On the other side of the globe of Neopia, a single island stands... a realm of pure magic, little technology. Neopets are there, but they are different than the ones on the other side of the globe... they are ownerless... and they walk upon two legs, with humanoid forms, like the werelupe(s) of Haunted Woods.
It is an continent of adventure, an island of heros... it is known as Gaio... or rather, Gaiopia. Two buildings are prominant on this island... one, the icy, calm-looking Temple of the Moon, a citadel of magic and knowledge... led by a creature that may be related to the Faeries of Neopia... only, it is male. A scaley, Draik-looking man known as Turrequise. He is known as 'Great Dragon'... and his wise, kind Knights are known as 'Dragons', and seem to grow into the appearance of them.
On the other side of the island, a huge brass building known as the Tower of the Sun... a home to many, and a training place for warriors... not to mention, an arena for those wishing to show thier worth... it is run by another creature who may be related to the Faeries... a winged woman named Freya. She is known as 'Rising Pheonix', and her powerful, honroable Knights are known as 'Pheonixes', and gain somewhat the appearance of the fabled bird.
Other buildings are on the island, in the lush forests, mountains, and lakes of Geiopia. They live ignorant of the people and 'pets' on the other side of the globe, as they do of the citizens of Gaiopia...
Currently, in the city of Hymm on the continent... a call has gone out. A Wocky, of green color, known as Belenus the Enlightened, is searching for those wishing for adventure...

-Normal Gaia rules, along with Neopia rules.
-Romance is alright... just not uber-romantic. (As much as I, myself like the romance, we have some younger veiwers, I believe.)
-Chances are, there's gonna be some drama in here as the quest goes on.
-Please, no godmoding. This is a rather silly thing to do, it doesn't make you look 'cool', and it has a tendency to make you be ignored.
-Before you join, it would be nice if you PM'ed me a character sheet, for me to put here, on the first post for all to see... you don't have to right away, as I will allow you to get a 'feel' for the world and your character... but later on, as you play, it will be a must.
-Please be literate enough for us to understand. I will allow one-liners, as long as everyone can understand them.
-If you use 'elite' or "internet" speak in any way, I will politely as you to leave this roleplay. I have no tolerance for such, as shown by my signature.

Character Sheet:
Age: (If you're 70 years old, you're going to look it. No "1,000 years old but looks 13" stuff. If you look 13, you're 13. 110 is the maximum age for the people on the island, with the exception of Draiks, who live to be 200.)
Sun or Moon?: (I mean, are you living closest to the Tower, or the Temple..? This effects your outlook on life a little... For instance, Temple-livers are calmer, and more intelligent. Tower-livers are much more powerful, but normally have shorter tempers, etc.)
Abilities: (If any. I mean, non-magical abilties... nothing that can attack the enemy. Really, I mean Job. You know... blacksmith, fisherman, basketweaver...)
Spells & Techniques: (This is where you put those kind of things. Include weapons in this)
Appearance: (Tell us what you look like!)
Bio: (Doesn't need to be a full life story... just a few highlights, or what's been happening recently.)

Current Characters:
Name: Belenus the Enlightened
Race: Wocky
Age: 17
Sun or Moon?: Moon
Abilities: Adventurer, Knight
Spells & Techniques: He knows no spells, finding his weapon more reliable. He weilds a Scimitar, and is very skilled with it. Belenus is one of the greatest swords-users on that side of the island... payoff from training with them for years.
Appearance: The handsome-looking Wocky has a downy white furr, and is very muscular. He has kind eyes, and his ears are somewhat oversized for his race. He has an earring in one ear, which is a silver bell, which has a joyous sound. He wears tight-fitting white/silver armor, which is tight-fitting becuse of his broad shoulders, barrel chest, and strong arms... even though it's of a strong material, he somehow always manages to split his armor in one of his 'growth spurts'. He is often seen with a joyous Cheshire-cat grin on his face.
Bio: Belenus has been a knight and adventurer for his father, Turrequise, for most of his life... he is known as 'enlightened' for his wisdom and love of books. Since he was twelve, he's shown an intrest in swordplay... though wasn't allowed to actually wield one (or learn to) until he was 15. Since then, he's become one of the greatest swordsmen of the Temple, and is proud of such a title. He dreams to one day stand alongside his father as a famous and powerful Dragon of the tower.