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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:23 pm
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Table of Contents.

1. Welcome

2. Applications Info.

3. Apply info.

4. Main storyline info.

5. " Other teams? " info.

6. " Characters already in play "

7. " Make your own clan? " info.

8. Updates - Important

9. New banner update.

10. Current RP storyline - Also important.

1. Welcome to the ANBU Chonicles RPG Thread.

- This RPG will take place the same time the Naruto manga/anime starts. In the Hidden Leaf Village the 3rd Hokage selects his A.N.B.U Team from many jounin's who have applied. ( Which is us, pretty much. ) The A.N.B.U. Will be divided into 3, four-man teams. Each team will have an A.N.B.U Captian, which gives the orders and is leader.

The storyline will be based around the Naruto anime, in which the A.N.B.U take on spy and assassination missions that relate and may not relate to the Naruto style.


2. A.N.B.U Applications

- To Register for this RPG, you must follow these pre-set rules:

- You must be active. If you do not reply to this thread within 3 days ( if no word that you are away ) you will be cut off from the RPG and you're character will be killed off.

- You must be somewhat skilled in Role-Playing. ( If you just started to role play and do not know the basic rules of no-god modding and using the best punctuation you can, you will not be able to join. )

- Be friendly. ( Come people, this is the internet. if someone insults you, ignore them, if someone is being rude, I will edit/delete thier posts. Show respect if you want to have respect. )


3. To Apply:

Name: You're Naruto character Name
ANBU Code-name: ( Each ANBU will have a codename when on a mission. the names available are:

- Gray Wolf - TAKEN
- Black Bear - TAKEN
- Yellow Tiger - TAKEN
- White Courgar - TAKEN
- Brown Lion - TAKEN
- Green Frog
- Teal Toad
- Black Mamba - TAKEN
- Blue Serpent ( or snake )

Cloak color: ( ANBU sometimes conseal themselves with thier mask and a large cloak they wear, just for imagine-sake, color it, the colors allowed are:

Dark Green
Dark blue
Dark Gray


Rank: Captain or normal ANBU? ( if you want to be a leader, you must be active and a good RPer. )
Unqiueness/bloodline?: Do you want your ANBU to be special? Be apart of a clan and have a bloodline limit? If so, state your clan. any dead clans are NOT allowed. ( No Uchiha. )
ANBU leader-codename: ( Applies only to leaders. The leaders of the teams also need a nickname. The nicknames are:

- Gold Dragon - TAKEN! AHAHA
- Silver Fox - TAKEN
- Orange hawk - TAKEN
- Sand Chimera

And last, but not least: Apperance.

What does your Jounin look like without the normal ANBU gear? Or with ANBU gear? Color or the eyes, apperance of the hair? Don't have to be that detailed.

To make this simple, to register fill these out:

ANBU Name:
Cloak color:
ANBU leader name: IS NOW CLOSED until further notice


4. Storyline

- The story will start With the entrance exams for the ANBU completed, and the main ANBU squad is named by the Hokage. During this time, you will be in the Hokage's office, meeting your team and getting to know them ( and/or thier backgrounds. ) Then, The 3rd Hokage will assign each team different A-Ranking missions. The missions will be briefed later.


5. Other Teams?

There can be other teams if more people join. Also, if you don't want to be an ANBU, say, someone from another village, you're Reg will be much different:

Team name:
Team position:

If you make your own team, please explain what they do. You cannot be apart of Akatsuki or the sound seven, since they are major characters and very strong. If you want to make a different jounin-squad in a different cillage, best make your own and see if people will join that. But if you do, try to have the storyline effect you in some way.


Characters already in play.

A.N.B.U Team 1:

Captain: (|_Amari_ )Amari - Gold Dragon
Member: (Nuclear Riot) Tokaji Momoko - Yellow Tiger
Member: ( Hikiro Itachi) Hikiro Itachi - Brown lion
Member: (FallenRaven49) Hurisha Akani - Black Bear

Team one..Complete

A.N.B.U Team 2:

Captain sad Penguinnojutsu) Mitsuya Toshiro - Silver Fox
Member: (Kaiq) Deimo Kaiq - Grey Wolf
Member: (Lu Shi) Kazuki, Reiha - Black Mamba
Member: (razorkaiser) Sakurho Razor - White Cougar

Team 2: Complete

A.N.B.U Team 3:

Captain: (beat.me.clever) Adachi Tadamasa - Orange Hawk
Member: ( Drake ) Makino Honzo - White Falcon
Member: (Kio-Kun/Samanthia ) Kiosuke Nomura - Blue Snake

Mecial Jounin's - Onigawa Shosuke ( Onigawa Shosuke ) - Silver Seraph


Seems that there might be more members to join, so I will open a different team, called, " Hunter-nin's " They're job is to hunt missing-ninja's and destroy they're bodies with fire/shadow-type jutsu's so they're secrets will not be revealed to enemy nations.

