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FaustSnake/17/How the Reaper got his bride. Part 1,2 & 3

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:38 pm
Come now gather around and I shall weave you a tale told when I was a still a child, of how the Reaper got his bride.. The story goes back long ago in the past where darkness rain supreme, and a dark hearted soul loomed .... This Blackened hearted soul was the grim reaper himself, he was powerful and feared. He hated all the living and would cause mindless havoc and destruction claiming innocent souls as he pleased. No one could face him nor would they try.. who would face death itself... just the thought of it seemed foolish.. all hope seemed lost.. Till one day he attacked a town trying to turn it to rubble then in the crowd panic a girl came out face him.. She was a young Geomancer strong minded and brave , she protected the people as they went to safety leaving the reaper with no soul to claim. He found her foolish to go against his whelm, but left her there as he flew else where to have his evil fun. The moment he started he was impaled with large rocks. When he looked to find his foolish attacker, he found it was that same girl had followed him.

Reaper: Who are you *he demanded* to defy me is to defy fate and to have a untimely end
Young girl replied* My name is Zamie a geomancer and I have come to go against what you call fate..
Reaper: laughs
Zamie replied* laugh if you will but I am here to stop all the credulity you have been spreading across the land
Reaper: Girl do you not know who you speak against I am to be feared, I'm the grim reaper, the spinner of lost souls. I can never die for I'm already dead. A pitiful mortal to stand in my way is nothing but a pebble in my river. What you showing to me now isn't courage...it's stupidity.
Zamie; call it as you wish if it is stupidity then this stupid one will always defy you to no end
Reaper: You're stubbornness will be your downfall. I will kill and no one will stand in my way. Because no one can.
Zamie: I am standing against you and I will stop you
Reaper: Lets see you try *smirks as he grips his scythe tightly as wings sprouted from his back when he came at her then attacked.

they battled in the town causing a mess as she attacked countered with her mancer skills as well as he showed why he was known to be feared.. through the battle as he attacked she keep letting her guard down protecting the innocent bystanders that was trying to get to away safely protecting them then herself.

Reaper: what are you some kind of fool you should be worrying about yourself *he said as he keeps attacking*
Zamie: I am going to keep protecting those who can't protect themselves *dodges and blocks his attacks*
Reaper: Pitiful, it's pointless to stop death for mortals.
Zamie: Death *sticks tounge out*.. you already know I don't fear you so I am going to keep trying. *frowns* For you don't bring pain in misery at your own pleasured whelm and for that you must be stopped
Reaper: I don't care if you want to help or not...if you step in my way of being who I am I'll only cut you down. *glares* Excuse me whilst I destroy some more *smacked her into a building making it crack on her impact then turned and started to walk off*

Reaper came square in the middle of the town where a fountain sat seeing the people flee in terror at his presents.

Reaper: Heh...welcome to hell...pitiful beings * sprouts his wings flies up then comes back down fast slashing at the ground, causing the ground to slow fall into itself*

*Zamie comes around the corner feeling the rumbling of the earth falling with in itself see him as the root of the source*

Zamie: you b*****d *tosses daggers his way*
Reaper: *is hit buy it but pulls it out and throws it into the ground* Try kitten...try to use your powers to stop this...here's your chance to prove to me how strong you are

*she freezes and watches the site of the ground falling in itself causing buildings to crumble, it was all happening so fast and she was only one geomancer..*

Reaper: well I thought you were going to stop me *laughs*
Zamie; ...err....I won't let you hurt anyone ...*focuses really hard closing her eyes bringing the ground slowly back together struggling hard to keep it melding* I won't let you harm this town monster

*she keep trying using all her strength but only go at a slow pace as it was falling fast*

Reaper: Hahaha...*watches her smiling*

*She keeps moulding it bringing it together starting to break on her knees using all she got and finally started to get some where but it was draining her strength to do so.*

Reaper: *floats down right in front of her smiling*
Zamie: *sensing a shadow had fallen on her she continued to mould the ground together getting closer to finishing but getting very tired not giving up*
Reaper: you are trying hard aren't you?...
Zamie: .... *gasped then blinks* unlike you to care about what happens to people nor what they do
Reaper: ...hmm...*looks back at gapping hole in the ground* ...why do you care for someone you don't know?
Zamie: even if they don't know me don't mean I shouldn't care there are so many people they help each other each day and they don't even know each other.. I am just that kind of person I care what is happening to those around me if I can stop there suffering why sit there ...... when I can do something to stop it
Reaper: There are people out there that want to hurt you too...what if some of them are in there...? *moving closer to her*
Zamie: just because they want to hurt me don't mean I should be just as bad as them........besides if it takes saving them with the innocent I will take that risk....
Reaper: Foolish ...but for some reason...you are one of the only person I can't kill...
Zamie: and why is that want to show mercy don't seem to be your style....
Reaper: You are so right....I can slay you here and now...and make sure your soul goes to the deepest part of hell...

