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Eternal Eclipse (warning, New Moon spoilers inside) LIT/OPEN Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Kaira the Vampire

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:03 pm

It’s two months after Bella’s graduation, and several times she’s brought up the promise Edward had made: that after graduation, she would become one of them. One of the “cold ones.” A vampire. He’s avoided the situation several times, and as can be expected, Bella’s patience is wearing thin.

One night, one of Alice’s visions brings fear to the group. “Aro and Jane are both coming here…to make sure that we kept our promise.” The promise that they made to the Volturi clan that Bella would become a vampire soon, so that all the secrets of their race would be kept within the race. Fear has gripped the Cullen family and Bella.

Time is running out, and yet still, Edward hesitates to do what he knows he has to t save the life of the woman he loves most. Still, the clock is ticking, and there’s still the three days of extreme pain that Bella must live through first in order to complete the transformation. Already time is cut shorter. There’s only one question left.

Will Edward be strong enough to resist the lust for his lover’s blood as his body so desperately craves, or will he hear her terror-filled screams as she dies in his arms, gazing at his eyes as they spin out of control with thirst?

Victoria still hunts for Bella, eager on getting her revenge for the death of her mate, James. Will she get to Bella first, before the transformation is complete? Will Edward be able to save his dearest from a band of rule-keepers AND a vengeful vampiress?
PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:05 pm

1. Only people who have read both books (“Twilight” and “New Moon”) can play main characters.
2. No god-moding, blablabla you know all the basics.
3. Literate to advanced members ONLY.
4. If you want to play a main character, PM me your profile with an added RP sample as proof of your literacy.
6. Werewolves are welcome, but no hybrids. NO HYBRIDS. In this literary world, they haven’t been made possible yet.
7. I don't like it when people correct me. I have created the character profiles according to my perception of the characters. Like it or don't. Don't join if you don't like it.
8. Please write in size 9 font. It’s easier on my eyes. (I have really bad eyes when staring at a bright screen…not used to all the white staring back at me, haha)
9. PM me if you have any questions regarding the book or the way you are to portray a character. Plot twist suggestions are always welcomed.
10. I can, and WILL add anything else that I desire here.

Kaira the Vampire

Kaira the Vampire

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:06 pm

Played by: Kaira the Vampire
Character Name: Isabella Marie Swan
Age: 18
Height: Five foot four inches
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Amber
Other Features: Her skin is very pale, more so than any Caucasian.
Personality: One of the most stubborn people in all of Washington. She is very set in her thoughts and beliefs, and won’t back down for anyone (sometimes not even Edward). She is very kind, and doesn’t judge anyone based on appearance or anything else, but on their actions and character. For a while, this puzzled Edward, and somewhat amused him. In Twilight, Edward spoke to Bella and said, “So you’re not worried that you’re going to a house filled with vampires (his family) that could attack you at any moment, but whether or not those vampires like you?”
Background: Bella moved to live with her father, Charlie, a little after her seventeenth birthday. Not long after arriving in Forks did she meet with the young Edward Cullen. Of course, relations sparked between Edward and Bella instantly, until one day she discovered the truth: Edward was a vampire. Since then, they’d been together everywhere. She didn’t care WHAT he was, and even risked her life several times to be with him. When he left her after she’d fully recovered from a previous vampire attack inflicted by the human-tracker James, her world came crashing down. Months passed and she made no move to be much more than lifeless. Then, she met her best-friend, Jake. He brought the light back into her life, but she discovered that Jake had a secret of his own: he was a werewolf. After a few perilous rescues, Alice showed up out of the blue to Bella, telling her that she’d been worried, seen a vision that she was going to kill herself. The vision was mistaken; she hadn’t jumped off the cliff in attempted suicide, but as recreation, cliff-diving into the lake below. Soon, however, the two hear news that Edward went off to the Volturi clan to wreak havoc, and ultimately cause his own death after he hears that Bella apparently “killed herself”. Racing to save him, the pact with the Volturi clan was made: she may live, but only if she became a vampire, and soon. Returning to the United States, Edward promised to never leave Bella again, and she believed him. Still, time was ticking….

Played By:
Character Name: Edward Cullen
Age: 106 (will forever look the age of 17, the time of his transformation)
Height: Five foot eleven inches
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: varies with mood; black if he’s thirsty, amber when full and happy, faded when in between, etc.
Other Features: Like most of his vampiric family, Edward has a special power that is unique to him; he can hear the minds of others, if they are within about a two-mile radius. Bella, however, is the only one that this does not apply to, and it constantly aggravates him…
Personality: Over-protective and obsessive of his dear Bella Swan. Around her he is soft and gentle as her last name suggests, but when outside his comfort zone, he becomes just as hard and cold as is possible for a vampire.
Background: In Edward’s human life, he was born in 1901. He was saved by Carlisle Cullen in 1918 from a severe case of influenza, of which his mother had already died of. There, Edward’s life as a vampire had begun. Edward went to live with Carlisle, and soon they acquired four other family members: Rosalie, who was meant as a mate for Edward, but she never became more than a friend; Emmet, the one that Rosalie had resolved to take as her mate; Alice, a care-free future-seer who’d become the closest with Edward; and Jasper, a reckless younger-brother, and the most recently-made vampire of the family. Upon meeting Bella, Edward’s world changed. She was what the Volturi clan called, his “singer.” It meant that her blood would sing to him, and it undoubtedly did. The simply scent of her lingering around him drove him completely crazy, and it became part of his initial desire for her.

