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Lady Okori

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:09 pm
Maeve requested that I show her the fan fiction that I just couldn't name, even though I have a bunch of pages typed up on it already. Bah. I need help with that, so if anyone could pop in and kindly suggest something, it would be greatly appreciated. sweatdrop . I haven't even posted this on Fanfiction.net for that very reason. I would, but I can't. See the problem?

There is more to the first looooong chapter than just this post, it's just that I had to break it up so that you don't hurt your eyes or something. I'll tell you when I reached the point where I stopped typing. Meh.

So, basically, if you've watched or read Gundam Seed (the first series, not Destiny, since I haven't seen or read that, and it will just confuse you), then you will pretty much understand the basic situation and scenario. You don't have to watch or read it, but it will help you...a LOT. However, there is like 50 episodes, so don't watch it all at one time, or try too hard...I'm making it so that anyone can understand it, whether they're familiar with Gundam Seed or not.

However, I do encourage you read a brief summary of the series (it should be a few paragraphs, due to the length of the series) and getting some background information, ignoring all the techno lingo, if you want. That's all I ask of you.

I'm going to summarize everything for easy understanding and access.

You can skip this if you already know about Gundam Seed, which I doubt, for some reason...


How Gundam Seed is related to Resurrection
Coordinators = Demons: In my world, since it combines the plot of Gundam Seed, a future-like universe, with Naruto, an old-world ninja era, Coordinators (advanced or 'altered to perfection' humans) don't exist. They are demons. Tailed demons or not.

Naturals = Humans: Naturals are just that--natural human beings that have not been altered in any way. Since altering humans is technically not possible (generally, not including experiments a certain Sannin did), humans are humans. Very simple.

Z.A.F.T. = Hatsuyoru: Z.A.F.T. is the Coordinator's military. The Hatsuyoru represent them by being the demon military. The countries united because of this military are: Rock, Waterfall, Lightning, Kemurigakure (Village Hidden in the Smoke), Tonbogakure (Village Hidden under the Dragonfly).

Earth Alliance = Shirotori: The Earth Alliance is the Natural's army. The Shirotori represent them by being the human military. The countries united because of this military are: Fire, Wind, Grass, Rain.

Yes, I realize that this is a small amount, but if you look at the size of them all, you'll get why.

Orb/Neutrals = Various neutral nations: Orb and all neutral nations are represented by nations that have both demons and humans inhabiting them in PEACE. The countries that are neutral are: Water, Snow, Moon, Wave, Bear (Houshigakure), all other 'Water' countries.

Military situation (slightly different from GS): The Demon army, the Human army, and the Neutral army are at a tense pause in the war. This started right before Naruto was born, so none of the Konoha 12 have experienced war-time.

Why the war? Like the Earth Alliance, the Human army fears the power of the Demons, who are only there because they brought them there from Hell or created them (will be explained later in the fanfiction...read it!) to advance in life. Fear = Resentment = Hate.

War Heroes: Prominent war patriots such as Mu La Flaga (EA), Andrew Waltfeld (ZAFT), and the like will be represented by OCs or characters already introduced by Kishimoto.

Sandaime Hokage, Sarutobi = Mu La Flaga. That's the only one I can give at the moment.

Timeline: Yes, I will be following the events of Gundam Seed, but you only have to check it out if you want to check out what's going to happen next. Warning: I WILL skip around, backtrack, leave out events, and add my own events.

AU: In a world where Demons and Humans roam, there is a war that has been fought for many years. Up until now both sides have been even in power and neither side had gotten the advantage for long, but the Humans have a secret weapon. Jinchuuriki.

"Talking in telepathic connection"

Chapter One: Attempted Rest

The Yaiba no Shinigami (Blades of the Death God). This group of blade-wielding warriors were officially know by their leader’s name in the Hatsuyoru (New Night) faction, the army of oni, but were almost never referred to like that.

They were a highly elite group of demons that was formed a couple decades after the war started, and quickly gained fame as one of the only teams that can stand against Shirotori’s (White Bird, the Human faction) elite teams & divisions and their X-class attacks, including the feared Judgment, a series of multiple beams of holy energy falling from the sky that has enough power to destroy an entire demon division.

Their leader was a Hatsuyoru veteran, who was one of the first recruited into the Hatsuyoru when it was reorganized after the Iwa Incident. Her combat debut came when one of Takatsuki’s (capitol city of the oni nation, located in the heart of Tsuchi no kuni) allied nations attempted a blockade to stop their trade. A couple years later, she was there when the Shirotori used their first X-class attack, Heaven’s Light, on the Tsubame cities (three in all), and annihilated them on February 14. It was called the Bloody Valentine.

She was also on the legendary Yamata no Orochi’s (eight-headed snake) team during the battles in Kusa no kuni. It was on his team that she earned the nickname “Kaze no Takai”, or the Winds of Death, for her sheer speed while fighting. She’d disappear on one side of the battlefield, and reappear on the other side, killing whoever got in her way.

After the Cold War, she was given the highest award in Hatsuyoru, the Tsuki no kunshou (Medal of the Moon) and transferred to a base near the edge of Kaze no kuni to command her own team of demons.

After a few years of fighting (Demons had long lifetimes, so it was no surprise that the war lasted so long), many were starting to suspect that the thirteen Yaiba no Shinigami were invincible.

That is…until the Battle at the Valley of the End.


An explosion rocked the entire battlefield, momentarily attracting the attention of all of the brave warriors fighting, before they continued to slaughter each other for the preservation of their different races. Demon and Human.

In the middle of the battlefield, two blurs were clashing with each other, sending sparks of chakra and youki towards any bystanders.

When the two fierce warriors finally got to a stand still, the others moving at a more normal pace (not that insane blur that the two had become) could see a creature with long white hair and a red Shinigami mask trying to break free from the lock its sword had with the staff. Its white haori swished to and fro due to its struggle, letting others see the blood red kanji for rei (soul) stitched on its back. This was the Kaze no Takai.

The long white hair and red mask was a how everyone recognized the Yaiba no Shinigami. Rumor had it that the masks they wear had a special seal on them that makes them fuse with the skin on their faces so that their identities couldn’t be discovered. Their hair also grew and turned snow white. No one could tell any of them apart by appearance alone without their cloaks (which all had different kanji sewed onto them depending on their code names), especially in the heat of battle.

