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Reply Elders
= Elder Information Thread = Updated Feb 2014

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:16 pm

Elder Soquili

Elders are our elite Soquili, our leaders, the most mature and wisest of all the herds. They are not categorized by a particular species, for members from each group have the potential of achieving this honor, should they meet the criteria.

These Soquili are a small group of honored elders. They have not only lived a long life, but experienced life. Their life has taken them on a long journey from foalhood. They have had to change and adapt to circumstances that they never could have predicted. And thus, they have garnished wisdom to help teach other soquili.

The spirits or gods themselves have touched these soquili, conferring their blessings on them, rewarding them.


For starters, you get a new stage of your Soquili. A stage that only a few others have achieved so far. There is male and female elder art, and elders will be upgraded to this beyond-adult stage that they might look as regal and dignified as they now are in their new in-character state.

Secondly, elders, being bigger and tougher than regular adults, are also capable of bearing more children! In any breeding where a parent (be it one or both) is an elder, that breeding will yield FOUR baskets, guaranteed, plus have a chance at getting a whopping FIVE! (And for comparison, normal adult Soquili can have two baskets, three if they’re lucky, so this goes to show the breeding perk!)
*However, owners are still only allowed to keep one basket each; this just means more to give away!

In sum, what is special about an elder?
1. New beautiful lineart by Leelakin (Or Mindsend if you're an Usdia)
2. Elder breedings automatically receive an extra basket, resulting in 4 or a possible 5 baskets.
3. Elder rare soquili's breed abilities are stronger or more powerful. For example: Wind elders can fly higher and faster than adults. Unicorn elders can cure better than adults.

Table of Contents

Post 1: What are Elders?
Post 2: How do I get an Elder Soquili?
Post 3: Rules
Post 4: Elder Gods & Tattoos
Post 5: Current List of Elders
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:23 pm

How does a Soquili Become an Elder?

If you’re reading this, you are either A) an involved person who believes in reading updates (in which case, good for you!) or B) owner of a potential elder. So I’m sure that you’d like to know what that potential is all about!

Basically, Elder is the highest stage a Soquili can attain. It’s purely optional, and only attainable through rp. Buying a life cycle Soq doesn’t mean you’ll get an elder if all you do is stick that pet in your sig, so don’t get bent out of shape that yours never makes it that far. Becoming an Elder is an RP PERK.

So, you have your pet and you rped it and now have all 100% stats. Why would you want to go elder? What are the benefits?

For starters, you get a new stage of your Soquili. A stage that only a few others have achieved so far. There is male and female elder art, and elders will be upgraded to this beyond-adult stage that they might look as regal and dignified as they now are in their new in-character state.

Secondly, elders, being bigger and tougher than regular adults, are also capable of bearing more children! In any breeding where a parent (be it one or both) is an elder, that breeding will yield FOUR baskets, guaranteed, plus have a chance at getting a whopping FIVE! (And for comparison, normal adult Soquili can have two baskets, three if they’re lucky, so this goes to show the breeding perk!)
------*However, owners are still only allowed to keep one basket each; this just means more to give away!

Now, by this point, you’re probably thinking, “GREAT!” Who doesn’t love art and baskets? Why, I want EVERY SINGLE SOQ I OWN TO BE AN ELDER AS SOON AS THEY HIT 100%

Wrong answer. Sure, the perks are nice. But beyond the perks, there are a few basic elder truisms that need to be remembered.

Most importantly, the very name elder implies something about this stage. An Elder is often a leader; be it religious, or spiritual, political, or merely formal, Elder implies that the person (or in our case, Soquili) is an individual worthy and fit to have this role. Elders are leaders among the Soquili, individuals who can be looked up to by others and exhibit the necessary traits for the important role of elder. Just because they may be a kalona does not restrict them from becoming an Elder; if they fit the role within their breed, then they too are eligible. Roleplay development of these Soquili are key to a good Elder. And Elder cannot be customed or born at that rank, they achieve the status after hard work and development to obtain such a high standard of status.

Basically, elders are leaders/leadership material. Keeping this in mind, not all Soquilis are meant to be Elders. We hope that owners will be using their best judgment in putting Soquili candidates for elderfication forward, and to help you all decide whether or not to go elder, we’ve put together a few things to keep in mind when you're preparing a soquili for an elder application.


Responsibility and leadership. Obviously the elders need to be able to handle themselves and situations that come up; they are the ones to which other Soquilis will look in times of trouble, so they need to be up to the challenge. The definition of responsibility and of a good leader varies from breed to breed, and this will essentially be looked at on a case by case basis. What makes a Kalona responsible might be different from a Regular, and so on and so forth.

RP development. Elders are supposed to have grown and matured to the elder stage through rp (see, it all links back to roleplay). Consequently, the roleplay of the Soquilis in question will be checked to determine whether or not the Soq in question has grown into a character worthy of being an elder. If all you have is mate-finding RP chances are you won't make elder. Additionally, just because you make a plot thread with a checklist of certain achievements does not guarantee eldership. Often, those sorts of things force a character into a role or come off pre-canned.
All RPs should be started before the Elder Applications open in order to be counted for that seasons applications. RPs started before the opening date may still be completed during the elder applications.

