These are the Rules of our Roleplay, in order for everyone to have a wonderfull time in our guild, these will be strictly enforced.

1.Be literate, there are few things worse than typing out a wonderfull chapter of a book for a person , only to be met with

"I agree" *goes to pool and does a cannonball, my top falls off and I swim around topless smiling at you*

2.GAIA TOS, No pg-13 over romance, take it to Yahoo or AIM or whatever need be.

3.NO GOD MODDING OR POWER PLAYERS. This is horrible, and really pushes my button, If your character dodges everything, holds all the aces in every situation, and has the power to destroy the earth, then what fun does it make it for everyone else? We're mortals people, remember that

4.Same as in General discussion, cussing is allowed, just dont go overboard

5.Try to keep to OCC to a minimum, adding a note to your posts is fine, but please dont create a post only consisting of OOC and no roleplay.

6.Play realisticly, please, for the love of Lathander, keep it real ((as real as you can get in Dnd))

7. Have fun!!

8.For those of your wonderfull people you have read this, there is no need to sign, but have a cookie!! ((And remember, just because you didnt sign doesnt mean you dont have to obey these, I'am the Dungeon Master here ))