I confirmed a couple of weekends ago that I will be attending Swancon as a Looney Labs Demo Rabbit. I've now got enough pyramids for most of the games that were built for Icehouse stashes. I also bought a chessboard bandana for the games that use that (eg; RAMbots, Martian Chess) and I've rustled up a tarot deck for Gnostica. My Fluxx version 1 deck arrived yesterday and I've just ordered the beta version of Just Desserts for the con.

Also, I happen to know I'm not the only one who will be there with a good range of LL games.

I intend to be at the con, demoing Looney Labs games, for as much as possible. There's apparently a whiteboard in the gaming room where I'll be trying to keep information about where the demos can be found, but basically just look for the guy in the rabbit ears and labcoat.

Anyone interested in Looney Labs Fans stuff on the net can visit my main fan group index and info page at http://www.krisjohn.net/labs.html

(The main Swancon page is here. A Gaia Looney Labs guild can be found here.)