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April 2007


Guild Updates

Since the last newsletter went out, there have been a few changes going on around the guild.


Initiation- Why not drop in and give your voice to the topic?

Divination of Choice- Share your choice of divination tools and experiences.

OMG my Frickin Uterus- Talking about that time of the month. Share the joy and the pain, even if you are a guy!

Considering Wicca- Drop in and give some advice to someone who is considering becoming wiccan.

Ghost Friends- Discuss the paranormal spirits that help you in your life.

Paranormal Societies- Drop in and take a look at what might be happing in your town. Share contacts, or find some.

Current Contests

CopyCat -Drop in and try your hand at the tektek dream avi maker, following the sample pic of the time. Not as easy as you might think, but great prizes!

Horoscopes for April
Brought to you by: [LadyRaven]

Aries (mar 21 - apr 19): Travel works out well for you. Try going somewhere you have been wanting to go. Doesn't have to be far, maybe the new mall, or that shop down the road. Also, now is the time to tell that friend what you've been waiting to tell them.

Taurus (apr 20 - may 20) Looks like you're about to feel like you're butting heads with a bull. Don't argue with the people around you, no matter how much you want to. Listen to them first, and try to understand their point of view. Then calmly explain yours.

Gemini (may 21 - june 21) Someone is bright and bubbly with happiness. Time to showcase what makes you different from everyone else. Rejoice in your unique self! Wear what you want to wear, do what you enjoy. Let no one hold you down, or back.

Cancer (june 22 - july 22) Take time for social things, as well as alone time. You need to strike a balance, and you can. Spending too much time with others ignores your need for time alone, and vice versa. Just make sure you keep things balanced and you will be fine.

Leo (july 23 - aug 22) Your public awaits! Spend plenty of time with people. Go to that party, or just visit places where lots of people gather. You need to feel the crowd around you, and why not? Mingle with friends, make some new ones. Get out and let your adoring public see you. Visit a popular hang out, see that popular movie, or go to the "in" store.

Virgo (aug 23 - sept 22) You're about to shine as a leader. When those around you need someone to take charge, you're ready and able. Even better if you can lead by example. Get out and make a difference. Bring friends.

Libra (sept 23 - oct 23) Time to gain balance in your own life. Stop weighing the options and make a choice. It is time, and will save you heartache. Don't overanalyze things right now, especially if the thing isn't very important. Pick something and move on, before life moves on around you.

Scorpio (oct 24 - nov 21) Money is not your friend right now. Try not to spend anything. Don't buy anything major... no expensive purchases. The stars do not favor that right now. Wait a while, until things settle down. Also, keep your opinions on other people's spending habits to yourself for the time.

Sagittarius (nov 22 - dec 21) Spend more time with your loved ones. Relationships are primed to improve and grow. Time to nurture and cultivate them. Ignore the attempts to distract you from those you care about.

Capricorn (dec 22 - jan 19) Health is improving, so nurture it some more. Take some time to focus on yourself, and you will keep improving. Keep your food choices healthy, and get enough rest. You're feeling better, so keep it up. Others will understand this is your time to focus on yourself.

Aquarius (jan 20 - feb 18 ) Issues involving the heart come close today. Improve your chances by keeping silent. Your ability to communicate without words is strong, and adds an aura of mystery to you. Let your eyes and smile do the talking, and things will go great!

Pisces (feb 19 - mar 20) Scale back to the simple life. Don't complicate things. Avoid things that are complex and go instead for the simple road. Avoid obstacles... find a way around them instead of confronting them, or removing them. Surround yourself with favorites... places, people, things, activities.

Topic of the Month:

Feel free to drop into the Newsletter suggestion thread and suggest topics for the month. If you would like to write a topic of the month, feel free to do so, and send it to the crew.

April's Topic: Initiation

Time to sound off about Covens and Initiations. Drop in and share your experiences, your thoughts, fears, hopes, dreams and anything else. Network with others, and suggest places to look for covens.

Occult News
Stay informed. Knowledge is power. Knowing is half the battle... yeah, all that stuff. Follow the links to read the articles.

A Pagan Primer

When Daddy is Catholic and Mommy is a Witch, what is a couple to teach their children?

