Hey everyone, it seems a lot of my friends aren't that great at pinball and I seem to be pretty good at it so I thought I'd make a thread to help people get a bit better at it. If you'd like to submit tips or advice then feel free to share it with me or anyone in the thread. If you would like to ask question then submit then now while I'm here. I just started this so I won't have a ton of tips just yet, but I'll be adding as time goes by, for now my hands a bit tired, tell me what you think.

I am in no way saying these tips will be 100% effective but I am saying they may help alot.


1. Use your power ups. Its ok to save them once and a while, but if you really wanna get far then don't be cheap on saving them.

2. Don't spend all your time trying to get to one place on the board. If something is hard to reach like that 3rd grunny, or that annoying 4th fish then don't focus too much on it or you might end up losing a ball when your not paying attention.

3. Don't spend the whole time just repeatedly mashing the paddle buttons. Wait for the ball to land on the paddle so that you can aim where you want to shoot the ball.

4. Bumping has been an important role in almost all aspects of gaia, this goes for pinball as well. Your space bar can help you out when your trying to slip into the Slots or get that annoying V in vote.

5. Wanna catch that 4th fish so that you can level up your bait, sometimes mashing the paddle works, BUT you can let the ball roll to the end of that top paddle till you can barely hit it and it usually causes the ball to spin back into the lake and hit the 4th fish. TADA!!!

6. For you multiplier whores, a trick to hitting those grunnies is letting the ball roll to the end of the bottom left paddle and then hitting it as its rolling off, this causes the ball to USUALLY hit the top two grunnies at the same time. (Still working on a good way to hit the 3rd grunny.

7. I believe the easiest thing to hit is Gambino's Mansion, there are quite a few ways to hit the viles or cans.

-The best way to hitting them is to let the ball roll to the end of the bottom right paddle and hitting it just as its falling off. If you smack the paddle next to them at just the right time you can actually hit all 3 at once.

-Now sometimes you only end up hitting the two tops cans or viles but not the bottom, a trick to getting that bottom vile is using the bottom right paddle. Hit the ball just as it gets to the end of the paddle (not as its falling off it), this should let the ball hit the arena walls and bounce towards Gambino's Mansion, but before it gets there hold the left middle paddle so that is rolls downward into the vile or can.

8. The Vanhelson's. If your like me, you hate them. Usually its cheap and annoying to beat them(I did once though ^^). But the best thing you can do is save your sticky balls to use against them. No other power ups work in there so try your best. I can't really tell you much on how to beat them yet so good luck.

9. Multi-balls or Bag of Marbles are great for points but hard to control sometimes, what you can do though is use sticky balls to hold them when you use or get them.

10. Having trouble getting in slots?, well try holding the ball in the Gambino Mansion paddle and waiting for it to get tips, and as its falling off then use the paddle. That should let you hit it into slots, if you thinks its gonna fall back out then use the bump function to push it up a bit farther.