Community development. An Elder is a role model and leader in the community, not just in the family. Have your Soquili get out more and RP with others! Show that they are respectable examples of their breed or mission with people that have no relation to them! Just like mate-finding RPs are not substantial enough to yield an elder neither is only having family or mate driven RPs.

Grow into the role. We should be able to watch your Soquili grow naturally into the role of being a leader. One lesson should flow into the next with ease. Each Soquili's trials will be different and they should respond accordingly and take what they learned from each trial into the next stage of their lives.

Elders are not collectors items. Most characters will never become an Elder. Some will have to have A LOT of change to make them eligible. Getting max stats and RPing a lot doesn't guarantee anything, because the character has to truly grow and change and evolve. Just being an Alpha or Protector in a herd or doing an epic event once in their life doesn't prove anything. To some soquili, that is just an everyday walk in the park. . . Elders must go above and beyond, and it has to show in RP.

As mentioned in the introduction, becoming an elder is a multi-step process. So, in a new and streamlined list format…how to become an elder!

Step 1:Have all six stats at 100%
Step 2: Have trackable, readable rp (although this ought to already exist if your stats are at all 100s, it’s best to make sure)
Step 3: Post the elder application in the elder application thread, WHEN IT IS OPEN.
Step 4: Wait for it! All applicants will be notified whether or not their Soqs have been approved for elder, so PLEASE BE PATIENT. Once approved for elder status the art will take time as well. Keep that in mind when applying!

*Approval of elders is done via group. Specifically, a panel of individuals will be considering each application and jointly deciding if your nomination is valid. As mentioned above, owners will be notified of the verdict regardless of whether it’s affirmative or not (aka, we'll make an announcement post once everything's decided, so keep checking THIS THREAD, and not PMs!)

***In addition, if your Soquili is rejected for elder once, you are welcome to try again later after working more on your Soquili’s character in rp. However, for reasons of scope a Soquili may only be submitted for Elder status three times before you are put on probation. So if you're rejected thrice, after the third time, you must wait a full physical year from that rejection before you will be permitted to enter for Elder application again. (This is an attempt to show you that this honor is a BIG DEAL, so merely throwing your horse up for the chance of NEW LINES and MOAR BABIES is simply a waste of yours and ours time).

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:23 pm


• This is a free service, Elders cost nothing.
• There is no pre-determined amount of Elders we accept each time.
• Custom edits always appear on Elders. You can request Trading Post items to be re-added freely, to match the previous adult stage or altered.
• If your Soquili doesn't get picked, take it like an adult. We don't reject for petty reasons, but we do reject based on required criteria missing from your entry. If you would like to discuss what you can do to improve for next Elder opening, we would be happy to give pointers/advice if you PM us.
• The colorists currently doing Elder upgrades *vary* - you do not get to choose who does your upgrade though you may be given a chance to pick three or so from a list.
• Elder applications open once or twice a year, subject to staff availability.
• You may only apply once per opening. That means one soquili per owner per opening.
• Applications can only be 20 RPs long MAX. Any applications with 21 or more RPs will be disregarded.
• Use common sense. If your RP contains questionable content do not enter it.
• Make sure all RPs are logged in a readable format either in your teepee or in the IC RP subforum.

If you have any questions, please PM Nayci.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:29 pm

Elder Gods and Tattoos

Each elder may pick a god to be their symbol. This god will bless them with more powers and abilities. When they choose their god they have the option of the deity placing its mark on their body, like a tattoo.

You MAY have your elder get a tattoo of a God or Totem not on the list below if it is setting appropriate, with approval from the shop. There is NO official set of tattoos currently; they will be drawn by the colorist. The list below serves as an example of the types of deities who would give their blessing to an elder soquili.

If you don't want them to have a tattoo, it can be placed on their tag instead.

If you have an elder that you wish to be given a tattoo, PM Soquili.

Cherokee Gods

Asgaya Gigagei
The Red Man or Woman evoked in spells to cure the ill. Asgaya Gigagei is either male or female, depending on the sex of the patient.
-symbol: water drop

"The Lucky Hunter." Sometimes called First Man. He lives with his wife Selu ("Corn") in the east where the sun rises, and their sons, the Twin Thunder Boys, live in the west.
-symbol: hatchet

"Stonecoat." The name comes from his coat which was made of pieces of flint. Equally good and evil, Ocasta was one of the Creator's helpers. Ocasta created witches and drifted from village to village stirring up turmoil. Some women trapped Ocasta, pinning him to the ground with a stick through his heart. The men cremated the dying Ocasta, who while burning on his funeral pyre taught them songs and dances for hunting, fighting wars and healing. Some of the men were granted great power and became the first medicine men.
-symbol: arrowhead

