Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:53 pm
大蛇丸の両手に刺さったチャクラの剣をさらに押し進めるサスケ Sasuke pushes the chakara blade futher in. 剣は両手を貫通し壁まで到達する the sword goes through his arms and smashes into the wall サスケ「大蛇丸 アンタはオレより弱い」 Sasuke (take note Sasuke fans-BL) Orochimaru, you are wekaer than me. 「・・もうアンタにオレの体をくれてやる必要も無くなったわけだ」 Sasuke: It's pointless for me to give you my body now.
大蛇丸「言うわね・・うちはのひよっこが」 Orochimaru: big talk, little uchiha runt.
サスケ「フッ・・ひよっこじゃなきゃ手に入りそうもなかんたんだろ?アンタさ」 Sasuke: If I weren't a runt you wouldn't have come near me, right? 上から見た二人。考えている大蛇丸 We see the two from above, Oro is thinking サスケ「イタチが無理だった・・だからひよっこのオレを狙ったんだろ?」 Sasuke: Itachi was too much for you, so you chose a runt, right? 「そうだろ? ”三忍”と謳われた天才さんよ」 SAsuke: I'm right, aren't I? oh great sannin, Mr. genius! サスケ「だがアンタは世間で言うただの天才でしか無かった・・」 Sasuke: but in truth you were just *called* a genius
「うちはの名を超えるどころか届きもしない」 Sasuke:You'll never reach the heights of the uchiha clan
「どんな天才もうちはの前では凡人に成り下がるのさ Sasuke: Any genius appears average before an uchiha.
サスケ「自分の体を薬漬けにし体を乗り越えてまでうちはの力にいやらしく近づこうと するアンタの行為はこの名を持つオレからすればあさましく滑稽だ」 Sasuke: for someone with my name, your actions, annointing your body with medicine and waiting untill the day you can change bodies and gain the power of the uchiha's, are laughably obscene.
サスケ「それにアンタのやり方は好きじゃない・・アンタの目的は何だ?」 Sasuke: I also not fond of your way of doing things. What the hell is your goal anyway?
「この世の道理を解き明かすだの何だのと 下らない利己的な理由で他人を 玩具のように弄び続けている」 Sasuke: continuing to sacrifice people for the sake of your pathetic egotistical logic,a logic of understanding everything.
サスケの回想。「己の器を量るためだ」「それが重要なのだ」というイタチ Sasuke flashback//itachi: to measure my own ability. that's is crucial.
サスケ「反吐が出る」 Sasuke: You make me sick.
一気に詰め寄るサスケ。大蛇丸は口をあけると何かが 飛び出す。そしてそれはサスケの横を通り過ぎる。サスケはそれを見定める Sasuke advances on Oro. something comes shooting out of oro's mouth. That thing flies past sasuke. Sasuke turns and checks it out.
サスケ「白いウロコの大蛇・・それがアンタの正体だったとはな・・」 Sasuke: A white scaled snake...Who'd have thought that was your true form!
サスケの後ろにはウロコが小さい蛇でできた大蛇。それが大蛇丸だった from behind sasuke a scaled small snake appears. .That is orochimaru!
from the picture サスケ「体から体へ乗り換えるために・・実験を繰り返した・・・・」 Sasuke: To move from one body to another...you continued your experiments サスケ「成れの果てがその姿か」 Sasuke: and ended up in that state!
大蛇丸「さぁ・・サスケくんその体を・・」 Oro: Now then...Sasuke-kun, your body../ 「私 に ち ょ う だ ぁぁ イ!!!」 Oro: Give it to meeeeeeee!!!
サスケを襲う大蛇丸。サスケはそれをかわし、小さい蛇の追撃も剣で断ち切る Oro goes after sasuke. Sasuke dodges. He stops small snakes from attacking with his sword. 壁際に立つサスケ。片腕で上着を払い、それから状態2へと変化を始める Sasuke stands by the wall. He holds off oro with 1 arm. He starts to go CS stage 2.
