The Toa finally defeated Makuta as the prophecy proclaimed, and peace would finally come ... but the prophecy changed. A new threat awakened: the Bohrok. The Bohrok were awakened after Makuta's defeat, their goal: to return the island of Mata Nui as it was before time. Of course, they won't harm anyone else unless they gone in the way, but unfortunately, that would be everything that gets in the way of their mission. The Turaga knew much about these creatures, saying the only key to end the threat was to take their Krana, all 6 types, go to the Bohrok's nest, and find out for themselves. As always, the Toa do this, and in the swarm's nest, they unlocked armor known as Exo-Toa, using it against the Bohrok queens (Bahrag), Cahdok and Gahdok. They fought in the suits, then using their elemental energy to trap the 2 in a inescapable prison. That ended the Bohrok threat, but the Toa get into chambers of energized protodermis, transforming them into Toa Nuva, stronger and better than before. Peace has again arrived and with a new generation of protectors. But is this the end from the Bohrok ... ?