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Deadly Nyghtshade

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:16 pm
1.you are here
2-3.Sabbat Correspondences
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8.Monthly Correspondences
9. Weekly/Daily Correspondences
10-11.Colour Correspondences
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15.Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Correspondances
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19-20.Essential Oil Correspondences
21-23.Herbal Correspondences
24.Planetary Correspondences
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:18 pm
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celtic ~ Summer’s End, pronounced "sow" (rhymes with ‘now’) "en" (Ireland), sow-een (Wales) - "mh" in the middle is a "w" sound - Greater Sabbat(High Holiday) - Fire Festival Oct 31-Nov 1(North Hemisphere) - Apr 30-May 1 (South Hemisphere)
The Great Sabbat, Samhiunn, Samana, Samhuin, Sam-fuin, Samonios, Hallowe’en, Hallomas, All Hallows Eve, All Saints/All Souls Day(Catholic), Day of the Dead(Mexican), Witches’ New Year, Trinoux Samonia, Celtic/ Druid New Year, Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas or Old Hallowmas (Scotttish/Celtic) Lá Samhna (Modern Irish), Festival of the Dead, Feile Moingfinne (Snow Goddess), Hallowtide (Scottish Gaelis Dictionary), Feast of All Souls, Nos Galen-gae-of Night of the Winter Calends (Welsh), La Houney or Hollantide Day, Sauin or Souney ( Manx), oidhche na h-aimiléise-the night of mischief or confusion(Ireland), Oidhche Shamna (Scotland)
Animals/Mythical beings:
bats, cats, dogs, pooka, goblin,medusa, beansidhe, harpies
black stones, jet, obsidian, onyx, carnelian
frankincense, basil, yarrow, lilac, camphor, clove, wood rose, wormwood, myrrh, patchouli, apple, heliotrope, mint, nutmeg, sage, ylang-ylang
black (ward off negativity), orange (good luck), indigo, homemade apple or mint scented herbal candles to light jack-o-lanterns or for altar candles
black altar cloth, Halloween items, jack o’ lanterns, oak leaves, acorns, straw, balefire, besom, black cat, black crescent moon, cauldron, divination tools, grain, magic mirror, mask, bare branches, animal bones, hazelwood, pictures of ancestors
The Crone, Hecate(Greek), Cerridwen(Welsh-Scottish), Arianrhod(Welsh), Caillech (Irish-Scottish), Baba Yaga (Russian), Al-Ilat(persian), Bast (Egyptian), Persephone(Greek), Hel(Norse), Kali(Hindu), all Death & Otherworld Goddesses
Horned Hunter(European), Cernnunos(Greco-Celtic), Osiris(Egyptian), Hades(Greek), Gwynn ap Nudd (British), Anubis(Egyptian), Coyote Brother (Native American), Loki (Norse), Dis (Roman), Arawn (Welsh), Sacrificial/Dying/Aging Gods, Death and Otherworld Gods
magick, plenty; knowledge, the night, death & rebirth, success, protection; rest, new beginning; ancestors; lifting of the veil, mundane laws in abeyance, return, change
death & transformation, Wiccan new year,wisdom of the Crone, end of summer, honoring, thinning of the veil between worlds, death of the year, time outside of time, night of the Wild Hunt, begin new projects, end old projects
honoring the dead, especially departed ancestors, knowing we will not be forgotten; clear knowledge of our path; guidance, protection, celebrating reincarnation
foreseeing future, honoring/consulting ancestors, releasing the old, power, understanding death and rebirth, entering the underworld, divination, dance of the dead, fire calling, past life recall
ancestor altar, costumes, divination, carving jack o’ lanterns, spirit plate, the Feast of the Dead, feasting, paying debts, fairs, drying winter herbs, masks, bonfires, apple games, tricks, washing clothes
apple, pumpkin pie, pomegranate, pumpkin, squash, hazelnuts, corn, cranberry muffins, bread, ale, cider and herbal tea
allspice, broom, comfry, dandelion, deadly nightshade, mugwort, catnip, dittany of Crete, ferns, flax, fumitory, mandrake, mullein, dragon’s blood, sage, straw, thistles, oak(leaf), wormwood (burn to protect from roving spirits)

Lesser Sabbat - Winter Solstice, circa Dec 21
Jul ("wheel", Old Norse), Saturnalia(Rome ~December 17 & 1 cool , Yuletide(Teutonic), Midwinter, Fionn's Day, Alban Arthuan, Christmas (Christian~December 25), Xmas, Festival of Sol, Solar/Secular/Pagan New Year
Animals/Mythical beings:
yule goat (nordic), reindeer stag, squirrels, yule cat, Sacred White Buffalo, Kallikantzaroi-ugly chaos monsters(greek), trolls, phoenix, yule elf, jule gnome, squirrels, wren/robin
cat's eye, ruby, diamond, garnet, bloodstone
bayberry, cedar, ginger, cinnamon, pine, rosemary, frankincense, myrrh, nutmeg, wintergreen, saffron
gold, silver, red, green, white
bayberry candles, evergreens, holly, mistletoe, poinsettia,mistletoe, lights, gifts, Yule log, Yule tree. spinning wheels, wreaths, bells, mother & child images
Great Mother, Befana (strega), Holda (teutonic), Isis(egyptian), Triple Goddess, Mary(christian), Tonazin(mexican), Lucina(roman), St. Lucy (swedish),Bona Dea (roman), Mother Earth, Eve(Hebrew), Ops(roman Holy Mother), the Snow Queen, Hertha (German), Frey (Norse)
Sun Child, Saturn(rome), Cronos (Greek), Horus/Ra(egyptian), Jesus(christian-gnostic), Mithras(persian), Balder(Norse), Santa Claus/Odin(teutonic), Holly King, Sol Invicta, Janus(God of Beginnings), Marduk (Babylonian)Old Man Winter
honor, rebirth, transformation, light out of darkness, creative inspiration, the mysteries, new life, regeneration, inner renewal, reflection/introspection
death of the Holly (winter) King; reign of the Oak (summer) King), begin the ordeal of the Green Man, death & rebirth of the Sun God; night of greatest lunar imbalance; sun’s rebirth; shortest day of year
honor the Triple Goddess, welcome the Sun Child
personal renewal, world peace, honoring family & friends, Festival of light, meditation
lights, gift-exchanging, singing, feasting, resolutions, new fires kindled, strengthening family & friend bonds, generosity, yule log, hanging mistletoe, apple wassailing, burning candles, Yule tree decorating; kissing under mistletoe; needfire at dawn vigil; bell ringing/sleigh-bells; father yule<>
nuts, apple, pear, caraway cakes soaked with cider, pork, orange, hibiscus or ginger tea, roasted turkey, nuts, fruitcake, dried fruit, cookies, eggnog, mulled wine
blessed thistle, evergreen, moss, oak, sage, bay, bayberry, cedar, pine, frankincense, ginger, holly, ivy, juniper, mistletoe, myrrh, pinecones, rosemary, chamomile, cinnamon, valarion, yarrow
(im-molc)(em-bowl'g) - Major Sabbat (High Holiday) - Fire Festival February 1,2 - when the sun reaches 15-degrees Aquarius
Imbolg (Celtic), Candlemas (Christian), Brigantia (Caledonii), Oimelc, Festival of Light, Brigid’s (Brid, Bride) Day, La Fheill, An Fheille Bride, Candelaria (Mexico), Chinese New Year, Disting-tid (Feb 14th, Teutonic), DisaBlot, Anagantios, Lupercalia/Lupercus (Strega), Groundhog Day, Valentines Day
Animals/Mythical beings:
firebird, dragon, groundhog, deer, burrowing animals, ewes, robin, sheep, lamb, other creatures waking from hibernation
amethyst, garnet, onyx, turquoise
jasmine, rosemary, frankincense, cinnamon, neroli, musk, olive, sweet pea, basil, myrrh, and wisteria, apricot, carnation
brown, pink, red, orange, white, lavender, pale yellow, silver
white flowers, marigolds, plum blossoms, daffodils, Brigid wheel, Brigid’s cross, candles, grain/seed for blessing, red candle in a cauldron full of earth, doll, Bride's Bed; the Bride, broom, milk, birchwood, snowflakes, snow in a crystal container,evergreens, homemade besom of dried broom, orange candle annointed in oil (see above)can be used to sybolize the renewing energy of the Sun’s rebirth.
Virgin Goddess, Venus, Diana, Februa, Maiden, Child Goddess, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Vesta, Gaia, Brigid, Selene(Greek), Branwen(Manx-Welsh)
young Sun Gods, Pan, Cupid/Eros(Greco-Roman), Dumuzi(Sumerian)
conception, initiation, insight, inspiration, creativity, mirth, renewal, dedication, breath of life, life-path, wise counsel, plan, prepare
first stirring of Mother Earth, lambing, growth of the Sun God, the middle of winter
honoring the Virgin Goddess, festival of the Maiden/Light
cleansing; purification, renewal, creative inspiration, purification, initiation, candle work, house & temple blessings, welcoming Brigid, feast of milk & bread
lighting candles, seeking omens of Spring, storytelling, cleaning house, bonfires, indoor planting, stone collecting, candle kept burning dusk till dawn; hearth re-lighting
dairy, spicy foods, raisins, pumpkin, sesame & sunflower seeds, poppyseed bread/cake, honey cake, pancakes, waffles, herbal tea
angelica, basil, bay, benzoin, celandine, clover, heather, myrrh, all yellow flowers, willow
Element/Gender: earth/female

Deadly Nyghtshade

Deadly Nyghtshade

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:18 pm
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( Oh-star-ah) - Lesser Sabbat - Spring/Vernal Equinox, March 20-21st - when the Sun enters Ares
Ostre, Oestre, Eostre, Rites of Spring, Eostra’s Day, Lady Day, First Day of Spring, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, Alban Eiler, Bacchanalia
Animals/Mythical beings:
unicorn, merpeople, pegasus, rabbit/easter bunny, chicks, swallows, snakes
rose quartz, moonstone, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, red jasper
african violet, lotus, jasmine, rose, magnolia, sage lavender, narcissus, ginger, broom, strawberry
gold, light green, grass green, robin’s egg blue, lemon yellow, pale pink, anything pastel
colored eggs, baskets, green clothes, shamrock, equilateral cross, butterfly, cocoons, sprouting plants; violets, lily, spring wildflowers, new clothes, lamb, hare/rabbit
Eostre (Saxon Goddess of Fertility), Ostara (the German Goddess of Fertility) (Teutonic)Kore, Maiden, Isis, Astarte(Persia, GrecoRoman), Ishtar(Babylonian), Minerva(Roman), Youthful Goddesses. Faerie Queen, Lady of the Lake(Welsh-Cornish), the Green Goddess
Hare, Green Man, Youthful Gods, Warrior Gods, Taliesin, Lord of the Greenwood (English), Dagda(Irish), Cernunnos(Greco-Celtic), Pan(Greek), Adonis(Greek)
strength, birthing, completion, power, love, sexuality, embodiment of spirit, fertility, opening, beginning
the God comes of age, sexual union of the Lord & Lady, sprouting, greening, balance of light and dark
plant and animal fertility, sowing
spellcrafting, invention, new growth, new projects, seed blessing
wearing green, new clothes, celtic bird festival, egg baskets coloring eggs, collecting birds eggs, bird watching, egg hunts, starting new projects, spring planting
light foods, fish, maple sugar candies, hot crossed buns, sweet breads, hard boiled eggs, honey cakes, seasonal fruits, milk punch, egg drinks
acorns, celandine, tansy,cinquefoil, crocus, daffodil, dogwood, Irish moss, ginger, honeysuckle, iris, jasmine, rose, hyssop, linden, strawberry, voilets
beel-teen or bell-tayn) bel is`shining/brilliant’, tene is ‘fire’. Hence, Beltane means "brilliant fire, - Major Sabbat (High Holiday) - Fire Festival April 30-May 1st

Bhealltainn, Bealtaine, Beltaine, Beltinna, Lady Day; Samhradh; La Baal Tinne May Eve, May Day, Walspurgis Night, Rudemas, Walburgal, Giamonios, Shenn do Boaldyn, Galan Mae, Whitsun, Rudemas, Festival of Tana(Strega)
Animals/Mythical beings:
the white cow, goats, giants, rabbits, honey bees, faeries, satyrs, pegasus
emerald, orange carnelian, sapphire, rose quartz, lazuli, sapphire, yellow agate, bloodstone
passion flower, frankincense, tuberose, vanilla, lilac, rose
red & white (symbolizing God and Goddess), dark green, dark yellow, rainbow spectrum, blue, pastels, all colors
maypole & ribbons, flower crowns, fires, bowers, fields, May baskets, white flowers and ribbons, daisy chain, flower chaplet, white wine in clear crystal glass, chalice, butterchurn, blackthorn & hawthorn branches, seasonal fruit
May Queen, Flora, Maia, Flower Goddesses, Lady of the Greenwood, Divine Couples, andGoddesses of the Hunt, Aphrodite(Greek) Blodewedd(Welsh), Erzulie(Voodun), Baubo(Greek)Rhea(Cretean), Prithvi(Hindu)
May King, Jack in the Green, Horned God(European), Herne (Greek), Green Man, Bel(Celtic), Baal (Phoenician), Gods of the Hunt,
compassion, youthful play, exhuberance, sensuality, pleasure, action
sacred marriage of the Lord and the Lady, arrival of the Tuatha de Dannan in Ireland
fertility festival, celebrate 1st day of Celtic summer, 1st day of the light half of the year
The Great Rite, love, romance & fertility magicks, elf & faery power, offerings to elementals, crop blessings, relighting sacred fires, divination, building shrines, fire-calling, honoring house guardians, snake dancing, bathing faces in the morning dew of May to retain their youthful beauty
maypole erection, dancing around the maypole, bonfires, jumping fire, mating, picking flowers, making flower baskets, frolicking throughout the countryside, archery tournaments, sword dances, feasting, drinking and music, moving the herds to high pasture
dairy, honey, oats, red fruits, herbal salads, red/pink wine punch, large round oatmeal/barley cakes, sweets
almond, angelica, damiana, hawthorn, hibiscus, saffron, ash tree, bluebells, cinquefoil, daisy, frankincense, hawthorn, ivy, lilac, marsh marigold, meadowsweet, primrose, roses, satyrion root, woodruff, yellow cowslip, yarrow


Lesser Sabbat - Summer Solstice circa June 21
Midsummer, Letha, Feill-Sheathain (Scotland), Alban Hefin (Druidic), Alban Heruin, Midsummer's Eve, St. John's Eve, Bonfire Night,Gathering Day (Wales), the Feast of Epona (ancient Gaul) and Vestalia (ancient Rome).
Animals/Mythical beings:
wren, robin, horses, cattle, satyrs, faeries, firebird, dragon, thunderbird
lapis lazuli, diamond, tiger’s eye, all green gemstones, especially emerald and jade
heliotrope, saffron, orange, frankincense & myrrh, wisteria, cinnamon, mint, rose, lemon, lavender, sandalwood, pine
blue, green, gold, yellow and red
the sun, oak, birch & fir branches, sun flowers, lilies, red/maize/yellow or gold flower, love amulets, seashells, summer fruits & flowers, feather/flower door wreath, sun wheel, fire, circles of stone, sun dials and swords/blades, bird feathers, Witches' ladder
Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Venus, Aphrodite, Yemaya, Astarte, Freya, Hathor, Ishtar, all Goddesses of love, passion, beauty and the Sea, and Pregnant, lusty Goddesses, Green Forest Mother; Great One of the Stars, Goddess of the Wells
Father Sun/Sky, Oak King, Holly King, Arthur, Gods at peak power and strength.
humility, fire, partnership, nourishment, relationships, fertilization, nurturing
crowning of the Sun God, death of the Oak King, assumption of the Holly King, end the ordeal of the Green Man
rededication to the Lord and Lady, beginning of the harvest, honoring the Sun God, honoring the pregnant Godddess
nature spirit/fey communion, planet healing, divination, love & protection magicks. The battle between Oak King, God of the waxing year & Holly King, God of the waning year (can be a ritual play), or act out scenes from the Bard’s(an incarnation of Merlin) "A Midsummer Night’s Dream", rededication of faith, rites of inspiration
bonfires, processions, all night vigil, singing, feasting, celebrating with others, cutting divining rods, dowsing rods & wands, herb gathering, handfastings, weddings, Druidic gathering of mistletoe in oak groves, needfires, leaping between two fires, mistletoe(without berries, use as a protection amulet), women walking naked through gardens to ensure continued fertility, enjoying the seasonal fruits & vegetables, honor the Mother's fullness, richness and abundance, put garlands of St. John’s Wort placed over doors/ windows & a sprig in the car for protection
honey, fresh vegetables, lemons, oranges, summer fruits, summer squash, pumpernickel bread, ale, carrot drinks, mead
anise, mugwort, chamomile, rose, wild rose, oak blossoms, lily, cinquefoil, lavender, fennel, elder, mistletoe, hemp, thyme, larkspur, nettle, wisteria, vervain( verbena), St. John’s wort, heartsease, rue, fern, wormwood, pine,heather, yarrow, oak & holly trees

