Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:37 pm
Hi does anyone here ever read stories from Walt Disney movies? What are your favorite ones? I have many on here that I love to read and watch.
Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:58 am
Walt Disney is a rip off, a pathetic pansy.
He took good stories such as Winnie The Pooh and (one of my favourite ever storys) Alice In Wonderland and turned them into tripe. For those who haven't seen it, the old Winnie The Pooh was a hell of alot cuter and more lovable than the Disney version. And Lewis Carroll's version of Alice In Wonderland was a wonderful story.
Disney ruins the good ones, because all of the ones that Disney have come up with themselves suck. (Also the treatment of the staff and the Parks is atrocious.)
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:50 pm
I read a few of them when I was little.My favorite story of all is Beauty and the Beast heart
But,as much as I love Disney,they did ruin a few of the stories....
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:28 pm
I love Disney movies but it annoys me when they mess with history like Pochahontas and change it. It's one thing to tell a story with a new ending but history should be true.
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:06 pm
My favourite Disney movie has to be Sword in the Stone... I'm sure it twists the actually stories about King Arthur to appeal to a younger crowd, but I think it was done in a good way! The characters in this movie are very comical... I still watch it to this day and laugh quite a bit, especially with Archimedes' [the Owl] sarcastic humour... very funny!!!
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:45 pm
If you have ever read Alice in Wonderland. You could tell this guy had way too many drugs at the time for his own good. Sentences are strange beyond belief, whoever was the publisher had a crystal ball itleast.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:58 pm
I would have loved Peter Pan, but I read the book. They watered down so many good fairy tales.
I did love Mulan, growing up, though.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:49 pm
t3hc003st If you have ever read Alice in Wonderland. You could tell this guy had way too many drugs at the time for his own good. Sentences are strange beyond belief, whoever was the publisher had a crystal ball itleast. I absolutely love Lewis Carrol's Alice.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:46 pm
The old movies that Disney made are good. A lot of the new ones are made stupid so todays youth can understand them in my opinion. Although Read it and Weep was kind of cute... my little cousins love new disney. My favorite old one would have to be Fantasia even though my mom insists that it was a hallucinaginic fantasy.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:12 pm
Persephones Son My favourite Disney movie has to be Sword in the Stone... I'm sure it twists the actually stories about King Arthur to appeal to a younger crowd, but I think it was done in a good way! The characters in this movie are very comical... I still watch it to this day and laugh quite a bit, especially with Archimedes' [the Owl] sarcastic humour... very funny!!! Actually, I've read The Once and Future King, and The Sword in the Stone is more faithful than most adaptations. But Madam Mim just came totally out of left field. I sometimes think she was supposed to represent Nimue or something. But maybe it was just an excuse for a wizards' duel.
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:23 pm
Electrash t3hc003st If you have ever read Alice in Wonderland. You could tell this guy had way too many drugs at the time for his own good. Sentences are strange beyond belief, whoever was the publisher had a crystal ball itleast. I absolutely love Lewis Carrol's Alice.Seeing as this is the second time you wrote that you liked Carol's Alice in wonderland. Would you mind telling us why the Disney version ruined it so?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:02 pm
I agree with so many of the comments... and yet, not. I love Disney, they used to be a good company, but the only truly great movie was Fantasia. Every other story used was butchered from its original format.
Try reading the fairy tales that all of their movies came from. Amazingly gory and fun! The little mermaid dying, the stepsisters being blind and crippled, Beauty not having sisters at all... much less evil ones, etc.
Even the ones based upon real people are butchered. MuLan challenging her father to a duel... where's that in the Disney adaptation? Her getting offered the Emperor's daughter? C'mon...Chinese Lesbians (as my suitemate put it). Pocahontas being only like 9 or so when she saved John Smith... that's all I can think of for her...
Now, don't get me wrong. I love Disney. I love the movies, I love the songs, I love it all. But it bothers me that people believe that Disney speaks the truth. Disney sees the world through rose-colored lenses. Nothing wrong with that, so long as you know it's there, and take the movies with a grain of salt.
The original purpose of fairy tales was to be cautionary for children... not to talk to strangers, to obey your mother and father, etc. I mean, right down to "Little Red Riding Hood" was about being wary of the predators... in the city. Beware of the men that prey on little girls kinda thing.
You want a good adaptation of fairy tales? Check out Sondheim's Into the Woods. A surprisingly accurate tale.
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:18 pm
Mine is the Jungle Book. I remember watching it when I was younger, but since I just recently watched it, there are alot of jokes that you miss. Of course, I didn't understand things like the Beetles Impersinating Vultures or a few of the songs when I was a child. The talking vultures are hilarious, now that I know who the Beetles are. It's just an all-around good film for all ages. :3nod
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 1:49 pm
From what I remember, Disney wasn't that bad to watch. Granted, I haven't seen any of the movies you guys are mentioning for about three or more years. What really pissed me off was that up until I was about eleven or so, I thought that Pocohontas was completely true, then I read a book about her and my heart was broken. I also read and loved Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Both are classics. I haven't watched the Disney version in forever though.
My favorite Disney movie has to be the one about the princess and the goblins. Argh! I can't remember the name of it now! The Golbin Princess, maybe? Drat! stressed
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:07 pm
Mulan and the Lion King were my favorite movies... I didn't read the Walt Disney versions of anything, though the original Winnie the Pooh was terriffic.