~bows~ Konnichiwa! i am new to this guild and am hoping to make some friends. well, before u pm to say "hey, you sound cool, lets be friends" let me tell u a little bit about me. a am a band nerd and proud of it. i am a scene kid. not emo. not goth. scene. i love to shop at hot topic and any bookstore with manga. *i like borders/walden because it is buy 3 get the 4th free* i am not just a nerd. i am the QUEEN of nerds. i am not popular but the most popular nerd. *if that makes any scence* all the nerds worship me but the preps hate me. *i got in a fight with 1 today* i hate the ppl out there who think that they are all that and the world revolves around them. it doesn't, get a life. also. i hate the ppl who cry when the break a nail. its just a nail. u aren't going to die. i hate the ppl who love pink. its gay. grow up. i hate the ppl who are reading this and laughing at me saying "she is such a freak. she needs help" no, u need help because u are a retard and should just die cuz no one loves you for who u really are. go play in traffic. i HATE it when ppl mess w/ my friends. they may b nerds or freaks that need anger manegment, but they have battle axes, katanias, and shurkens. don't mess wif them. they will kick ur a**. also. if u are sitting here and laughing saying "this person is so friggin cool" then message me. i don't have time to go through a billion friend requests from ppl i don't know. let me get to know u first. also, if u are a child melester or something like that. go to hell. just because no one loves u doesn't mean u should go around rapping teenagers. go shoot yourself. ur a loser.welps. thats all i have to say. if u think i pwn, then message me. yah. welps, ttyl!!

Dark, Queen of all things evil and or dark-ish...*and mabey the squishy things too*