(Loo-nas-ah) Major Sabbat (High Holiday) - Fire Festival August 1, 2
Lunasa (meaning August), Lughnasaad, Lughnasa(Celtic),First Harvest, August Eve, Feast of Cardenas, Feast of Bread, Tailltean Games(Irish), Teltain Cornucopia(Strega), Ceresalia(Ancient Roman) Harvest Home, Thingtide(Teutonic), Lammas(Christian). Laa Luanys, Elembious, Festival of Green Corn (Native American)
Animals/Mythical beings:
griffins, basilisks, roosters, calves, centaurs, phoenix
aventurine, citrine, peridot, sardonyx, yellow diamondsand citrine
wood aloes, rose, rose hips, rosemary, chamomile, eucalyptus, safflower, corn, passionflower, frankincense, sandalwood
red, orange, golden yellow, green, light brown, gold, bronze, gray
corn, cornucopias, red, yellow flowers, sheaves of grain (wheat, barley, oats), first fruits/vegetables of garden labor, corn dollies, baskets of bread, spear, cauldron, sickle, scythe, threshing tools, sacred loaf of bread, harvested herbs, bonfires, bilberries, God figures made of bread or cookie dough, phallic symbols
the Mother, Dana ( Lugh’s wife & queen ), Tailltiu(Welsh-Scottish), Demeter(Greek), Ceres( Roman grain goddess..honored at Ceresalia), the Barley Mother, Seelu(Cherokee), Corn Mother, Isis (Her birthday is celebrated about this time), Luna (Roman Moon Goddess), other agricultural Goddesses, the waxing Goddess
Lugh(Celtic, one of the Tuatha De Danaan), John Barleycorn, Arianrhod’s golden haired son Lleu ( Welsh God of the Sun & Corn where corn includes all grains, not just maize), Dagon (Phoenician Grain God), Tammuz/ Dummuzi (Sumerian), Dionysus, plus all sacrificial Gods who willingly shed blood/give their life that their people/lands may prosper, all vegetation Gods & Tanus (Gaulish Thunder God), Taranis, (Romano-Celtic Thunder God), Tina, (Etruscan-Thunder God), the waning God
fruitfulness, reaping, prosperity, reverence, purification, transformation, change, The Bread of Life, The Chalice of Plenty , The Ever-flowing Cup , the Groaning Board (Table of Plenty)
Lugh's wedding to Mother Earth, Birth of Lugh; Death of Lugh, Celtic Grain Festival
honoring the parent Deities, first harvest festival, first fruits grains & drink to the Goddess in appreciation of Her bounty, offering loaves of sacred bread in the form of the God (this is where the Gingerbread Man originated!)
astrology, prosperity, generosity, continued success, good fortune, abundance,magickal picnic, meditate & visualize yourself completing a project you’ve started
games, the traditional riding of poles/staves, country fairs, breaking bread with friends, making corn dollys, harvesting herbs for charms/rituals, Lughnasadh fire with sacred wood & dried herbs, feasting, competitions, lammas towers (fire-building team competitions), spear tossing, gathering flowers for crowns, fencing/swordplay, games of skill, martial sports, chariot races, hand-fastings, trial marriages, dancing ‘round a corn mother (doll)
loaves of homemade wheat, oat, & corn bread, barley cakes, corn, potatoes, summer squash, nuts, acorns, wild berries (any type), apples, rice, pears, berry pies, elderberry wine, crab apples, mead, crab, blackberries, meadowsweet tea, grapes, cider, beer
grain, acacia, heather, ginseng, sloe, cornstalks, cyclamen, fenugreek, aloes, frankincense, sunflower, hollyhock, oak leaf, wheat,myrtle


MAY-bon, MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon or MAH-bawn, - Lesser Sabbat - Fall/Autumn Equinox, September 21-23
Michaelmas (September 25th, Christian), Second Harvest Festival, Witches’ Thanksgiving, Harvest Home(Anglo-Celtic), Feast of Avalon, Wine Harvest, Festival of Dionysus, Cornucopia, Equinozio di Autunno (Strega), Chung Ch’iu (China), Night of the Hunter, Alban Elfed "The Light of the Water"(Caledonii/ Druidic-celebrates Lord of the Mysteries), Winter Finding (Teutonic, from Equinox ‘til Winter Night or Nordic New Year, Oct 15th.)
Animals/Mythical beings:
dogs, wolves, stag, blackbird, owl, eagle, birds of prey, salmon & goat, Gnomes, Sphinx, Minotaur, Cyclops, Andamans and Gulons
yellow agate, carnelian, yellow topaz, sapphire, lapis lazuli & amethyst
pine, sweetgrass, apple blossom, benzoin, myrrh, frankincense, jasmine, sage wood aloes, black pepper, patchouly, cinnamon, clove, oak moss
brown, green, orange, red, deep gold, scarlet, yellow, russet, maroon, all autumn colors, purple, blue violet & indigo
indian corn, red fruits, autumn flowers, red poppies, hazelnuts, garlands, grains especially wheat stalks, and colorful, fallen leaves, acorns, pine & cypress cones, oak sprigs, pomegranate, statue/or figure to represent the Mother Goddess, mabon wreath, vine, grapes, gourd, cornucopia/horns of plenty, burial cairns, apples, marigolds, harvested crops, burial cairns, rattles, the Mysteries, sun wheel, all harvest symbols
Modron(Welsj), Bona Dea, Land Mother, Aging & Harvest Dieties: the Triple Goddess-Mother aspect, Persephone, Demeter/Ceres, Morgan(Welsh- Cornish), Snake Woman(aboriginal), Epona(Celtic-Gaulish), Pamona(roman), the Muses(greek)
Mabon ap Modron(Welsh), Sky Father, Wine Gods, Aging Gods, John Barleycorn , the Wicker-Man,the Corn Man, Thoth(Egyptian), Hermes, Hotei(Japanese), Thor, Dionysus(Roman), Bacchus(Greek) & all wine Deities
beauty, joy; fullness of life, harvest of the year's desires, strength; laughter; power; prosperity, equality, balance, appreciation, harvest, protection, wealth, security, self-confidence, reincarnation
death of the God, assumption of the Crone, balance of light and dark; increase of darkness, grape harvest, completion of the harvest
second harvest festival, new wine pressing/making preparation for winter and Samhain, rest after labor, Pagan day of Thanksgiving, honoring the spirit world,celebration of wine
Celtic Festival of the Vine, prosperity rituals, introspection, rituals which enact the elderly aspects of both Goddess & God, past life recall
offerings to land, preparing for cold weather, bringing in harvest, cutting willow wands( Druidic), eating seasonal fruit, leaving apples upon burial cairns & graves as a token of honor, walk wild places & forests, gather seed pods & dried plants, fermenting grapes to make wine,picking ripe produce, stalk bundling; fishing,. on the closest full moon (Harvest Moon) harvesting corps by moonlight.
cornbread, wheat products, bread, grains, berries, nuts, grapes, acorns, seeds, dried fruits, corn, beans, squash, roots (ie onions, carrots, potatoes, etc), hops, sasssafras, apples, pomegranates, carrots, onions, potatoes, roast goose or mutton, wine, ale, & cider
myrrh, thistle, tobacco, oak leaf, hazel, mums, hops, acorns, marigold, rose, sage, milkweed, solomon's seal, aster, fern, honeysuckle, benzoin, myrrh, passionflower, pine & cedar, ivy, hazel, hops, cedar
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:30 pm

March 21--April 19.
Planet: Mars.
Metal: Iron.
Age: Womanhood (28-35 yrs) Manhood (28-35yrs).
Cross: Cardinal.
Element: Fire.
Stones: Ruby, blodstone, diamond, garnet.
Aries: Your Power Stones are the Bloodstone & the Diamond.
Numbers: 7 and 9.
Day: Tuesday.

Season: Spring
Flowers and Herbs: Thistle, wild rose, woodbine.
Tree: Holly, thorn, chestnut.
Color: Red, white or pink.
Bird: Magpie, robin.
Body Area: Head, Brain, face.
Key Word: Appearance.
Musical Tone: G
Discription: Like the Ram, Aries has a reputation for egotism, action, self-assertion, and the desire to be first. Aries is a masculine sign that is looking for an iddentity. Aries can be fearless on the outside and timid on the inside. The ram spontaneously falls in love, but usually has a difficult time verbalizing his or her feelings. Headstrong and agressive, the Aries has tremendous power and energy. Aries are leaders, entreprenuers, and adventures, usually pushing the envelope in their direction.

Aries oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if preservative is desired.

Pine, cypress, betony, cowslip, nettles, wormwood,anemone, geranium


April 20--May 21.
Planet: Venus.
Metal: Copper.
Age: Youth (14 -21 yrs).
Cross: Fixed.
Element: Earth.
Stones: Saphire, Emerald, Tourquoise, Jade.
Taurus: Your Power Stones are the Sapphire & Turquoise.
Numbers: 6.
Day: Friday.
Season: Spring
Flowers and Herbs: Violet, wild and red garden rose.
Tree: Almond, ash, chery and mrytle.
Color: Blue, green, turquoise, red or yellow.
Bird: Magpie, robin.
Body Area: Throat, neck.
Key Word: Aquisition.
Musical Tone: A
Descrpition: Taurus is stable, conservative, and practiacal and values the comforatble, unchanging way of life. Taurus is down-to-earth, and one of the most productive signs, always searching for the true value and meaning of life. Like a bull, the Taurus usually remains passive and content, but when angered, will attack. Fidelity and consistencey are the signs virtues; obstinacy and refusal to change are its weaknesses.

Taurus oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if preservative is desired.

Musk, rose, carnation, honeysuckle, violet, saffron, burdock, golden rod, mint, periwinkle, primrose, strawberry, vervain, mallow, jasmine, clover


May 22--June 20.
Planet: Mercury.
Metal: Mercury (Poison), Chrome
Age: Girl/Boyhood (7-14 yrs).
Cross: Mutable.
Element: Air.
Stones: Diamond, jade, agate, topaz.
Gemini: Your Power Stone is the Moss Agate.
Numbers: 5.
Day: Wednesday.
Season: Spring
Flowers and Herbs: Parsley, dill, hazel, fern, iris.
Tree: Elder, filbert.
Color: White, yellow, silver, pale grey, red or blue.
Bird: Parrot, eagle, finches.
Body Area:Shoulders, chest, lungs.
Key Word: Communication.
Musical Tone: E
Description: The search for variety is the trademark of the Gemini, who is always thinking and looking. Maddeningly inconsistent; Geminis can argue one point of view one day, and the completely opposite view the next. They symbol that represents this sign embodies the essential split in its nature of always trying to view both sides of teh coin at the same time. Geminis are true Jacks of all trades, but unfortunally if their talents are spread too thin, they may not realize their dreams.

Gemini Oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if
preservative is desired.

Yellow rose, jasmine, bayberry, mastic resin, sandalwood, caraway seed,
marjoram, parsley, gladiolus, orchid


June 21--July 22.
Planet: Moon.
Metal: Silver.
Age: Baby - 7 yrs.
Cross: Cardinal.
Element: Water.
Stones: Emerald.
Cancer: Your Power Stones are the Moonstone & Clear Quartz.
Numbers: 2 and 7.
Day: Monday.
Season: Summer
Flowers and Herbs: Poppy, white rose, watercress.
Tree: Willow.
Color: Pale blue, silver, pearl, green or brown.
Bird: Seagull, owl, white peacock.
Body Area: Breats, stomach, chest.
Key Word: Security.
Musical Tone: F
Description: The crab, with its soft fleshy body covered by a hard protective shell, depicts the nature of this sign. Cancer is the embodiment of compassion, caring and maternal instincts but it often hides these emotions behind a mask of indifference. When upset, Cancers withdraw into their shells but have sharp pinchers to attack with. Cancers are renowned homemakers and require domestic stability for happiness. As long as Cancers have a strong base from which to operate and to which they can retreat, they will succede and reach their goals.

Cancer oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if preservative is desired.

Aloe, water lily, hyacynth, all night blooming flowers, bay leaves, larkspur, cedar, myrtle, cinnamon, poppy, lemon balm, daisy, buckbean, sweet flag, sundew, lotus, agrimony


July 23--August 22.
Planet: Sun.
Metal: Gold.
Age: Every stage of life.
Cross: Fixed.
Element: Fire.
Stones: Amber, Ruby, diamond.
Leo: Your Power Stones are Amber, Peridot & Golden Topaz.
Numbers: 1 and 4.
Day: Sunday.
Season: Summer
Flowers and Herbs: Marigold, sunflower, hops.
Tree: Willow.
Color: Gold, yellow, blood red, green.
Bird: Peacok, c**k, eagle.
Animal: Lion, wolf, griffin.
Body Area: Back.
Key Word: Creativity.
Musical Tone: C
Description: Just like the king of the jungle, Leo is proud, ostentatious, and the most egotistical of all the signs. It takes effort for Leo's not to cross the line and become excessively vain, arrogant and selfish. Leo's live to make an impresssion and need to have an audience. Leos can be difficult to love and to work with, as they have very little sense of anyone but themselves. If Leos can learn to accept responsibility, personal change, and the fact that others have feelings too, they make energetic and fun companions. To thrive, the Leo needs space and a spotlight.

Leo Oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if preservative is desired.

Red sandalwood, frankinsense, camphor, cassia, clove, goldenrod, greater celandine,eyebright, goats rue, chamomile, sunflower


August 23--September 22.
Planet: Mercury.
Metal: Platinum, Nickel
Age: 7-14 yrs.
Cross: Fixed.
Element: Earth.
Stones: Cornelian, Jade, Jasper.
Virgo: Your Power Stones are Carnelian & Jade.
Numbers: 5 and 10.
Day: Wednesday.
Season: Summer
Flowers and Herbs: Rosemary, madonna, lily, valerian.
Tree: Elder.
Color: Pastel blue, peach, yellow, gold, black.
Bird: Magpie, parrot.
Animal: c**k, sqirrel.
Key Word: Operation.
Musical Tone: E
Description: The Virgo is practical, productive, and prepared to sacrafice its own intrests in order to complete its assigned tasks. Virgos are always searching for something meaningful to do, which is an open door for someone who take advantage of their good nature and willingness to help. This sign is the embodiment of service. However, they are often fussy and obsessed with cleanliness and order to the point that they lose their ability to be spontaneous. Virgos need to balance out their perfectionisim.

Virgo Oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if preservative is desired.

Morning glory, cornflower,asters, petunias, citron peel, mace, caraway seed, male fern, horehound, lavendar, lily, marjoram, snowdrop, narsissis


September 23--October 22.
Planet: Venus.
Metal: Copper. Bronze
Age: 14-21 yrs.
Cross: Cardinal.
Element: Air.
Stones: Opal, lapis lazuli, beryl, sapphire.
Libra: Your Power Stone is the Lapis Lazuli.
Numbers: 6.
Day: Friday.
Season: Autumn
Flowers and Herbs: Violet, white rose.
Tree: Almond, walnut, plum, mrytle.
Color: Royal blue, cerulean, green, black.
Bird: Dove, swan, sparrow.
Animal: Hare.
Key Word: Partners.
Musical Tone: A
Description: The scales are the key to understanding Libra, who is constantly weighing the possibilities and the choice at hand. Often crippled y indecision, in desperation the Libra will resport to making a choice, any choice, even thought it may not be the best option. Ideally Libra's function is to resolve opposing possiblilities by seeking a third way. Ruled by Venus, Libra likes things that are aesthetically pleasing, charming and artistic. Libras tend to hide personal flaws thet imagine might offend. They are diplomats and like peaceful harmonious surroundings.

Libra Oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if
preservative is desired.

Calendula, violet, rose, satinwood, burdock, goldenrod, mint , periwinkle,
primrose, vervain, pennyroyal, aloe, sandalwood

October 23--November 21.
Planet: Mars & Pluto.
Metal: Iron,Steel, Platonium (Radioactive, Danger).
Age: Seniority.
Cross: Fixed.
Element: Water.
Stones: Topaz, ruby, jet.
Scorpio: Your Power Stone is the Aquamarine.
Numbers: 9.
Day: Tuesday.
Season: Autumn
Flowers and Herbs: Sweet basil, purple heather.
Tree: Holly, blackthorn.
Color: Deep reds, shadow black, brown..
Bird: Eagle, vulture.
Animal: scorpion, wolf, panther.
Key Word: Death.
Musical Tone: G above high C
Description: The search for transformation is what motivated Scorpios. The intense emotions of this sign are toughened by the influance of Mars which givs it an obsessive, sometimes abusive quality. Those born under this sign have a keen sense for what his right and wrong. Scorpions are usually fascinated with the dark, hidden side of things. They make great Witches and Magickians. The sign's greatest strength is commitment, the ability to see things through to the end. Its greatest weakness is the reluctance to change or forgive.

Scorpio Oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if preservative is desired.

Chrysanthemum, pine, yucca, rosemary, dogwood, anemone, lesser celandine,
nettles, wormwood, basil, vanilla leaf, cypress


Deadly Nyghtshade

Deadly Nyghtshade

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:33 pm

November 22--December 21.
Planet: Jupiter.
Metal: Tin, Brass
Age: 35-42 (Maturity).
Cross: Mutable.
Element: Fire.
Stones: Saphire, amethyst, topaz.
Sagittarius: Your Power Stone is the Golden Topaz.
Numbers: 3 & 4.
Day: Thursday.
Season: Autumn
Flowers and Herbs: Carnation, sage.
Tree: Mulberry, vine, chestnut.
Color: Lilac, mauve, purple, indigo, goldred.
Bird: Eagle, peacock.
Animal: Mare, lion.
Key Word: Wisdom.
Musical Tone: B
Description: Sagittarius is a deep, complicated sign, with a mixture of instinct and reason always searching for wisdom. The combination of mutability and fire makes this sign unstable; its plans are often dropped before completion. Often possesed by wanderlust, idealism and the search for truth, Sagittarius needs freedom. The sign's greatest strength is optimism and enthusiasm and its weakness is impracticality. However when their faith is strong, Sagittarians get along well with little material success.

