
She was standing by the lake alone, drenched in the full-moonlight that filled the sky.
Her long, flowing hair was a deep red and she wore a black dress. It was tattered and ripped, but still covered most of her body. Her dark brown eyes were covered by her hair, but you could still see that her skin was very fair. Covering most of her skin were bruises and cuts.
Wind blew all around her and a dark figure suddenly appeared behind her. The man walked up to the girl, leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Kairia.” She quickly turned around and gazed into his deep red eyes. His eyes widened and suddenly the girl dropped to the ground, unconscious.
The man smiled and picked up the girl in his arms. All of a sudden the wind blew ferociously and they were gone.

Chapter 1
Ami awoke with a start. Her alarm was playing loud rock music and she didn’t even bother to turn it off. Just as she was getting back to sleep, Ami’s adoptive mother, Jamie ran in and pulled the covers off of Ami.
“Dang it Jamie!” Ami yelled as she pulled the covers back over her head, “I’m trying to sleep!”
Jamie laughed and said, “Yes, but it’s a Monday my child. It’s time for school and learning and getting smart and other things such as. Now get up and get ready.” Ami groaned and slowly began to get out of bed. “And don’t forget to dress-out for P.E.,” Jamie added.
Ami looked at her clock; six-thirty a.m.

As usual, Ami’s table of friends was overcrowded with posers, punks and other various stereotypes.
Just as she sat her bag down Ami’s two best friends Liz and Jessica walked up behind her. Ami spun around to see who it was and jumped. “OMG, you guys freakin’ scared me,” she said.
“Haha, well you scare easily and it’s fun to watch you jump,” Jessica was a sweet 15 year old who was very outgoing and athletic. As the leader in the trio she was also very overprotective and cautious of her other two friends.
“Oh Ami, you need to lighten up more. Don’t look do bummed just because we scared you so hard.” Liz was the smarty in the group. Everyone always came to her for answers, whether it be with homework or boyfriends, she was always there to help.
Ami sarcastically laughed. “I’m not bummed about that,” she said, “It’s Jamie again. Freaking old lady thinks I’m her own flesh and blood. Ugh, I wish I could just live on the streets or something. God!” Ami always complained. She never knew her parents and therefore lived with Jamie her adopted, single parent. Ami would always get into trouble or with the wrong guy and wasn’t very academically excelled either.
“Ami, just because she isn’t your real mom doesn’t mean you should treat Jamie badly. We’ve seen how much she cares for you. She just wants you to live a good life and be happy, that’s all,” Liz explained just as the bell rang.
Ami rolled her eyes and said, “If she wants me to be happy, she would just leave me alone and stay out of my life.”
Liz rolled her eyes and grabbed Ami’s arm, “Come on Ami, Creative Composition awaits.”
Creative Composition was Ami’s favorite class. And that was only because it was the only class where she could write all she wanted to and get a grade for it. But today Creative Comp. could’ve been the worst class in the school.
Number one problem: the class had a substitute teacher. Her name was Mrs. Bryant and she was rumored to be the strictest sub of them all. Mrs. Bryant was at least in her early 50’s and you could tell that beauty was not in her favor. She had wrinkles everywhere, was very short and had graying hair. You could also tell that Mrs. Bryant did not particularly favor high schoolers.
Problem number two: the assignment. Today’s Creative Composition was simply to write a poem and then share it in front of the class. Okay, fine, Ami was really good at poetry, it was the sharing part that scared her. Because Ami only knew how to write darker poetry, she never shared her poems with anyone, not even her best friends.
Finally after a long thought, Ami decided to just write the thing and make a total fool of herself in front of the class. After awhile the sub began to scan the class for readers. Seeing that Ami was still writing, she picked upon her to read.
“But I’m not done yet. Why don’t you pick Liz here?” Ami complained. The sub just gave her a look as if to say, “Detention is coming your way.” So Ami sighed and sulked to the front of the room. She then began to read:

A cold and lonely night
My wings shot down
No time to take flight
I sit and wait by the lake
The moonlight fills the air
A man appears behind me
He whispers in my ear
A quiet word, a magic word
A word I barely hear
The world goes black
Lights begin to fade
And I am nothing more
What will become of me?
I wonder, as I hit the floor

Some people laughed, others didn’t care. Mrs. Bryant on the other hand was stunned. But she only replied with, “Just set your paper on the front desk and take your seat Miss Ami.”
Ami obeyed and sat back down. She turned to Liz who gave her a thumbs up and turned away. Ami put on her hood and laid her head on the desk.