"Corn." Sometimes known as First Woman. Kanati's wife. Selu created corn in secret by rubbing her belly or by defecating. Her sons, the Twin Thunder Boys, killed her when they spied upon her and decided she was a witch.
-symbol: corn husk

A goddess. When Sun's daughter was bitten by a snake and taken to the Ghost Country, Sun hid herself in grief. The world was ever dark, and Sun's tears became a flood. At last the Cherokee sent their young men and women to heal Sun's grief, which they did with singing and dancing.
-symbol: sun

Twin Thunder Boys
The sons of Kanati and Selu. Kanati and Selu live in the east, the Twin Thunder Boys live in the west. When thunder sounds, the boys are playing ball.
-symbol: 2 lightning bolts

This isn't a god but a demon that the evil race known as kalona worship. Only Kalonas can use this demon as their symbol.
-symbol: skull

Races that don't have any symbol..
Shifters - this race doesn't have any care to worship anything or anyone. They are outcasts from society.



PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:30 pm

Current List of Elder Soquili

Ashura - Shi Berry & Stormflower - Kitsune Shifter
Balrog - Sabin Duvert - Wind Soquili
Cyrus - Draculas Babe - Regular Soquili
Draven - Skye Starfire - Regular Soquili
Dyami - Samus x - Regular Soquili
Eloran - Talencia - Regular Soquili
Ethan - Sabin Duvert - Half-Kalona Soquili
Flame - Celeanor - Regular Soquili
Galahad - Uta - Unicorn Soquili
Hayagriva - Revolutionary Roniel - Half-Kalona Soquili
Helaku - Excited Apathy & Kami Swiftsong - Regular Soquili
Ironforge - JetAlmeara - Regular Mutant Soquili
King - Libra07 - Regular Soquili
Lakota - Vashtya - Regular Soquili
Maion - Syaoran-Puu - Angeni of the Moon Soquili
Sheridan - Shariea - Regular Soquili

Aquintaine - She-Ra of Etheria - Mutant Unicorn Soquili
Ardia - Sayuri_Nitta - Regular Soquili
Ayita - Foalen - Regular Soquili
Bella - Uta - Regular Soquili
Celendria - Rein_Carnation - Regular Soquili
Glamrock - Meeki - Unicorn Soquili
Kaiya - Uta - Angeni of Redemption Soquili
Kumiho Sabin & Kamiki - Kitsune Shifter Soquili
Lorenna - Nisshou H - Flutter Soquili
Maeryn - Mr Cherie - Kalona Soquili
Malis - Amirynth - Regular Mutant Soquili
Nagual An - EchoLimaFoxtrot - Regular Soquili
Samsara - Roniel Targaryen - Shifter Soquili
Stormwild - Kamiki - Wind Soquili
Wambli Zikala - Harperking - Wind Soquili
Yei Umeko - Paramekia Darkheart - Regular Soquili

Previous Elder Application Threads:

For Reference, and to see the sorts of qualifications expected of Elders:
September 2007
March 2009
June 2010
December 2011
June 2012
December 2012
June 2013
February 2014
January 2015
September 2015
October 2018
March 2020
PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:27 am

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Who are the judges?
    A: Aside from me, the judges are secret and do not have to identify themselves in any way if they do not want to. This is to prevent people from pressuring them into decisions.

  • Q: Will you pleasepleaseplease accept my application? This is my Soq's third time applying!
    A: Only if your Soquili fits the criteria. Remember, three rejections only means you have to wait a year before reapplying, not that your pet is down and out for the count.

  • Q: I had 20 RPs, how come I didn't get picked?
    A: It's not enough just to have alot of RP -- the RPs you pick need to have PROVEN substance and, ultimately, substantial growth. All soquilis grow, so if you look at your character in that 'most recent' RP and compare it to them in the first, they should almost be a different character. The experiences should be so substantial that the growth is apparent.

  • Q: Do you guys have a preferred format for listing RPs?
    A: Yes, we do. RPs that are in chronological order for the character's plot are favored. It's easiest to see the Soquili's progression when it's laid out from start to finish and not jumping from point A to point F to point C.

  • Q: Why didn't you read my bonus RPs?
    A: While bonus RPs are nice for your plots we are looking strictly at the one character to determine their elder potential. It's more helpful if you don't include them so we can get a more accurate count to check that you aren't over the limit.

  • Q: Is a soquili that is still youthful (but has all that other good elder stuff) going to be penalized?
    A: No. We do not take age into consideration when looking at elder potential. We look into their accomplishments and growth. However, the soquili must still be at the adult stage to enter.

  • Q: Will it hurt my application if I have a lot of RPs using only my soquili?
    A: Not necessarily. If you can still introduce your soquili to a wide variety of situations to grow and develop through while using only your ponies by all means, feel free to. Just be careful not to limit it to the same cast of characters or ONLY do RPs with your own soquili.

  • Q: Will it hurt my application if I tend to RP with the same people?
    A: Not at all. Just try to get some variety into the characters and challenges involved in each RP!



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