Saggitarius Oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if preservative is desired.

Daffodil, narsissus, aster, nutmeg, clove, saffron, pimpernel, cinquefoil, balsam, goats bear, sage
December 22--January 19.
Planet: Saturn.
Metal: Lead, Pewter
Age:42-49 yrs
Stones:Onyx, jet, garnet, opal.
Capricorn: Your Power Stones are Malachite, Black Onyx, & Ruby.
Numbers:3 & 8
Season: Winter
Flowers and Herbs:Nightshade, rue, snowdrop
Tree razz ine, cypress, yew, spruce
Color:Black, grey, violet, red, brown.
Bird:Owl, falcon
Animals biggrin og, elephant, goat
Key Word:Acheivement
Musical Tone: D
Description: The Capricorn is the ideal industrialist or merchant, letting no humanitarian concerns interfere with important business or money-making opportunities. Capricorns harbor powerful emotions that as Earth signs they find difficult to express. This sign can be very unimaginative, serious, and cautious when drawn into the world of materialism. Capricorns' greatest traits are their ability to heal and have great visions. Their greatest downfall is being manipulative and deceitful.

Capricorn Oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if
preservative is desired.

Frankincense, khus khus, carnation, comfrey, dandelion, Iceland moss, flax
seed, thistle, sorrel
20 January - 18 February
Planet: Saturn
Metal: Uranium (Radiocactive Danger), Aluminium
Age: 49-56 (Middle Age)
Cross: Fixed
Element: Air
Stones: Zircon, amber, malachite.
Aquarius: Your Power Stone is the Garnet.
Numbers: 2 & 3
Day: Saturday
Season: Winter
Flowers and Herbs: Snowdrop, foxglove
Tree: Pine
Color: All colours esp electric blue.
Bird: Cuckoo, albatross, phoenix
Animal: Dog, otter
Key Word: Fellowship
Musical Tone: E above high C
Description: The search for the Holy Grail defines the essence of Aquarius. This enigmatic sign is ruled by two planets with totally incopatible natures. One desiring order, the other tearing it down. These contradictions in the signs character are what makes it interesting. Aquarians are concerned, sometimed to the point of obsession, with being new, radical and diferent. They are often eccentric, frequently awkward and always demanding freedom. The Aquarian is best at developing new ideas but needs others to help carry them out.

Aquarius Oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if preservative is desired.

Violets, daffodil, pine, pepperwort, sciatica wort, comfrey, iceland moss, flax seed, poppy, southernwood, valerian, wormwood, fennel, buttercup
19 February - 20 March
Planet: Jupiter & Neptune
Metal: Tin
Age: 55-62 (Age of Wisdom)
Cross: Mutable
Element: Water
Stones: Saphine, emerald, amethyst.
Pisces: Your Power Stone is the Amethyst.
Numbers: 3 & 6
Day: Thursday
Season: Winter
Flowers and Herbs: Heliotrope, carnation, opium
Tree: Willow, elm
Color: Purple, violet, amethyst, white, green.
Bird: Swan, stork, sandpiper
Animal: Sheep, ox, seal
Key Word: Privacy.
Musical Tone: A above high C
Description: Pisces is the most unworldly of all the signs. It leans toward religion and mysticism and often withdraws from the world. Emotional and sensitive, Pisceans tend to wear many disguises to mask their vunerablility. Imaginative, artistic and self-sacrificing, Pisces will succeed on the stage or in the church or temple. Pisces' strength lies in its ability to rise above materialism; its weakness lies in handling the real world.

Pisces Oil

Use 2 tablespoons of any of the following herbs to 2 ounces oil. Steep one moon cycle or for 12- 24 hrs on low in a slow cooker. if stronger scent is desired, remove herbs and repeat. Crack in 2 vitamin E capsules if preservative is desired.

Lilac, lillies, clove, nutmeg, carnation, cinqufoil, balsam, sag, dock, pellitory, birthwort  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:37 pm
The powerful effects of the seasons can also, according to some Earth magicians, subtly affect magickal workings. Traditionally, these types of magick are performed during these seasons:
SPRING A time for healing; purification spring cleaning is one survival of this); psychic awareness; paying bills; fertility; planting magickal gardens; & ecological rituals. Air magick.
SUMMER A time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magickal energy, physical energy, & strength. Fire magick.
AUTUMN A time for money, employment, new possessions (including cars & homes). Water magick.
WINTER A time for banishments of disease, habits & addictions, seeking past lives. This is a time for introspection, meditation, reading, & magickal exercises designed to renew the magician for the coming spring. Earth magick.
Some magicians may wait months for the sun to enter the proper sign of the Zodiac. This is fine for major workings but unrealistic for those who are working everyday magick. However, there are other solar cycles worth following... if you have the time. If not, don't wait.
SUNRISE Day begins as light stretches out from the eastern horizon. This is an excellent time to perform rituals involving purification, business success, study, employment, breaking addictions of all kinds, travel, releasing guilt & jealousy, healing diseases, & the conscious mind.
NOON The sun shines far above at full strength. This is fine for all sunrise ritual purposes, as well as those that involve magickal energy, physical energy & strength, protection, money & courage.
SUNSET The sun slips below the western horizon, signaling the time for breaking addictions, weight-loss, banishing misery & pain, transforming anguish & negative habits.
NIGHT The sun is out of sight. This is the drowsy time for beauty, dreams, psychic dreams, psychic awareness, spirituality, sleep, sex, purification, love, friendships, peace, releasing stress, healing wounds.
The moon waxes & wanes each month, rising an hour or so later during each twenty-four hour period. When it is full, it rises as the sun sets. There are different types of spells traditionally performed at the phases of the moon. More complicated patterns exist, relating to the specific day of each lunar month, but these methods are rarely followed today. The Moon's phases & the types of magick appropriate to them are:
WAXING MOON (From New to Full) When the Moon is waxing it is a time for beginnings, health & healing, psychic awareness, beauty, fertility & all positive magickal workings.
FULL MOON All positive magickal spells are performed beneath the potent glow of the Full Moon, including protection, love, healing, purification, psychic awareness, money & travel.
WANING MOON (From Full to New) This is the time for banishments of habits, addictions, disease & negative thoughts. jealousy, guilt, & hurts are released under the waning Moon. The old is swept away to make room for the new.
LIGHTNING STORMS are periods of intense energy. All spells cast during storms will be empowered by them, and may prove to be more effective. Protection rituals are ideal at these times.
RAINSTORMS are fine for purification, love, compassion, friendship, beauty rituals, & releasing guilt & jealousy.
SNOWSTORMS are the time for gentle magick, purification, & stilling emotions. release unrequited love.
HEAVY WINDS empower rites designed to break addictions, assist study, & travel spells.
SEARING HOT DAY charge rites of protection, courage, & energy.
SOLAR & LUNAR ECLIPSES are dramatic moments both for their observers as well as for magicians. In the past, magicians were urged not to perform magick during eclipses. Today, many natural magicians use the suggestive power of an eclipse to fuel spells involving banishments, including the destruction of disease. These have been some timing suggestions. Let them be guides, not shackles!
METEOR SHOWERS are a great time for powers which require help from above as well as a lot of power.
RAINBOWS are great for balancing, repairing, healing, protection and anything to do with Chakras. It is a time of great power.
Many celebrations in history began or ended at a specific time because of the potent symbolism that time evoked for the participants, or because of other associated astrological influences.
Daylight hours are best for matters of the conscious mind, including magic for leadership, intelligence and all cognitive functions. The Sun is a welcome friend to chase any shadows that may be hiding in our lives. It is regarded as a beneficial sign of divine blessing when it shines on any special occasion. Mystical pursuits during daylight hours can be empowered when combined with a southerly wind.
The intuitive, emotional self, maternal nature, healing, fertility, and Moon magic area all part of the charm of the night. Wishing on stars, dreams, the eternal nature of the spirit, and ancient mysteries come into play once the Sun has set. If your observance can incorporate the west wind, all the better. This breeze is filled with flowing water and peacefulness.
Beginning any ritual, spell or celebration at dawn commemorates a new beginning, freshens, warmth and renewed hope. An especially potent time for Spring observances. Magic performed at dawn can also be accentuated by working with an easterly wind, blowing from the horizon where the Sun rises.
Closing and ending are the messages dusk brings. But this finality is not without promise. Dusk marks a temporary change toward darkness. It is a time to look within oneself and ponder universal truths. It is an excellent time to perform rites which mark the passage of a loved one, intense personal transitions, or to mark the end of any cycle. Magic performed at dusk is aided by the northerly wind, which is cool, brining heated matters to rest and an opportunity to reconsider our actions.
Midnight and Noon-
Commonly called the "in-between" hours (or "tween-times"), hanging between night and day. The most active times for elemental creatures such as the fairy folk and disincarnate spirits. Excellent for all magic pertaining to positive modifications in your life, endings and beginnings.
The specific hours of the day also have magical associations in many cultures. Following is a brief summary of some of these:
1 a.m. - The first hour of a new day. Focus is on wholeness of self and the banishing of any shadows.
2 a.m. - Ridding partnerships or relationships of negativity.
3 a.m. - Determination, especially in matters that seem to hold you back.
4 a.m. - Improved luck or victory over a specific set of deterring circumstances.
5 a.m. - Encouraging growth of the psychic self.
6 a.m. - Tenacity and perseverance, especially with something you have been putting off.
7 a.m. - Hope, improved insight and perspective.
8 a.m. - Personal change aimed toward the conscious mind.
9 a.m. - Assistance for others, focusing on concrete matters.
10 a.m. - Improving personal convictions and resolutions.
11 a.m. - Energy directed toward transformations which may have seemed impossible.
Noon See Above
1 p.m. - Self-image and personal security.
2 p.m. - Building relationships, encouraging understanding and love between people, sexual symmetry.
3 p.m. - Balancing matters of the body, mind and spirit.
4 p.m. - Harmony of elements, sticking to schedules, magick to accentuate goals.
5 p.m. - Insight to the self. Communicating with spiritual guides.
6 p.m. - Matters of safety, protection and completion.
7 p.m. - Diversity, blending or healing differences, gentle care towards others.
8 p.m. - Leadership, command and guidance.
9 p.m. - Comprehension of universal truth.
10 p.m. - Improving the rational mind, sensibility and clear mindedness.
11 p.m. - Coping with drastic change in a positive manner.  

Deadly Nyghtshade

Deadly Nyghtshade

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:40 pm

Astrological Hours

Aries: Beginnings, Acting, Confidence and Enthusiasm
Taurus: Money Spells, Sex Magick, Renewals
Gemini: Communication
Cancer: Psychic Work, Lunar Magick, Emotional Healing
Leo: Leadership, Solar Power, Vitality
Virgo: Purification, Organisation
Libra: Balance, Work, Law and Justice
Scorpio: Power, Sex Magick,
Sagittarius: Honesty, Expansion, Strength
Capricorn: Overcoming Obstacles, Job Success
Aquarius: Healing, Friendship and Social Magick
Pisces: Psychic Work, Endings


Moon in Aries:
This is the best time to work magick involving leadership, authority, rebirth, spiritual conversation, or wilpower. Healing rituals for ailments of the face, head, or brain are also done during this period of time.
Moon in Taurus:
This is the best time to work magick for love, real estate, material acquisitions and money. Healing rituals for ailments of the throat, neck and ears also done during this time.
Moon in Gemini:
This is the best time to work magick for good communication, change of residence, writing, public relations and travel. healing rituals for ailments of the shoulders and arms, hands, or lungs are also done in this period of time.
Moon in Cancer:
This is the best time to work magick for home and domestic life. healing rituals for ailments of the chest or stomach are also done during this time period of time.
Moon in Leo:
This is the best time to work magick involving autority, pwer over otehrs, courage, fertility, or childbirth. Healing rituals for ailments of the upper back, spine, or heart are also done during this period of time.
Moon in Virgo:
This is the best time to work magick involving employment, intellectual matters, health and dietary concerns. Healing rituals for ailments of the intestines or nervous system are also done during this period of time.
Moon in Libra:
This is the best itme to work magick involving artistic work, justice, court cases, partnerships and unions, mental stimulation and karmic spiritual or emotional balance. Healing rituals for ailments of the lower back or kidneys are also done during this period of time.
Moon in Scorpio:
This is the best time for magick involving sexual matters, power, psychic growth, secrets and fundamental transformations Healing rituals for ailmlents of the reproductive organs are also done in this period of time.
Moon in Sagittarious:
This is the best itme to work on magick for publications, legal matters, travel, and truth. healing ru=ituals for ailments of the liver, thighs or hips are also done at this time.
Moon in Capricorn:
This is the best time to do magick for organization, ambition. recognition, career and political matters. healing rituals for the knees, bones teeth, and skin are also done at this time.
Moon in Aquarious:
This is the best time to work magick involving science, freedom, creative expresion, problem solving, extrasensory abilities, friendship and breaking bad habbits or unhealthy addictions. healing rituals for ailments of the calves ankles or blood are also done in this period of time.
Moon in Pisces:
This is the best time to work magick involving dreamwork, clairwoyance, telepathy, music, and the creative arts. Healing rituals for ailments of the feet or lymph glands are also done at this time.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:46 pm
January - Safety and Protection

- Forgiveness, Healing, Motivations

March - Success

April - Good Luck, Openings, Opportunity

May - Development, Growth and Maturity

June - Commitment, Love

July - Authority, Self-Regulation

- Accord, Peace and Symmetry

September - Spiritual Development and Growth

- Personal Modifications

- Empathy

December - Discernment, Understanding of Universal Truths  

Deadly Nyghtshade

Deadly Nyghtshade

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:48 pm
MONDAY: Moon Day- Ruled by the Moon. Corresponds to the sign of Cancer, and the Angel Gabriel. - Colors: White, Silvers, Pearls, Creams, Grays, Pale Pinks, Pale Violets, Pale Blues. Rules emotions, protection, healing, Intuition, dreams, psychic ability, female fertility and women's mysteries - Use for magicks involving above traits, as well as the subconscious, improving creativity and insight, love, cooking, family, the home, medicine, the ocean, spirituality, healing wounds, children, small animals, the female side of men, mothers, sisters, female partners, wives, instincts - Energy: Female

TUESDAY: TIW- God of athletics, Combat, and Law- Ruled by Mars. Corresponds to the sign of Aries, and the sign of Scorpio, and the Angel Samuel. - Colors: Red. Rules conquest, power over enemies, Courage, energy, breaking negativity, physical strength - Use for magicks involving above traits, as well as, war, lust, violence, fast action, victory over enemies, strength, endurance, leadership, independence, physical competitions, athletics, conflicts, hunting, legalities, logic, politics, vitality - Energy: Male

WEDNESDAY: Odin(Woden)- God of Mystical Poetry, Resourcefulness, Ruled by Mercury. Corresponds to the sign of Virgo, and the sign of Gemini, and the Angel Raphael. Colors: Green, Orange, Yellow, and in some places, Purple. Rules healings, the mind , Divination, communications, knowledge, wisdom - Use for magicks involving above traits, as well as, mental issues, learning, higher education, addictions, travel, young people, messages, mystical insight, resourcefulness, self improvement, perception, self-expression, artists, poets, and writers - Energy: Male

THURSDAY: Thor- God of Strength, and commitment- Ruled by Jupiter. Corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius, and the sign of Pisces, and the Angel Sachiel. Colors: Purple, Royal Blue. Rules growth, expansion, generosity, Happiness, luck, wealth, healing, male fertility, legal matters - Use for magicks involving above traits, as well as, prosperity, money, business, dedication, endurance, faithfulness, loyalty, attracting more of what you have - Energy: Male

FRIDAY: Frigg- Goddess of Relationships and Fertility- Ruled by Venus. Corresponds to the sign of Libra and the sign of Taurus, and the Angel Ariel. Colors: Pink, Green. Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the heart, Love, sexual matters, marriage, friendship - Use for magicks involving above traits, as well as, peace, beauty, gentleness, art, fertility, music, women's problems, healing, protection, ease- Energy: Female

SATURDAY: Saturn- God of Harvest and Planting- Ruled by Saturn. Corresponds to the sign of Capricorn, and the sign Aquarius, and the Angel Cassiel. Colors: Black, Dark Blue, Brown. Rules obstacles, overcoming blockages, Psychic ability, meditation, defense, communicating with spirits - Use for magicks involving above traits, as well as, overcoming limitations, banishing, change, motivation, reincarnation, understanding, wills, the elderly, endings, deaths, constrictions, and those restricting you - Energy: Female

SUNDAY: Sun Day-. Ruled by the Sun. Corresponds to the Sign of Leo, and the Angel Michael. Colors: Gold, Orange. Rules health, prosperity, leadership, joy, protection, Power magick, exorcism - Use for magicks involving above traits, as well as, happiness, divine power, friendships, learning, reason, healing, ego, authority figures, fathers, husbands, Solar Magick, Logic And Study - Energy: Male  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:51 pm
Spiritual strength, Faith, Truth, Breaks curses or crossed conditions, Righteousness, East cardinal point, Purification of a home, Consecration rituals, Divinations, Healing, Clairvoyance, Water element, Protection, Purity, Sincerity, Peace, Devotional magick, Inner peace, Meditation work, Purification, Exorcisms, and Lunar energy.
Lily white - Mother Candle....burned for 30 minutes at each moon phase.
Off white - Peace of mind.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Energy: Female

White: A balance of all colors; Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, purity, consecration, healing, truth seeking. Used in Rituals involving lunar energy (represents the Maiden). May be substituted for any color candle.
Magickal Purpose: Purity, protection, the moon
Personality: Spiritual, devoted,psychic, protective, open spaces, neatness
Magickal Uses: Moon magick, divination, spirituality, protection, psychic powers, healing, truth, peace
CHAKRA: Chakra
PLANET: Moon/Mutable
DAY: Monday/Mutable
MAGICKAL TOOL: Crystal ball,wand,cauldron,mirror,glass(scrying)
SCENT / OIL: Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Heliotrope, Betony, Lavender, Parsley, Thyme.
PLANT/HERB: Rosemary, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Moonflower, Mustard, Rue, Sage, Tansy, St. Johns, Betony, Burdock, Mint, Fern, Elder Flower, Heather, Lilac, Lily, Mint, Dahlia, Gladiola
WOOD: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar, Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper.
ANIMAL: Dove, Snowy Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Magpie, Whale, Swan, Bear, Hawk(perception), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Whale, Wolf, Praying Mantis
STONES: Opals, Clear Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Agate Geode Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Abalone.
TAROT: The Fool {New Beginnings}
GOD: Fati, Gou, Iah, Llmagah, Mah, Mani
GODDESS: Al-fat, Anumati, Artemis, Ashima, Belili, Castillisto, Diana, Jerah, Levana, Luna, Re, Selene

Associations: Love, Sexuality, Good Health, Energy, South cardinal point, Passion, Vigor, Physical Desire, War, Pain, Stimulator, Aphrodisiac, Willpower, the God, Power, Chrisma, Career Goals, Survival, Force, Impulsiveness, Danger, Courage, Strength, Vitality, Romantic Atmosphere, Protection, Exorcism, Lust, Anger, Blood, Attraction, Fertility, Revenge, Fire, help in Legal Difficulties, Sacrifice (not actual killing, but things such as in moving to a new state you'd have to make a sacrifice deciding to go or not, etc....hope you understand what I'm saying here. LOL), Creativity, Action, Vibrancy, Defensive Needs (such as protection from hexes), Attacks (such as wars, "good luck" in them), Charity.
Planet: Mars
Day: Tuesday
Energy: Male or Amazon Female
Ruby Reds - passionate love, anger.
Light Reds - deep affection of a non-sexual nature (such as friendship).
Cherry Reds - physical AND mental lovemaking.