Hunter-Nin team

Captain: ( Sayako Amakera ) - Golden Phoenix


For me:
Name: Akin Amari ( Akin Clan )
ANBU Name: -
Cloak: Black
ANBU leader name: Gold Dragon
Apperance: Black eyes, Cornrools, Light-skinned ( See Avatar ), In normal clothing, dark grey sweater with large turtleneck, and black pants with black clothing wrappings on the black ninja sandals. The Akin clan symbol is transparent but visible behind sweater.
Unqiueness?: His clan, the Akin clan were masters of nin-justu's and illusion technquies. They specialize in sneak attacks and were great assassins. The Sand-village ninja's disbanded many years ago, but others remained and taught thier children thier technqiues. His bloodline limit is what is called: " Silent Death " in which the charka flow increases and casues the user's eyes, mouth, and hands to have scars over them. Making the user both mute and blind. However, it's sense of charka control is doubled and his/her earing is unmatched.


7. Make your own Clan?

By the request of others, I have decided that you can make your own Clan or gang that is not directly affilerated for Naruto. You can make your own Hidden Leaf Village gang, but follow the same rules as a ANBU-like squad for another village. ( Which I stated in this post earlier. ) You can also make your own bloodline limit clans, or even be a character not from Naruto, but he/she must be an ANBU character, or a character that is now living in the Naruto world.


Cloud Country Sqaud-

- The Guardian Angels: ( Guardian Angels of the Cloud Country - This group is derived of nine Medical Jounin who use their expertise to defend their country and also carry out assassinations should the need be great enough. )

G.A. 1 - Onigawa Shosuke ( Onigawa Shosuke ) Medical Jounin - Teal Seraph.

8. Updates?

I will update this page regularly. Please check it.

- Team one has been decided. However, if the members here are not active, they will be cut and positions will re-open.

- The RP has NOW BEGUN. Please post when you can. But if you do not post within two days, you will be removed from the rpg.

- All the ANBU captain positions are CLOSED. they will re-open however, if: One captain is inactive, or I have alot of members and make another anbu team.

- People are forgetting thier RANK. This is why they put both captain and normal ANBU names down. there is another slot when you register. Please check this post thoroughly.

- The ages for Hunter/A.N.B.U range from 18-30. So if you wish, add your age when you RP.

- There is now a completely new squad. I have added a newsection, for the Hunter-Nins. They are different from the A.N.B.U but they are just as skilled. so if people want to be someone other than A.N.B.U, this is a perfect chance.


- If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to post here or PM me.

UPDATE - Mamamni_friend and Kio-Kun has been dropped out of the RP due to inactivity, sorry. If you wish to rejoin, then come back. Xp I now have more positions left open. =/

If worse comes to worse, I'll either shorten the teams to 3-per-team, or make NPC's in which I will control. =/

Please join...?

I have now made a smaller banner for people tp put in there sigs, the url is:

Hm..Idea. I now made a banner ( if people wish to carry it ) that's smaller and that links to this thread. To do this, I need the people who wish to have this type this in thier sigs:



- However, where you see the [= Put [url= Ok?put that all together as one and do NOT type the * I put in the first IMG.

So if you did it right, it should look like my sig now.

[b]NEW UPDATE! - I have added a table of contents for a better understanding of the RP status, and we have two new very good Role-Players.

- I have also added a new team for the Cloud Country, " Guardian Angels " A team of medical ninjas.

10. Current Missions

Team 1: " Team Giga: You're S-Rank mission will be to Head to the Sand Village to aquire highly-classifed documents from thier Hunter-Nin squad that asks for us assistance. That document will then tell you the location of A-Ranking criminals that the Sand Hunter-Nin's need help capturing. I repeat: You're main mission goals are: - Arrive to the Sand Village as traveler's, get the document and read it's contents, find the Hunter-Nin squad that asked for our help, and assist them in capturing a A-Ranked criminal. The Criminal Shinobi must be captured ALIVE, and interrogate her. "

Mission Status: Reached Sand Country, have not met with Sand Hunter-Nin's or captured the Shinobi.

