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Only on more chapter left; the Epilogue. Are you sad?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:07 am
All Humans Die

I opened my eyes slowly as I heard a knock on the window and glanced over at the digital clock on my nightstand. It was two in the morning, so it was probably Edward. I smiled at the thought. I walked over to the window and opened it. “Good morning,” I said, I was still half asleep, so the words slurred and it sounded like I said “g`mornin”.

“This is going to be easier than I thought.” Edward said.
“Huh? What is going to be easier, Edward?”
He chuckled, “Edward’s still hunting in the Sierras.”

Within seconds there was a cloth bag over my head and duct tape over my mouth, so there wasn’t even any use in screaming for Charlie. And the next thing I knew my arms and legs were bound tight so I wouldn’t be able to fight back. It’s someone that’s working for Victoria, it has to be. I was so scared, when would Edward get back? Was I really going to die?

I could feel the wind that was getting through the cloth on my face. I squirmed, hoping I could break the grasp of whoever this was that had me.

“Now, now,” He said in a calming tone. “Calm down, won’t you?”
I tried to say “I won’t”, but with the tape on my mouth it came out as “Hm mmm”

After what seemed like hours I heard a door open and moments after that I was laying on what I thought was the backseat of a car.

I must’ve fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was lying on a couch in a room that I didn’t recognize. My wrists and ankles were sore from being bound so tight, so why was I untied now?

I sat up so fast that I got a sudden headache. I put my hand to my forehead. What on Earth was happening?

I had no way of knowing how long I’d been here.

All that was in the room was the couch I had woke up on, a few chairs, a table, a TV that didn’t work—and even if it did, I probably wouldn’t use it--, and a book shelf filled with books in many different languages.

I picked a book off the shelf that seemed to be in Italian.

It had been months since I was in Volterra with Edward and Alice, even though it didn’t seem anywhere near that long. They were going to kill me since I wasn’t a vampire when we were there…

Oh no.

That’s why I’m here, isn’t it? The Volturi finally came to check up on our ‘situation’, to see if I needed to be ‘disposed off’. At least everyone else was safe. Charlie, Edward, and all the others. They were all so much safer with me gone.

Edward’s off hunting still, so I guess it’s just my time to go. My time to die. After all, all humans lives have to end someday, some just sooner than others.

I put the book back and went to see if the door was unlocked.

I wasn’t surprised when the doorknob wouldn’t turn.

I went back to the couch and gently rubbed my ankles and then my wrists.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when the door opened. Someone wearing a black cloak with a hood covering their eyes walked in with a plate of food in their hands. The smell of bacon filled the room and my stomach growled. A small laugh escaped the cloaked figure, and, for some reason, the laugh seemed ever-so familiar.

I followed the cloaked figure over to the table. “Sit down.” It was the same voice from last night, and, oddly enough, it made me so mad, even though he had brought me breakfast. As if a meal would fix anything.

I sat and he placed the plate and a fork in front of me. There was some bacon and some eggs on the plate. Without thinking, I took a bite.

After I had finished most of the food on the plate the man sat in the chair across from me.

“I know who you are.” I said, totally pissed off.
“Oh, you do?” He sounded a bit shocked.
“You were sent by the Volturi to kill me.”
“Heh,” and then he burst out laughing.

“No one ‘sent’ me; I’m doing this for my own benefit.” He said, finally able to control his laughter.

I gaped at him, his own benefit?

“How does kidnapping me benefit you?” I nearly screamed in rage.

“Because having you life in my hands will keep Edward at bay and away from foiling my plans.” He smirked and lifted his hood off his head.

At that second, only one word came to my mind.


The very man who had made it so Edward was alive—well, existing in this century sat before me.

No wonder why his voice and laugh had sounded so familiar! This man saved my life on multiple occasions in the past.

“What… what’s going on, Carlisle?” I asked, not understanding what his ‘plans’ were.

“Something you wouldn’t be able to think of even in your worst nightmares. Are we done?” He said, picking up the empty plate and the fork.

“No, we’re nowhere near done!” I shouted, the fury in my voice rising. “What are you planning on doing to me?”

“Bella, what do you think I’m going to do? You’re a human, I’m a vampire, it’s inevitable.” And with that, he walked out of the room. I heard the lock turn in the door, and was trapped in the windowless room once again.

How could Carlisle betray Esme and his family? What was going on? What am I missing? What the hell were Carlisle’s plans?

You have no idea what “bored out of your mind” means until you’ve been in a windowless room where all there is, is a broken TV, and a bookshelf with books that you can’t even read

“Oh, what is Charlie going to do when he finds me gone?” Blame Edward no doubt.