Red: Spells for physical desire and passion, courage, victory, and physical strength. Stimulates energy and vitality.
Magickal Purpose: Fire, passion, life, birth, stimulating, intense, highly-charged, will, ego, potential, anger, aggression, lust, war, courage, strength, fear. Its use in magick must be cautiously guarded as it can be very wild and unpredictable, as a candle color, it should be used with caution.
The Personality: Bold, assertive, impulsive, extroverted, passionate, aggressive. There is no in-between for this person, they go from one extreme to the other. But it can be a fantasy ride for anyone who joins them!
Magick Uses: Energy, passion in love, courage, lust, power, transformation, loyalty, force, sexuality, blood. May be used with black candles.
CHAKRA: Root Chakra
DAY: Tuesday
MAGICKAL TOOL: Sword,Cauldron, Incense Burner, Candle
SCENT / OIL: Dragons Blood, Basil, Pine, Cinnamon, Mullein, Musk
PLANT / HERB: Sunflower, Nettles, Holy Thistle, Crowfoot, Hops, Wormwood, Cranesbill, Chili Pepper, Chives, Spikenard, Onion, Cornflower, Rose, Mustard, Garlic, Rosemary, Dill, Hibiscus, Woodruff, Tobacco, Pepperwort, Heather and Yew .
WOOD: redwood, cherry
ANIMAL: Bear, Horse, Wolf, Ram, marsupials and night creatures, Tigers, Lions, Badger, Alligator, Ants, Beetle, Cardinal, Porcupine, Chicken, and Peacock.
STONES: Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone, Spinel, Red Tourmaline, Red Topaz, Agate, Rubelite Rhodochrosite, Quartz Crystals, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Tektite, Diamond, Red Jasper.
TAROT: The Magician, Cups, Fives.
GOD: Achilles, Ares, Atlas, Hercules, Mars, Thor, Zeus
GODDESS: Athena, Athenam, Eris, Kali, Minerva

Overcomes evil, Honor, Morality, Friendship, Kinship, Relaxation, Leisure, Success, Romance, Nurturing, Fidelity, Positive attitude, Harmony, Binding magick, Romantic love, Youthful femininity, Peace, Planetary goodwill, Healing of emotions, Affection, Caring, Partnerships of emotional maturity, and femininity.
Rose - Healing/Healh, Blessing a home, Love.
Pale pink - Young females.
Deep pink - Harmony and friendship in the home.
Planet: Venus
Day: Friday
Energy: Female

Pink: Promotes romance and true love, friendship; standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table.
Magickal Purpose: The hearts emotions, creativity, marriage, friendship, beauty, compassion, relationships, kinder, gentler then red
Personality: This person is a romantic at heart. Likes candlelight dinners and movies, always tries to find the good in everything and everybody, very friendly.
Magickal Uses: Love, beauty, friendships, partnerships, romance, attraction.
CHAKRA: Heart Chakra
DAY: Friday
NUMBER: 1, 0
MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand, Cauldron
SCENT / OIL: Sandalwood, Rose, Apple Blossom, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lavender, Ginger Sweetpea, Tuberose, Strawberry, Apricot.
PLANT / HERB: Aztec Lily, Beans, Bishops Weed, Violets, Winter Cherry, Dropwort, Feverfew, Cotton Rose, Basil, Coriander, Crocus, Avocado, Ginseng, Kava-Kava, Ladies Mantle, Yarrow, Yerba Santa, Maidenhair, Allspice, Pennyroyal.
WOOD: Orange, Olive, Peach, Sycamore, Pink Dogwood
ANIMAL: Cat, Dove, Sparrow, Deer, Conch, Clam and Oysters.
STONES: Pink Sapphire, Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, Pink or Rose Quartz, Pink Diamonds, Pink Spinel, Pink Garnet, Ruby, Red Jasper, Emerald, Peridot, Aventurine.
TAROT: Sevens.
GOD: Amun Ra, Angus, Cupid, Kama
GODDESS: Anat, Aphrodite, Astarte, Belili, Belit-llanit, Benten, Cybele, Erzulie, Hathor, Ishtar, Isis, Venus

Encouragement, Concentration, Attraction, Compassion, Energy, Good harvest,
Warmth, Power, Adaptability, Prosperity, Fortune, Stamina, Discourages
laziness, Psychic energy, Appetite, Solar aspects, Business goals, Career
goals, Selling, Studiousness, Plenty, New home, Material Gain, to Seal a
spell, Justice, Positive thinking, Strength, Courage, Luck, Stimulation,
Success, Vitality, Encourages fun, Enhances mental agility, the God,
Abundance, Property deals, Ambition, Legal matters, Action, Active finances,
Kindness, and Creativity.
Peach - Trust.
Burnt Orange - Opportunity.
Reddish Orange - Failure.
Planets: Sun, Mars, Mercury
Days: Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Energy: Male

Orange: Spells to encourage concentration ,encouragement, copassion, energy, prosperity. Aids in repellying laziness and appetitie.
Magickal Purposes: Moving house, attraction, energy, fertility, career and studying.
Personality: Intelligent, business-orientated, strong, courageous, positive and honest.
Magickal Uses: Encouragement, concentration, intellect, knowledge and understanding.
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Chakra: Second, Endocrine Charka
Planet: Sun and Mercury
Day: Sunday, Wednesday
Number: 2
Magickal Tool:
Scent / Oil: Lemon, Juniper, Nutmeg, Sage, Lavendar, Rosemary, Lilac
Plant / Herb: Rosemary, Amber, Lilac, Lemon Peel, Agrimony, Anise, Betony, Dandelion, Hyssop, Juniper Berries, Mistletoe, Nutmeg, Sage, Lavender, Cherry, Periwinkle
Wood: Cedar
Animal: Tiger, Lion, Phoenix
Stones: Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Topaz, Carnelian, Amber, Orange Calcite, Opal, Moss Agate, Aventurine, Sodalite, Flourite
Tarot: The Sun, Twos
Gods: Apollo
Goddesses: Brighid, Diana, Fortuna,

Attraction, Money, Prosperity, Attracts the power of cosmic influences, For rituals performed in honor of solar deities, Blessing a home, Wealth, Success, Drawing things toward you, Strengthens other colors, the God, Promotes winning, Safety and power of the male, Happiness, and Playful humor.
Pale gold - Prosperity in health.
Deep gold - Prosperity, Sun magick
Planet: Sun
Day: Sunday
Energy: Male and Amazon Female

Gold: Promotes understanding; Rituals to enhance energy and power, & vitality, and to bring success and luck or in rituals needing solar energy.
Magickal Purpose: Intellect, thought, mental, analysis sun, sunlight, memory and creativity
Personality: Intellectual, learned, introvert, creative, imaginitive
Magickal Uses: Concentration, creativity, learning, intellectual, knowledge, understanding, astral projection, telepathy, mental abilities, thoughts. Good for students.
CHAKRA: Solar Plexus
DAY: Sunday- Mental Action , Wednesday - Physical Action
SCENT / OIL: Lemon, Frankincense, Bay, Patchouli, Marigold, Lavender, Laurel, Cinnamon Orange Blossoms, Musk, Vanilla, Cloves.
PLANT / HERB: Laurel, Vine, Ash, Rue Marigold, St. Johns Wort, Centaury, Chamomile, Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, Sunflower and Daisy.
WOOD: Ash, Willow
ANIMAL: Phoenix, Snake, Beetle, Dragonfly, Meadowlark, Chameleon, Antelope, Snake, Crow, Bobcat, Goat, Lion, Mouse, Gull, Sea Lion, Parrot and Oriole.
STONES: Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite Yellow Jacinth,Rutilated Quartz, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Citrine, some Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Amber.
TAROT: Knights, Sixes.
Gods: Amun Ra, Apollo, Baldur, Bochica, Bragi, Da-bog, Dyaus, Helios, Hyperion, Maui, Mithras, Odin, Ogmios, Ptah,Surya, Tvashtri, Veveteotl, Wayland
Goddess: Anaterasu, Artemis Calliste, Athena, Aya, Asva, Bast, Brighid, Eos, Hsi-Ho, Igaehindvo, llmater, Maya, Minerva, Muses, Namagiri, Phoebe, Sul, Sunna, Sunniva, Surya

Passion, Professional growth, Career maneuvers, Monetary goals, and Fertility in business.
Planet: Sun
Day: Sunday
Energy: Male and Amazon Female

Similar to Gold and Orange

Friendship, Persuasion, Self-confidence, Mind, Movement, East cardinal point, Communication, Learning, Theorization, Solar magick, Conscious mind, Sun magick, the God, Memory, Selling yourself, Accelerated learning, Drawing (pulling/compelling), Joy, Captivation, Comfort, Visions, Mental powers, Attraction, Charm, Creativity, Activity, Healing, Imaginatin, Happiness, Intelligence/Intellect, Divination, Sun deities, Concentration, Fertility, Health in body and mind, Logical imagination, Breaking mental blocks, Hypnosis, Fascination, Travel, Jealousy, Wisdom, Psychic powers, and Air cardinal point,
Sunlight Yellow - new home.

Yellow: Spells to enhance knowledge, communication skills and to give confidence and aid in visualization. Aids in repelling negative energy.
Magickal Purpose: Intellect, thought, mental, analysis sun, sunlight, memory and creativity
Personality: Intellectual, learn, introvert, creative, light-hearted and outgoing.
Magickal Uses: Concentration, creativity, learning, intellectual, knowledge, understanding, astral projection, telepathy, mental abilities, thoughts. Good for students.
CHAKRA: Solar Plexus
DAY: Sunday- Mental Action, Wednesday - Pysical Action
SCENT / OIL: Lemon, Frankincense, Bay, Patchouli, Marigold, Lavender, Laurel, Cinnamon Orange Blossoms, Musk, Vanilla, Cloves.
PLANT / HERB: Laurel, Vine, Ash, Rue Marigold, St. Johns Wort, Centaury, Chamomile, Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, Sunflower and Daisy.
WOOD: Birch, Oak, Rubber
ANIMAL: Phoenix, Snake, Beetle, Dragonfly, Meadowlark, Chameleon, Antelope, Snake, Crow, Bobcat, Goat, Lion, Mouse, Gull, Sea Lion, Parrot and Oriole.
STONES: Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite Yellow Jacinth,Rutilated Quartz, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Citrine, some Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Amber.
TAROT: The Sun, Knights, Sixes.
Gods: Apollo, Janus,
Goddess: Anu, Brighid, Carna, Diana. Fortuna, Syn,

Material success, Money matters, Prosperity, Fertility, Cooperation, Faith, North cardinal point, Good luck, Children, Growth, Rejuvenation, Counteracts greed and jealousy, Calmness, Earth element, Things and ideas that grow and prosper, Earth Mother, Personal goals, Nurturing, Friutation of a project of plan, Beauty, Luck, Financial success, Good crops, Good harvest results, Healing/Health, Abundance, Harmony, Finances, Employment, Ambition, To make contact with faeries, Sucess, Physical healing, Tree and plant magick, Charity, and Masculine divine.
Emerald green - money, prosperity, and wealth.
Medium green - Healing/Health.
Spring green - children, fertility.
Light green - improve the weather.
Avacado green - beginnings.
Mint green - financial gains, usually used with gold and/or silver.
Greenish Yellow - cowardice, jealousy, anger, discord, sickness, quarrels, and fearfulness.
Dark Green - love, invoking the Goddess of regeneration, agriculture, financial matters.
Planets: Venus and Mercury.
Days: Friday and Wednesday
Energy: Female OR Male.

Green: Promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, and rejuvenation.
Dark Green: Color of ambition, greed, and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual.
Magical Purpose: Nature, growth, prosperity, luck, fertility, changes, rejuvenation, jealousy, envy.
Personality: Extroverted, happy, optimistic, status, possessive, direct
Magickal Uses: Earth magick, Faerie magick, money, luck, fertility, faerie contact, guide contact
CHAKRA: Fourth, Heart Chakra
PLANET: Venus, Jupiter, Mars
DAY: Friday/Venus - love, friendship; Wednesday/Mercury - business transactions; Thursday/Jupiter- Luck, prosperity
MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand, Cauldron
SCENT/OIL: Elder, Mint, Musk, Sage, Vanilla, Pine, Sweetpea, Mugwort, Patchouli, Vervain, Cinnamon, Marjoram.
PLANT/HERB: Birch, Catnip, Blackberry, Coltsfoot, Foxglove, Thyme, Yarrow, Feverfew, Burdock, Pennyroyal, Plaintain, Briar, Verbena, Elder, Basil, Cedarwood, Sage, Dill, Clove and Mugwort.
WOOD: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Fig, Oak, Palm, Pine
ANIMAL: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Fishes, Bee,Bull, Rabbit, Rat, Alligator, Turtle, Grasshopper, Bison, Frog.
STONES : Emerald, Peridot, Jade, MalachiteCoral, Green Tourmaline, Aventurine,Green Quartz, Gold, Silver, Rock Crystal, Onyx, Azurite.
TAROT: Emperor, Sevens
GODS: Agathadaimon, Bonus, Daikoku, Eventus, Buddha, Diakoku, Gansea, Inari, Jambhala, Jupiter, Pluto, Tamon
GODDESS: Anna Koun, Anna Perenna, Benten, Brighid, Buddhi, Carna, Chala, Felicitas, Fortuna, janus, Kichijo-Ten, Lakshmi, Ops,The Muses, Vasudhara, Syn

Protection, Truth, Higher wisdom, Travel, Happiness, Astral projection, Loyalty, Tranquility, Induces prophetic dreams, Calming effect, Sleep, Heal headaches, the God, Air element, Good fortune, Devotion, Friendship, Gently moving, Reassurance, Understanding, Transformation, Mental and emotional control, Intuition, Health, Creativity, Hope, Sincerity, Opening blocked communication, Spirituality, Divinity, Dream magick, Inner peace, Water element, Protection during sleep, Wisdom, Peace, Honor, Psychism, Patience, Communication, Inspiration, Healing, and Contemplation.Turquoise - Neutralizing, Stopping gossip, and Balances karma.Light blue - Tranquility, Understanding, Patience, and Health.Sky blue - Hope.Royal blue - Power, Protection, Confidence, Friendship, and Success.Indigo - To reveal deep secrets, Protection on the astral levels, Defenses, Changeability, Impulsiveness, Depression, Ambition, and Dignity.Bluish Black - For wounded pride, broken bones, angelic protection.Dark blue - Depression, Moodiness, Changeability, Impulsiveness, To create confusion (use with white or you will confuse yourself!).Pale blue - Understanding, Health, Tranquility, Protection, Peace, Happiness, Spiritual awareness, Patience, Power to perceive, Protection of home, young, buildings, and young males, Inner peace, Purification.Planets: Moon, Venus, Saturn, and JupiterDays: Monday, Friday, Saturday and ThrusdayEnergy: Female, but male with Jupiter/Thursday.