Played By: ~Twilight x Angel~
Character Name: Alice Cullen
Age: a little younger than Edward in human years as well as vampire years, so around 107 or so (forever having the appearance of 15 or 16)
Height: Five foot six inches
Hair Color: black, jet-black
Eye Color: varies with mood
Other Features: Like Edward, Alice has a very unique talent: she can see into the future. Of course, the futures depend on choices made. If someone made a different choice, then the future would alter and change. When this happens, Alice doesn’t always see it, and sometimes it causes trouble.
Personality: Alice is wild and fun, much like the big sister that Bella sees her as. Alice is always ready to lend a helping hand, and despite her cold physical being as a vampire, she has a warm soul.
Background: In Alice’s former life, she was an inmate at an insane asylum, put there by her parents when they realized that their daughter was seeing visions. In order to save her life from the tracker known as James, she was changed into a vampire. After a while, she went to live with the Cullen family and adopted their way of life: no human prey, strictly animals. Now, Alice lives peacefully in the small town of Forks, Washington, all the while alongside her vampire mate, Jasper.

Played By:
Character Name: Jasper Hale
Age: Unknown, though he is the youngest of the vampires, so roughly 50 or 60 years, 15 or 16 in appearance
Height: Five foot nine inches
Hair Color: jet black
Eye Color: varies with mood
Other Features: Jasper is very inverted, and like his other family members, his special ability deals with other people’s emotions; at his will, he can bend and twist the emotions of someone else to make them feel or even think a certain way about something
Personality: Due to Jasper’s inexperience as a vampire, his self-control around humans is very limited, which is why he distances himself from Bella a lot.
Background: Not a lot is known about Jasper’s former life, except that he was a depressed teenager who was very in-tune with the emotions of those around him (which gave him his abilities in his second life). Jasper is the youngest of the Cullen family, and therefore has the very least experience in retaining self-control. One time, when Bella accidentally got a paper cut, he nearly killed her in a single sweep (Edward protected her though, naturally). Jasper is a very soft-spoken person, and rarely talks unless he needs to. He’s the definition of “anti-social”.

Played By: R A I N - B O W - T U R D
Character Name: Rosalie Hale
Age: Older than Edward by a year or so in human appearance, though younger in vampire years, so around 104 or 105 (about 19 in appearance)
Height: Five foot ten inches
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: varies with mood
Other Features: Rosalie is the most beautiful of the Cullen family, something that Bella always found irritating. Compared to any human in existence, Rosalie appears as a goddess, or so Bella describes her.
Personality: Rosalie is a little smug about Edward’s relationship with Isabella, though she loves her brother dearly. Sometimes, however, she lets her temperaments get the best of her, such as the time when she spilled the news about Bella’s supposed “suicide” to Edward.
Background: Nothing is revealed really about Rosalie’s human life in either of the two books, though more may be shown later in the series. As far as her life with the Cullen family, Rosalie has adapted very well. She has taken on a vampire mate, Emmett, of whom she herself changed in an effort to save him from death at an early age. As stated before, she isn’t completely FOR Isabella and Edward’s relationship, but she isn’t completely against it, either. To this day, she lives with total remorse at the memory of how she almost became the reason that her brother performed his own act of suicide, all because she lost herself in her irritation.

Played By:
Character Name: Emmett Cullen
Age: Unknown, only a little younger than Rosalie, perhaps about 80-90 or so (18 or 19 in appearance)
Height: six foot two
Hair Color: scruffy-brown
Eye Color: varies with mood (normally a soft red color, though)
Other Features: Emmett is the stereotypical “thug brother”, always ready to get into a little bit of trouble with Edward if necessary, such as the time he planned to pick a fight with one of the Volturi clan members, Demetri.
Personality: Emmett is a little reckless in normal human nature, though not to the point in sacrificing his family and his love, Rosalie.
Background: Saved by Rosalie from death in a street, Emmett began his vampire life already claiming a bride. As can be expected with the Cullen life-style, he and Rosalie have had to marry plenty of times during their existence to keep up the ruse that they were “human”; for vampires never age in appearance, and therefore every time they moved, another chapter in their existence began and they had to start from scratch.

Played By:
Character Name: Carlisle Cullen
Age: Several hundred years old, but about 28-30 in appearance
Height: six foot even
Hair Color: soft brown
Eye Color: dark blue, but varies with mood (as all vampires)
Other Features: Carlisle is Fork, Washington’s best doctor, and also the most experienced of the entire Cullen family. Unlike the other family members, he can be in a room filled with blood and be able to resist the temptation to kill whoever else is inside there.
Personality: Carlisle has a warm and sincere sense of being, and is very in tune with his vampire abilities. He acts as a father to the rest of the Cullen family, with his wife, Esme, as the mother.
Background: Carlisle is the oldest of the entire family, reaching an age of about three to four hundred or so. In his human life, he was the son of a clergy, and aided in the annihilation of several innocents who were thought to have been "vampires". Of course, during a REAL vampire attack, Carlisle was bitten, and hid himself away for three days to avoid being killed by the clergymen. Since then, he's been a vampire striving to still do good by abstaining from the murder of humans, and keeps his diet strictly to animals.

