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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:57 pm
Most of the following spells are from www.llewllyn.com; they are some of the "spell-a-day" spells.
They are in order of date, starting January 29th, onto the past spells.  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:58 pm
Protective Eye Charm
January 29th, 2007

Protection magic has been with us since the beginning of time. We have sought protection from the harshness of the natural elements, the wrath of gods and goddesses, and, unfortunately, from envy and ill intent from fellow humans. Throughout history in art and sculpture, protection often appears using the symbol of the eye. The ancient Egyptians used the Eye of Horus to ward off negativity. In the Mediterranean, an eye charm or amulet is a popular form of protection against the "evil eye." The evil eye, or malocchio, as it is called in Italy, is a curse directed at you by another person, usually driven by emotions of fear, malice, or jealousy. Victims of the evil eye experience illness and bad luck. You can make your own protective eye charm by painting an eye on a rock or stone. Keep it with you or in your car or desk drawer for protection and imagine it keeping you from harm.
By: Emely Flak

Tying Together Wholeness

January 14th, 2007

January is a time to honor the rational and logical mind and the instinctual, natural parts of ourselves. Wholeness is key here. You need two pieces of string nine inches, feet, or yards long. Use light blue, yellow, or gold to represent your logical, thinking side. For your instinctive side, use colors such as red and brown. In front of your altar or during a ritual, take both strands together. You’ll be making nine knots. Before tying each knot, say: “Heart and head combined as one, ruled both by Moon and by Sun. I unite both inside me. For the good of all, so mote it be.” Keep the string in a safe place. When you feel the need to repeat the spell, run your fingers over each knot and repeat the chant.
By: Olivia O'Meir

Wishing Well Spell

December 28th, 2006

Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Geranium

Have you ever felt the urge to throw a coin into a pool or fountain? These wishing spells are not just for kids. We can all benefit from this simple money magic. Choose a coin that you can release without any second thoughts. If you can’t part with a silver dollar so easily, try a dime or a penny. Soak the coin overnight in water with as much salt as you can get to dissolve in it, along with a tablespoon of lemon juice. If the coin is not totally clean by the next day, rub it with a paste of salt and water to get it nice and shiny. Carry the coin with you in a pocket or in a special pouch. When you see a pool or fountain, hold the coin in your right hand and say to yourself:

Silver coin,
I set you free.
Into this pool,
I release thee.

Boundless as drops
In the sea,
Unlimited wealth
Now comes to me.

Throw the coin into the water.
By: Kristin Madden  



PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:01 pm
Moon of Hecate Spell
By: Luci Sophia Zain

Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Poplar

The twenty-ninth day of each month is known as the Moon of Hecate, regardless of the Moon cycle at the time. Hecate, Greek goddess of the underworld, is sometimes misunderstood and aligned with dark forces. Hecate is actually a symbol of empowerment for many women. Her image is represented as a woman who faces three directions, expressing the Triple Goddess of maiden, mother, and crone, whose wisdom can also see in all directions. Today, two days before Samhain, invoke the energies of Hecate to uncover secrets that are hidden from you, or to help find an answer to a question you need to have answered. Speak these words:

Come help me unfold,
What has remained untold.
With your vision help me see what remains unseen by me.

Meditate and allow thought to flow freely, taking note of whatever enters your mind.
By: Emely Flak

Magic of Darkness Meditation

November 19th, 2006

Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Clove

There is magic in the darkness if only we can allay our fears of it. It is only the unknown we fear and once we understand that mystery is revealed in the dark, we can relax and find the enchantment of the place. To do this, after sunset today find a place that will be in darkness when the lights are off. Light some patchouli incense to promote deep awareness. Tone a single note to yourself, and settle down into a meditative state. Turn out the lights and close your eyes. Continue to intone softly and breathe deeply. Open your eyes in the darkness. Do not strain to see. Extend the awareness of your psychic senses outward and feel the texture of the night. Breathe deeply and rest in the darkness. Let the messages come to you as you rest in the deepest dark. When you are finished, go back to a ordinary state of consciousness and to your normal activities.
By: Gail Wood

Orange Pomander Recipe
December 23rd, 2006

Color of the day: Blue
Incense of the day: Violet

Now is a time of festive activities centered on presents, food, and gathering with friends and family. Why not make an orange pomander that captures the scent of the season for yourself and a friend? To make two pomanders, you will need two oranges, one-quarter cup of whole cloves, ribbon, and three tablespoons each of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger. Combine the ground spices and set the mixture aside. Stud the cloves into the fruit. Place the cloved oranges onto a foil tray and cover the fruit with the spices. Take some ribbon and wrap around the orange. Make sure you leave enough ribbon to hang up the orange. Allow the oranges to dry out with the spice mixture for two weeks. After two weeks, the oranges will have shrunk noticeably. The spicy, clove-based aroma will attract success and protection. Hang the pomander in your cupboard in the New Year.
By: Emely Flak
PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:02 pm
Dark Side of the Moon Spell
October 23rd, 2006