*Zamie sneered at him and used what strength she had left to fight him. She sent up a spike formed from the earth under then to impale him through.. he fazed away before it could hit . Before she could figured what happened she was kneed and was skidding on the ground.
By the time she opened her eyes he was standing over her with his scythe in hand ready to strike.*

Reaper: You're nothing but a fool...*smiles and raises scythe and then brines it striking down, barely missing her* ...........
Zamie; *winced a little from the sound then slowly opened her eyes seeing it struck close.. she was at a lost for words*
Reaper: Damn....you....*his ears go down laying against his head*

*Zamie turned to face him but he used his wings to take flight leaving her questioning why he spared her getting angry.. feeling he thinks she is to pathetic to kill*

Zamie: *shouts* You know sparing me will only lead to me coming back after you....I won't let you hurt innocent you know..
Reaper: ......*turns head* That is what I am counting on.....*Thinks in his head as he flew off...*

......to be continued

Well now I guess it is time to tell more of the story. Well as I said before the grim reaper was well known to be feared for his heart was as black as the night. He meet only one challenger standing against him at the time of his rain of evil. A young geomancer girl that went by the name of Zamie. Her ideas and sights of the world was seen by her child like eyes and views as her heart was pure. On there first meeting and battle the reaper had the upper hand over the heroine.. but he didn't ended her life he left her there in complete question of why, but the funny thing is leaving the reaper to question himself of why to. Soon as time went by he still went on his havoc spree of evil destruction and each time he did she would appear getting all to safety and try to take him down. With each encounter she would lose and he wouldn't kill her leaving her there...As time went on he come to yearn to see her starting to only cause havoc just for her to appear to stop him. One day he cause a small bit of destruction and just waited for her to appear, and as usual she did. But this time then facing her he flew off making her follow him from the ground. He led her to a deserted area where he soon came to a stop and faced her.

Zamie:... Heh we meet again Reaper and I shall make sure this shall be our last meeting
Reaper: *blinks then laughs*...as so you claim I am still going to destroy the world...
Zamie; ... *brings out staff* and that is why we shall never stop meeting cause your not getting your way
Reaper: ....and what makes you think you'll get your way? *pulls out scythe*
Zamie; ... cause I fighting for a better cause then you protecting what are you trying to gain by destroying
Reaper: ...better cause? Good doesn't always win. You've been reading too many fairy tales.
Zamie; and you been in the dark to long
Reaper: Hahah...so I have. You've been in the light to long...you should join the dark side...it's sweeter than you can imagine.
Zamie; sorry but I like the light *charges at him* you should be the one taking a change of heart
Reaper: *holds out scythe* And I like the dark....you should at least try it...I'm sure you'll like it. You can become my queen of darkness.
Zamie: ... *ear twitch at the words he spoke which made her swing her bladed end of staff hard* .. I am not like you I will not become something I am not
Reaper: *blocks it barely* Not like me? Honestly...just join me...if you don't like it it's back to square one with us enemies.
Zamie; ... *puts more weight on her staff glaring*.....I am not going to become your queen .... I care to much for all living things to just change to go off and destroy them.....
Reaper: *leans weight back* But how would you know you won't enjoy it? You can finally bring harm to those who hurt you in the past. You can do whatever you please without worrying about consequences. When you join me you can be...immortal.
Zamie; ......*slacks up a bit..and frowns at him* .... I AM ALREADY IMMORTAL IN SPIRIT..*breaks the clash jumping to the side then smacks him hard in the back with staff*
Reaper: Argh...*springs up* Heh...spirit will only get you so far. *jumps back and slices to the side with scythe*

*Zamie dropped to the ground out the way of the swing of his scythe. He fazed above her with flying down at her, she rolled out the way before it could hit. The moment he touched the ground she changed it to quick sand as his feet began to sink hands formed pulling him more in*

Reaper: You're nothing but a fool...*concentrates and vanishes into darkness appearing above her and slashing down*
Zamie; *gasp*...*rolls out the way* and your nothing more then walking hated........

*Reaper smirked at her words and stood up straight and looked at her, then lifts his scythe high above his head then slams into ground causing the ground to split under her. She was about to fall in an endless darkness. She summoned roots to form a net to catch her keeping her from the darkness*

Zamie;.... that was close *breath hard*...
Reaper: *wings shot from his back and he jumps and flies down in the hole to her landing softly on the roots* Give up, join me...or die...*places scythe to roots*
Zamie; *starts to show fear in face then look away*
Reaper: *slowly starts to slice the roots* Choice now...Zamie...