Blue: Healing, Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance.
Royal Blue: Healing, Promotes laughter and joviality; loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever an influence needs to be increased.
Light Blue: Healing, Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized.
Dark blue: Healing, Spells for creativity, peace and communication. Also for deep meditation and karma work.
Magickal Purpose: Emotion, healing, mental, calming, tranquility, sleep peace, loyalty, good will, purifying and protection, hope, sincerity, truth and patience, Poet or Bard, communication mental, written and oral skills Sleep, twilight
The Personality: Sensitivity, introspection, communication .This person has the sensitivity of a poet or an artist. Loves family and home. Is loyal, conscientious and observant . Also, may be a little more psychic than he/she believes themselves to be.
Magickal Uses: Water magick. Balance, healing, peace and patience, communications, health friendships, dreams, sleep, inspiration, harmony in the home, meditations
CHAKRA: Fifth, Throat Chakra
PLANET: Neptune/Mercury
DAY: Monday/Moon, Light Blues - peace, patience; Wednesday/Merury, Blues - friendships, creativity, dreams Thursday/Jupiter, Royal Blue - honor, happiness; Saturday/Satun, Dark Blues - communication
MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand, Cauldron, Chalice
SCENT / OIL: Lily of the Valley,Honeysuckle,Cedar, Basil, Jasmine, Sweetpea, Lotus
PLANT / HERB: Carnation, Honeysuckle, OrangeHeather, Cypress, Hazel, Oak Moss, Mallow, Aloe Vera Buttercup(communication), Daffodil and Baby's Breath
WOOD: Cedar
ANIMAL: Dolphin, Whale, Mermaid, BlueJay, Gull, Giraffe, Robin, Deer, a**, Clam, Lizard and the Frog
BLUE/BLACK/WHITE: change and easy transition
STONES: Azurite, Turquoise, Coral, Blue, Opal, Tanzanite, Sapphire, Chrysacola, Hematite, Sodalite, Blue Laced Agate, Lapis Lazuli (children)Aguamarine, Sapphire.
TAROT: The Heirophant, Cups
GODS: Apollo, Asclepius, Bannick, Ceadda, Dabog, Dianceht, Esculapius, Forseti, Gucumatz, Hastehogan Lares, Kuan Ti, Penates,Tien Kuan
GODDESS: Alcyone, Aphrodite, Artemis, Bannick, Brigid, Cardea, Concordia, Dugnia, Eir, Gula, Harmonia, Hestia, Hygenia, Karusepas, Kedesh,Kikimora, Kwan Yin, Liban, Meditrina, Neith, Pax, Rhiannon, Salus, Vesta

Belief, Power, Causes tension, Devotion, Spirituality, Psychic ability, Spiritual power, Sobriety, Meditation, Tension, Success, Household protection, Self assurance, Clarity of thought, Overcoming business difficulties, Healing mental conditions (MY NOTE: If you are VERY depressed, please seek help from professionals too, do NOT go by "color alone"), Feminine divine, Magickal forces, Power over obstacles, Richness, Influencing people in high places, Third Eye, Independence, Business progress, Healing of severe disease (again...get professional help too), Spiritual growth, Abstinence, Knowledge, Spiritual healing, Sensitivity, Strengthens willpower, Business success, and Ambition.
Violet - Healing, Meditation, Tranquility, Stops arguments, Tension, Power, Saddness, Piety, Sentimentality.
Lavender - To invoke righteous spirit within yourself and favors for people, inner peace.
Dark purple - Used for calling up the power of the Ancient Ones, Sigils/Runes, and Government.
Planet: Jupiter
Day: Thursday
Energy: Male

Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideal for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy.
Magickal Purpose: Justice, royalty, the psychic, meditation, idealism, mysticism, guidance, divination.
Personality: Proud, independent, mystical arts, religious nature. This Person will not turn a blind eye, if they feel a cuase of action is worng, no matter the side they take.
Magickal Uses: Protection, justice power, spirit contact, breaking of bad luck, drive away evil, divination, spiritual and psychic powers, Astral Projection. This color is good to use when you don`t have a white candle.
CHAKRA: Brow Chakra
PLANET: Jupiter
DAY: Thursday
MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand, Cauldron
SCENT/OIL: Cedar, Carnation, Nutmeg Lotus, Angelica, Bay, Cinnamon, Ginger, Sandalwood, Jasmine.
PLANT/HERB: Mimosa, Wisteria, Mugwort Hazel, Eyebright, Rowan, Elder, Rue, Shamrock, Clover, Oak, Dandelion, Betony, Meadowsweet, Begonia, Cactus, Dahlia, Iris, Violet.
WOOD: Willow, Lilac, and Mulberry.
ANIMAL: Elephant, Unicorn, Rabbit, Jaguar, Chickadee, Cuckoo, Eagle, Elk, Penguin, Vulture, Grasshopper, Chameleon, Lizard.
FEATHER: Spirituality, religion
STONES: Amethyst, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli and Beryl, Clear Quartz, All Opals, .
TAROT: Justice, Fours.
GOD: Anase, Apollo, Forseti, Ida-ten, Mishara, Mithras, Musku, Tyr, Varuna
GODDESS: Aleitheia, Astraea, Athene, Hecate, Justita, Kali, Maiat, Mens, Morrigan, Syn  

Deadly Nyghtshade

Deadly Nyghtshade

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:52 pm
Cancellation, Stalemate, Neutrality, and Glamouries.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Energy: Female AND Male

Grey: Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.
Magickal Purpose: Neutral, calm, peace, darkness with light.
Personality: A balanced type that stays out of conflict, introverted, a loner, likes solitude, peace and quiet.
Magickal Uses: Water Magick, Moon Magick, balance, peace, patience, vision quests.
CHAKRA: Not attributed
DAY: Monday
NUMBER: 6 and 1
MAGICKAL TOOL: Seashells, Scales, Chalice
SCENT / OIL: Ginseng, Jasmine, Comfrey, Mullein, Sandalwood, Vervain, Myrtle, Willow, Wormwood, Heliotrope, Betony, Thyme, Basil, Chamomile, Myrrh, Lotus
PLANT / HERB: Clove, Hyssop, Oak Moss, St.Johns Wort, Rosemary, Yew, Cumin, Birch, Blackthorn, Feverfew.
WOOD: Oak, Alder
ANIMAL: Armadillo, a**, Cat, Dolphin, Opossum, Snow Leopard, Weasel, Wolf, Chameleon, Lizards, Spider, Lion
STONES: Moonstone, Black Pearl, Abalone, Opals, Quartz, Onyx, Malachite and Rock Crystal.
TAROT: Hanged Man, threes
GOD: Terminus
GODDESS: Artemis, Carna, Diana, Liberta, Liberty

Quick money, Moon magick, Channeling, Astral energies, Cncellation, Neutrality, Stbility, Lunar spellwork, Enhances psychic powers, Divination work, Gambling, Invocation of the moon, Clairvoyance, Psychic protection, Stalemate, Removes negativity, the Goddess, Fertility, and the Subconscious.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Energy: Female

Silver: Removes negativity and encourages stability; dispels evil or negative influences; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess.
Magickal Purpose: Purity, Protection, Ice, Heavenly, Stars, Potential, The Cosmos.
Personality: A person who wants attention, clean, trendy, sharp with soft edges, glitter
Magickal uses: Moon magick, clairvoyance, divination(scrying), Astral travel, repelling spells.
PLANET: Moon/Mutable
DAY: Monday/Mutable
MAGICKAL TOOL: Crystal ball, Glass,Wand, Cauldron, Mirror (good scrying tools)
SCENT / OIL: Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Heliotrope, Betony, Lavender, Parsley, Thyme.
PLANT / HERB: Rosemary, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Moon Flower, Mustard, Rue, Sage, Tansy, St.Johns, Betony, Burdock, Mint, Fern, Elder Flower, Heather, Lilac, Lily, Mint, Dahlia, Gladiola.
WOOD: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar, Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper.
ANIMAL: Dove, Snowy Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Magpie, Whale, Swan, Bear, Hawk(perception), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Whale, Wolf, Praying Mantis, Dolphin.
STONES: Silver, Opals, Clear Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Agate, Geode, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Abalone
Tarot: The Moon {clarity}
GOD: Bannik, Evander,Odin, Shamash, Thoth
GODDESS: Adrste, Ashtoreth, Carmenta, Dione, Egeria, Filia Vocis, Gaia, Gwendydd, Inanna, Kwan Yin, Mari, Namagiri

Brown- Earth energy. It is feminine in nature and related to its sister the
Moon and Saturn. Being a relatively balanced combination of Red, Yellow and Blue,
depending on the intensity level, it can be used successfully on Monday,
Friday or Saturday. Brown is one of the more complex colors, with varied associations.
Planet: Moon (tan browns), Venus (all), Saturn (dark browns)
Day: Monday/ Friday/ Saturday
Colors: Browns, earth tones
Used For : Spells to locate lost objects and improve powers of concentration
and telepathy, protection of the familiars and household pets, ground and center
your conciseness with the earth, to attune with trees and communicate with their

Brown: Rituals of material increase, justice and retribution; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost, Animal Healing
Magickal Purpose: properties and associations for magick, dreams, witch craft and divination Mental, business, legal problems, ambition
Personality: Agreeable, extroverted, excitable, sociable
Magickal Uses: Personal creativity, career, legal issues, business
CHAKRA: Spleen Chakra
PLANET: Mercury/Mars
DAY: Tuesday-Physical Action Wednesday - Mental Action Sunday - Both Actions
MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand and Censer
SCENT/OIL: Dill, Lily of the Valley, Savory, Honeysuckle, Sweetpea, Jasmine
PLANT/HERB: Fern, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram Savory, Valerian, Vervain, Alstonia, Buckwheat, Calamint, Snapdragon, Flax, Senna, Wandering Jew, Mugwort, Rue, the same as the Red and Yellow for enhancements, Fenugreek, Gardenia.
WOOD: Hazel, Beech, Lemon Tree Maple, Lime and of course the Orange Tree.
ANIMAL: All of the RED animals, Swallow, Prairie Dog, Butterfly, Scallop, Bison, Butterfly, Catbird, Crane, Fox (clarity), Hawk, Martin, Prairie Dog and Squirrel.
STONES: Moss Agate, Carnelian, Alexandrite, Orange Sapphire, Quartz, Orange Calcite, Petrified Wood
TAROT: Eights.
GODS: Atlas, Janus, Terminus, Pan, Zeus
GODDESS: Athena, Bast, Carna, Diana, Lilith, Kali, Melusine, Minerva, Rhiannon, Syn

Intense concentration of all colors(or lack of them all), it absorbs light. Unlike other
colors, black reflects very little, if any, light back to the viewer. This can give
the false impression that black is the absence of colour. It is actually the absence
of color reflection. Think of this color as a black hole in space. It absorbs all
light with little or no reflection back, thus it becomes a receptacle or a transporter
for all that you do not need or want. Properly used, it can be one of the most
useful and powerful colors available. However, misused, it can cause disaster.
Planet: Saturn
Day: Saturday
Energy: Female
Colors: Dark blues, Black, Dark Browns and most dark colors
Used For: Meditation rituals, uncrossing rituals and spells to banish evil
and negativity, to break up a blocked or stagnant situation. The Crone, the

Black: Use in rituals to induce a deep meditative state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy.
Magickal Purpose: Absorption, why it is used for funerals. The void of all colors, it has the ability to absorb Quiet power, self-control, restriction, depression sickness, but new changes, rebirth. Wisdom, Control, Resilience, Discipline.
Personality: Someone who often dwells in his own dark recesses.A loner, but through choice. A strong silent type but someone you don't want to deal with if crossed. A night person as the darkness seems to be their safe place, their solace and quiet space. The things that make the "black" person unique, has also the tendency to dwell on things and has more bouts of depression than most others. This person tends to keep a lot of secrets.
Magickal Uses: Banishing negative thoughts and situations, reversing, uncrossing, binding negative forces, releasing, removing confusion, contact with spirits, dark magick, defensive spells (can be used with RED to increase intent).
ELEMENT: Air, water, fire, earth
PLANET: Saturn
DAY: Saturday
SCENT / OIL: Holly, Juniper, Yew,Myrrh, Cypress, Pine, Apple, Yarrrow,Rowan, Vervain, Peppermint, Basil.
PLANT/HERB: Oak, Yew, Beech, Elm,Comfrey, Holly, Ivy, Horsetail, Reeds,Solomons Seal, Mullein, Cedar, Clove,Cypress, Rue, Betony, Elder, Fern, Yarrow,Cayenne, Dragons Blood, Mandrake, Flax.
WOOD: Oak, Ash, Aspen, Birch, Hazel,Rowan
ANIMAL: Bobcat, Dragon, Panther, Raccoon, Rhinoceros, Groundhog, Blackbird, Lynx, Bat, Owl, Jaguar, Praying Mantis.
FEATHER: Hidden secrets, changes.
STONES: Onyx, Jet, Obsidian, BlackQuartz, Black Star Sapphire, Agate,Tektite, Pyrite, Diamond, Moonstone,Galena, Pumice.
TAROT: Death, Threes and the Queens
God: Achilles, Amathaon, Atlas, Cernunnos, Ea, Eterna, Janus, Terminus, Odin, Thoth, Untunktahe
Goddess: Aradia, Ayizan, Carna, Cerridwen, Circa, Dakinis, Demeter, Diana, Gulleig, Habondia, Hecate, Herodias, Hlle, Kwan Yin, Lilith, Mari, Rangda, Syn

Rainbow - joy - combination of all color correspondences

Blue-Blue transforms violence, anger, and hate. It soothes and cools. It
gives peace, calm, harmony, satisfaction, bliss, oneness, and understanding of the
spiritual realms. It is predominately feminine in energy, and is ruled by
either the Moon, Venus, or Saturn, depending on the hue. Many consider the Royal Blues
as belonging to the male energies of Jupiter. It is up to you to experiment and
decide which works best for you.
Planet: Moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter
Day: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Thursday
Energy: Female (sometimes male when used with Jupiter/Thursday)
Colors: Blue Whites/ Moon, Blues/ Venus, Dark Blues/ Saturn, Royal
Used for: Magick that involves honour, loyalty, peace, tranquility, truth,
wisdom, protection during sleep, astral projection and spells to induce prophetic

Gold-The male half of the Cosmic or Universal Life Force, God-sun energy.
Intelligent action or action motivated by deliberation and knowledge,
usually with healing, money, or wealth in mind. Gold is related to orange and yellow, in
that it is a higher vibration of these two colors and any one of the three can actually
be used on Sunday (sun) with success. The choice here is for you to experiment
and decide which colour best suits your particular needs. Generally speaking,
orange vibrates to physical and mental action, while yellow vibrates to mental
action only (better attributed to Wednesday/Mercury). Lastly, gold would be indicative of
intelligent, quick action with a monetary emphasis.
Planet: Sun
Day: Sunday
Energy: Male
Colors: Gold
Used for : Spells to attract the power of cosmic influences, and rituals to
honor solar deities, to heal and rejuvenate your being, attracting happy, active
people into your life, to expedite money you know is coming to you, to impart
energy and intelligence to take proper action in a monetary situation.

Gray-This color is unique, due to its aspect of neutrality. Gray can be used
to neutralize anything from a magickal act that not longer serves your best
interest, to the neutralization of destructive energies in a passive non-karmic
fashion. It is a perfect balance of black and white, and therefore absorbs and repels. With
this quality, gray draws in the undesirable energies and then sends them out to
the universe for dispersal as neither a destructive nor constructive properties.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Energy: Female and Male
Colors: Gray
Used for :To erase, cancel, neutralize, and return to the universe without
repercussion, to eradicate or jumble destructive forces, to attract neither
destructive nor constructive energies to your life (this includes people and

Green-Green really does bring the luck in cases of money. But be very clear
in your intent regarding money sought with this color. If done with haste and no
specific intent it seems to fade quickly or trickle in a little at a time, just
enough to wet your appetite (refer to gold or brown). Green stimulates growth, plant life
or garden fairies. Green is an Earth color and is used on Friday. Depending
upon the magickal system you employ, it may be used on Wednesday as it is a healing
day as well. Green used on Friday gives an emotional healing (matters of the
heart), while Wednesday emphasizes healing knowledge.
Planet: Venus, Mercury
Day: Friday, Wednesday
Energy: Female or Male
Colors: Green
Used for :Spells involving fertility, success, good luck, prosperity, money,
rejuvenation and ambition, rituals to counteract greed and jealousy.
with the plant kingdom (darker greens) or fairies (pastels). The secrets of
are yours when you tune in to this color. Use in conjunction with herbal

Orange-Orange is a combination of yellow/Mercury (mental agility) and
red/Mars (action-engery). Thus you have the best of both worlds, the energies of the
actions of red, yet the intelligence to know how to use this action. The over
aggressive nature of the colour red/Mars is now toned and tapered with the healing
wisdom rays of yellow/Mercury that nurtures the entire system. Sunday is the best
day for the use of the color orange. It can be used on Tuesday or Wednesday with
success, depending on your magickal goals. If used on Tuesday, the emphasis
is on physical action. If used on Wednesday, it is on mental actions whereas
Sunday is a
balance of both.
Planet: Sun, Mars, Mercury
Day: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Colors: Orange, rarely red, sometimes yellow
Used for razz rosperity, energy building, attracts others in a positive way,
success, good luck and fortune. Builds energy, vitality and stamina.
Encourages fun
and discourages laziness. Enhances mental agility, accompanied by the
ability to
take physical action toward a desired goal. Energizes the entire system.
Promotes a
happy-go-lucky appearance.

Pink-Pink is a lighter shade of red. It deals with spiritual, emotional love
rather than the physical form. Pink represents love that comes from the heart that
is freely given without condition, such as the emotions and feelings between
parent and child, close friends, or family.
Day: Friday
Energy: Female
Colors: Pink
Used for: Love from the heart without sexual connotation, purest form of
love, raises vibrations, love without selfishness, feminine, spiritual healing,
banish lower vibrations and hate, love of friends and family, affections, unselfish
emotions, to start a relationship.

