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May 2007


Guild Updates

Since the last newsletter went out, there have been a few changes going on around the guild. First of witch.. er.. which... we will be needing a crew member to take over the newsletter for the next few months!!! Either someone takes it for June or there will not be a newsletter! Seriously... I can't stress this enough. KIT WILL NOT HAVE NET FOR A WHILE.

Current Contests

CopyCat -Drop in and try your hand at the tektek dream avi maker, following the sample pic of the time. Not as easy as you might think, but great prizes!

Horoscopes for May
Brought to you by: [LadyRaven]

Aries (mar 21 - apr 19): Now is the time ot get organized. De-clutter your life. Donate items you no longer need, either to friends or charities. For items you can't bare to part with, use them in a new way, like scrapbooking, or making something useful out of them you can use, or that you can hang. Or, try taking pictures of the items, and then scrapbooking those, while letting the item move on. In any case, declutter yourself this month.

Taurus (apr 20 - may 20) You feel like you've been neglecting something in your life recently. Maybe you aren't reading as much as you want, or you ahven't been going outside for walks, or working in the garden. Perhaps you feel like you haven't been spending enough time with friends, or by yourself. What ever is lacking... fix it this month. Take the time to do what makes you feel good, and enjoy it.

Gemini (may 21 - june 21) As the days get warmer, you might find you want to do things more an more. Maybe you want to take more walks, or go to the mall. Traveling seems to be your prime word, because you probably don't want to stay still for very long. Get up and move, and enjoy it. If you can't get out of the house, then try dancing to some music. Maybe even try some kind of workout, to get you going.

Cancer (june 22 - july 22) Pay attention to what you eat this month. You will notice that some food makes you feel better than others, and I'm not talking comfort food. While candy or ice cream is nice, if it makes you feel like sitting, try something else. This is a time when you need to move with grace. Like the waters tides, the moon with have your energy edding and flowing, so know what makes you feel better, and eat that when you need energy.

Leo (july 23 - aug 22) You will shine during some social event, but don't let it go to your head, or you will tumble just as easily. Back their praise with your quiet modesty, and things will go smoothly. No matter how much you deserve the praise, hald back your ego. For if you let it go, it will bring you down.

Virgo (aug 23 - sept 22) You may find your friends need you this month, and if that is the case, do what you can to help them. However, be careful not to forget that you matter too. Lend a hand, but don't over-extend yourself, or you both will be in the deep water looking for a life raft.

Libra (sept 23 - oct 23) You might feel like friends are coming to you to settle arguments. They are looking to you to be impartical, and you will need to be, or else things will go badly. Listen to their sides, and then offer suggestions or obsevations, but don't take sides. Also, if it gets to be too much, just let them know. They will understand.

Scorpio (oct 24 - nov 21) Money and you are now on speaking terms again, but that doesn't mean go crazy. Check your finances, and watch what you are doing. You're a little more wise to how things are going to go now. Check investments twice. Do you really need that item, or is there a better one out there? You will be able to hunt down the best deal, but only if you look.

Sagittarius (nov 22 - dec 21) Watch your health right now. You are spreading yourself thin, goingin so many directions, and that cold may turn into something nasty if you don't take time to take care of yourself. Make sure you have your priorities in order. If you can't get your chores done, you shouldn't have time to play games either. Find a decent balance, but take care of your health, then business, then fun.

Capricorn (dec 22 - jan 19) You've had some time to take care of yourself, and you probably have enjoyed it. Keep it up, but don't forget there are other people in your life as well. Don't shut everything and everyone else out. Also, watch your wallet this month, as you might need the cash you save now, for later.

Aquarius (jan 20 - feb 18 ) Matters of the home come to the front this month. Call your family members that you haven't spoken to in a while. Call your friends you have lost touch with. Make sure you take time to spend with those closest to you. Talk to them. Ask questions you always wanted to ask. Start a family tree. Make sure you put family on your important list this month.

Pisces (feb 19 - mar 20) Two paths diverged in a wood and you were sorry you couldn't travel both. But you must pick one over the other. This is no time to ponder the what-ifs and might-have-beens. There will be many times this month where you will have two good choices, and you'll be tempted to try and do both. Don't. It will only lead to trouble.

Topic of the Month:

Feel free to drop into the Newsletter suggestion thread and suggest topics for the month. If you would like to write a topic of the month, feel free to do so, and send it to the crew.

May's Topic: Parents & Wicca
Older topic, but new life in it with all the new members. Drop in and see what's new, answer questions, or get answers.

Occult News
Stay informed. Knowledge is power. Knowing is half the battle... yeah, all that stuff. Follow the links to read the articles.

4th of July Pagan Religious Rights Rally and Ritual

Astrological Timing of Spells, Prayers, and Rituals

Paganstock 2007 - 6/8/07 - 6/10/07: Paganstock (Bangor - Michigan)

How to for May: Drawstring Bags and Purses
Each month we would like to share a simple "How to" with you. If you have a "How to" which you enjoyed, or that you would like to share with everyone, please send it to one of the Crew for consideration.
Submitted by - Kit & Phoenix


* fancy fabric for the outside
* plain fabric for the inside
* scissors
* sewing machine
* needle and thread
* seam ripper
* a small safety pin
* cord or ribbon
* small beads or two tassels (optional)

Drawstring bags make great little purses or lovely wrappings for gifts. You can decorate them in a myriad of ways or leave them simple.