サスケ「地を這いずる蛇が空を飛びたいと夢見たところで しょせん無理な話・・」 Sasuke: little snake squirming on the ground dreaming about flying up into the sky. An impossible dream for you.
大蛇丸の小蛇たちは「ズズズ」とサスケを絞め巻く。 Orochimaru's small snakes wrap around sasuke [slither slither slither]
サスケ「それでもどうにかしたいと巣の中のひよっこを狙ってたお前が逆に狙われていたのさ」 SAsuke: regardless of that, you went after the runt of the litter, but now you find yourself as the prey.
大蛇丸「!」 蛇たちが爆発する Orochimaru: ! his snakes explode
サスケ「これから空高く飛び立つ ・・鷹の目にな」 Sasuke: I'm going to soar into the sky...like the eye of a falcon* 状態2に変身し翼を広げるサスケのアップ Sasuke goes stage 2 and his wings stretch out.
大蛇丸「・・」(かなり焦っている)「サ ス ケ ェェェ !!」(飛びかかる) Orochimaru: ... (impatient) SAAASSUUUKKKKKEEE!!!! (flies toward him)
場面変わって墓の前 Scene changes, standing before a grave. それは大蛇丸の両親の墓、子供のころの大蛇丸と若き三代目 The grave is oro's parents. A young or and a young 3rd
大蛇丸「! 何だろコレ?」 Oro: What on earth is this? 三代目「おおそれは白蛇の脱皮した皮だ よく見つけたな」 3rd: Ohhhh that's the skin of a white snake! You found something nice there! 「それは滅多に見ることのできない珍しいものだな」 3rd: You rarely get to see a unusual thing like that! 大蛇丸「どうして白いの?」 Oro: Why is it white? 三代目「さぁな良くはわかっておらん。そんなことを誰も気に止めんしな」 3rd: I'm not really sure why. no one can really stop it. 「ただ昔から白蛇は幸運と再生の象徴とされとるんだ」 3rd: But, from olden ties a white snake is a sign of good luck and rebirth. 大蛇丸「幸運と再生・・・」 Oro: good luck and rebirth 三代目「・・・」 3rd: ... 三代目「この墓で見つけたのも何かの因縁 お前の両親もどこかで生まれ かわっているかもしれないのォ・・」 3rd: There must be a reson you found it on this grave. Maybe your parents were reborn somewhere 「いつかまた・・大きくなったお前と会うために」 3rd: When you get older, maybe you can meet them again someday 大蛇丸「・・それっていつだろ・・?」 Oro: When...when do you think that will be? 三代目「・・さぁてなそれは分からんが」 3rd: Hmmm, That, I don't know. 白い蛇の抜け殻を微笑んで見つめる大蛇丸で終わり Orochimaru looks at the the snake skin with a strange smile
* eye of a falcon is a japanese idiom. 鵜の目鷹の目 えさをさがすときの鵜(う)やたかの鋭い(するどい)目つきのこと
There was a picture but I can't find it. =/
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:54 am
Seriously, if he dies, I do believe it'll be the lamest thing ever.