They were Death Gods personified.

Its opponent was a brown-haired shinobi wearing battle armor, wielding a large staff. The Sandaime Hokage, just out of his prime; and he was grief-stricken. The Leader of the Yaiba no Shinigami had slain the Shodaime Hokage in their last major battle, one month ago.

Takai, hidden underneath her armor as the leader of the fearsome group, inwardly cursed when she felt one of her Yaiba die, probably from blood loss if the scent was correct. “Watch it! Arrogance will only kill you.”


She mentally went over who was still connected to her mind. “Shinki! Omoi, what happened to him?”

The powerful youkai heard her second-in-command sigh in their mind link. “The White Fang got him, taichou.”

Damn. That’s two of us down already.

Sarutobi’s face was set into a hard expression as he stared for a moment into the eye holes of the mask, seeing the endless pools of black (since it was there to protect their identity). “It is time we finished this, Takai.”

The only response he got was a stern nod, and a brutal kick to the face.

He skidded backwards for a few seconds before blocking another powerful slash from her sword. Enma (in staff form) grunted at the impact. He couldn’t take much more hits of that power.

Takai lived up to her name by suddenly disappearing and reappearing, slicing at Sarutobi from all directions to try to wear him down. He gritted his teeth and blocked most of the hits, acquiring some cuts across his skin from time to time.

The two passed by some other warriors fighting and almost casually killed their opposites as they passed by, dancing with death. A thrust through the heart; a hit on the neck.

Both of them didn’t have time to make hand seals for jutsu or manipulate the elements at this point. Their battle was just too fast-paced, but none of them could get the upper hand. Takai herself was sporting a couple bruises, but was otherwise fine, unlike her opponent (who was starting to tire).

“Taichou!” called Omoi. “What’s that weird presence?”

She quickly scanned the battlegrounds again and felt a strange heat from underneath them all. It was pulsing, something that usually only happened outside the battlefield…unless…No! They wouldn’t! Not with their own troops here!

But it was the only logical explanation. Hatsuyoru had heard rumors of a new seal that its opposing faction had made recently. It was like a gigantic exploding seal that was guaranteed to wipe out even the demons with the thickest of skins; and anything and anyone else that got in its way.

“Yaiba no Shinigami! Retreat! Retreat! This place is going to blow sky high in a couple minutes! Everyone get your asses out now!” She looked back at the shinobi that she was currently fighting, grunting when he landed a hit on her arm.

“Sarutobi, I highly suggest you get the hell out of here before the place blows up. We can finish this another time.”

With that, she knocked him away from her, sheathed her sword, and disappeared; fleeing the scene without waiting for a response, she put all of her youki into her legs, urging herself to move faster.

The earth was starting to rumble now, and her surroundings were starting to blur at the speed she was going at.

Many people wouldn’t approve of her warning her enemy of his own death, but she had honor. If Sarutobi was to be killed, it would be in a battle with another skilled warrior like herself, not as a sacrifice in a suicide explosion.

Another profanity rolled off of her tongue as she felt another Yaiba no Shinigami bite the dust—Hoku this time—with not even enough time to scream before she died.

Takai started to feel the heat on her back, and cursed her luck for fighting in the exact middle of the explosion. There was a searing pain on her arms before her world became black and she knew no more.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:11 pm
Kouken “Takai” Motoko’s eyes shot open and she started gasping for breath. Her sweat-covered body started trembling as she sat up and rubbed her temples in an attempt to get the images of her dream to go away.

These dreams of the past—these memories—haunted her almost every night. She combed her fingers through her long ebony hair to try to calm herself. “Relax Takai,” she said to herself, “that’s all behind you now. Leave it that way.”

She swung her legs off of the bed and walked towards the bathroom, mentally scanning the entire village for enemies out of habit. You can take a soldier out of the war, but you can never take war out of the soldier. Old habits die hard.

Takai looked into the mirror, rubbing the small flame-like scars on her forearms. Her smoky gray eyes stared back at her, emotionless. Her black hair reached just below her shoulders; acceptable in the military, but not recommended to rookies. Takai had an average height for a demon her age (she looked to be about 17 years old), and was still in her prime; as dictated by the normal demon’s lifetimes.

She came to Nami no kuni a year ago and took up the job of Healer in the village where the bridge builder, Tazuna, lived. This village was in a neutral country, and she had a very good reason to remain out of sight.

Now if only Gatou and his thugs would leave, then I would finally have some peace, she thought, getting into the shower.

She sighed in contentment when she felt the hot water hit her body. The rhythmic sounds made her mind wander towards Gatou’s forces.

Besides the majority being ordinary human swordsman, there was also the stray chuunin, jounin, and demon that needed money to live and lowered themselves to being hired warriors.

Takai had her own problems to think about. But for now, I should go gather some more herbs. There was another attack yesterday, though it was only a warning slice.

She turned off the water and got dressed, putting on a dark blue hakama and kimono top with a plain green obi.

After getting her basket to gather the healing plants, she looked at the desk tucked into the corner of her room and spotted the short sword resting on the desktop. On the handle were red and white wrappings, sitting inside a black sheath. She slid the wakizashi into her obi for safety measures and wondered idly about her katana, which was at the moment very far away, but shook the thought out of her head. If I needed that katana again, these countries are in very dire need.

Time to go…

She walked out of her isolated house near the edges of the forest and walked towards Tazuna’s house, her first stop on her route towards the village after picking the herbs. She said good-bye to her companion resting in the trees, a peregrine falcon named Hikaru. He shook his feathers as if to say “leave already.” She merely smiled.

A small protection seal was activated as she passed by a certain tree at the edge of the small clearing.


“Ah! Takai-chan, we need your help with someone.”

The gray eyed Healer just nodded and followed Tsunami to the room where the four ninja were currently resting in. She had sensed them coming a couple hours ago while she was picking the herbs, and smelled blood; human blood, along with a familiar presence.