Team 2's new mission:

" To Any Team that have completed thier first mission: This task is of great importance, your team must venture to the Sound Country, in order to follow and track a very dangerous S-Rank criminal. Our resources tell us that this Individual is planning to attract hundreds of Shinobi's to creat his own army. You must find his whereabouts, and inform us immediately. Do NOT, I repeat, Do NOT ingage him. He is at a level far beyond any of you. You all must stay together, as refugee's, and slowly make your way past Sound's defenses and into the heart of the small country. While there, a Hunter-Nin will accopany you and aid you. Trust her, she will be your guide. You're mission is to go into Sound Territory, Ask smugglers and any low-lives about his whereabouts, find him, and report his location. Again, this is a very important mission, you will not fail. If any one of you team members are killed or captured, you do not exist in our Shinobi records. I am sorry to bring such an important mission to the hands of newbie A.N.B.U, but we have had many reports of missing shinobi over a short amount of time. I believe something is being planned, something very large. We must act now.

Status: Accepted, and in progress.

Team 3: " Team Beta, because some A.N.B.U Members have not completed thier exams, we fear that they have been kidnapped during thier jungle-based mission in the first part of the exam. You're mission is to locate your fellow A.N.B.U members and bring them back here. We have facts that have led to an Ex-Hunter-Nin has captured two of your fellow teamates in order to collect millions of Zeny and an escape route to the Sound Country. You must bring the bag of fake-Zeny outside of your room, and met him underground, several milies from Leaf Village, you will act like our contact, give him the cash, and take your friends back alive. After you have aquired them, you must kill the Ex-Hunter-Nin known as " Slash. " Beware- He is an A-Ranked criminal with both skills in combat and justsu knowledge. Good luck. After you have read this, burn this scroll and pertake your mission immediately. "

Mission Status: Not partaken as of yet.


Current Storyline

- In the office of the Leaf Village's Hokage, Three A.N.B.U teams have been chosen from the newly graduated Jounin's who had partaken in the A.N.B.U exams. With these teams, the Hokage immediately sent them to A-Ranking missions of great importance. Two of the three A.N.B.U captains have taken thier members to start thier missions. However, the third A.N.B.U captain must take on a different mission, rescue his teamates from a strong Jounin-level Hunter ninja turned-mercenary. Three teams, three destinations, all will lead to one event that only the strong can survive.

The first A.N.B.U team, have decided to seperate, each going to sand country on thier own path. However, thier target is aware of thier presence and has taken precautions to stop the team t all costs. Traps and three guardians stand between team 1 and thier mission. At the same time, team 2, choosing to stay together, in order to combat a larger threat, will they be accomplish thier mission? Or will the gang of snow-nin's end thier journey short?

UPDATE - In fierce combat, team 2's unbelieveable abilities aided them in completing their mision. Tired and weakened, they decide to take a break, venturing back into Konoha, taking thier well-deserved rest. However, a new threat has arrived that forces the Third Hokage to give the team a new mission. Will they be handle there mission without the aid of thier leader?

- Meanwhile -

Team 1's mission is coming to a conclusion, having deafeated the guardians and past the criminal shinobi's ( Venia's ) traps, they now met her head-on, much sooner then anticipated. The weakened A.N.B.U members must gather up thier remainging strength to defeat an enemy that is formiable even in thier full power. Will the team even be able to pass thier first mission?

- Back in Konoha -

The borken team 3 must now work their way to find thier captured members, but can the new recruits stand a chance against a gang of murderer's?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:36 pm



PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 1:41 am
Name: Mitsuya Toshiro
Rank: Captain
Cloak color: White
ANBU leader name: Silver Fox
Apperance: Beneath the Mask
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 186cm/6'1"
Weight: 69kg/149lbs
Unqiueness: The Mitsuya clan is known for it's adaptation of both types of fighting styles, the Iron and Gentle Fist. With their adapted Nimble Fist Style or, Keiken, they can just as easily cause internal damage as they do external damage. As an effect their Taijutsu is strong wavering in par to very few, with keen ability in Ninjutsu, their only weakness seems to fall in the area of Genjutsu, as they are very susceptable to these techniques. Their bloodline limit is referred to as Sujishoken or Muscle View.This allows the clan member to view the muscles of their opponent and see every motion of every muscle allowing the user to see exactly what their opponent is about to do.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:44 am


What are you doing? Don't make a dumb post saying " HUH? " You're either gonna join or your not. I don't wanna see a post saying ' Uh..Ok, I will, or just thinking about it. I have no tolerance for spam.  



PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:47 am
Name: Mitsuya Toshiro
ANBU Name: Gray Wolf
Cloak color: White (work with me on this an anbu in the anime had one)
ANBU leader name: Silver Fox
Apperance: Beneath the Mask -to be continued-
Unqiueness: -to be continued-

- For your name -

The ANBU name only applies if you are a normal member, the leader name only applies for you if your a leader. Which do you want to be? You can only have one ANBU name.

See my registration, since I was a ANBU leader, I left the normal ANBU name blank. Please do so for yours. And try to finish it so I can add you to da list. =p  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:46 am
Name: Tokaji Momoko
ANBU Name: Yellow Tiger
Cloak color: brown
ANBU leader name: N/A
Age: 19 years old
Apperance: When wearing her ANBU outfit, she sports the trademark white ANBU vest over a dark blue short-sleeved turtleneck. She dons the usual dark blue footwear. When in casual wear, Momoko wears dark brown pants and a yellow short-sleeved shirt with a brown long-sleeve underneath. The girl stands at the average height of 5'5". Her layered black hair is usually tied back in a tight ponytail, with her bangs swaying the side, covering her left eye. She wears glasses.
Unqiueness?: If she is from a specialized clan or has within her a certain bloodline, Momoko would not know. She was adopted at the age of five into a large, loving family of mediocre shinobis. She was told at the age of 10 that she wasn't a blood relative, but she eventually decided that this did not matter much; she continued to love and respect everyone as they had loved and respected her. However, she could not help but wonder what her blood holds. She seems to have a certain control over the earth, and she took advantage of that, inventing several earth and plant related jutsus. For a shinobi of her level, she is least skilled with genjutsu, but excels in both taijutsu and ninjutsu.

Nuclear Riot

adam stardust

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 7:34 am
((okay, i dont know if this is right because someone already signed up with this name, but i know i can handle being a captain if you want me to be. if i need to change the name, i'll just edit this post.))

Name: Adachi Tadamasa
ANBU Name: -
Cloak color: Dark Grey
ANBU leader name: Orange Hawk
Apperance: Light violet eyes and light silver hair. In his normal clothes, he wears a black shortsleeve shirt over his standard netted ninja shirt. Over that, he wears the standard Chuunin vest. Around his waist, he wears a grey belt with a few bags attached. His pants are white with leg wrappings near his ankles.
Unqiueness?: He's a little over average for an ANBU, but has no special bloodlines. He has created a few techniques that he can combine with his sword (like infusing it with Chakra so it doesnt shatter against, say, solid rock). He fights well at short and long range, but isnt fantastic with Genjutsus. His highest ability is his speed, and his weakest would be his Chakra Molding.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:24 am
Name:Kiosuke Nomura.
ANBU Name:Snake.
Cloak color:Grey
Apperance: While wearing his A.N.B.U. outfit, he sports a sea green top over a a short-sleaved green shirt. He has a gold chain around his pants, and a silver one, around his neck. When in his casuall, attire, he has a red santa-like suit, with dark red pants.



PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:32 am
Nuclear and Beat, you're registrations seem alright, I'll add you to the list but be sure to finish it.

Kio, please choose a ANBU name from my list. And I will add you when you do that and finish yours up.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:59 am
I did.  



PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:17 am
Name: Hurisha Akani
Anbu Name: Black Bear
Cloak color: Black
Height: somewhere around 5'7
Weight: 124lbs
AGE: 22
Appearence: Dark brown eyes, jaw-length hair that is a bluish color, wears a fishnet top and over that wears a regular black shirt, has knee length black pants and has wrappings that cover the rest of her legs, has regular ninja sandals and also has hand wrappings, has the symbol of her clan tatooed on her forehead.
Uniqueness?: The Hurisha clan specializes in speed and stealth. The clan also has the 'anchuu eye' which helps them see in the dark, the word anchuu even means 'in the dark'. With her speed and stealthliness,also help from the anchuu eye, she is great at night assassinations.

Well I hope thats good sweatdrop
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:18 am
* Blue Serpent, it is.

I will now add some people, but you should finish up your registrations  



PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:19 am
Fallen, that's very good. I will now add you to the list.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:27 am



PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:31 am
Lol, relax. I'm gonna go try to recruit more peoples.  
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