Purple-Purple is the color of expansion in all forms. If you want to do
something in a big way, this is the color to us. Purple expands anything you desire,
i.e.., spirituality, business, money, health or love. The royal blues are less
expansive, dealing more with the emotional and spiritual levels of Jupiter. Therefore,
the royal or dark blues of often attributed to Saturn. A word of caution,
however: if you do not already have the items of your desire, do not use Jupiter.
Jupiter only expands and brings more of what you already have. To obtain the items of your
desires, use Sun, Sunday, Orange in order to manifest what you currently do
not have in your life.
Planet: Jupiter
Day: Thursday
Energy: Male
Colors: Purple, sometimes royal blue or dark purple/ Saturn.
Used for: Purple brings more of what you already have, in a bigger way.
high idealism, knowledge of the higher realms of magick, spiritual
protection and
healing, the becoming of your highest potential. Enhancement of power,
ability, male energy, protective energy, recognition in your chosen field.

Red-Red is a fiery color that attracts and magnetizes, but must be used with
discernment to avoid disastrous results. The shade of red used or considered
in your magickal act will be of extreme importance here. Stay with the lighter,
brighter shades of red and leave the darker shades for the more experienced
practitioners for now. The darker shades are for wars, battles, hate and
Planet: Mars
Day: Tuesday
Energy: Male
Colors: Red
Used for: Lust, physical desire, base energy, war, attracts and magnetizes,
courage, enemies, danger. Red stimulates and energizes. Cherry reds are for
physical and mental lovemaking, but without the brutal force of the darker

White-A pastel combination of all colors, white reflects light with little
to no absorption. Whenever in doubt in a magickal act, use white, which is the most
highly balanced form of spirituality possible. White contains virtues in
their highest form, and is therefore very protective. It is beyond the word or term
God/dess. It is the Creative Source itself, zero, the alpha, the light from
which all life springs, the female aspect of God, the Craft of the Wise, the full of
the moon, the symbol of the life giving Mother, and all female mysteries.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Energy: Female
Color: Silvers, pearls, creams, grays, whites, pale pinks, violets, blue
hues, etc.
Used for: Consecration rituals, meditation, divination, exorcism, and spells
involve healing, clairvoyance, truth, peace, spiritual strength, to confound
create illusions, contact spirit helpers, to build purity, balance the aura.

Yellow- Yellow is the color of mental clarity, swiftness and accuracy. A
sunny, positive disposition with spiritual attuning to the healing forces of the
male energy (refer to gold).
Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Energy: Male
Colors: Yellow
Used for: To obtain knowledge, learn swiftly, gain insight into problems.
Yellow represents all institutions of learning, particularly upper level studies
such as sciences. Alters dark mental mood swings, enhances knowledge of healing,
ability to concentrate, retention of memory. Yellow attracts people, as it has a warm
compelling energy.

Days of the Week:

Colours: Silvers, grays, creams, whites
Moon: Emotions, protection, healing

Colours: All shades of red
Mars: Conqueror, power over enemies

Colours: Yellows
Mercury: Healings mental

Colours: Royal purple, royal blue
Jupiter: growth, expansion, generosity

Colours: Greens, pinks, pastels
Venus: Lovers and pleasure, affairs of the heart

Colours: Black, dark purples, dark blues
Saturn: Obstacles, to give or break, to overcome or block

Colours: Oranges, yellows, gold
Sun: Health, prosperity, leadership, joy, protection

Zodiac Candle Colours
Aries: Red
Taurus: Green
Gemini: Yellow or silver
Cancer: White
Leo: Gold or yellow
Virgo: Gray
Libra: Royal blue
Scorpio: Black or red
Sagittarius: Dark blue or purple
Capricorn: Black or dark brown
Aquarius: Light blue
Pisces: Aquamarine

Robe Colours and Their Meanings
Silver: Connects with the Goddess.
Gold: Connects with the God.
Green: Connects with the energy of the earth.
Blue: Connects with the energy of water.
Yellow: Connects with the energy of air.
Red: Connects with the energy of fire.
Pink: Connects with the energy of the heart.
Black: Connects with the enegy of the universe and everything
White: Connects with the energy of the elements and balance  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:54 pm
A crystal is a body that is formed by the solidification of a chemical element, a compound, or a mixture of them, and has a regularly repeating internal arrangement of its atoms and often external plane faces. But it's more than that. A crystal is one of the many bounties of the Earth's crust. They are a powerful tool and correspond directly to the element of Earth, but also the Air, Fire and Water. Each crystal has it's own vibration and thus each vibration corresponds to a correspondences such as healing, protection, relaxation etc. Because each crystal does have a vibration, a larger crystal is not any more powerful than a smaller one. A larger one might look butter, but not everyone has the means for such a thing.
Several crystals have the same correspondences, but, to chose which one you want you must first have a look at all those crystals without touching them. See which one has an effect on you. N0w, when the crystal has been chosen, or when the crystal has chosen you, you must individually have a look at the crystals, Separate the ones which you like from the ones you don't like just by having a look at them. Then, pick up each crystal in you receptive hand, opposite to the powerhand, so if you are right handed it's your left hand, and close your hand into a gentle fist. Feel the crystals pulse, it should be like a gentle drum rhythm, it could be very fast, or slow. You will feel wether the crystal is right for you, or not. The crystals vibration will complement yours and act like a 'lock and key' to your aura in the sense that they will blend. The crystal will let you know if it is not for you.

A newly bought crystal should be cleansed. This could be as long as a whole moon phase, with elemental cleansings, or just a simple mental cleansing. Before buying that particular crystal, it would have been touched my many people, and been next to many people who might have been upset, angry, sad etc. So this may effect you. To cleanse, it could simply be a dip in salty water, being buried over night in the ground, gone through crystal cleansing incense (or frankincense, sandalwood or just about anything for that matter, maybe even a herbal blend for the crystals purpose), being placed on a bed of quartz crystal, being passed through a flame, fairly quickly, being brushed with a feather, being placed overnight in moon light, or sunlight. Be careful because some crystals fade or lose colour from being held in the sun, some even disolve in water, or may react with the candle flame, so be careful.


Here is a cleansing incense, created with a friend:

Incense to cleanse and consecrate ritual jewellery:

2 parts wood aloe
1 part mace (the outside covering of nutmeg)
1 part gum arabic
1 part benzoin

Grind the ingredients together and burn in a censer or an earthenware saucer. Pass crystals and jewellery through the smoke several times visualising the fumes purifying the object. Best performed outside for the practical fact of smoke alarms.

And another one, with the same person:

Incense to cleanse and consecrate crystals

Crystal Purification Incense
2 parts Frankincense
2 parts Copal
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Rosemary
1 pinch finely powdered Salt
1 sm. purified Quartz Crystal point

To use, pour a bit of the incense (leaving the crystal in the jar) onto charcoal. Smolder, and pass the crystals to be purified through the smoke, visualizing the smoke wafting away the stone's impurities. This incense can be used in conjunction with other recommended purifying rituals, or in place of them.

Once cleansed, the crystal should be 'programmed' or charged. To do this, hold the crystal in your projective hand (for all intensive purposes its the hand you write with) and focus on the need, be it healing, relaxing, and so on. Your vibration should bond further with the crystal, which bonded with you when you bought it. Soon you may feel the crystal remember the vibration of the healing energy, relaxing energy etc. This means it has been successfully charged.  

Deadly Nyghtshade

Deadly Nyghtshade

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:56 pm
The mere fact that crystals are placed in an environment suggests to the subconscious mind that healing, on some subliminal
level, has already begun. When crystals are placed in a room, they will automatically charge that area with energy. They will
also absorb and ionize that energy in the area which is negative. The clearing, focusing, radiating beauty aspects of a crystal, work regardless if someone is aware of these traits or not. These are the amazing elements of a crystal's power. To disperse this energy outward is one of its true gifts. It is even more astonishing when we are aware of it!


Crystal Pouches are one of the most interesting and oldest remedies. Usually a perscription of 2 - 4 crystals, these complementary stones are carried or worn on the person or placed in a certain area. This perscription can be used for anything from healing to psychic awareness, healing an emotional wound as in
discouragement or sorrow, or bringing about such aspects as love, money, protection, guidance, spiritual attunment, strenght or even addiction.
The"combination" of crystals work together and can be carried in your pocket, purse or bag, placed in a room or under your pillow or taken any place that
you need more energy! Remember: these are tools for attunement and
may allow you to see many truths. It is up to you to pay attention.


Stones are rocks with shapes and you can use them for any ritual
Stones are rocks with shapes and you can use them for any ritual. The following is a list of stone shapes and how the shape of a crystal can influence its properties, enhance, or diminish them.

Holey Stones :
Stones with natural ( caused by the elements not man) holes are considered extremely magical. Protective in nature they are a symbolic of the Mother of Creation. Looking through the hole in the moonlight, and you may see visions, ghosts, and other nonphysical entities.

Diamond Shaped Stones :

Diamond shaped stones remind of the precious gem , and therefore are attributed with attracting riches.

Pyramid Shaped Stones:
Concentrate and release energies up through the tip. Placing a dollar bill under the stone and visualizing the moneys energy flow up and through the stone to bring you prosperity.

Body Part Shaped Stones:
Stones that resemble body parts are used to heal or strengthen that part of the body it resembles.

L shaped stones:
Stones that have an L shape are used to bring good fortune.

Triangular Shaped Stones :

Stones that have a triangular shape are said to be protective and are worn or carried for this purpose.

Heart Shaped Stones:
Heart shaped stones as you might have guessed are used to bring love to the person wearing the stone. They also are used for keeping the relationship you are in true. And can be used to bring a self love .

Square Shaped Stones:
Symbolize the Earth, Prosperity ,and abundance.

Egg Shaped Stones :
Stones that hold the shape of the egg are used to help maintain focus on creativity and bring fresh ideas to the person wearing the stone.

Round And Long Stones:
Round and long stones are used in conjunction with other love stones to bring added power to the spell.

Long, Thin Stones:
These stones are obvious phallic symbols. They are protective and represent electricity and represent the great God of Pagan religions.

Round Stones:
These stones represent the receptive powers of the universe, of magnetism and the Mother Goddess. Linked with the female reproductive system, they can be used to represent the woman in a healing spell. They are the keys to spirituality and unfolding your psychic powers. Used in love spells and all manners of attraction spells.

Herbal Healing Kit
My basic healing kit consists of one tumbled stone or cabochon for each chakra, plus two clear quartz crystals, one piece of calcite and two black stones such as hematite or black tourmaline. The stones I will talk about here are easy to find and will serve you well. They are the stones I generally recommend for the colour meditation which will be added later. However, if you cannot find one of the stones in this section, substitute it with another stone from the list below each chakra. I have tried to include only stones which are readily available in most crystal stores. The specific metaphysical and healing properties of these stones can be found in either volume 1 or 2 of The Crystal Workbook.

When you choose your stones, bear in mind that they will be placed on the body, either your own or someone else's. Try and find stones that have a flat side so they will not roll off at a crucial time. Choose cabochons if you can. A cabochon is a stone which has been cut and polished, usually in an oval or circular shape with a domed top and flat base. (They are generally used in jewellery such as rings to sit flat against the skin in their metal settings.)

Always place the stones upon the body from the first chakra up, then add the additional stones to the hands and below the feet. When you remove the stones at the completion of the healing session, do so in the reverse order.

Here are the stones I recommend for a basic healing kit. I have added a bit of extra information on the shape of the crystal as there are a few you can find in their natural form.

First, Root or Base Chakra: Smoky Quartz

Colour: Light brown to almost black

Choose: Tumbled stone, cabochon or natural crystal

Smoky quartz will initiate the movement of the primal forces of the body. As soon as it is placed upon the body, its energy will signify that a healing is about to take place. On placing the smoky quartz on the body, the first stirrings of Universal Energy will take place. Smoky quartz will draw the energy up from the earth mother and begin to send it through the chakra system towards the crown. As soon as the stone is placed upon the person it will not only begin the process of healing, but its mildly sedative and calming energy will put the person into a relaxed state and dissolve any tension or anxiety they feel about what is about to happen. Smoky quartz is also a grounding stone, which means that its energy will keep people stable and aware throughout the process of the healing and prevent them from feeling spaced out. It will also assist them in remembering the process once it is completed.

Smoky quartz is a good stone to use to strengthen the internal organs of the body, especially the adrenals, kidneys and pancreas. It increases fertility and balances sexual energy and also lifts depression. It is a good stone for people who exhibit suicidal feelings, fatigue and stress or tension, and it enhances dream awareness.

If you use a natural smoky quartz as the first chakra stone, it will most probably have a point. Make sure that the point is placed upwards, pointing towards the belly.

Alternative Stones for the First Chakra: Black tourmaline, hematite, red jasper, garnet, black, mahogany or snowflake obsidian, red quartz.

Second, Naval, Sacral or Sexual Chakra: Carnelian

Colour: Deep Orange

Choose: Tumbled stone or cabochon

Carnelian is a highly evolved healing stone and its main purpose is for regeneration of all aspects of the Being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. When carnelian is placed upon the body it purifies negative energies and provides a calming energy to enable the person to ready themselves for the healing to take place. Carnelian also revitalises, injects a feeling of emotional warmth and joy and assists with concentration and focus. It will allow the healing to manifest on all levels, including the physical plane. It is a variety of chalcedony which is also a member of the quartz family, so it is ideal in assisting the smooth flow of Universal Energy which begins with the placing of smoky quartz. Because it is such a joyous stone, it assists with the optimism and faith of the person, lifts gloom and despondency and soothes irritation.

Carnelian is an excellent stone for people who have experienced a form of abuse, whether it be sexual, physical, emotional or mental (or any combination of these). It is particularly good for remembering childhood memories, positive and negative, and is one of the primary stones for past life exploration. Because many current life issues stem from past lives, it is an obvious stone to use in a crystal healing.

Carnelian is good to use for energising the blood, kidneys, lungs, liver, gall bladder and mental bodies. It also assists in stimulating a deeper love and appreciation for the beauty and gifts of the earth and the physical plane.

Alternative Stones for the Second Chakra: Dark coloured amber, red coral, crocoite, sunstone.

Third or Solar Plexus Chakra: Tiger Eye

Colour: Golden yellow

Choose: Tumbled stone or cabochon

Tiger eye enhances personal power. When this stone is placed upon the body it gives a feeling of strength to the person and the belief that they can undertake the necessary searching and make the necessary changes to enable the healing to take place. This is important because the person needs to feel that the healing is taking place because of their own efforts and not because you are doing something to them. Tiger eye carries the energy of emotional balance and removes fears. It is therefore useful for people who may have doubts about the healing process and a lack of belief that healing will take place. Sometimes the lack of belief may manifest in stubbornness and the tiger eye will soften this feeling and allow the belief to come through. Tiger eye is a very highly spiritually evolved stone and builds a firm foundation for spiritual expansion. Because all metaphysical healing is rooted in spiritual practise, it is the idea third chakra stone. Its added benefits are its grounding qualities and its ability to assist the person in centering themselves and focusing on the task ahead.

Tiger eye benefits the spleen, pancreas, digestive organs and colon. It is therefore an excellent stone for people who carry a lot of anger, often the basic cause of dis-ease.

Alternative Stones for the Third Chakra: Yellow amber, citrine, yellow fluorite, pyrite, golden topaz

Fourth or Heart Chakra (Rose Quartz)

Colour: Green or Pink

Choose: tumbled stone, cabachon, polished piece or natural rough stone.

Rose Quartz has a dynamic intensity and healing power. A healer for internal wounds. Aids kidneys and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy. Reduces stress and tension, cools temper. Enhances self confidence and creativity. Promotes love, forgiveness, compassion. It is often called the 'love stone'. When healing with or wearing rose quartz, be prepared for emotional releases and the surfacing of suppressed memories and feelings.

Use a tumbled stone, a cabachon or shaped and polished stone, or a small piece of natural rose quartz rock.

Alternative Stones for the Fourth Chakra: Pink or green aventurine, moss agate, rhodonite, rhodocrosite, green jasper.

Fifth or Throat Chakra (Blue Lace Agate)

Colour: Light blue

Choose: tumbled stone or other polished piece.

Blue lace agate helps to open and expand consciousness. Enhances creativity and confident statement. Calming to the mind, soothing to the emotions. Encourages communication, wisdom, patience, peace, kindness, honesty. Influences thyroid, nervous system. Strengthens a sense of calm centredness to help in social situations. Discourages nervous habits. Useful for building confidence in public speaking. It is also excellent for cooling hot tempers and relieving stress. Can be carried or worn when you want to maintain calm. Good for neutralising energies such as anger, infection, inflammation and fever. Opens the throat chakra for other stones to be used to express higher wisdom.

Alternative stones for the Fifth Chakra: Holly blue agate, blue fluorite, aquamarine, blue topaz.

Sixth or Third Eye Chakra (Amethyst)

Colour: Purple or Dark Blue

Choose: natural point, tiny cluster, tumbled stone, faceted stone, shaped piece.

Amethyst enhances right brain activity. Blood cleanser and energiser. Assists purification and regeneration; cuts through illusion. One of the best stones to use for meditation, it has a calming mental effect. Use for overworked, overstressed and overwhelmed mental states. Especially good for people suffering from recurrent nightmares. Will help clear and transform energies in the environment where it is placed. Will help to release unbalanced energies. Also helps you understand your dreams. Amethyst has strong protective qualities and will enhance psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. Balances and soothes an over-active mind. Mythology says that Amethyst helps us remain sober - it is the stone that Bacchus used to cure his drunkenness. Amethyst can also be utilised for cleansing other crystals and stones, by placing them on an amethyst cluster. Strengthens endocrine and immune system and is useful in the treatment of emotional/mental disorders, nervous disorders and easing pain. As an elixir it is useful for easing the pain of arthritis. Faceted stones are really good for energy focus and need not be large.