Played By:
Character Name: Esme Cullen
Age: Looks about mid twenties, early thirties or so, and is about 40-50 years old.
Height: Five foot ten
Hair Color: Short and raven-black, somewhat like Snow White
Eye Color: Varies, though is normally a soft auburn
Other Features: Kind and motherly towards everyone, especially Edward and Bella.
Personality: As said above, she is kind. It is one of the traits passed on from her former life, to be compassionate to any living creature.
Background: Not much is known about Esme's life as a human, though we are inclined to believe that Carlisle changed her for the sole purpose of being his mate, just as he'd done with Rosalie for Edward (though Rosalie became nothing more than Edward's sister)

The other characters (Victoria, Aro, Jane, Charlie, Jacob, etc.) do not have profiles laid out because so little is known about them. If you wish to play one of these characters, pelase just PM me.
PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:07 pm
Made-Up Characters


Kaira the Vampire

Kaira the Vampire

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:09 pm
Profile Skeletons for Made-Ups

Played By:
Character Name:
Race: Vampire, Werewolf, and Humans ONLY
Age: No older than 200 if you're not a human.
Appearance: LINKS ONLY (no descriptions)
PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 6:15 pm
Played By: Estelluna_ThE_Moon_Godess
Character Name: Gaia(yeah Gaia)
Race: Vampire
Age: 200.
Appearance:User Image
Personality: Kind at times, cold, angry easily.
Background:Is cold, but warms up to people who like her. Was a orphan, and always lived at the orphanryem, until she bought a place, doesn't have many friends. Is almost a emo, but doesn't cut herself. Is almost creepy to some, but not always.  

Denki Nasu


PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:28 pm
*Request to be Alice*  
PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:16 pm
*Request to be Alice*

[PLEASE. READ. RULES...same goes for the person who posted the profile.]  

Kaira the Vampire


PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 7:25 pm
Wintergreen Angel
*Request to be Alice*

[PLEASE. READ. RULES...same goes for the person who posted the profile.]

hehe...oops. oh well. Can't always win...  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:40 pm
I've read both books so its ok right??

Played By:Hikaru-is-in-LoVe
Character Name: Alice Cullen
Age: a little younger than Edward in human years as well as vampire years, so around 107 or so (forever having the appearance of 15 or 16)
Height: Five foot six inches
Hair Color: black, jet-black
Eye Color: varies with mood
Other Features: Like Edward, Alice has a very unique talent: she can see into the future. Of course, the futures depend on choices made. If someone made a different choice, then the future would alter and change. When this happens, Alice doesn’t always see it, and sometimes it causes trouble.
Personality: Alice is wild and fun, much like the big sister that Bella sees her as. Alice is always ready to lend a helping hand, and despite her cold physical being as a vampire, she has a warm soul.
Background: In Alice’s former life, she was an inmate at an insane asylum, put there by her parents when they realized that their daughter was seeing visions. In order to save her life from the tracker known as James, she was changed into a vampire. After a while, she went to live with the Cullen family and adopted their way of life: no human prey, strictly animals. Now, Alice lives peacefully in the small town of Forks, Washington, all the while alongside her vampire mate, Jasper.  



Romantic Rogue

7,100 Points
  • Crack Shot 50
  • Generous 100
  • Friendly 100
PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:29 am
Played By: Ravemistressharuka
Character Name: Dahlaela Dieane
Race: Vampire
Age: 111 (Apperance of 18. )
Appearance: I have no links, but just look at my avi and just get rid of the tatoos and wulf stuff
Personality: Bubbly, spacey, dependant, and Shy.
Background: A loner that travels where the wind takes her, so to speak. she just arrived in the town of Forks, and lives in a abandoned treehouse in the woods. She rebeled the Dieane clan because they often thought of her as trash, so she left and the Dieane clan has been trying to get her back. Lost and alone, Dahlaela is on the search for a new clan...and some new friends. Her diet is animals and sweets of all kinds.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:47 pm
[What part of "all profiles must be sent to me" do you people not understand?]  

Kaira the Vampire

Ophelia the Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:49 pm
[Everyone. My original account, Kaira the Vampire, was hacked. Please send all questions and profiles to MOMO the 100 Series. I will also be playing Bella from this account once we get an Edward.

=D ]
PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:58 pm

Also...because I am unable to change the posts due to my other account being hacked, check here for information on who is playing who and whatnot. For example, HikariNovember is our new Edward Cullen!


Ophelia the Vampire

Aurora Rosaria

Anxious Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:18 pm
[[Muahaha.. >_> glad to be of service!! lol. This is going to be fun, lol..]]  
Twilight Saga Roleplaying

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