Tsunami opened the door, letting Takai pass by and sweep her eyes over the occupants of the room. An Uchiha, a girl with bright pink hair, and the blonde that seemed so familiar for some strange reason. Her gaze lingered on him for a moment before she walked towards the Hatake and sitting next to him, pausing for a moment to assess his injuries.

“Matte! Who are you and what are you doing to Kakashi-sensei?” called Sakura, frowning and stepping forward to stop her if she did something wrong. Tsunami smiled at her.

“Don’t worry Sakura-chan. Takai-chan is the village Healer. She’ll help.”

Sakura nodded and sat down. They’ve just arrived at Tazuna’s house, and were dead tired, with Kakashi still unconscious.

Major chakra exhaustion and numerous cuts, especially that one on his stomach. He won’t be ready to jump into another battle for about a week. The wound on his stomach could only be done by a large sword. So…Zabuza-san was hired by Gatou, neh?

She reached into her basket and took out a jar containing a black powder. She shook it to make sure it was the right one and nodded at Tsunami to get a glass of water, like always.

Takai looked up to see the three genin waiting for her diagnosis. “He has numerous cuts and has exhausted his chakra. He won’t be in any shape to fight for about a week.”

The girl and the blonde looked saddened by this, but the Uchiha was indifferent. He just went back to staring into space. She raised an eyebrow before looking at Sakura.

“How did he get these wounds, kunoichi-san?”

Tsunami came back in and gave her a glass of water, which she poured a little of the powder in. Almost immediately, the liquid was taken over by the black substance and turned a murky and thick black. Sakura took the moment to gape at this “medicine” and forgot about her question.

Naruto pointed suspiciously at the cup. “What the hell is that?!” He edged closer and peeked inside, even going as far as sniffing it. “Is that poison?”

Takai did after all, mean “death.”

Takai just smiled softly at him and shook her head at his concern. “It’ll help him recover faster, so your sensei will have to put up with it for a few days if he wants to get back into fighting shape. Can you please tell me what happened while I wrap his wounds and introduce yourselves?”

Sakura's cheeks turned a pale pink color when she had the sudden image of her sensei with his shirt off, and inwardly smacked herself. No! You can’t think that way about your own sensei! Think of Sasuke-kun!

Naruto, as expected, was the first to introduce himself. “I’m Uzumaki Naruto and someday I’m going to be the best Hokage ever!”

She nodded and carefully took off Kakashi’s jounin vest. She laid his head on her lap and started getting his arms out of his jump suit.

“My name is Haruno Sakura, and this is my Sasuke-kun!” She pointed and stared lovingly at Sasuke, who was now scowling.

Takai nodded again and pulled down the jumpsuit to Kakashi’s waist. He didn’t get any wounds on his legs anyways, and the children were still inside the room. She started cleaning the blood off with the water from a tub that Tsunami brought while Naruto had been talking.

Sakura explained their mission and how they got their wounds while Takai finished cleaning Kakashi up and applying the healing ointment. She was wrapping his wounds when Sakura started her interrogation.

“So, Takai-chan, how long have you been this village’s Healer? You must be pretty overworked, especially with Gatou here and everything…”

Kouken “Takai” Motoko finished wrapping Kakashi and put his clothes on properly, putting his head back onto the pillow. She put the blanket over him and got up.

“I’ve only been this village’s Healer for about a year, just before Gatou came. It’s hard work, but that’s okay.”

She gave a small smile before nodding at the glass of black medicine. Naruto grimaced when he noticed it was now bubbling. “Your sensei should drink that as soon as he wakes, which will be in about 20 minutes. I’ll be back at lunch to make some more for him.”

I’m glad I don’t have to drink it… was the thought that crossed the minds of all three genin.

Takai bowed to them all. “I thank you for coming to our aid.” They just nodded and watched her leave quietly.

“She’s pretty when she smiles,” came Naruto’s idle comment.

“BAKA!” A smack echoed throughout the house.


Lady Okori

Lady Okori

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:17 pm
The villagers greeted Takai as she walked through the village, checking over everyone’s health and making sure nobody was sick or anything.

Some of the children, both demon and human, were playing tag and squealing in delight; they were still innocent even in these conditions.

Even a neutral country that stayed out of the Great War is full of famine. They are getting a taste of the impurity that comes from fighting…

Her thoughts went back to Naruto. What is that presence that seems so familiar? Where have I sensed it before? It seems so long ago…wait a minute…

Over the last hundred years or so that she spent in the Hatsuyoru, she had met many youkai as she made her way up the military ladder. Usually, nine-tailed bijuu were not put on the same team, since they are so rare. The teams needed to be somewhat even in strength.

Her team was an exception.

Kyuubi no Kitsune, leader of the Kitsune clan, was one of the Yaiba no Shinigami, many years ago. He was a slightly perverted demon, but he was reliable in combat, even if he did like bragging afterwards.

Of course, Konoha didn’t know that he was a Yaiba. Their masks disguised their youki as well as their appearances and scents, so that they couldn’t be identified if they were called to combat separately from their demon unit. It’s really a shame—what happened to him…the higher-ups must have done something to him to make him stupid enough to attack Konoha of all places.

And if she sensed her fox subordinate, then that means that Naruto is his jinchuuriki. The whiskers on his face only proved her point more.

So they made him a genin…I wonder what they’re going to do with Daichi… Daichi was the demon fox’s codename, just like Rei was Takai’s codename.


She looked down at Inari and smiled at him. “Ohayo Inari-kun. Your ojii-chan just came home with his ninja escorts. You should go greet them.”

He nodded and took off towards his house.


A few hours later, Takai was walking back to her house to drop off her basket and bring some more medicine for Kakashi when she passed by Team Seven walking back for lunch, exhausted (well, the kids were, since Kakashi just “watched” them).

Naruto spotted her first. “Oi! Takai-neechan!”

She smiled at the energetic demon container. “Ohayo, Naruto-kun. Have you been training?”

He nodded rapidly, going into an explanation of what they were doing, with many added comments that were in Sakura’s opinion, not needed. Kakashi went over her appearance and noticed her fit and athletic body.

“So, Takai-san…you didn’t always used to be a Healer right? A simple healer wouldn’t have the body that you have.”

