Name: Izuna Reki
Age: 28
Village: Hidden Mist
Rank: Jounin
Missions: (S:1) (A:4) (B:5) (C:13) (D:20)
Skills: Bunshin, Kawarimi, Henge, Energy Channel, Rai Style Taijutsu, Lightning Grip, Electric Web, Lightning Strike lvl 3, Izuna Drop, Crushing Battle Axe, Shishi Rendan, Water Explosion
Inventory: Kunai, Exploding Notes, Shuriken, Small metal pole (lightnin rod) on back
Background: Reki was born into the Hidden Cloud Village to one of the more prominent clans, those with bloodlines. His family thought little of others, believing they were the best; however, Reki thought differently. At one point during his studies he met with Dragon and became an indispensable ally. The two made a pledge to help each other no matter what.
Description: Reki wears a pair of dark blue pants and a black long sleeve shirt. He wears a white short-sleeve jacket that acts as a container for scrolls and kunai within its pockets. A shuriken/kunai holster rests on the side of each leg. He also wears a pair of dark blue metal plated gloves on each hand. His headband bears the symbol of Hidden Cloud. He carries a small metal rod on his back. Since it rains almost constantly in his country, Reki wears a straw hat to cover his head. When traveling he wears a cloak much like that of the Akatsuki except it is white with blue flames. His hair is white blonde and slightly messy. His eyes are an electric blue as a result of the massive amount of energy coursing through his body due to his bloodline. He is of average build and stands slightly taller than 6 foot. He possesses the Energy Channel bloodline.