After Ami’s fourth period class, she was still very embarrassed about Creative Composition. So instead of facing total humiliation, Ami decided to head to the library and write some more. She found a place to sit in a dark corner and started to draw because she had had enough of writing for the day.
About five minutes later another student sat down at the table with her. “Are you Ami Lloyd?” he asked.
“It’s Ami Simmons and what’s it to you?” Ami asked cautiously.
“Forgive me. Well I just wanted to ask her about the poem she wrote in Creative Comp. this morning.” Ami looked up and saw a boy who looked to be a junior smile at her. The smile was very sweet and would’ve made any other girl’s heart melt. But Ami just looked straight through it.
Ami’s looked away and said, “That’s confidential.” She then grabbed her things, stuffed them in her bag and began to walk away. But a hand on her shoulder stopped her dead in her tracks. “Well aren’t you persistent?” Ami asked with a smirk on her face. She turned around and that same smile was playing across his lips.
Ami sighed, “I guess,” and sat down once more.

Chapter 2

Jamie walked into Ami’s dark room with the phone in her hand. She turned off the blasting music coming from the stereo system and said, “Jessica’s on the phone for you. She sounds irritated; what did you do?”
Ami grabbed the phone out of Jamie’s hand and made a shooing motion toward her. “Hello?” Ami said.
Jessica’s irritated voice rang loudly through Ami’s ears, “Where were you at lunch?! We were all so worried that you’d gone all suicidal on us again!”
“So who, exactly, is us?”
“Me, Liz, and half the table. We thought you were going to do it again.”
Ami sighed. “Shall we please no mention that moment again? At any rate, I was doing stuff. I don’t always have to be in your sight ‘Mother’,” Ami said sarcastically.
“Ami Simmons! You’d better tell me exactly where you were at lunch before I come over there and tickle it out of you!”
“Oh no. That would be so terrible,” Ami said sarcastically once again. “I was in the library. Criticize me all you want but I might just go there tomorrow as well. So there!”
Jessica was shocked by her friends openness at admitting she went to the library at lunch. In their group it was a nearly social suicide to be caught in the library without homework in your hands. “And what, may I ask, were you doing in there?”
“Taking a break. I’m sure Liz told you about Creative Composition this morning in Gym. More than half the people in that class hangout with us at lunch. I can’t take that humiliation! You understand right Jess?”
“I guess,” Jessica sighed, “Just don’t do it again, you hear me?”
“I hear you, Jessica. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Alright. Bye Ami.” Ami hung up the phone and rolled her eyes. She then laid back on her bed and turned her loud music up once again.

The next day at lunch Ami went to the library yet again, to talk to her newly acquired friend.
“Oh no,” Ami said and hid her face behind a book.
The man leaned in toward her and whispered, “What’s wrong?” Ami shot a quick look towards the front door and whispered back, “It’s my friends. They think that it’s some kind of sin to be in the library unless you’re cramming for tests or doing homework.”
Ami ducked under the table and her friend said, “I’ll try to ward them off. Get ready to run.” Ami nodded and waited for the signal as her friends approached.
Liz and Jessica did a quick scan of the room until they spotted a young man who, to them, looked suspicious. They walked over to him and began their questioning. “We’re sorry to bother you, but have you seen Ami Simmons? She’s about five foot seven, has jet black hair, blue eyes. Ringing any bells?”
Lying, he said, “Nope, sorry. You could try the Goth table, she seems to fit that description.”
Liz and Jessica both looked at each other. “And how do we know you’re not lying? What’s your name anyways?”
The man put on his heart-melting smile and said, “My name is Aiden Lowen and I’m a junior. Nice to meet you, and I really must be going.” Aiden picked up his book bag from off the floor and whispered to Ami, “Run to the janitor’s room above the gym, now!” They both got up and ran off to the janitor’s room leaving Liz and Jessica shocked that their best friend would ditch them for a stranger.
Once in the janitor’s room, Ami took a long pause to catch her breath. “I am so out of shape,” she gasped.
Aiden was on his knees panting as well. “Yeah, I guess I won’t be the first to help you improve that fact.” Finally they both sat down on the dirty, hard carpet floor of the small room.
After a long moment of silence, the lunch bell rang, it was time to go in.

So tell me what you think.. I've kinda put it off and I need a given excuse to work on it some more...