Takai nodded. “These used to be dark times, Kakashi-san. I’ve found life in this village much more peaceful, despite Gatou’s takeover.”

He accepted this explanation. The Elemental Countries were currently in a temporary peace, and some soldiers have taken the time to rest. And if she wasn’t a soldier, the war was certainly a good excuse to get into shape to protect herself.

“Thanks for the medicine…though it wasn’t the most delicious of drinks.”

She gave him a wry smile. “I must admit; it is vile, but it works. It’s a strength potion, made from some ingredients used to make soldier pills. If you keep drinking it every 3-4 hours, you’ll be fully healed in half the time it would usually take you.”

Kakashi whistled in appreciation at the description. “Arigatou.”

Naruto butted into the conversation. “Neh, neh. Where ya goin? You said that you would make some more medicine for sensei!”

The smile softened at his innocent tone. “I need to go back to my house to drop off my stuff and pick up some more powder.”

“Can I come with you?”

Those large sparkling blue eyes were looking up at her, pleading. Kakashi chuckled at the situation. Only a heartless person could refuse puppy dog eyes like that.


They left, leaving the rest of Team Seven to go start lunch without them.

Naruto walked with his hands behind his head. “So Takai-neechan, where do you live?”

Takai led the way through the forest. “I live farther into the forest, so that the healing herbs are a lot closer.”

“But isn’t it dangerous for you, living all by yourself?”

She smiled at his concern. “I think I can take care of myself, Naruto-kun.”

They arrived at a small two-story house in a small clearing, surrounded by many types of plants. A screech from above made the jinchuuriki look up, seeing a large falcon staring at them both.

“Did you get lunch yet Hikaru-kun?”

Instead of answering, he took off of the branch and glided into the forest to hunt. Apparently he was waiting for his master to come back from the village.

Now that they were alone (and now inside the house), Takai was sure that the demon sealed inside Naruto was Daichi, one of her Blades. She wondered idly if he could sense her as well, since only the demons on her team knew her true identity.

“Stay in the living room while I get my stuff,” came her order. Naruto nodded and sat down on the couch, looking at all of the plants, jars, and bubbling containers that were in the house. This really did look like a Healer’s house. Takai had taken her job seriously, using her wartime knowledge of medicine to her advantage. She wasn’t the best Healer, like Chi (another Blade of the Shinigami) was, but it was enough.

She went upstairs and sealed everything that would reveal that she was the Kaze no Takai, or the Winds of Death, hiding them inside many discreet places and placed under a complicated illusion. A red mask was the last to be hidden. She traced the edges, the memories grabbing her attention for a moment, before that went into hiding as well.

Takai knew that Kakashi had fought with one of her Blades once in the past, and would recognize the mask if he saw it. She couldn’t have that, now can she?

She gathered up several more jars of the black powder and went downstairs, bringing Naruto out of his staring. The Leader of the Yaiba no Shinigami looked at what he was staring at and was swept at the memories.

He was looking at one of the many pictures of all the major cities and villages in the Elemental Countries. He was looking at the Tsubame cities of the demon nation; or at least what it used to look like before it was blown apart, all those years ago.

They were beautiful cities, especially in that particular picture. In the foundations of each cities were seals that made the grounds that the cities were built on float about 75 meters off of the ground.

They floated above a large mountain lake, sprinkled with lilies. Bridges connected the cities in a triangular formation, and they were always so full of life. It wasn’t a very tall mountain, so it was never too cold, which suited its demon inhabitants just fine.

“Neh. This picture is pretty. Where is it? Can I visit it someday?”

“No, Naruto-kun…you cannot visit it. Many years ago, the three Tsubame cities were destroyed in an attack. It used to be located in the heart of Ta no kuni, the Rice Fields country. You can ask your sensei about it.”

“Rice Fields country? But isn’t that demon territory?”

“Not anymore. That country has recently been taken over and made into the Sound country by a group of demons and humans.”

Naruto was silent, but he stared at the picture for a few more seconds before moving to follow the Healer out of her house. I wonder what he’s thinking.


They were eating dinner when Naruto popped the question.

“Oi, Kakashi-sensei! What happened to the Tsubame cities?”

This attracted the attention of everyone in the room. That attack was famous, and it would take someone truly idiotic to not know about it. Of course, Naruto was not idiotic. He was just ignorant because of how he grew up, but he learns quickly.

“Oh? What brought up this question all of a sudden?”

Naruto frowned when he thought of the distant look that Takai had gotten when she stared at the picture in her living room. “There was a picture of them in Takai-neechan’s living room from before it was destroyed. She said to ask you if I wanted to know more about it.”


This rose Kakashi’s suspicions. The only way she could have gotten a picture of it was if she had gotten it before they were destroyed (which was, by the way, over 60 years ago) or if she had gotten it from someone else. Because of the conditions of this country, the first was more likely at this point, but he couldn’t jump to conclusions just yet.

“The Tsubame cities were the pride of the demons living in what used to be the Rice Fields country. It was an agricultural community, and took no part in wars. It wasn’t a military base for the Hatsuyoru, the demon armies.” He paused for a moment, wondering how he should word the next part. Luckily, Sakura continued the explanation.

“About 60 years ago, before the start of the Cold War that just ended about 12 years ago, the Shirotori (which was the organization that the armies from Fire, Wind, Grass, and Rain fight for) were already at war with the Hatsuyoru (which united the Rock, Waterfall, Rice Fields, and Lightning), but nothing major had happened yet.

A special group of shinobi called Heaven’s Light from the Shirotori was sent towards the Tsubame cities to frighten them a bit. Authorization was given for this unit to use the force it was intended to show. Psychological warfare, I guess. But during a major battle a few days later between defending Hatsuyoru forces and that special unit and their escorts, several ninja from the Heaven’s Light joined together and fired their first X-class attack at the Tsubame cities, destroying them in one fell swoop, killing off over two-hundred thousand civilian demons.”

She looked sad now, and didn’t look like she could continue. She didn’t need to.

After that brutal attack, the war got more serious as grief-stricken demons attempted to take revenge for the innocents that died that day. It became one of the rallying cries for demons, especially for a Grand Council member, who lost his wife in the Bloody Valentine attack, as it was now called.