..................to be continued

Well now I guess it is time to tell the rest of the story...Of what happened between the Light and the Dark..... yes indeed I said the light and the dark.. I say this cause one is pure of heart while the other is as heart is dark in the shadows.. Now let us move on.. from the last I stopped off the reaper had put young heroine in a bind.. he had made the earth under her feet crumble and fall sending her falling into it about to be in gulfed by the darkness that lie within. She had called forth the aid of the roots of the plants in the area to help her. They formed a net catching her and saving her from the fall to the darkness.. but the roots didn't save her from him. The Reaper flew down in the hole after her and landed on the roots threatening to cut it away if he didn't get an answer from her.. His threatening question he said passionately was...........

Give up, join me...or die...*places scythe to roots*
Zamie; *starts to show fear in face then look away*
Reaper: *slowly starts to slice the roots* Choice now...Zamie...
Zamie; ...you want to force me into ....*doesn't turn head* is that what you want...
Reaper: .....*stops and looks at her*....
Zamie: ..... *says soft* is that what you want ..... to force me into it to go against all I worked so hard to protect and some places even create...... to let everyone down and turn my words into lies to the people when I told them I will do my best to protect even if it cost me my life. *tears*
Reaper: ....*ears lay flat against head closes eyes and grabs her up by the shirt and throws her back on solid ground* ...why do you always have to make things difficult for me?
Zamie; Gah.....*winces as she tryst sits back up*...... I am not I am just telling things as it is....
Reaper: .......it's my duty to carry out chaos...and you stand in my way. You’re making it very hard because you know I won't kill you...*wings go back in as he stands on the roots slowly cutting them again* ...and you know why too...
Zamie; .. and I made it my mission to protect those who can't protect themselves ..... *face gets sad* at this rate to protect I may end up killing you ... I shall keep fighting you no mater what you know * made the roots wrap around him as roots from the opening grab her by the waist and bring her out to safety*
Reaper: ... *growls and tries to break free* Nng...let...go...

*Zamie looks down in the hole at him all tied up in the roots and starts to close up the hole. Reaper finally cuts himself free and busted out of the semi closed hole breaking free and tackles her to the ground*

Zamie: .. GAhh... let me go *squirms*
Reaper: *holds arms down leaning over her pinning her to the ground* Remember...I can still kill you...then all my trouble will be over...
Zamie; ....grr... then do it then... there will be others to stand against you sooner or later...*frown*

*He growled and leaned closer to her face glaring in her eyes. She sneered at his glare .. then his eyes get soft making her get confused*

Zamie; .......*blinks confused* ... I guess your not going to kill me *looks around* .. to pathetic to kill aren't I
Reaper: Not pathetic...loved... *sighs*
Zamie: ..*blushes*.
Reaper: I just wanted to be with you is all...
Zamie: .....now who is making things difficult....*squirms again*....
Reaper: ...*holds tighter* ...you're right....*nuzzles nose*
Zamie: ....*ears twitch*.. how you fall for someone completely against what you do.......*look at him*.. or this something you can't even answer
Reaper: ......I....don't know. You're personality reminds me of myself when I was still alive in away. Never willing to give up...I admire that in you.
Zamie; ....hmm... if you were like me alive.. what made you change to this
Reaper: My story is dark...I'm sure you don't want to hear it...
Zamie; .. yes I do... tell me cause I wish to know

*he eases off her and sits down cross legged and told her a tale that dated back 3000 year ago with him being a young boy. His tale had things that made her hair stand on end of how cruel the world to be. And voices that came to him in his hour of pain beaten and abused near death. That offered him power to get back at all who done that to him and being a young boy wanting revenge he took there offer. In his revenge he found it enjoyable... but didn't know why to this very day of why ... That build-up up to making him who he is today... .. his story leaving her heart in pain bringing tears to the eyes.. she was crying for his pain .. something she didn't think she would ever do.*

Zamie: .. knowing the horrors and being a victim should have made you wanted to do good more then anything....*in her tears that flowed as she spoke* but hearing this breaks my heart *clinging onto him*.. I am sorry for your mistreatment but not everyone deserves your wraith...
Reaper: ...*holds her*...you don't understand...I was only 8 years old...I really didn't know wrong from right...I only knew what felt good to me...now you know...I never told that to anyone before...
Zamie:....it is all right *rubs head on chest*.. I won't tell another soul I will keep your dark past with me.......

