I actually got inspired to write this poem this morning, when I was walking my dog. I was just making my way down the street when a car pulled by and... well... the poem explains it.

Trudging through the mist: what's this I see?
Three chubby faces looming greedily at me.
Sat in a car, these children stare,
As I walked on by without a care.

They holler and cry, pounding the glass,
While I still trudge through the dewy grass.
The parents, exhausted, try to calm them down,
As each young child wears a terrible frown.

When the car was gone, I gave a great sigh,
And thanked my lucky stars in the sky.
For, if I was part of that family,
Then I would be sat with those toddlers three.

Yeah... that's what happened. It's not particulary interesting (sorry if I've spelt that wrong) but I found it quite amusing that these kids were so upset that I wasn't paying them any attention. It's things like that which inspire me to write. So, what do you think?