Naruto had a sad look on his face. “Takai-neechan looked sad when she was looking at the picture.”

This got Kakashi’s attention. “And why do you think so?”

“Her eyes.”

The answer was so simple, and yet it was said in such a toneless voice that it was quite obvious that he himself must have seen that look on his own face and felt that sadness that he saw in Takai.

Everyone but Kakashi was surprised by the sudden change in Naruto’s attitude.

“Tsunami-san, is Takai…is Takai a demon?”

The ninjas in the room waited, their bodies tense. After all, they were all part of the Shirotori faction, the arch-enemies of the Hatsuyoru, the demon faction. They practically grew up hating demons, which didn’t do too good for Naruto’s childhood.


Some hatred immediately leaked out of Sakura and Naruto, before the boy realized his situation and stopped himself, feeling slightly ashamed. He may be a demon container, but that doesn’t mean that he can judge other demons by what the fox demon had done.

Tsunami scowled at them all. “And why should it matter? Takai-chan has a kind heart, though she doesn’t tend to show it too often. Small smiles are usually all we get and even those are rare (in fact, she’s smiled more today than she did the last few months for some strange reason), but she has more than proven herself to be good. Don’t forget, you are in a neutral country; it shouldn’t surprise you that demons live here, too. Not everything in this world is black and white; have you learned nothing from the Bloody Valentine?”

After the scolding, even Sakura felt disheartened.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:18 pm
All right you guys, this is the last of what I have typed up for this fan fiction so far, now get thinking about the dang name! xd . I need help!

For the next few days, Sasuke and Sakura were a little more cautious around Takai, considering that they just found out that they had just met their first demon, and they didn’t even know it. Kakashi acted the same, since he understood her situation. Naruto, however, felt himself getting the urge to interact with her.

Sakura was a little worried that the “little brother” of the team was trying to get so close to the youkai. Her family members were civilians, and had more resentment and fear of demons than the hatred that all Shirotori ninja usually felt.

True to her word, Kakashi healed in four days thanks to Takai’s bubbly potion. He thanked her, and she just responded with a nod, reverting back to her normal personality now that she was used to having Daichi’s presence around again.

One night after Kakashi had healed (the day after the boys finally finished the tree climbing exercise), Naruto took Takai outside and told her that he knew that she was a demon, and asked why she was hiding it.

“It wasn’t exactly a secret. Everyone in the village knows it, and I simply hide my demonic features to make the humans more comfortable. Besides, your sensei is a very famous ninja from the Shirotori; famous and strong.”

Just like his father, the White Fang that killed Shinki. In fact, I think he fought with at least one of my Blades right before the war ended temporarily.

“I…I know how you feel, to be scared of being judged for something you can’t control.”

Takai gave no answer, already knowing why and respecting his decision in not telling her. Now that she was becoming “normal” again, her voice was starting to become just like her eyes—emotionless. It disturbed Naruto slightly, to see the kind Healer speaking like that.

“Ano…can I see what you really look like?”

Her eyebrow was raised a bit, making him wave his arms around to ward off any violent reactions to his request, not that he expected any. Somehow he knew that Takai would not hit harm him for something so trivial.

“Ah! I was just curious. You don’t have to if you don’t want to!”

She stared at him, considering his request. No one had ever connected the Kaze no Takai with the fierce black Kyuubi no Ryuu (nine tailed dragon) that was seen destroying armies from time to time. If she revealed herself so close to Kakashi and he saw her, he was bound to figure out that she was, or at least used to be, a Hatsuyoru warrior.

Technically, Takai was not supposed to be in the Wave country. One year ago, the feared Leader of the Yaiba no Shinigami was reported to have died in the testing of a new technique for the Hatsuyoru, and was now considered dead. It wasn’t the way that most expected her to die.

Little did they know, the Kaze no Takai was still alive.

She contented herself with revealing her fangs and claws first. Her pupils narrowed, giving her a more menacing look. No one could tell what kind of demon she was from just these features, so she was safe.

Looking into her demonic eyes, something stirred inside of Naruto, but he gave it no thought.

Takai, however, did. She felt the spirit of her teammate respond to her eyes, and concluded that he was indeed in a deep sleep, and had reacted unconsciously. The seal was doing a good job at keeping him dormant.

Her demonic features faded away when she felt Kakashi coming outside to stand guard. She got up and bid Naruto goodnight before heading towards her house. She felt some chakra spike in the distance from Zabuza’s apprentice. She wanted to do some snooping tonight and see how much the nuke-nin had healed.


Today is the day. Takai walked swiftly out of her small house and reinforced the barrier protecting it from intruders. She carried no basket this time, and her arms were covered in white taijutsu bandages. Today was the day that Zabuza would be fully healed and when they would make their attack.


The falcon screeched and took to the sky, flying towards the village to give the warning to be careful and stay near any safe places to hide. There were no fighters in this village (not including Takai), so it would be wise to hide when the danger came.

She masked her scent and anything that would give her away to other people and youkai before jumping into a tree near Tazuna’s house to make sure that they were safe. Hikaru had been told last night to go to the bridge with Team Seven and screech if anything happened that needed her immediate attention, just in case she didn’t notice (which wasn’t likely), but it never hurt to be too careful in these situations.

Takai watched as the swordsmen came to the house, with her left hand resting on the wakizashi tucked into her obi by her left hip. She sensed Naruto rushing back, so she stayed still, waiting to watch the show that was bound to happen.

And it did. Naruto came back just in time to save Inari and his mother, give a heroic speech, and change the kid’s view on life, all in five minutes. That kind of attitude is something many of us long time soldiers wish for again. The first casualty of war is innocence.

She followed Naruto back towards the bridge at a distance, letting her thoughts wander as her body went in to autopilot.

After the Battle at the Valley of the End (which was evidently named after the battle, and was made by the battle, due to the explosion), Takai had been out for a week, healing. Only a handful of warriors, both human and demon, made it out of that battle alive; and none of them survived without a scar or at the very least knocked unconscious for a long period of time.

Getting blown up was not fun.

She still had scars from that battle where the lives of four of the special team she was in command of were lost. Codenames: Shinki (mind), Hoku (north), Higashi (east), and Nishi (west).