Color of the day: Silver
Incense of the day: Myrrh

With so many planets in Scorpio tonight, this is an ideal time to explore how your hidden self affects your family and friends. To do this, imagine you are standing under a Full Moon. The light shines brightly, then slowly wanes to dark. Ask to be shown what the dark side holds now—especially ask for any information that can help you to improve your relationships. Feel yourself being pulled to the Moon, and see that the orb reflects the shadows within you. Most of these shadows are very dark and you pass by without stopping. But eventually you will find one small image that speaks to you. Ask what message it holds for you. Take note of any images, messages, memories, or feelings that come up. When you understand something of the message or have received all that is offered, see light return to this place. Gently return to your body. Light and understanding fill you as the Moon waxes brighter.
By: Kristin Madden

Acknowledging Errors Spell
October 26th, 2006

Color of the day: Crimson
Incense of the day: Carnation

Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “A man should never be ashamed to own he has been wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.” Sometimes, when we are on a spiritual path, we discover that we have made mistakes, poor choices, and simple misjudgments. It is wise in such cases to acknowledge our errors and to change our ways, rather than cling-ing to our old choices through pride or fear of being teased or scolded. Changing our minds is just a way of showing that we are wiser today than we were yesterday. Today’s simple ritual acknowledges a new insight about the nature of wisdom and a change in direction in how we consider our choices. To start, face the north, saying:

I have followed a path for some time I believed was best. I have found a better, truer path. I now begin my journey on this new path.

Turn to face east and take a step forward, secure in knowing you now have a new wisdom and outlook.



PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:05 pm
The following magickal rhyme is a powerful witch's incantation that can be used for any potion you brew up. Recite it while visualizing your intent within your mind's eye; you may repeat it several times out loud or to yourself:
Herbal potion, cauldron brew,
now be charged with magick true.
With intent I speak this charm,
all be blessed and none be harmed.
Ever minding the law of three,
This is my will, so mote it be.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:56 pm
Cashew and Tea Healing Energy Spell
2005 Spell-A-Day

Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Clove

Brew a cup of strong chamomile tea today to start raising some good healthy energy. Sit with the tea in both hands, and visualize a protective energy egg surrounding you. See this energy protecting you on all sides. This healing energy permeates every cell of your being and flows out through your skin into your home. Visualize healing energy filling your home and the space around your home. It creates a healing buffer that helps maintain your health and keeps your energy balanced. Charge the tea with this energy. Steep a cashew in the tea for three minutes, allowing it to fully soak up the energies you charged the tea with. Plant the cashew in a household plant in the center of your home. As you plant it, imagine the healing energy radiating out from this central spot to fill your home. It will revitalize everyone that enters this place and bless all who live here.

By: Kristin Madden  



PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:58 pm
Imbolc Spell
2004 Spell-A-Day

Color of the day: Lavender
Incense of the day: Chrysanthemum

Imbolc is the Celtic holiday that marks the beginning of spring.

It is ruled by the goddess of spring, known as Brigit or Brigantia in Ireland, and Bride in Scotland. In Irish myth, the god of the earth Dagda, also known as the “good god,” had three daughters, who were all named Brigit. The first Brigit was the goddess of poetry, the second was the goddess of smithcraft, and the third was the goddess of fire and healing. All three are really aspects of one triple goddess who was associated with the Sun and with fire. On this day Brigit used her flame to rekindle the fire in the earth and assure that plants would have the heat that they need to break through the earth and begin to grow. In ancient times, a woman dressed as Brigit would bless the fires in the households and forges across Ireland. On this day, Brigit’s snake would come out of its mound, and the snake’s behavior would determine how long the remaining frost will last. This is the most likely origin of Groundhog Day. In Christian times, Brigit became a saint associated with the Virgin Mary. Imbolc became the Christian Candlemas, the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is celebrated by lighting candles. A Brigit’s cross is a talisman made of woven reeds that form a cross with a woven square in the center and four equal arms extending out from the center. This design gives the cross a sense of rotation that evokes the wheel of the year. Brigit’s cross should be made or bought on this day and used to protect the home throughout the year. Also on this night one can leave a silk ribbon on the doorstep for Brigit to bless. Later it can be used for healing.

