Hi. biggrin

I've been addicted to Neopets for about a few years now. I probably have over twenty accounts, even if I can only remember around four or five. (I kept forgetting my account names when I first discovered Neopet.)

My main account is taking_over_me. I have as split Aisha, a purple Aisha, a mutant Aisha, and a red Lupe. (I have no idea what to paint my Lupe. D smile

I used to be Nikkoru, until I lost my password. I would have access to the e-mail if it wasn't for the fact it was basically deleted by Hotmail. (And the e-mail was working two-to-three months ago too. I tried password recovery, e-mailing it, and googling it. But that failed. I know it's the right e-mail considering I still had it listed for one of my MMORPG accounts.)

I'm a proud game addict. Even if I do suck at them.