Alternative stones for the Sixth Chakra: Lapis lazuli, sodalite, charoite, strombolite, purple fluorite, azurite.

Seventh or Crown Chakra (Clear Quartz Crystal)

Colour: Clear or Purple

Choose: Natural point, tumbled stone, polished shape, cabachon.

Quartz crystals reflect pure white light that can be channeled into daily thoughts, feelings, words and actions. By touching, wearing, using or meditating with these crystals, one can work with that light in a physical form. Enhances crystalline properties of blood, body and mind. Emotional balancer. Stimulates brain functions. Receives, activates, stores, transforms, transmits and amplifies energy. Excellent for meditation. The most easily programmed of all crystals and healing stones, because of its crystal shape and flat faceted points and sides, and the most useful of healing stones. A cluster in a room can transmit healing energies. Emotional balancer, dispels negativity, amplifies thought forms. Use clear quartz crystals for contacting your guides and for interdimensional communication. Beneficial to the whole body but especially the pineal and pituitary glands.

Preferably use a natural point - a small one is fine. Use with the point towards the crown chakra if possible.

Alternative stones for the Seventh Chakra: Selenite, Calcite, Amethyst (points only).  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:57 pm
Find a stone in one of these shapes and use it as a tailsman

Alligator - survival, stealth
Antelope - speed,grace,rapid advancement
Bear - strength, introspection, self-knowledge
Beaver -building,shaping
Bee - service, gathering,community
Bird - unity, freedom, community
Buffalo - abundance - healing, good fortune
Butterfly - transformation, balance, grace
Caribou - travel, mobility
Cougar - balance, leadership
Coyote - humor, trickiness, reversal of fortune
Crane - balance majesty
Crow - council, wisdom, resourcefulness
Dolphin - joy, harmony, connection with self
Dragonfly - skill, refinement, relentlesness
Eagle - potency, healing, power, illumination
Elk - pride, power, majesty
Fox - cleverness, subtlety
Frog - cleansing, peace, emotional healing
Goat - tenacity, diligence
Goose - safe return, love of home
Hawk - awareness, truth
Hedgehog - self preservation
Horse - freedom, power, safe movement
Hummingbird - beauty, wonder, agility
Lizard - letting go, illusiveness
Loon - communication, serenity
Moose - unpredictability, spontaneity
Mouse - illusion, charm
Otter - joy, laughter, lightness
Owl - wisdom, vision, insight
Porcupine - innocence, humility
Rabbit - conquerng fear, safety
Raven - mystery, exploration of the unkown
Salmon - determination, persistence
Sandpiper - quickness, foraging, scavenging
Seagull - careless attitude, versatility
Seal - contentment
Skunk - caution, warning
Snail - persaverence, determination
Snake - power, life force, sexual potency
Spider - web of life, interconnectedness, industry
Squirrel - trust, thrift
Swan - elegance, nurturing
Turtle - love and protection, healing, knowledge
Whale - creativity, intuition
Wolf - teaching skill
Elephant - luck, prosperity, memory
Feather - spirit
Ying Yang - balance, harmony
Heart - love matters
Cross - religious; protection
Pentacle - religious; protection, symbolizes the unity of all
Arrowhead - strength, power, protection, direction
Ankh - "key of life", creates activity, enhance fertility in both mind & body
Cartouche - used for protection, link between Earth & other planes
Crystal Balls (spheres) sends energy in all dirtections, used to purify and
gaps in auras, when held or worn.
Scarab - protection, endurance & stamina, abundance
Obelisk - helps aid connection to ancient knowledge(Egypt)
Egg Shape- used for healing,(massages) good for meditation, cleansing chakras,
new begining
Pryamids - focuses energies, used to both charg and prserve objects. focus &
Zodiac Symbols - empowers that particular sign,like a power animal.

Agate: Appearance: Multi banded stone. Opaque to transparent, primarily
peach-orange to grey.
This stone serves as a third eye. Binds energies for physical endurance.
Animals, courage, protection, balance, build energy, fatigue, physical
Banded Agate:
Relieves spastic discomfort
Blue Lace Agate:
Depression, despair, stubbornness, and bad emotions, Anger, communication,
confidence, creativity, fever, heart, infection, influenza, insomnia, job
interviews, larynx, nervous system, self expression, soothing, sore throat,
thyroid, wisdom
Botswana Agate:
Physical strength and stamina, addiction recovery, calming, clear toxins
from body, concentration
Crazy Lace Agate:
Fire Agate:
Circulation, focus, nervous system
Lace Agate:
Moss Agate:
Cleanses stress, old patterns, skin disorders
Tree Agate:
Soothes emotions
Brings emotional balance, cancer, pancreas, psychic protection,
regeneration, spleen
This stone improves Confidence, both directed towards oneself and towards
others. Enriches skeletal, calcium metabolism, balance, astral travel,
Male/Female balance, communication, creativity, death, nervous system,
soothing nerves, self esteem, self love
Beauty, Purification, releasing fluids from the body, digestive track, clear
toxins from environment, depression, Endocrine system, grounding, heart,
joy, karmic issues, past lives, spleen, stability, transformation, uplifting
Amethyst: This stone is related to the Throat Chakra, and the Purple Colour
Love, friendship, peace, sleep, dreams, psychic ability, spiritual
upliftment, effective communication, stomach problems. Alleviates mental
stress, courage, arthritis, bloodstream, cleanse blood, calming mind,
Purification, aligns emotions, Endocrine system, eyes, immune system,
meditation, mental health, nightmares, pain, protection, relaxing, spirit
guides, spiritual development, stress
Helps with headaches, depression, stress, transformation
Anger, bones, communication, nervous system, protection, self expression,
soothing, sore throat, thyroid, wellbeing
Apache Tears:
Brings emotional security and peace, protects from toxins, release emotions
Communication, Inter-dimensional communication, extraterrestrial contact,
Blue Apatite:
Creativity, eyes, pituitary gland, sore throat
Green Apatite:
Astral travel, clarity, higher self, inter-dimensional, pituitary gland
Yellow Apatite:
Astral travel, clarity, inter-dimensional, pituitary gland
Adrenals, Grounding during OBE, brain, calming mind, spiritual grounding,
heart, inter-dimensional, old patterns, spleen
Clear Apophyllite:
Clarity, spirit guides
Green Apophyllite:
Clarity, muscles, spirit guides, uplifting
Aquamarine: Appearance: Light Blue.
Enhance communication skills, stabilise body fluids, luck charm for marine
travel, Psychic ability, purification, peace
Works like a tranquilliser, courage, balance, clarity, protects from toxins,
eyes, glands, insomnia, kidneys, larynx, liver, soothing, spleen, thyroid
Brain, calming, intellectual clarity, communication, balance emotions,
heart, intuition, insight, intellect, nervous system
Aventurine: Appearance: All shades of green. Solar Plexus Chakra, bearer of
the green colour ray.
Strong physical healing, a luck stone for an adventurer, emotional
stability, fear, fever
Blue Aventurine:
Decisions, old patterns, problem solving, relationships, self esteem, self
Green Aventurine:
Transformation of a physical condition, anxiety, bloodstream, soothes
emotions, ligaments, love, muscles, regeneration, strength, wellbeing
Peach Aventurine:
Childbirth, decisions, muscles, regeneration
Azurite: Appearance: Deep rich blue.
Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, healing on all planes, success.
Divination, dreams, change, intuition, insight, meditation, pain, psychic
protection, purification, transformation
Unblocking energy, calcium deficiency, aligns emotions, balance emotions,
release emotions, past lives
Brown Barite:
Anger, appendix, bladder
Green Barite:
Bloodstone: Appearance: Dark green with red and/or yellow spots and swirls.
Strength and energy. Courage, money, business success. Headaches,
haemorrhage, bloodshot eyes, kidneys, heart attack, and high blood pressure,
Purification, Goddess, Inner guidance, physical healing, regeneration,
stamina, stress
Boji Stone:
Balance, bloodstream, circulation, energising, unblocking energy, entities,
immune system, influenza, pain, regeneration
Purification, creativity, releasing stress or guilt, centering, balance
emotions, joy, protection, psychic protection, spiritual development,
stress, studying, wellbeing
Blue Calcite:
Change, express emotions, energising
Green Calcite:
Chemical allergies, arthritis, broken bones, calming, change, protects from
toxins, express emotions, ligaments, love, soothing nerves, old patterns,
rheumatism, shock, stomach, clear toxins
Gold Calcite:
Clarity, mental function
Honey Calcite:
Build energy, energising
Peach Calcite:
Ease Trauma, energising
Pink Calcite:
Build energy, ease trauma, energising, love
Red Calcite:
Express emotions
Carnelian: Bearer of the Orange Colour ray. Related to the Sex/navel Chakra.
Balances creativity and mental processes. Increases appetite and energy,
courage, eloquence, abuse recovery, sexual/emotional abuse, Sexual energy
balance, cancer, Purification, concentration, focus, gall bladder, joy,
kidneys, liver, physical manifestation, optimism, overeating, past lives,
regeneration, sexuality, sexual organs, soothing, spontaneity, trauma
Aura clearing, build energy, energising, grounding, hormones, hysterectomy,
menopause, physical healing, reproductive system, sports, wounds
Cat's Eye:
Helps tension and spasms in the head and neck area, beauty
Astral travel, calming, higher self, insomnia, inter-dimensional, spirit
guides, spiritual development, stress, thyroid
Anxiety, calming mind, headache, migraine, nervous system, sleep, stress
Blue Chalcedony:
Anger, communication, confidence, creativity, fever, heart, infection,
influenza, insomnia, job interviews, larynx, nervous system, self
expression, soothing, sore throat, thyroid, wisdom
White Chalcedony:
Anger, balance, balance emotions, express emotions, energising, mental
Grey Chalcedony:
Anger, asthma, bronchitis, change, eyes, fear, headache, migraine, heart,
kidneys, nervous system, pain, pituitary gland, respiratory system, self
esteem, self love, spiritual development, recovery from surgery,
Death, intuition, insight
Nervous system, friendship, anxiety, balance, Male/Female balance,
communication, focus, self esteem, self love
Emotional heartache, arthritis, Childbirth, communication, creativity,
digestive system, fear of expression, intuition, insight, menstruation,
pain, stomach, ulcers
Citrine: Bearer of the Yellow ray. Related to the Root Chakra.
Upliftment, back problems, Elimination of toxins from the body, Abundance,
prosperity, anorexia, aura clearing, back pain, bulimia, clarity, clear
toxins from environment, colon, communication, depression, detoxifier,
digestive system, gall bladder, greed, heart, joy, kidneys, liver, physical
manifestation, optimism, personal power, prosperity, regeneration, self
esteem, self love, thymus gland, thyroid
Coral: Appearance: Red to pink.
Protects and strengthens emotional foundation. Protects from all evil
Red Coral:
Clarity, digestive system, fear, indigestion, nature
White Coral:
Soothes emotions, intuition, insight, self esteem, self love
Digestive system, aligns emotions, balance emotions, forgiveness, sexual
abuse recovery, karmic issues, mental health, past lives, reproductive
system, stomach
Subtle bodies balance, bloodstream, bones, brain, build energy, central
nervous system, energising, unblocking energy, entities, grounding, heart,
immune system
Brain, cardiovascular system, clear toxins, extraterrestrial contact, gall
bladder, psychic protection, protects from toxins
Golden Danburite:
Diamond: All of the Chakra colours when you see its rainbow sparkles in
bright light.
Purifying for the whole body, and places your center of faith in the
spiritual realm, magnifier for other crystals, courage, balance, honesty,
prosperity, spiritual development, stability
Herkimer Diamond:
Balances polarities, remembering dreams, insomnia, meditation, nightmares,
past lives, psychic protection, sleep
Black star Diopside:
Grounding during OBE, Unblocking energy, decisions, entities, feet, sexual
abuse recovery, nature, past lives, scrying
Green Diopside:
Childhood, soothes emotions, entities, heart, sexual abuse recovery
High blood pressure and pain, headache, migraine, psychic protection,
regeneration, self esteem, self love, spiritual development, emotional
stability, telepathy
Emerald: Appearance: Bright Green
Encourages truth. Eye diseases, speech impediments, Abundance, prosperity,
calming, dreams, soothes emotions, heart, immune system, liver, meditation,
prosperity, uplifting
Balance, clearing atmosphere, nature, spiritual development, stress
Unblocking energy, release emotions, higher self, self esteem, self love,
spiritual development
Fluorite: Appearance: Blue to violet green.
Aids in learning and meditation. Mental disorder, nervous system, balance,
mind balance, bloodstream, bones, Inter-dimensional communication,
extraterrestrial contact, focus, intuition, insight, release, mental health,
helps nutrient absorption, protection, psychic protection, scrying, spleen,
studying, teeth, understanding
Green Fluorite:
This stone is for Hormone balance, clarity, nature, relationships, and
spiritual development
Purple Fluorite:
Calming mind, clarity, concentration, psychic protection, relaxing, studying
Yellow Fluorite:
Balance, calming, focus, memory, mental function, stability, studying
Change, higher self, karmic issues, past lives, spiritual development
Garnet: Appearance: Deep red to purple red.
Determination and strength. Balances thyroid disorders, increases sex drive,
balance, bloodstream, calming, stability in change, compassion, imagination,
Kundalini stimulation, love
Green Garnet:
Cooperation, fertility
Gold Calcite:
Mental clarity
Intellectually calming and refreshing
Hawk's Eye:
Etheric body
Haematite: Appearance: Silver black outside. Rusty red inside.
Dedication and achievement, anti-inflammation, divination, grounding,
Abundance, prosperity, balance, bloodstream, cleanse blood, broken bones,
build energy, circulation, energising, Goddess, joy, meditation, nervous
system, prosperity
Broken bones, remembering dreams, heart, insomnia, memory, nightmares, pain,
sleep, stress, teeth
Iolite: The Water Sapphire. Appearance: Violet-blue.
Inspires wisdom and psychic energy, aura clearing, Male/Female balance
Relaxation. Healing, love, money, creativity. Eases stomach and digestive
disorders, balance, emotional detachment, heart, immune system, kidneys,
Nephrite Jade:
Decisions, insomnia, spiritual development, recovery from surgery
Jasper: Appearance: Found in many different colours, most commonly red.
Always opaque.
Strengthens stamina. Beauty. Protection, reduces fear/insecurities, fatigue,
optimism, physical healing, protection, wellbeing, wounds
Brown Jasper:
Green Jasper:
Digestive system, unblocking energy, heart, lungs
Leopardskin Jasper:
Helps bring what one needs, which may not be what one wants. A supportive
Picture Jasper:
Decisions, problem solving, visualisation
Poppy Jasper:
Positive outlook
Red Jasper:
Liver and bile ducts, sense of smell, bladder, bloodstream, menstruation,
PMT, prostate, reproductive system, sexual organs
Yellow Jasper:
Digestive system, emotional blocks, indigestion, optimism, stomach, ulcers
Jet: Appearance: Coal.
Protects against bad luck. Divination
Receptivity and balance, grounding, addiction recovery, sexual/emotional
abuse, cardiovascular system, balance emotions, extraterrestrial contact,
intuition, insight, intellect, love, manic depression
Astral travel, clarity, remembering dreams, extraterrestrial contact, higher
self, relaxing, sleep
Brain, Kundalini stimulation, lymphatics, pituitary gland, psychic
protection, scrying, spiritual development, telepathy
Lapis Lazuli:
Understanding, Mental clarity & emotional healing, courage, Male/Female
balance, bones, Purification, depression, Goddess, past lives, psychic
protection, stress, thyroid
Confidence, depression, Goddess, lymphatics, muscles, nervous system, sore
throat, spleen, thyroid
Addiction recovery, sexual/emotional abuse, depression, manic depression,
Change, Purification, ease trauma, pain, protection, stress
Business success, stress, Weight reduction, arthritis, Goddess, pain,
pancreas, psychic protection, regeneration, spleen
Grounding during OBE, brain, circulation, eyes, heart, immune system, job
Safety in travel, divination, appetite suppression, build energy,
energising, intellect, overeating
Astral travel, change, Inter-dimensional communication, extraterrestrial
contact, intuition, insight, inter-dimensional, meditation, spirit guides
Moonstone: Appearance: Peach, white, grey or clear.
Protects the soul. Sleep, dreams, psychic ability, love. Relieves discomfort
of cramps and helps in hormonal balance, dieting, divination, grounding,
abortion, Childbirth, release emotions, menstruation, PMT, reproductive
system, sexual organs, stress, vulnerability, womb
Blue Moonstone:
Grey Moonstone:
Peach Moonstone:
Colon, confidence, fertility, spleen
Depression, ease trauma, hysteria
Mother-of-pearl: Appearance: Soft white with pearl like patterns within.
Endurance. Asthma and allergies
Emotional security and peace, divination, joy
Black Obsidian: This is a very potent stone.
Grounding excess energy, insight to a problem, Emotional Security & Peace,
release emotions, past lives, clear toxins, protects from toxins
Green Obsidian:
Inner guidance
Mahogany Obsidian:
Snowflake Obsidian:
Balance, Male/Female balance
Change bad habits. Grounding. Protection from negativity, defence, Emotional
balance, bone marrow, creativity
Black Onyx: Appearance: Deep Black.
Absorbs evil.
Opal: This is an extremely strong stone. Appearance: White, green or black.
Often sparkling rainbows are often seen within.
Meditation, helps to see possibilities. Intensifies a mood, beauty,
creativity, energising, eyes, higher self, intuition, insight
Tourmalated Opal
Astral Projection
Change, emotional blocks, unblocking energy, inter-dimensional, past lives,
release, spirit guides
Peacock Ore:
Brain, calming mind, concentration, meditation, pituitary gland
Helps to accept love, improve self-love and the ability to love.
Cleanses hurt feelings and bruised egos, confidence, heart, joy, kidneys,
pancreas, regeneration, spleen, stress
Abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, reproductive system, sexuality
Broken bones, brain, cardiovascular system, nervous system, relationships
Strengthens circulatory system, bloodstream, brain, concentration, eyes,
joy, memory, studying
Quartz: Appearance: Sometimes clear but often cloudy white in parts.
Adds luck to magic users. Protection, purification, courage, strength,
healing, balance. Dreams, good health, and aura. Astral Projection, higher
self, inter-dimensional, physical manifestation, meditation, physical
healing, spirit guides, stamina, travel, wellbeing
Rose Quartz:
Emotional balance, Friendship, releasing jealousy. Love, abuse recovery,
Anger, anorexia, aura clearing, bulimia, circulation, diabetes, fear,
fertility, forgiveness, greed, sexual abuse recovery, kidneys, relaxing,
soothing, stress
Red Quartz:
Energising, jealousy, joy, negativity
Rutilated Quartz:
Detoxification, cleansing arteries, build energy, depression, energising,
fatigue, higher self, immune system, negativity, regeneration, stamina
Smoky Quartz:
Sexual energy balance, concentration, fatigue, feet, fertility, influenza,
kidneys, sexuality, stamina, suicidal
Strawberry Quartz:
Subtle bodies balance, past lives, relationships, and spiritual development
Tourmalinated Quartz:
Smoky Quartz:
Fatigue and depression, Adrenals, depression, dreams, pancreas, sprains
Change, emotional blocks, unblocking energy, inter-dimensional, past lives,
release, spirit guides
Emotional pains, poor eyesight, Subtle bodies balance, circulation, balance
emotions, heart, jealousy, kidneys, spleen
Emotional support, Restores physical energy, allergies, calming, confidence,
ease trauma, energising, feet, immune system, jealousy, love, memory,
nervous system, RSI, pituitary gland, thyroid
Ruby: Bearer of the red colour ray. Associated with the heart Chakra.
Love, helps one to open one's heart. Sex drive, blood purifier, and physical
energy, balance, bloodstream, build energy, circulation, energising, immune
system, influenza
{As red and green are negative/positive colours. When you are feeling
especially anxious in love, a ruby or garnet worn with green stones will
balance your passion with your true loving nature. This is true for all
positive-negative colours... they'll balance each other to make the effect
more harmonious}
Purification, protection, grounding
Sapphire: Appearance: Many shades, but most commonly Blue, yellow, green,
grey or black.
Mental clarity, Concentration. Wisdom and prophecy. Nervous and mental
disorders, throat and asthma, defence, clarity, creativity, kidneys, psychic
protection, spirit guides
Binding energies, childbirth, courage
Brain, death, ease trauma, emotional blocks, lungs, physical manifestation,
muscles, pain, past lives
Transformation and rejuvenation
Aura clearing, clarity, Purification, clearing atmosphere, concentration,
higher self, protection, psychic protection
Bloodstream, dreams, soothes emotions, metabolism, reproductive system,
sexuality, sexual organs, stress, wounds
Sodalite: Bearer of the Indigo ray. Related to the Crown Chakra. Appearance:
Navy blue to indigo with white or grey streaks
Sodalite is good for guarding against harmful negative forces, Repels fear
and aids in regeneration. Mental metabolism, removing toxins, mind balance,
clear toxins, protects from toxins, creativity, fear, metabolism, pancreas,
and psychic protection
Mind, astral projection, Adrenals, balance, Purification, heart, pituitary
gland, and stress
Clear thoughts, meditation, and dreams, Unblocking energy, spiritual
Astral travel, diabetes, energising, extraterrestrial contact, grounding,
karmic issues
Tiger eye:
Courage, energy, money. Strength and self-confidence, divination, anorexia,
bulimia, colon, spiritual creativity, digestive system, flexibility, joy,
pancreas, personal power, spiritual development, spleen, stubbornness
Tiger Iron:
Bloodstream, circulation, herpes, flexibility, cold sores, immune system,
infection, motivation, wounds
Topaz: Appearance: Many shades. Most popular are rosy gold, deep yellow,
golden brown, and aqua blue.
Stimulates intelligence and controls anger, regeneration, studying,
Blue Topaz:
Mental clarity and emotional healing, throat chakra and all forms of
communication, fever, glands, insomnia, soothing
Orange and Brown Topaz:
Work to ease negative emotions and helps to transform them into a more
positive energy.
Pale Yellow Topaz:
Works very well with the emotions and Physically with an upset stomach.
Pink Topaz:
Helps to open the heart chakra in a gentle and peaceful way that lets love
in and out with elegance. Headaches, spasms, mental disorders, and obesity
Smoky Topaz:
Grounding during OBE, grounding
White Topaz:
Has the same properties as clear quartz and diamonds.
Negativity, protection
Green tourmaline:
Balances love and passion. Heart or blood pressure, business success, ease
trauma, heart, larynx, lungs, nervous system, sore throat, thyroid
Black Tourmaline:
Protective shield, strengthener for all emotional work, grounding, stability
in change, grounding, honesty, memory, negativity, past lives, protection,
release, stability, travel, truth
Blue Tourmaline:
Throat, thyroid, speech, larynx, nervous system
Pink Tourmaline:
Matters of the heart, friendship, circulation, Endocrine system, energising,
fear, guilt, heart, immune system, intuition, insight
Red Tourmaline:
Watermelon Tourmaline: Appearance: blends from a beautiful green into a red
or pink.
Alters cellular structure, prevents cancer. Balancing your heart Chakra
(red) to your root Chakra (green.), balance, Male/Female balance, protection
Turquoise: Appearance: Jade green to sky blue.
Often an amulet of travel and good luck. Healing, lungs and respiratory
system, courage, friendship, circulation, balance emotions, lungs,
protection, regeneration, respiratory system, self expression, sinus,
Unakite: Appearance: Salmon pink, light olive or sage green.
Adds to charisma, Emotional balance, confidence, nature, personal power,
self esteem, self love, transformation
Brown Zircon:
Orange Zircon:
Yellow Zircon:
Business success  