eta Although, now that I think about it, Kishi still hasn't let him kill anyone yet. I wonder if he won't make Sasuke basically just incapacitate him and run away.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:21 am
My contribution: Orochimaru = covered in penises Y/Y? >.> Seriously, Orochimau. Wtf, with your Ultimate Form? Also, Kishimoto! You're not even being subtle with teh Ghey now. And I agree, Attila. Orochimaru is gonna die now. Backstory is the Touch of Death. It sucks, too, because Orochimaru really was a nifty-keen badguy. :/ it pisses me off, because now Sasuke has complete his metamorphsis into an Itachi clone: bored, arogant, lacking facial expressions . . . yeah. I hate characters like that. Dishwater dull. But at least I still have Neji! And Ino! And Sai! Neji and Ino and Sai! Also, Iruka. And Sakura. And Tsunade.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:40 am
CrabappleRed And I agree, Attila. Orochimaru is gonna die now. Backstory is the Touch of Death. It sucks, too, because Orochimaru really was a nifty-keen badguy. :/ it pisses me off, because now Sasuke has complete his metamorphsis into an Itachi clone: bored, arogant, lacking facial expressions . . . yeah. I hate characters like that. Dishwater dull. But at least I still have Neji! And Ino! And Sai! Neji and Ino and Sai! Also, Iruka. And Sakura. And Tsunade. Ugh, seriously! He was one of the only interesting bad guys! And Sasuke really is just Itachi now. One Itachi is trying to kill the other Itachi. It doesn't matter who wins because they're the same person. Oh, and don't fool yourself. Those people aren't going to show up again, barring Sakura, for being the team girl, and Tsunade, so she can hand over the crown to Naruto. I WISH I COULD MAKE THIS FACE MUCH BIGGER rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:12 am
attila the fun Oh, and don't fool yourself. Those people aren't going to show up again, barring Sakura, for being the team girl, and Tsunade, so she can hand over the crown to Naruto. I WISH I COULD MAKE THIS FACE MUCH BIGGER rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes STOP CRUSHING MY DREAMS! *sob* Plus, you're wrong. Every body has to show up again at least once to a) fangasm over how awsome Naruto is b) show up in the ending in a mishmash of plausible/rediculous pairings, tugging their little spawn around.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:57 am
Team 8 will never show up again, never ever ever.
Except for maybe a cameo at Naruto's Hokage party, but they won't say anything.
What is Kabuto doing that he can't hear all this? Is he like, down the hall with his O-Pod up all the way, making sammiches or something?
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:37 am
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:51 am
Captain Verd Team 8 will never show up again, never ever ever. It is an indacator of how sad things have gotten for the secondary characters that I had to look up who was in Team 8. or possibly it's just a symptom of my goldfish memoryQuote: Except for maybe a cameo at Naruto's Hokage party, but they won't say anything. Excelent. Then I can pretend all my crack dreams come true, and make up the dialogue for them Quote: OROCHIMARU = RYUUK COVERED IN PEENS Y/Y? YES! Also, am I the only one who suddenly has the song "Detachable p***s"stuck in their head? Because seriously, with Orochimaru's tendancy to leave bits of himself lying about . . . Quote: What is Kabuto doing that he can't hear all this? Is he like, down the hall with his O-Pod up all the way, making sammiches or something? I think Kabuto vanished in a firework of splooge when he came back, caught sight of Orochimaru's true form, and suffered a massive spontaneous orgasm. At least he went happy.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:19 pm
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:49 pm
these things happen when you work as an understudy for one of Narutoland's most notorious perverts villans.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:05 pm
Man, who else is going to be sorely disappointed with the rest of the series if Orichimaru dies here?
I mean, imagine if he 'got' Sasuke? o__o
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:18 pm
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:45 pm
Kuroi Ryuuka Man, who else is going to be sorely disappointed with the rest of the series if Orichimaru dies here? I mean, imagine if he 'got' Sasuke? o__o Uh, probably a lot of people? He's the only bad guy who's tied to the plot except Itachi, who hasn't really done anything (except to Sasuke).
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:07 pm
attila the fun Uh, probably a lot of people? He's the only bad guy who's tied to the plot except Itachi, who hasn't really done anything (except to Sasuke). It's true. Doubly disapointing, because Orochimaru was protrayed as such a HUGE threat, and such an incredible bad-a** through the whole Chunnin arc. . . and now he's probably gonna get snuffed before doing anything really cool. Woe! Woe and sorrow! It seems Kabuto is our only hope of seeing a rescue. :/
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:40 am
CrabappleRed >D YOU KNOW YOU LIKE IT, LIZ! I ********