them.
Bio: Mitus was brought up by a strong family in his time in Zein. They owned lots of land, their own ranch and even a school for training fighters. Mitus took up this job and learned at a young age many different skill that pulled him more to the well rounded Dragon warrior or Red Mage. His fighting skill matched that of his magic abilities and he used these to his advantage in molding the world to his higher and divine image. He is extremely moral but yet steps out of them to get the job done. For a long time Mitus worked with a group of others as a specialized team at undermining investigations on the other countries. Mitus’s main goal was to make the world a better place and he plans to do that by ending any one who threatens peace.  



PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:07 pm
Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Mitus
Race: Angelic Celestial
Age: 47
Gender: male
Weapons: KO ((sword of angels)) Excalboro ((spear of kings)) long staff, long bow, and a flute
Powers: Mitus is a blue knight but even more so a red knight. He has mastered all levels or magic in all elements and magesty. Mitus also is a summoner. He has invented a few of his own summons after learning the art of speaking the ancient tongues. These few summons are known as Metal Ifrit and Evening Star. Mitus also completes his abilities with a wide range of techniques in battle. He is a true master and teacher or the arts.
Bio: Mitus is a very wealthy kind of guy. He grew up to a very powerful family in politics of the Heaven nations or more commonly known as the Ancients Kingdom. At a young age Mitus was forced a good nature of manners and morals. He was sent away to a fine arts school ((school of fighting)) and graduated at the age of 12. He had high honors in all his classes and mastered many techniques in fighting. Mitus went on latter to serve in the Haven army and was highly awarded for his victories in battle. Mitus was assigned to command his own fleet by the age of 20 and ended many of the wars of his time. At the end of the old age Mitus took down the massive uprising of Dungeons all over Aeonce and restored the balance of life through the discoveries of the Rune Stones. After such a massive victory, Mitus was dubbed a hero of Aeonce, the highest respect a person of his social standing could receive. It was during this time of serves he met the love of his life and married the beautiful Gloria. Together her and Mitus created there own dynasty and ruled a part of the Havens land. It was on Heavon 7 they made their living and built the one and only huge hero academy. Here Mitus set up an entire school designed to raise new and stronger heroes to aid Aeonce in it’s time of need. With his variety of knowledge and staff Mitus made this possible and earned himself another title as well as Gloria becoming a saint. She went on to trying for profet but has yet to make it. Mitus’s real inspiration is to become one of the ancients and have a hand in the future of Aeonce for real. Mitus had three kids, his first was Talim (a pretty girl who now is 25 and is working on her fine arts degree) then came specter (an sly boy who was very rebellious and mastered ghostly powers and is only 22) then last was Toru (very pretty and only 16, she is going to become a diplomat and a very good one at that) This was Mitus’s family and they all live together in a big castle built up in Heaven 7. Mitus runs his dynasty there and controls life as we know it among them.
Personality: Mitus is very outgoing, he’s moral and mannered, always looks out for others before himself and will go through anything to finish the job. Mitus is determined and nice.
Apperence:User Image  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:16 pm
Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Barney Papito
Race: Human
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Weapons: what ever gun he can get his hands on. Barney likes to stick with the bigger guns because he can’t move around all the well. He’s an ex-pilot with his own crew and commander of a section of The Law so he is very good at aiming and executing. Mostly he has his trusty wrench, Giget.
Powers: Mechanic/ engineer. Barney is amazing in both these fields and performs the most amazing modification and maintenance on ships and other things.
Bio: Barney was born to a poor family on a deserts small planet and lived as a young thief in a body shop for ships of merchants and other people who flew in needed some help. His permanent record got ahead of him and he was forced to enlist into The Law at age 18 where he spent the next 20 years of his life becoming and serving as a commander of a massive battle ship. Once he had to retire Barney went into engineering and butyl a collection of his own special ships that are all one of a kind with brilliant abilities. He became a pilot and obtained his own crew who sailed space in search for what ever there was to find. They got into a lot of messes and it cost Barney his crew. He retired as a pilot because he couldn’t bare to be responsible for such a loss again. Now at age 55 Barney is a cyborg with an amazing talent for all of the things he puts himself to.
Personality: a little on the crazy side. Barney is very straight forward and blunt. He feels something, he does feel it right to let every one else know about it. Barney is also strong willed to the point the would rather lay down his life then give into something against his own beliefs. Despite his crazy outgoing appearance and attitude, Barney is old and wise with a lot of experience and a lot to say.  



PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:13 pm
The Judges Of Aeonce

Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Anger
Gender: Male
Weapons: great sword
Powers: Judges the anger within people, has multiple warrior skills extremely good sword fighting abilities
Appearance: Large heavily armored knight. He is 10 feet tall in regular form and 35 feet tall in God form. His armor is decorated with red detailing and his helmet has two huge horns that curve around and up.

Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Sloth
Gender: Male
Weapons: duel pistols
Powers: Judges the laziness within people, has incredible aim and gun handling skills
Appearance: Heavier set man with very heavy arm. He is 8 feet tall in regular form and 34 feet tall in God form. His armor is decorated with gray detailing and his helmet has a single horn that comes out of the front at a 45 degree angle.

Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Lust
Gender: Female
Weapons: long whip
Powers: Judges the lustful desires within people, has incredible acrobatic skills and flexibility. Can convert or charm others very easily. Can cast any spell
Appearance: She is a long and slender woman with a very fit and sexually pleasing body. Her armor is very tight fitting and open around the hips and chest area. She is 5.6 feet tall in regular form and 20 feet tall in God form. Her armor is also decorated with a pink detailing and her helmet takes the form of long curly hair.

Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Envy
Gender: Male
Weapons: giant axe
Powers: Judges the wants for others possessions within people, has extremely good barbaric skills and axe wielding skills. Can fight with any weapon he wants and cast all kinds of magic.
Appearance: He is a very heavily armored knight. He is 10 feet tall in regular form and 38 feet tall in God form. His armor is decorated with a blue detailing and his helmet his four horns coming out the sides like a crown.

Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Gluttony
Gender: Male
Weapons: fists
Powers: Judges the wasteful habits within people. Can eat anything he wants. Is extremely good at fist fighting.
Appearance: Heavily armored knight. He is 8 feet tall in regular form and 30 feet tall in God form. His armor is decorated with a yellow detailing and his helmet has two horns that stick straight up.

Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Greed
Gender: Male
Weapons: Pitch fork, pike, scythe, halberd, spear
Powers: Judges the greediness within people, very talented with long pole like weapons and fights with many of them. Can cats any spell
Appearance: heavily armored knight. He is 10 feet tall in regular form and 40 feet tall in God form. His armor is decorated with a green detailing and his helmet has 8 horns that go in all directions

Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Pride
Gender: Female
Weapons: sword and a shield
Powers: Judges the pride within people, very good at fighting with a sword and has great defense
Appearance: heavily armored knight. She is 8 feet tall in regular form and 30 feet tall in God form. Her armor is decorated with a green detailing and her helmet has no horns  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:57 am
Gaian name: Joa Boo

Character name: Jason Vonphile

Age: 25

Gender: male


Jason is one of the youngest members of the Vonphile family. With his 3 older brothers and 1 older sister, Jason knows what it means to be the family baby. All his life he was roughed by his brothers and babied by his sister. This instilled a deep need to prove himself worthy in any competition or challenge. This acquired motivation drove Jason to embrace the sciences full heartedly. He quickly rose to higher levels of education over his siblings and sought to become more wealthy and powerful them they were.

Unfortunately intelligence was hardly seen as power among his family, forcing him to take on the arts of dueling and gun slinging. Neither skill came as naturally as engineering but his skills showed promise for a talented and upcoming lad.

Jason kept himself so busy he hardly had any time for friends. His only close friend in the world, Irene Jasell, studied with him, played with him, they knew all of each other’s secrets. Irene and Jason had all of the same upper level classes together and through their joint schedule they became inseparable. I didn’t take long for the two to fall in love with each other; at least, it didn’t take long for them to become high school sweet hearts.

Their love however was forbidden. His family looked harshly down on him for hanging around a poor girl with no future. They didn’t care that she was the number one student in her class. She came from a poor family and that was all they could see. Jason looked past it though. He saw Irene for who she was; a beautiful, intelligent, wonderful woman. Even with the two of them being so romantically in love it still took Jason until after he turned 25 to purpose.

Shortly after he popped the question many details about his lovely female/ very poor friend were discovered. To support her poor family she was forced into having sex with strangers to pay for everything. Jason was distraught. He vowed he would pull her out of the miserable state her life had fallen into. Marring her would secure their future and they would live happily ever after.

Unfortunately only a few days ago Jason got word that someone had slaughtered Irene. Jason’s new quest was to find and murder whoever had ruined his chance at happiness.




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