By: Robert Place  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:22 pm
This is today's spell-a-day.
Nature Meditation Ritual
February 2nd, 2007

Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Sandalwood

Even though it may still feel like winter, life is stirring in the earth. Use this special day to honor the elements and get in touch with nature. Since the Moon is full tonight, try to perform this ritual near a window where the moonlight can shine through, or outdoors if weather permits. You will need a stone of your choice (and/or a handful of clean soil), a leaf, a feather, a container of water, and a candle. Light the candle and place it in front of you (or in the center of a group ritual). Touch each item mindfully and consider how each one repre-sents an element: earth, air, fire, and water. Hold the stone or leaf in your hands, dip your fingers in the water, stroke the feather, gaze upon the candle flame. Consider how vital each element is to life. As you consider each element, use the following chant:

Field, flower, tree, and stone;
Build the Earth that I call home.
Changing wind, air to breathe,
Precious atmosphere and breeze.
Candle flame, fire bright,
Warmth and heat,
radiant light.
Drink of life in flow or freeze,
Rain and river, spring and sea.

By: Ember  



PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:11 pm
Love Oil Spell
February 3rd, 2007

Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Thyme

The Imbolc season, which was a time of rebirth and renewed abundance, may also have been a sacred ritual period of purification in preparation for the renewed energies of spring. Various sacred plants were used throughout the winter season for this purpose. In Scotland, juniper was burned at the New Year to sain or purify the home. Torannon, or figwort, was utilized around Imbolc for protection and abundance. The dandelion was sacred to Bridget, and its root is still used for purification. In Scotland great fires of gorse were made, and the herb called “broom” was burned as well. Prepare a ritual incense for purification and protection in preparation for spring. Mix together juniper, dandelion root, broom, and figwort, and use the smoke to smudge your home and your loved ones.

By: Sharynne NicMhacha  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:41 pm
Rekindling Spell
February 6th, 2007

Color of the day: Red
Incense of the day: Daffodil

February is time to rekindle the flame for those of us who have already found the love of our lives. Letting that special someone know that you are still in love can be very rewarding for both of you. From your photo albums, make a collage of your loved one. Let the photos remind you of who this person is as an individual. As you assemble the collage, picture the two of you as you grow old together. Add whatever you like to the arrangement. When the collage is finished, take a needle and thread and stitch around the collage, chanting:

A stitch in time,
A step in time.
I’m so glad
That you are mine.

Put the finished collage in a place where your loved one will see it and know that you have been thinking of him or her.

By: Paniteowl  



PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:08 am
Job Hunting Spell
February 8th, 2007

Color of the day: Crimson
Incense of the day: Coriander

The best time to acquire a new job is in the first three months of the year, when you will find more opportunities and most likely be hired. If you are job hunting, examine your resume, polish it, and get help if you feel it is not up to standard. There are many websites that offer advice on resumes, and there are books available from the library as well. Draw a pentacle with your finger on the resumes you send out. It will bring you luck. And if a job strikes you as perfect, a few gold or yellow candles lit for the opportunity can only help. Local newspapers offer daily job opportunities. Network with friends and former workmates. A positive attitude will help you find that perfect job.

By: Boudica  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:23 am
Lovin’ Feelings Spell
February 9th, 2007

Color of the day: Rose
Incense of the day: Geranium

Venus, Mercury, and the Moon are all in watery, emotional planets today. This is a day for love and good feelings. And what better way to do this than simply spray it on? To make the Lovin’ Spray, add eight to ten drops of the essential oils of rose and vanilla to half a cup of distilled water in a spray bottle. (If you want to keep this spray for several months, use a dark glass bottle with a spray top.) Screw the top on tightly. Invert the bottle three times to mix the ingredients as you ask the energies of rose and vanilla to fill this water with happiness and love. Spray this on first thing in the morning and take a moment to experience the good feelings it gives you. Then take it with you for a little pick-me-up throughout the day . . . or share it with others.

By: Kristin Madden  



PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:49 pm
Outside the Box Spell
February 10th, 2007

Color of the day: Blue
Incense of the day: Sandalwood

Sometimes you need to be able to think outside the box a little. This spell produces a charmed stone you can carry with you and use when needed. Before performing the spell, you will need to find the right stone to use. The only essential requirement is that it feels comfortable in your hand. Other than that it can be any stone. Cleanse the stone under running water and cup it in your hand. Pour your will into the stone and visualize your problems disappearing. Set the stone in the moonlight for the night. After that, carry it with you, and when you need a creative solution to some problem, take it out and worry it while you think.

By: Laurel Reufner  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:40 pm
Find a Penny Spell
February 12th, 2007

Color of the day: Lavender
Incense of the day: Poplar

Today is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, and his face graces the American penny. This is also “Lost Penny Day,” a day to find pennies and circulate these coins back into the economy. Pennies seem to have little value, but they are the cornerstone of many monetary systems. The old rhyme “Find a penny and pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck” is truly a spell of continuing power. Luck seems so elusive, but it can be as common as a penny. Gather pennies from the stray places throughout your home. As you pick each one up, chant:
I found this penny and picked it up. All day long I’ll have good luck.
Place the pennies in a bowl on your altar. Whenever you need luck, take a blessed penny and carry it through the day. When the day is over, donate the penny to a good cause.

By: Gail Wood  


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