Status: Deceased.

Her team was pretty organized. Everybody was part of one of the smaller groups that made up the Yaiba no Shinigami. Takai, otherwise known as Rei (soul), was the leader of the main attack force of the group, which consisted of the code names Rei (soul), Omoi (heart), Chi (blood), Shinki (mind), and Ichidan (body).

The five directions took up the bulk of the group and were the most versatile of the Blades. North, South, East, West, and Center. Nanpou (south) would continuously complain that she would miss Nishi’s yammering when things got too quiet.

A screech interrupted her thoughts and she unconsciously concluded that she had arrived at the Bridge five minutes ago and had hidden herself on the bottom, hanging upside-down. Takai made her way towards the railings and checked over Team Seven.

The Uchiha was down for the count, and the only assurance that he was alive was the fact that she could still sense a soul somewhere in his body. The kunoichi was protecting Tazuna. Naruto was…Naruto was leaking Kyuubi’s chakra.

She blinked and looked on with interest as the flame-like tendrils of youki spiraled around the boy’s body, forming into the shape of the fox’s head that briefly looked in Takai’s direction before disappearing.

Hello to you, too, Daichi.

Her eyes went in the direction of the other end of the bridge (incomplete) bridge, sensing something coming from that direction before going back to what was in front of her to observe the battle. She faintly registered Kakashi summoning some ninken.

Naruto slashed at Haku with his newly formed claws, smashing through the ex-hunter-nin’s defense and sending him hurtling through his own ice mirrors, shattering them. Figures. Daichi always loved to find that one fatal flaw in his opponent’s fighting style and use his own moves against him. It was extremely aggravating sometimes.

The enraged demon vessel charged at Haku, aiming to kill. Haku threw several senbon to deter him for a moment while he recovered from his crash landing, but Daichi’s chakra had also enhanced Naruto’s speed, making him able to side-step it and punch him away again.

The older ninja gave up at this point. He knew when he was beaten. “Just kill me now, Naruto-kun…I am useless to Zabuza-san now.”

The anger receded at this statement, so devoid of hope. “I am a broken tool that has been beaten. If I am not the best, then I cannot help Zabuza-san.”

“Being a shinobi is more than just senseless killing,” Naruto grunted out, his voice rough from the demonic chakra his body was being fed and the fact that he had been yelling war cries for the past 15 minutes.

This halted Haku’s repetitive pleas for death. He studied Naruto’s face for a moment before nodding and replying. “We are a lot alike, but I cannot live without a purpose in life. Now that I have failed Zabuza-san, I have none. Naruto-kun, please end my life.”

By now the kitsune’s chakra had completely disappeared, leaving a saddened Naruto to lift up his kunai knife and nod solemnly. Takai on the other hand was also feeling a little sad inside, due to the fact that she hadn’t seen, heard, or sensed the perverted fox for 12 years, and his presence had just come and gone.

“We could have been friends if we met in another way…but I WILL avenge Sasuke!”

He charged at Haku, kunai poised to strike. Takai immediately spotted his apprehension of killing someone he considered a friend, even though Haku had nearly killed him multiple times.

Lady Okori

Purple dragon lady

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:01 am
That's a nice story... It seems really structured, which is more than I can say for some of mine...
Title title title...

"Demans and Humans"?
PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:13 pm
Ah, thank you! Neh, titles are always so hard to choose because they represent the story, and I want it to attract attention when I eventually put it on Fanfiction.net.

Demons and Humans...seems common, and Factions would just confuse them, I think, ^^0. I think the summary I made for the story is boring enough.

Lady Okori

Purple dragon lady

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:08 pm
After digesting this... I think that you should decide where this is going before chosing a title. I have honestly no idea what is going to happen in the future of the story, after team seven leaves the land of waves. You have a complex story set up, I and I want to know what happens.
I think the title should stem from what you want this story to be about; the war, Takai, Naruto, and the fox demon, Takai's life in the land of waves, or whatever.  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:33 pm
Okay, gotcha. I was just having trouble deciding, that's all.

I always had trouble with these things, since I'm always nervous about the title and summary being boring and not getting readers interested or something like that.

I'll be putting some more thinking into this, but until then, I'm just going to be updating this story and Seeing the Truth. sweatdrop .

Lady Okori

Maeve Avari

PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:23 pm
I was wondering why you even still post here. I mean really! why hasn't this been published? Why aren't I paying? srsly  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:33 pm
Because I'm cheap and don't feel like paying some nut to publish it, ^_~.

Nah, just kidding. I'll take that as a compliment, Maeve. Thank you! If only I can keep on typing, but I haven't been able to continue either story for a while, because I went brain dead. I know what will happen, and I've got the plots all planned out already, but I just can't put it into words! gonk .

Curse you brain! You went and died on me in my most crucial time of need!

Lady Okori

Purple dragon lady

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:11 pm
I would like to see this published as well, but you would have to get Kishimoto's permission first. Copyright and all that.
I do want to see more of this story as well!  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 6:17 am
Why you STOP!?! I like the posts. then i don't have to pay...!  

Maeve Avari

Purple dragon lady

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:47 pm
Yes! Yes, please post more!  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:17 pm
Haku lifted his head up and stared into the face of his demise, choosing to die like a true warrior. He was not afraid.

In the distance, Kakashi activated his Raikiri, sending the sound of electricity crackling across the bridge, towards the boys’ fight. At the last moment, Haku blocked the kunai with his senbon, bowing his head towards Naruto.

“Gomen, Naruto, but I must do one more thing before I pass on.”

With the last of his chakra, he made one of his crystal ice mirrors and walked in, appearing in front of Zabuza’s trapped body just as the lightning blade pierced his chest. Kakashi’s mismatched eyes widened as he realized that he had killed the wrong person. The Raikiri deactivated, with Haku’s hand holding the copy-nin’s wrist in a death grip.

The effeminate boy coughed up some blood before his last words. “Z-Zabuza-sama…gomen.” His brown eyes dulled, signaling that his spirit had left his body.

Kakashi attempted to move his hand when he realized that even in death, Haku would protect the one he cherished most. Haku still hadn’t let his grip loosen.

