Name: Hyuga Hinata
Age: 21
Village: Konoha
Rank: Chuunin
Missions: (S:0) (A:0) (B:0) (C:0) (D:0)
Ryouka: 200
Skills: Byakugan, Gentle Fists(Jyukan), Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, Pure Fists(Kyoken)
Background: Hinata is the oldest daughter and heiress of the Hyuga Clan. Just like all members of the Hyuga clan, Hinata possesses the Byakugan and specializes in Gentle Fist fighting style.

Before, Hinata lacked self-confidence and gave up too easily, but after her first Chuunin exam she found the will to never give up, thanks to a certain blond boy that she admires and crushes on.
Hinata looks up to Sakura as a role model, seeing how Sakura has become more powerful and beautiful over the years.

[ Will update more later ]

Time Skip Hinata
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