You can decorate the outside fabric with embroidery, patchwork, quilting, ribbon, lace, appliques, fabric paint, etc. Or just use scraps of pretty fabric leftover from another project (or from the remnant bin at the fabric store). Satin and other slick fabrics make good lining materials.

Start with a long rectangle of fancy fabric. Fold it in half and trim the three unfolded sides to form a square. If you are using this as a gift bag, use the size and shape of your gift as a guide. For example, these bags are perfect wraps for wine bottles. Lay the wine bottle on the fabric with the bottom of the bottle two inches above the fabric fold. Measuring two inches on each side of the bottle, cut along the two long sides of the bottle. Then add four or more inches above the top of the bottle, and cut that side. Cut the same shape out of the plain fabric for your lining.

Now that you've cut the fabric shape, it's time to decorate the outside fabric. Add any embellishments you choose now. If you sew on trim or ribbons in horizontal lines, make sure to extend the trim to the very edge of the fabric. This way, it will be enclosed in the final seam and give a clean finish.

With right sides together, sew the outside fabric's side seams. Then sew the side seams of the lining fabric. Iron these seams open.

Turn the lining right-side out and place it inside the fancy fabric so that the right sides of each piece are facing each other (the wrong sides will be facing you). Match the side seams, and pin the open top edges together. Sew along the top edge and leave an opening of about two inches (more for a bigger bag, less for a tiny bag). Turn the bag right-sides out through this opening. Push the lining (right-side out) inside the fancy fabric side. Iron the top edge, turning the raw edges of the opening down. Hand-stitch the opening closed.
Now you'll make a casing for the drawstring. An inch or so from the top edge of the bag, stitch a line through the two layers (lining and outer fabric), all around the bag. If you want more of a ruffled edge at the top of the bag, start this line of stitching farther from the top edge. Then stitch another line about a half inch below the first line.

At both side seams, use a seam ripper to unpick the side stitching in between the two lines of casing stitches. Cut the cord or ribbon into two long, equal pieces. Take a safety pin and attach it to one end of one piece of cord or ribbon. Insert the safety pin into the side-seam hole and thread it through the casing all the way around the bag, until it comes out next to where it started. Do the same with the other piece of cord or ribbon, but start at the opposite side. On each side, knot the cut ends of the cords to each other.

If you wish, you can sew beads or tassels at each corner of the bag. Use a needle and thread, and start from the inside of the bag so the knot is hidden. You can string any number of beads at each corner, or just tack on a pretty tassel.

Tips for the Month of May

Tip #1 razz rotection Sachet
A good protective sachet can be made from some common kitchen herbs and spices. Combine black pepper, sea (or table) salt, sweet basil, and caraway seed - garlic is also good, but if you´re using the sachet in a car or office, the close quarters (in a car) or others (in your office) could make using garlic less than desirable.

Wrap in a white hanky or cloth bag and tie with a red cord (or red yarn). Hang in a high corner of the area to be protected. Picture the scent/vibrations of the herbs enclosing the area.

Tip #2:Traditions

There are many "denominations" in Paganism, Witchcraft being one of them and Wicca being a form of Witchcraft. These are called traditions.

One way to explore different traditions is to explore your ethnic background. You may find that a tradition you find yourself drawn to originated with your ancestors. Read up on Celtic lore, find a good book on Greek mythology, research your family tree and you may discover yourself, your roots, and your path.

You can also look at places that you are drawn to. Love Hawaii? Look up the traditions and lore of the Hawaiian culture.

Tip #3:Finding your own God/dess
Wiccan belief is that there is one deity in the Universe, with the God aspect representing physical manifestation and Goddess aspect representing the spiritual. Deity is like a diamond -- we cannot comprehend all of its facets, so there are as many ways of viewing Deity as there are people seeking Deity. You are free to view Deity in any form that works for you -- or no particular form at all.

You may choose a personal form of Deity based on traits that you find desirable (e.g., Aphrodite for beauty, Ganesha for success), local custom (e.g., Pele in Hawaii), heritage, or even just because you feel drawn to a particular form of Deity. You can have one or many personal forms of Deity. What matters is finding a form of Deity that you are comfortable with. Finding your own Deity is a highly personal journey. They form of Deity that you choose doesn´t have to be the same form of Deity that works for your husband, mother, your Catholic neighbor, Jewish co-worker, or anyone else. All that matters is that YOU feel comfortable and happy with your choice.

Tip #4:Solitary One
There´s nothing wrong with solitary practice. One of the hardest things, though , is to keep focused when you don´t have at least 2 others around to remind you "It´s time to cast the circle".

Keep your special place in plain sight, if possible. If you don´t have a formal altar for whatever reason, create a special place with meaningful objects. It doesn´t have to be a big production, just a reminder to yourself of who you are. Put it in a place you will see it daily - then take a moment to reflect.