Naruto saw the mist subside slightly, and instantly started rushing towards his sensei’s battle before skidding to a halt, gasping at the bloody scene before him. Sakura and Tazuna could be seen in the distance.

Kouken “Takai” Motoko decided that she should get on the bridge. She gently urged the mist to surround the area around Sasuke, to hide her, and the elements in the air roamed over almost leisurely as the former Commander silently flipped herself onto the bridge, heading over to the comatose Uchiha.

She kneeled down and began the slow process of pulling out all the senbon, saving the few in his neck for last, so that he would not feel too much pain.

“Kakashi-sensei!” A high-pitched voice shot through the silence that had befallen the bridge after the kind-hearted boy’s death.

Takai pulled out the last senbon after carefully putting his head in her lap to avoid further injury as she felt Kakashi carry Haku’s body away. She felt his cold skin and shared some of her body heat, which was naturally higher since she was a dragon. He twitched slightly, then slowly opened his coal black eyes.

His eye-sight was blurry at first, due to the fact that he was just “brought back to life” and because the mist still surrounding the two, but he recognized the Healer, who put a finger to her lips, looking in one direction, towards the main fight. Sasuke nodded slightly, slowly getting up using Takai’s shoulder to carry some of his weight after she had placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Naruto! You’re all right! What about Sasuke-kun?” Naruto didn’t answer, grinning slightly when he felt his teammate’s chakra signature. It was weak, but there. He pointed back towards the area still covered in mist.

Sakura sensed the weaker chakra signature as well and was immediately worried for her crush. She shifted her feet slightly, looking anxiously in that direction before Tazuna’s hand went on her shoulder.

“I’ll go with you, that way you won’t be disobeying your sensei.” The pink-haired girl nodded and held the bridge-builder’s hand, guiding them both through the thick mist.

She followed the chakra, and found Sasuke leaning heavily on Takai, who nodded towards them in greeting before looking past them towards the battle. Sakura rushed forward and replaced Takai’s arm with her own shoulder, supporting her teammate by herself.

A screech from faraway made Takai nod towards Tazuna. “It seems that the villagers have found their courage again.”

This earned her looks of confusion before comprehension dawned on Tazuna’s face. He smiled brightly. “It’s about time.”

Sounds of punches and kicks being thrown reached their ears before they heard Kakashi’s voice.

“You haven’t learned…what true strength is.”

Kakashi disabled Zabuza’s other arm, sending his kubiriki skidding towards the railings.

They heard clapping in the distance, and Takai allowed the mist to clear enough so that the humans could see, but they would have a little cover. On the other side of the bridge was a short rich looking man with a cane. He was grinning at them all, and so was a man standing directly behind him, easily towering over the middle-aged crime lord.

“You’re getting your a** kicked. How disappointing, Zabuza.” A large crowd of hired mercenaries stood behind the short men. Takai immediately singled out the man standing behind Gatou as a youkai.

“Gatou, why are you here? And what’s with all these men?”

“The plan has changed a bit. Sorry, but Zabuza, I’m going to have you killed here.”

The missing-nin’s eyes widened slightly. “What?”

What a sneaky and traitorous plan. Takai tuned out the rest of the pudgy little man’s talking and walked forward, signaling the three humans to stay put. Sakura was about to protest when Tazuna shook his head, looking at the demon.

“It’s okay…Takai-chan can take care of herself.”

Still doubtful, Sakura nodded slowly. Takai reached Naruto, who turned back and sent Sasuke a relieved smile before grinning up at Takai.

“Kakashi, I’m sorry…This fight is over. Now that I have no reason to go after Tazuna, I have no reason to fight you.”

Kakashi nodded, closing his Sharingan eye for a bit, not wanting to waste it during the inactivity. Both jounin, though exhausted, had noticed the demon as well, and were nervous as to how they were going to get out of this sticky situation. Even though he was a pretty low-level demon, he was still a greater threat.

The demoness walked forward again, moving to stand in between the two shinobi. Kakashi side-glanced at her, and the other just sent her a slightly amused look.

“Oh yeah…squeezing my arm until it broke…” Gatou kicked Haku’s body, getting shocked gasps from Sakura, Naruto, and Tazuna; and grim looks from Kakashi and Sasuke. Takai and Zabuza remained silent, though the young lady could sense rage enter his aura.

“Heh, he’s dead!”

Naruto snarled. “You b*****d! What are you doing?!” He rushed forward, but Kakashi caught him before he got past him.

“No, don’t just jump in!”

Naruto grudgingly obeyed his sensei’s order, but hell would freeze over if he didn’t do anything. He started berating Zabuza.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?! Weren’t you friends?!”

Zabuza was clearly not in the mood to be questioned like this. “Shut up, kid.”

Takai just glanced at Naruto before staring at the demon that stood behind Gatou, and he stared back with his yellow eyes. She took in his appearance, seeing the shaggy black hair and slightly worse for wear clothing. Inu youkai. There were no weapons on his person, but his muscular build told her that he thought he didn’t need them. Foolish. Never overestimate yourself.

“If I was as strong as you…will I really be like you?” Naruto’s aura was distressed, and so was Zabuza’s. “He threw his life away for you! Without his dream…to die as a tool…That’s…that’s…just too sad!” Tears were leaked out of his eyes now.

“Kid…You don’t…need to say anymore.” He was crying, too. “It pained Haku to have to fight you…He fought not only for me, but for you guys too. I can understand. He was too kind. In the end, I’m glad I got to meet you guys.”

He ripped the bandages off of his mouth. Takai paid attention to what he was doing, though the two demons were still having their staring contest. He doesn’t need to die…he would be useful to my plans…

“Yeah, kid…you may be right. A shinobi is still human. We may not be able to become emotionless tools. I’ve lost. Kid, lend me your kunai!”

Naruto looked up, nodding slightly before tossing the kunai towards him. “Yeah.”

Zabuza caught the kunai in his mouth, but Takai gained his attention before he sprinted off towards the group of criminals.

“Zabuza-san, you will have your revenge, but you need help.” He gave her another amused glance, and the two Leaf-nin standing behind them looked curiously at Takai. “Oh yeah?” his voice was muffled slightly by the knife, “Who’s gonna help me?”

