Seriously. I was looking around in this "Ilitterate Army" guild and these are probably some of the better cases of "txt tlk" I found.



heyyy!! thats me in your siggie for the guild!!
ha ha its old tho...
i change my person-thinggyyy alott
if i get bored of it or anythin i change it haha
i change it almost everyday icon_biggrin.gif

yuppp im wierd like dat thas y ya love me!


...this may mena people could be wrongly accuse dof murder and then could be sentenced to death...thats why we have death give people one last chance to prove thier NJ we have hundreds of people on death row for years that have not been killed...the majority of them are convicted murderers and should die them selves for the crime and not jsut stand in line. America should be like Texas... lol

That guild is so pitiful.