Try to keep "phase" with the lunar cycle. The simple act of flowing with the tides will energize your spirit.

Poem of the Month:


Canta la rosa
en la oscuridad de la noche,
no hay señales de la luna
hoy mi alma...Nocturna.

El cielo ennegrecido
algunas estrellas lo entretienen,
las ramas crujen fuertemente
hoy mi alma...Nocturna.

Sinfonía de viento
compañia agonizante,
sola estare para siempre?
hoy mi alma...Nocturna.

No he visto la Luna,
ya las estrellas se guardaron.
y denuevo la misma pregunta.
hoy mi alma...Soledad.


You can get a poem included in the newsletter by either posting to the Guild or by sending it to the Crew.

Pagan Word of the Month:

pronounced /ˈsˠaunʲ/ from the Old Irish ''samain''- is the word for November in the Gaelic languages. The Scottish Gaelic spelling is ''Samhainn'' or ''Samhuinn'' (for the feast), or ''an t-Samhain'' (for the month). The Festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture, and is generally regarded as 'The Celtic New Year'.

The same word was used for a month in the ancient Celtic calendar, in particular the first three nights of this month, with the festival marking the end of the summer season and the end of the harvest. A modernized version of this festival continues today in some of the traditions of the Catholic All Souls' Day, the secular Halloween, and in folk practices of Samhain itself in the Celtic Nations and the Irish and Scottish diasporas. The festival is also now observed in a variety of forms by types of Neopagans.

Recipe of the Month
Brought to you by- Kit

Sunbeams (Candied Citrus Peel)—Grey Mere

3 large oranges
1 c sugar
1 1/2 t ginger
Extra sugar

Remove the peel from oranges – you need about 4 to 5 ounces; you may use grapefruit peel instead or combine the two. Cover peel with cold water; bring to boil; pour off water; add fresh cold water, bring to boil – 4 to 5 times total; cook till tender. Drain; cut in thin strips with scissors. Mix the 1 cup sugar and the ginger in a small saucepan; add 1/2 c water; cook to 242 deg or "firm ball". Add peel to syrup; cook on low heat till syrup is absorbed. Take off heat; Roll each strip in extra sugar to coat. Makes about 1/2 lb.

Quote of the Month:

“Whatever is dreamed on this night, will come to pass.."
-William Shakespeare, A Mid-Summernight's Dream

Art of the Month
User Image
Wings of Aegis

You can get a picture included in the newsletter by either posting to the Guild or by sending it to the Crew.


Wanted: Artwork submissions for the Newsletter. Please post to the Art Forum, and one winning picture will be chosen at random or by a vote of crew... we're not telling. Artwork that is themed to the coming Sabbat or pagan/wiccan themed in general has a better chance of being picked, but all artwork is considered.

Wanted: Poetry Submissions for the Newsletter. Please post to the Poetry Thread in the Art Forum. One winning piece will be chosen at random or by a vote of the crew.. we're not telling. Poetry that is themed to the coming Sabbat or pagan/wiccan themed in general has a better chance of being picked, but all poetry is considered.

Wanted: News Articles. If you come across a good news article that you think others should read, send the weblink to a Crew member. Thank you.

Wanted: Artists. Seriously. The online Anime and Gaming store I work for is seeking artists to draw their three mascots. Pictures will be used on the website, in banners and other forms; as part of an online comic; on store merchandise. Please check out to see the store. Email with samples of your artwork. Even if you think you're 'not good enough' try us. We're looking to showcase some beginning artists... to give you a chance to shine and get some work for your portfolios. Please put "Gaia/Artwork" in the subject line of the email so we know what's up. We're a small store.. nothing large like RightStuf or ADV Films... just a few folks hacking away at an online living. We'd like to help out some new artists. smile

Please keep the following in mind:
*Remember newsletters only go out once a month, on the full moon.
*You can sell any item, product or service (ads for your shop or business, such as selling avi art, or mood jewels) so long as you comply with the TOS and guild rules.
*You must write the advert yourself. We are not responsible for any mistakes.
*There is a 10g list fee per advert, per month, which will go toward funding guild contests.
*Prices are subject to change, please check the latest issue of the newsletter for current prices
*You may pay for long term ads in advance, and lock in the current rate.
*You may post wanted lists to the Classifieds. They work the same as selling ads. You still must write it yourself, and the list fee is the same.

Any other questions, feel free to PM Kit and ask.

If you would like to submit articles, poems, spells or other things for the Newsletter, please contact one of the crew. Also, while it is fun to just read what you are sent, remember, the guild is only as good as you make it, and the same goes for the newsletters. You can't let other people do everything for you. Part of being Wiccan is learning to work in groups, learning to take part in what's going on. So please submit material, both to the guild and the newsletter. Otherwise, the Crew might get burned out.. and then everything stops. We don't want that. You don't want that. So get active and start posting things! Thanks.

News Crew:
Kitanya_Rose - Your Editor and Chief of all things Newsletter
[.Techno.]- Overseer, Guild Owner
PhoenixMoonStar- Content contributor and idea girl