Inspired by the efforts and interest of people involved in or just intending to attend the EuroGamesFest stuff in Perth, I've decided to start up what appears to be Australia's first "warren": A Looney Labs-themed gaming group.

The official warren page is here.

The event will feature as much of the range of Looney Labs games as I can manage, plus whatever other attendees bring. I've bulked-up my collection for SwanCon, so I have almost all off their catelogue.

People interested are encouraged to signup on the Looney Labs pages so they can be added to the warren's info page. Use the "Register" link on the top right of the page above to register. Once you've sent through your details (and they've been checked) you get 10 "Rabbit Points" that can either simply be used in the Looney Labs store point for dollar, or can be used to purchase special stuff from the Dangling Carrot:

(Note, for each item with a price listed in points you only *have* to spend a single point. The balance can be dollars.)

And then I can add you to the warren page.

I also encourage everyone to signup at BoardGameGeek -- it's somewhat of a nexus for non-electronic gaming at the moment. Event reports will probably be posted there, plus other stuff maybe too. Anyone interested in non-video gaming should probably consider an account there.

Anyway, you can use the phone number on the warren page to register your interest, or you can post below, or contact me any other way you know how. There is a tentative booking for a South Perth venue on the 22nd of April, 11am to 6pm, that should be confirmed this week (wait, it's Friday already, right? Next week then, definately by next week). The warren is completely public: Everyone is welcome. There is no entrance fee, though there will be a donation box to help fund future meetings. (If donations regularly exceed the cost of the venue they will be used to purchase prizes for some sort of giveaway I'm still working out the details for.)

If the venue and day of the week is not convenient, but you're interested, do contact me anyway as I anticipate this group will move around a little, both in space and time.

And if you're not big on the Looney Labs stuff, don't worry about it too much, it's really just so that the group has something about it. (If you want to bring and play other games, I won't tell Looney Labs.) By the way, the schedulling of this group will always specifically intend to avoid clashing with the EuroGamesFest event and any other event with a similar audience, so you shouldn't ever have to choose between the Perth Warren and any similar thing.

There, that should be everything. I only got the ball rolling yesterday, so I'm sure stuff will change, but hopefully not too much.