Deadly Nyghtshade

Deadly Nyghtshade

PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:36 am
Fruit, Nut and Vegetable

Please make sure you are not allergic to nuts, seeds or particular foods.

Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Air.
USES: Money, Prosperity and Wisdom. The leaves, wood and fruit is
great to use in money and prosperity spells and rituals. It
is often used to make wands for it's element is air, and wands
are associated with air. Eating of the Almond will help in the
cure of fevers, and also bring wisdom to the well eater.
Placing almonds in your pocket will lead you to a source of
money or treasure.
Feminine, Planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of love healing
and prosperity.
USES: Samhain is often called the "Feast of Apples" and is used
on the altar during this time, apples are considered the
fruit of the dead, and are also burried so that the souls
that will be reborn in the Spring will have something to eat
during the long Winter months. The Apple is the symbol of
immortality and a branch carried with the fruit, buds or
flowers will gain you access into the land of the Gods.
The buds are used in poppets, sachets and incenses to gain
and bring love. Put the juice in pink wax to make candles,
burn the candles to attract love. Unicorns are known to
reside near apple trees. Cutting an apple in half and giving
the other half to a loved one to eat insures that the two of
you will stay happy. Cutting the apple in 3 pieces and
rubbing on ailing parts of your body, near the place if inside
your body, and buring the three pieces when finished will help
aid in the healing of the ailment.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, power of Love.
USES: The juice of the apricot is used in rituals and love potions.
You can carry the pits to attract love and drinking of the
juice will soften your personality.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, Powers of beauty
love and lust.
USES: Eating of the avocado will bring lust, carring the pit with you
will cause an aura of beauty to surround you.

Masculine, powers of protection, hex breaking, luck and wishes.
USES: Carve a pentagram on the bamboo tree and plant outside of your
home for protection. Placing bamboo over your doorway will
give luck. If under a hex or spell, burn the powder from a
grinded bamboo plant. It was used a divination tool in Chinese
Temples, the bamboo is cut into pieces and the story told from
How the pieces fall. It was also used as a charm against evil
Feminine, planet is Venus, Element is Water, powers of fertility,
potency and prosperity.
USES: In Voodoo the banana is often used to represent the God. If
a couple is married beneath the banana tree, the bride will
have luck in the marriage. The banana is used to increase
fertility and cure impotency. You can use any parts of the
banana tree in money and prosperity spells. To Cut a banana
is considered very bad luck, they should only be broken open.
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Air, Powers of protection,
Exorcism, Reconsiliations, portency, love and wort charming.
USES: Used to charm away the evil in a person. In Ancient Rome, they
were given to people at funerals to help bless the dead. Beans
are carried to ward off negative energy and evil. Used in
rattles to scare off spirits, very potent when ridding evil
spirits that have taken a living form hostage. To cure worts,
rub dried beans on them while saying, "As this bean decays, So
wart, fall away."
Feminine, planet is Saturn, element is Earth, Power of Love.
USES: Beet juice can be used as a replacement for blood in spells
of old, also in Love magic. It is said that if a couple eat of
the same beet, then they will fall in love forever.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of healing,
love and protection.
USES: Blackberry pies are baked for Lughnasadh for the blackberry is
seen as a symbol of the death of the God. Use blackberry vines
in wreaths to serve in protection of your home, and the plant
vine and berry can be used for prosperity and money spells. To
heal burns and scalds, dip 9 leaves of the blackberry in spring
water, lay them gently on the wound while saying this chant
three times to every leaf "Three ladies came from the east,
one with fire and two with frost.
out with the fire, in with the frost"
Power of protection.
USES: Place under the home or under matts at doorway for protection
and to ward off evil. Eat blueberries while under psychic
attack in tarts and pies to increase the strength of the berry
and decrease the effects of the attack.
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Air, power of Love.
USES: Carry as a talismen to attract love and bring luck in matters
of the heart.
Masculine, planet is Mars, element is Fire, powers of feritility and
USES: Carrots are eaten to cause lust. If the seeds are eaten it
will help a woman become more fertile, if a man is impotent
eating carrots will solve this problem.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is Fire, Power of Money.
USES: The cashew can be carried to help find a job, and also used
in money and prosperity jobs.
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Fire, powers of lust,
mental and psychic powers.
USES: The stalk and seeds will induce lust upon consumption. Chewing
on the seeds will help center yourself and help along in
consentration. The seed can be used in spell pillows to induce
sleep. To increase psychic powers, burn with orris root.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, Powers of divination
and love.
USES: In Japenese lore it is said to tie a strand of hair on the
blossom of a cherry tree will attract love. Cherry juice can
also be used as a replacement for blood in spells of old.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is Fire, powers of the psychic
and healing.
USES: To increase psychic powers eat of the citron. Can be used in
most healing spells and in incense to aid in healing.
Feminine, planet is the Moon, element is Water, powers of chasity
protection and purification.
USES: To protect your property, cut the coconut in half, fill with
protective herbs, seal shut again and bury somewhere on your
property. Hang a whole coconut in your home for protection.
Is used in chasity and protection spells.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Earth, powers of protection
divination and luck.
USES: The Corn Mother is a Goddess that has been worshipped through
time by East and North America. She is the deity of fertility
and plenty, the corn either whole or ground is used to bless
and scattered for ritual. Make a necklace of whole kernels to
prevent nose bleeds. Cornstalks hung over the mirror brings
good luck to the household. Red corncobs were burned in the
mountains of North America on the homes doorstep or under the
bed to aid in childbirth. Pollen from corn was used in rain
making rituals by Meso-Americans. Placing an ear of corn with
a sleeping infant will keep out negative energy.
Feminine, Planet is the Moon, element is Water, powers of chasity
fertility and healing.
USES: The peels of the cucumber placed on the forehead will help aid
in the cure of a headache. Eating of the seeds will help with
fertility, and when the cucumber it's self is eaten it hinders
lust. Sliced thinly and placed on the eyes it cures dry and
swollen eyes.
Masculine, planet is Jupiter, element is Fire, powers of love,
divination and fertility.
USES: If eaten fresh, the fig will help aid in conception and
and impotence. Small phallic images carved in the wood and
carried will do the same role. In the home, if the fig is grown
in the bedroom it helps bring sleep, in the kitchen it aids
with the knowing the family will never go hungry, anywhere else
it will bring luck and protection. If placed on the doorstep
before leaving it will ensure you will arrive home safely.
To charm a man or woman, give them a fresh fig grown by you,
they will be bound to you for as long as they like figs.
Feminine, planet is Moon, element is Water, powers of mental power
fertility, money and garden magick.
USES: In ancient Rome they painted pictures of grapes on the garden
walls to ensure fertility. Eaten grapes increase mental power
and help aid in fertility. When doing a money spell, grapes are
very valuable on the altar.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is Air, powers of protection,
luck, wishes and fertility.
USES: Hazel wood is great for the wand. The twigs of hazel placed in
the window will gaurd against lightning. When the nuts are
eaten it increases wisdom, fertility and aids in divination.
Crowns maid from hazel will help aid in invisability. The
branches are naturally forked and are great for dowsing. Also
when wore in a crown and a wish made, it is said the wish will
come true.
Feminine, planet is the Moon, element is Water, powers of love,
purification, friendship and longitivity.
USES: Lemon juice and water can be used to concencrate magickal tools
and items when added to the water during the full Moon. The
dried flowers and peel are used in love sachets and concoctions.
The leaves can be used in tea to induce lust. place a slice
of lemon under a visitors chair to ensure a long, honost
friendship. If made in a pie and given to your spouse it will
ensure that he stays faithfull. Poking colored pins into the
lemon (no black ones) and hung in the home brings luck to all
that reside in the home.
USES: All nuts are used to promote fertility and are often carried
for this reason. They bring luck and prosperty so are used
in rituals for this reason. Heart shaped nuts are carried to
attract love and double nuts are considered lucky talismens.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is Fire, Powers of healing
peace, lust, potency, protection and fertility.
USES: When eaten olives promote lust and fertility in men. The leaves
spread through a room will cause peacefull vibrations. Athenian
brides wore a crown of olive leaves to insure fertlity. The
branch on the chiminy will ward off lightning. The oil used in
anointing oils helps aid in healing. The leaf imprinted with
Athena's name and placed on the head or body will aid headache
to go away.
Masculine, planet is Mars, element is Fire, powers of protection,
healing, dreams, money and lust.
USES: Dry the flowers and place around the home as a gaurd for
protection. Rub a cup piece of onion over ailing parts of the
body and bury or destroy the onion to give healing. Tie a red
onion to the bed post to protect the sleepers from sickness.
Cut onions into quarters and place around the home to absorb
negative energy and rid the home of sickness. Onions promote
lust when eaten.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is fire, powers of luck, money
divination and love.
USES: When added to a sachet and given to the bride it insures
happiness in the marriage, the peels and seeds are best.
Add dried blossoms to the bath water to aid in beauty.
Orange juice can be a replacement for wine in rituals. Water
distilled with orange blossoms aid in love and lust potions.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Earth, powers of love and money
USES: Use the dried peas on rituals and spells for money. Hand
shelling of peas bring money and fortune. If an unmarried
woman finds exactly 9 peas in a pod and hangs it from the door
the next single man to walk through the door will be her future
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of love, wishes,
and fertility.
USES: The fruit is eaten to induce love and gain wisdom. Wearing the
pit from your neck will ward off evil. Carring a piece of wood
from a peach tree will help you live a longer life. The wood
is often used for wands and for divination.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of lust and love.
USES: It is eaten to induce sexual arousal. The fruit is used in
in rituals of love. Pear wood is good for magickal wands.
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Air, powers of money and
USES: Pecans should be added to all money, prosperity and job related
rituals. To ensure your job is kept, shell and eat some pecans
while envisioning yourself at the work place happy and content,
take the shells and wrap them in a bag, leave them in the job
place where they will neither be found nor tampered with.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is Fire, powers of luck money
and chasity.
USES: Dried pineapples placed in a bag and added to bath water will
bring luck. The juice hinders lust when drunken, dried peel
is great in money spells and mixtures.
Masculine, planet is mercury, element is Air, power of breaking love
USES: When dyed red and given to the undead, it eases the soul into
restfull death. When the nut is eaten it will break a love
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of love and
USES: Eat of the fruit to induce love, place a branch of the plum tree
over the door to keep out negative energy and evil.
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Fire, powers of divination,
wishes, luck, wealth and fertility.
USES: The seed should be eaten to increase fertility, and the rind
carried for this same reason. Always make a wish before eating
the fruit, for your wish will come true. The juice of the
pomegranate can be used as a blood substitute.
Feminine, planet is the Moon, element is Earth powers of healing and
image magick.
USES: Many use the potato as poppets, and the eyes used as eyes for
other kinds of poppets. Carry a potato in the pocket to cure
toothache, this also wards agains rhumatism, warts and gout.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of love and
USES: The brambles are hung at doors when a person in the house
has died so that the spirit wont enter the home again. The
leaves are carried by pregnant woman to help with the pains
of childbirth and pregnacy itself. Rasberries often served
to induce love. Strawberry leaves also help with childbirth
and the leaves are also carried for luck.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water powers of prosperity,
protection and love.
USES: Place a new tomoto on the mantle every three days to bring
prosperity. When eaten it inspires love and grown in the
garden as an aid to ward off evil.  
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