She didn’t lift her gaze from the other demons, and simply rest her left hand on the handle of the wakizashi at her waist. He looked as she shifted into a starting stance, seeing that she was a swordsman with experience.

By the way the dog demon was looking at her, he knew that she was just like him, so she might as well tell Zabuza. “I will help…I am a youkai. Kakashi-san?”

Her monotone voice brought the copy-nin out of his thoughts, and he stood up to show that he would help as well. The three stood side by side, with Takai in the middle. The inu youkai grinned as his eyes swept over the small band, and Takai immediately knew why.

Technically Takai was still only a teenager in demon years, so the top of her head only reached just under Kakashi’s shoulders. He was clearly laughing to himself about how ‘puny and weak’ she looked compared to the two bloody shinobi. Baka inu. It will be his downfall.

Gatou laughed at the three warriors that dared go against him. Even he could tell that two of them were exhausted. And the mere thought of a woman fighting got him laughing harder. “You think you can go against me and win?”

With that, he walked back into the crowd and waved back towards the direction of Kakashi, Zabuza, and Takai. “Kill them.”

The crowd roared and charged forward, with the demon in the lead. Kakashi and Zabuza ran forward as well, veering towards the left and right, leaving the teen with the demon and whoever she could get to.

The dog demon stopped a few meters away from Takai, while the other hired hands swerved around him, going towards the humans behind her. She heard Naruto’s cry of “Kage Bunshin no jutsu!” She briefly went out of her stance to sweep her arms out at the thugs closest to her, and they fell down onto the bridge with a thud, senbon embedded in their necks. Naruto took care of the rest that got past Takai as she shifted back into her stance, still staring at the other demon.

Up ahead, Kakashi was covering Zabuza’s back as he sliced his way through the crowd, moving towards a screaming Gatou. Tired or not, they were still skilled enough to take on normal humans.

Kakashi ducked a swipe from a scythe, plunging a kunai into the man’s stomach before moving on to keep behind Zabuza.

Takai’s chosen opponent sneered at her, looking at her body with lecherous eyes. “What’s a pretty little b***h like you doing in this run-down village?”

Behind her, Sakura’s eye twitched as she got the feeling that the older female was getting undressed by his perverted eyes. She clenched her fist and waved it at him. “Kick his a**!”

Tazuna gave her a weary glance at this change in attitude, wondering where the hell that outburst came from.

A stray sword from a killed amateur swordsman went flying towards the Hatsuyoru traitor, and she let go of her wakizashi’s handle in favor of using the katana. Her starting stance shifted again to accommodate the new sword.

The dog sighed once he was done with his perverted fantasies and realized that Takai would not answer. He shook his head, as if saying ‘What a pity…’ before disappearing in a burst of speed. Behind her, Naruto gasped.

Takai stayed in her stance, following his movements with her mind while relaxing her body so that it would be able to react in time. By now, the crowd of thugs had been cut in half.

The inu youkai, tired of trying to confuse the ryuu, threw his body weight into his fist from behind her, aiming a punch for her head. She ducked, reversing her grip on her blade and stabbing backwards, into the dog’s leg, which he had used to guard his stomach. The blade pierced through the leg, and just barely scratched the skin covering his vital organ.

He howled in pain, clutching his leg and glaring at the female. “You little--!”

Takai interrupted his curse by turning around, still holding onto her weapon, and twisting the blade in his leg, earning her some more agonized screams of pain. She used this time to drip a clear liquid (which came from a bottle hidden in her sleeve) down the blade, letting it enter his blood stream. To anyone watching they would think that it was just water condensing onto the katana. She quickly tore the blade out of the now silent dog demon’s leg and almost casually flicked the liquids off of the blade and onto his body (which was shivering on the ground).

She released her hold on the mist surrounding the humans and let the water drop back into the ocean, giving them a clear view of their assured victory.

Zabuza charged forward, skillfully separating Gatou’s head from his body with a small smirk of triumph. All fighting stopped now that the person that hired them was dead, and the strongest of the bunch was now a twitching body on the ground.

One of the thugs still alive yelled angrily at them all. “What the hell! You killed our meal-ticket!”

The few remaining just looked at him like he was crazy, then went back to staring at the demon’s dying body. They murmured with each other before backing away slowly. That hired guard was about to start yelling again when an arrow whizzed through the air and landed at his feet. As one, everybody turned to look at the huge crowd of villagers, both demon and human, armed with whatever they could find.

Inari was at the front, looking down at that single thug with a crossbow in hand. The criminal knew when he was beat, so he chose to flee like his ‘comrades’.

Behind the boy, everybody cheered now that Gatou had been successfully driven out of their country, and his rein of tyranny has ended.

With another screech, Hikaru swooped in and landed on Takai’s outstretched arm. She held him close and smoothed his feathers down with her forefinger, whispering some praise before giving an order. “Hikaru, they don’t need to see the blood.”

The brown hawk nodded, before lifting off and flying towards the crowd to block the bridge. Naruto, relieved that the fight was over, stepped forward and stared down at the now dead body of the dog demon.

“What happened to him?” The Konoha team plus Tazuna had regrouped around the youkai’s body, all except Kakashi wondering the same thing as Naruto.

Kakashi butted in at this point, pulling down his headband. “He was poisoned.”

The others blinked, and stared questionably at Takai, who gave her answer in monotone, as always. “It’s called Cold Death. When the clear poison enters your blood stream, the chemicals forcibly lowers your body temperature, which is why the body twitches in an attempt to gain warmth. When it reaches your vocal chords, it takes away your ability to speak. Once it reaches your heart, it completely freezes it, thus earning the name Cold Death. This process takes about two minutes, and the antidote has to be given by the time it’s been in your system for one minute or else you’ll die.”

Naruto stared incredulously at the vial of clear fluid that Takai had produced from the sleeve of her haori.

“I’ve heard of that one…” smiled Kakashi, not affected at all by the somewhat creepy explanation of exactly how the demon had died.

Naruto had only one response to that statement.

“You’re weird.”

Lady Okori

Maeve Avari

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 7:06 am
That is SOO like Naruto. Haha! Anywho- This was pretty good! keep it up!  
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