A Spell on You

How to for April: Gothic Bedding
Each month we would like to share a simple "How to" with you. If you have a "How to" which you enjoyed, or that you would like to share with everyone, please send it to one of the Crew for consideration.
Submitted by Kit- From one of my favorite sites, the Gothic Martha Stewart. Check out the site for more ideas.


* a set of bedsheets and pillowcases
* trims such as ribbon, braid, lace, cord, etc.
* thread to match the trim color
* sewing machine or needle and thread

Measure the top edge of the flat sheet or the pillowcase edge (open end). Add one inch to this measurement, and cut the trim material to fit. Sew the trim (by machine or hand) onto the flat sheet edge or pillowcase edge. If the trim is wide, you may need to sew down both edges to the case or sheet.

Such a simple treatment can spruce up plain solid color sheets. Buy inexpensive black sheets and add rich velvet or tapestry ribbon for a medieval look. Flat black lace on dark red sheets is evocative of Victorian bordellos. Even white sheets can become elegant with the addition of hunter green satin looped trim from the upholstery department.

Experiment with where to place the trim -- at the very edge of the sheet, at the hem seam, or somewhere in between. Add several layers of trim -- such as narrow braid at the edge of a wide ribbon -- or add different trims in stripes parallel with the edge of the sheet.

Tips for the Month of April

Tip #1:Spells:
Spells are meant to create change; they can and should be used to manipulate SITUATIONS (not people).

Example: Love spells attract love by making you more open to love and a more loving person (like attracts like), not by convincing "Mr or Ms Right-at-the-Moment" to fall in love with you. Money spells create cashflow by "found money" or a new job/promotion, not "rich person down the street gives me a million dollars because I told them to".

Use spellwork wisely, and your situation will maintain you. "An it harm none, do what thou wilt..." --Wiccan Rede

Tip #2:Covens:
When forming a coven, the key is CIRCLE. A coven is a group of like minded, like-pathed Wiccans - the High Priest/ess is not expected to foot the bill for the Sabbats/Esbats/Festivals.

Ask all participants to contribute a token to the ritual - a candle for the altar, incense for purifying the circle and setting the mood, etc. Little things can add up to an outstanding celebration and no one is out a bunch of cash.

This also will keep good feelings going among coven members, since no one will be constantly "stuck" with the expense of ritual gatherings.

Tip #3:Sacred Space:
Having a sacred site to call your own does not have to involve going to a large stone circle in the middle of a field in a country far off. In fact, you can create your own sacred space on your patio, in your backyard, even in your bathroom.

If you long for a touch of nature, try buying a bonsai tree (for earth people) to represent the outdoors, a fern for air, a pepper plant for fire, and so on. If you love the ocean, set up a basket or bowl of sand and shells to bring a piece of the seashore into your everyday life.

Tip #4 razz entagrams:
Want to keep your symbol around your neck, but are concerned about nosy neighbors and "unenlightened" relatives? A pentagram may raise eyebrows and stir chants of "satanist", but a five pointed star necklace is available anywhere - serves the same purpose (properly purified and prepared) ... but is much more benign in common eyes.

Poem of the Month:


Sorrow sits and makes its home
Painful suffering youll never know.
You cant see its all an act
I have to thank my complex masks.
Now sit in the eves and you will see
A somewhat darkerside to me.
Evil and mallice at its best
You say i have a hollow chest.
I check my heart and yet it beats
Contrary to all your popular beliefs.
Should i just dissappear
Does no one truly see me here?
Am i just a mist, a cloud
because my soul screams out so loud!
So i sit all alone
Til hell comes back to take me home.

You can get a poem included in the newsletter by either posting to the Guild or by sending it to the Crew.

Pagan Word of the Month:

"Bell, book, and candle" :

The phrase "Bell, book, and candle" refers to an archaic method of excommunication for one who had committed a particularly grievous sin. Apparently introduced around the late 9th century, the practice was once used by the Roman Catholic Church. This ceremony involved a bishop, with 12 priests, reciting an oath on the altar:

"We separate him, together with his accomplices and abettors, from the precious body and blood of the Lord and from the society of all Christians; we exclude him from our Holy Mother, the Church in Heaven, and on earth; we declare him excommunicate and anathema; we judge him damned, with the Devil and his angels and all the reprobate, to eternal fire until he shall recover himself from the toils of the devil and return to amendment and to penitence."