*she said softly up to him never knowing he had a soft side to him inside that dark.. to her she was like a child acting out his wraith for his mistreatment*

Reaper: ...even...after death people hated me for who I was...one person can only take so much. Thank you Zamie...
Zamie: even knowing this I still cannot join you in the dark despite how I wish to be with you... as long as you harm others there shall always be a gap between us... I protect those you try to hurt.... *she said opening up she did have feeling for him but been blocking it due to her will to do good*
Reaper: *smiles and rests head on her* then it's just destined that we can't have each other whether we yearn or not...I tried...
Zamie: ...*sigh*.. I am sorry ....
Reaper: ...*sighs and kisses her lightly*
Zamie: *closes eyes as she returned the kiss*
Reaper: *hand presses to her cheeks softly and deeply kiss closing his eyes as well*
Zamie: ..*moves herself close as she continued the kiss*
Reaper: ..."one arm holds her around the waist as his tongue slips in her mouth and dances with hers*
Zamie: ...*holds tightly during the kiss as she trailed her hands un and down his back*

*And with there first kiss it lead to them both giving themselves to one another right there on that very field*

Zamie: ....*lays on the ground as her breathing slowly returns to normal* ...
Reaper: ...*smiles kissing her cheek* ...heheh...
Zamie:..... I have no idea what came over me ... but I had completely given myself to you ...
Reaper: *smirks* It's my fault...If I wasn't so pushy you wouldn't be in this predicament...but what is done is done
Zamie: smiles*.....I think it is more then that.... if I am thinking straight...
Reaper: .....*smiles and cuddles kissing neck still*
Zamie; ... *sits up and starts to put back on her items of clothing* ...... can I make a deal with you *puts back on her cape*
Reaper: ...a deal? What is it? A deal with death is a solid deal...*begins to put back on his clothes*
Zamie: if that is true then........ I will become your queen if you stop going around causing mindless havoc and hurting the innocent without cause .......can you take this deal .....
Reaper: ....*blinks with a vacant look about him and his ears against his head* ....you're...willing to go against all you stand for? Do you realize what you are getting yourself into?
Zamie: ....yes I do and can kill 2 birds with one stone....I get to be with you and saving the world from your chaos *wink*
Reaper: Is that so? ....I will accept your offer...but...this is your last chance to turn away. But if you do choice to be on my side you do realize that...some darkness will be in you at least, you're powers will grow and fuse with darkness and you will become immortal...but...you'll lose everything you know and loved in your life.
Zamie: .. I understand........ *looks around at everything*... and I am willing to still go with it.. I may lose something but I shouldn't be selfish to the others besides I will be gaining something to you know....
Reaper: .....true....so are you ready? I promise...it won't feel nice at first.
Zamie: *nods*
Reaper: *stands up* Very well then....*scythe appears in hand and he pulls back, it emits darkness and rumbles* ...this will hurt...*swings it into her heart impaling her*
Zamie:....Gah........*tears escape in the pain then feels everything wanting to black out*
Reaper: ...I'm sorry it hurts...when you wake...it'll all be over...and you'll start anew *black flames engulf her drawing her into the darkness after awhile bringing her new body back, her clothes black*
Zamie: ......*slowly opens eyes then pats chest where the hole she remembered when impaled was* ....wha....
Reaper: ...welcome...to the afterlife my queen...

*Puts out his hand to her she took it and he lead her into the shadows of the underworld that became her new home. That is how the Reaper got his bride. both yearned for each other but didn't know why..Cause one was of the Light and the other of the dark... but in the end does it really matter what one is from.. when you are in love.... so let this story be also a lesson to you.. if you truly love someone it truly shows*

The End  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:39 pm
Once again this would go into the writting section of the guild. Please read the guilds rules before continuing.  

Lelu Starling

The Exciting Mushroom

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:45 pm

IOsn't it a little obvious, sorry if I'm being a b***h but, If there's a whole like of Names/Age/Occupation threads wouldn't it seem like this WOULDN'T belong here? Or do you just figure you don't HAVE to read the rules cause it won't show if you don't? Well it DOES show!
PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:46 pm
Sweetest Desire

IOsn't it a little obvious, sorry if I'm being a b***h but, If there's a whole like of Names/Age/Occupation threads wouldn't it seem like this WOULDN'T belong here? Or do you just figure you don't HAVE to read the rules cause it won't show if you don't? Well it DOES show!

Yeah what she said! Roar!  

Lelu Starling


PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:04 pm
Yes - PLEASE read the rules and DO NOT post the same thread 3 times - there is no need for it - as you have no hint of if your writing for people or not this is being moved to the GD and i will message you to let you know.

In future read the rules.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:02 am
er... well.. i won't comment on the rules, but your writing is what I'm after...

It's extremely difficult to read... there... are... very few punctuations... punctuations are our friends... hurrah for an occasional comma (or a sentence...). You use question marks when you have to.... it seems almost obligatory.

Adjectives are nice too...  



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