Do you believe in the parakeets' song?
the one that's haunted you for so long
the calls high and the spirits low
Glass inside, shattered, broken
more than you'll ever know

We stare from inside
with glazed over eyes
perched within darkness

you notice nothing
but feel something
deep, hollow
far, yet shallow

We look away,
uncaring to the wrong
still inside, but
singing our song

"chirp chirp"
we sing
moving beaks
still wings
black eyes
small things

no control, no say
in what will happen today
when two becomes one,
an empty cage- none

the store becomes quiet
no regret
no shame
no pain

the song comes to an end
hope no longer there
for them to distort and bend
no one seems to care
about my song anymore
they carry on
in an out the door
stomping, stepping
walking the cold floor

Then when things can't get worse,
he comes to an end
no more chirps
no more hope
nothing, still, quiet