After reciting this the priests would respond "So be it!" The bishop would ring a bell to evoke a death toll, close a holy book to symbolize the excommunicant's separation from the church, and snuff out a candle or candles, knocking them to the floor to represent the target's soul being extinguished and removed from the light of God.

Recipe of the Month
Brought to you by- Kit

Covenstead Bread


3/4 cup Water
1/2 cup Honey
1/2 cup finely chopped Citron
1/2 cup Sugar
2 tablespoons Anise Seeds
2 1/3 cups Flour
1 1/2 teaspoons Baking Soda
1 teaspoon Nutmeg
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 teaspoon Allspice


Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.
Add honey, citron, sugar, anise seeds.
Stir until the sugar completely dissolves and then remove from heat.
Sift together flour, baking soda, salt, and spices, and fold into the hot honey mixture.
Turn the batter into a well-greased 9 X 5 X 3-inch loaf pan and bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for one hour.
Turn out on a wire rack to cool.

This recipe yields one loaf of bread, and improves in taste if allowed to stand for 24 hours.

Quote of the Month:

“There are more dead people than living. And their numbers are increasing. The living are getting rarer."
-Eugéne Ionesco, Rhinoceros, II

Art of the Month

User Image
By: SliverMercury0892

You can get a picture included in the newsletter by either posting to the Guild or by sending it to the Crew.


Wanted: Artwork submissions for the Newsletter. Please post to the Art Forum, and one winning picture will be chosen at random or by a vote of crew... we're not telling. Artwork that is themed to the coming Sabbat or pagan/wiccan themed in general has a better chance of being picked, but all artwork is considered.

Wanted: Poetry Submissions for the Newsletter. Please post to the Poetry Thread in the Art Forum. One winning piece will be chosen at random or by a vote of the crew.. we're not telling. Poetry that is themed to the coming Sabbat or pagan/wiccan themed in general has a better chance of being picked, but all poetry is considered.

Wanted: News Articles. If you come across a good news article that you think others should read, send the weblink to Kit. Thank you.

For Sale: Services in making banners. For April, PhoenixMoonStar is offering to make banners for guild members. Banners will be similar to the ones in her sig, Kitanya_Rose's sig, [.Techno.]'s sig, and [LadyRaven]'s sig. Banners will be 100g each, and must be saved to your own hosting service. (I recommend photobucket). Contact her if interested for a form. Limit one banner per person, limited to the first ten people. Check back next month for more openings if full.

For Sale: 150 tickets. Special for guild members, 1 gold each. Contact PhoenixMoonStar with offers. Limit to 30 tickets per person. Check back next month for more tickets.

For Sale: 10 Grade F Fish Baits. 8 gold each. First come, first served. Contact PhoenixMoonStar. Check back next month for more.

Please keep the following in mind:
*Remember newsletters only go out once a month, on the full moon.
*You can sell any item, product or service (ads for your shop or business, such as selling avi art, or mood jewels) so long as you comply with the TOS and guild rules.
*You must write the advert yourself. We are not responsible for any mistakes.
*There is a 10g list fee per advert, per month, which will go toward funding guild contests.
*Prices are subject to change, please check the latest issue of the newsletter for current prices
*You may pay for long term ads in advance, and lock in the current rate.
*You may post wanted lists to the Classifieds. They work the same as selling ads. You still must write it yourself, and the list fee is the same.

Any other questions, feel free to PM Kit and ask.

If you would like to submit articles, poems, spells or other things for the Newsletter, please contact one of the crew. Also, while it is fun to just read what you are sent, remember, the guild is only as good as you make it, and the same goes for the newsletters. You can't let other people do everything for you. Part of being Wiccan is learning to work in groups, learning to take part in what's going on. So please submit material, both to the guild and the newsletter. Otherwise, the Crew might get burned out.. and then everything stops. We don't want that. You don't want that. So get active and start posting things! Thanks.

News Crew:
Kitanya_Rose - Your Editor and Chief of all things Newsletter
[.Techno.]- Overseer, Guild Owner
PhoenixMoonStar- Content contributor and idea girl