The hours dragged by and I hoped that soon I would wake up from this terrible nightmare and find Edward in my room with me.

Carlisle returned with a sandwich and I had millions of questions to ask him, even though I really disliked him at the moment.

“So what’s up with the isolation?” I asked, my tone as sour as I thought possible.

He glared at me as I sat across from him at the table, the sandwich already in front of me. I didn’t touch it.

“Eat.” He insisted. Afraid that he would leave if I didn’t, I took a bite. Too much mayonnaise for my personal taste, but this was probably as good as it was going to get.

“Okay... does anyone know I’m gone yet?” I asked, worried about Charlie worrying about me. Carlisle laughed.

“What’s so funny?” I asked. I was a little annoyed that he was laughing at this.

“Turn on the TV.”
“It doesn’t work.”
“Oh,” he said, standing up and walking over to the TV and, to my surprise, the news turned on. “There’s T-vo, too. SO I’ll rewind to the beginning.” A crooked grin slid across his face, but it was nothing like Edwards’ smile.

We watched the news in silence as the weather man proclaimed that Forks would be having a rare sunny week and that people should take advantage of that. Then there was some stuff about car accidents in the more populated areas of Washington. A bunch of nonsense went on about the sock market and such, too.

Finally a man wearing a green plaid shirt with his dark hair gelled back—I didn’t catch his name, but it’s not like that really even matters—appeared on the screen.

“I’m here in Forks for a live interview with Charlie Swan who went missing two days ago.”

Two days. Two days? Had it really been two whole days? It seemed like it had only been hours, how had over forty-eight of them passed?

“Mr. Swan, is there anything you want to say?” He asked in a rather bored tone.

“I just want to ask that whoever took her, please don’t hurt her. Bring her back safe, please.” A tear rolled down his cheek and it broke my heart to see him like this. “She’s so delicate, so fragile. And, Bells, if you’re watching, please be safe and make contact as soon as you can. Be strong and don’t let whoever you’re with hurt you. I love you Bells, please, please come home in one piece.”

“Okay, back to Seattle.” The man said and the TV screen paused for a second and then brought on a woman with blonde hair and a man with practically none.

“Thank you Jack.” The bald man said.

“There are still no clues on as to where Isabella Swan has been taken, and the note that was left has been of no help, either. Friends and family and missing her dearly and hoping for the best, but fearing the worst. There are searches going on in the nearby mountains that her and her boyfriend Edward Cullen apparently spent a lot of their time in. Cullen is still in custody of the police and being questioned, and will be held there until further notice.

“A house caught on fire in Olympia this morni—“

The TV flashed white and then remained black and Carlisle doubled over in laughter.

“The… the look on your face… when he… two days!” He was literally shaking from laughing so hard.

Now’s my chance! I can run!

I bolted for the door, knocking over the chair and almost tripping. But I wouldn’t let me fall, I couldn’t. If Carlisle caught me, it would probably be my end.

I reached for the door and it opened. Great.

Now where?

Carlisle’s laughing was starting to die out, I knew I needed to hurry, or I would be the one dying.

I ran down the hall to my right and then up a flight of stairs. I had to get out, to see Charlie, to see Edward.

I felt like I had been running for an eternity when I finally made it outside. The sun was shining, and it was almost as bright as it was back in Phoenix. I squinted to get used to how bright it was out here.

I had to keep running; I couldn’t let Carlisle catch me. This wouldn’t be my ending.

I need to—WHAM!

I fell to the ground, a sudden pain beneath my collar bone.

“Edward?” I hoped.

“Only in your wildest dreams! You still have to last this nightmare.” Carlisle laughed. A nightmare indeed. One I don’t think I’d survive.

When he finally set me down back in the windowless room I realized that I couldn’t handle silence anymore.

“So when are you going to drain me of my blood?” I asked coldly, not really even wanting to know.

“I’m tempted to right now.” I froze.

“What?” I said, my voice sounded half dead.

“I said,” he sighed. “That I’m tempted to drink from you right now, with the bleeding scratch just below your collar bone.” He licked his teeth. “Your blood smells phenomenal. It has an aroma above all others.” A growl built up from his chest and escaped from his lips.

“I don’t know how Edward can even breathe around you.” He added, stepping closer. I swear, it felt like my heart was skipping every other beat.

I had been in these same pajamas for two days now, and I was starting to wish that I had chosen some sweats and a shirt with a higher neckline. But no. Obviously I don’t plan ahead for being kidnapped, I’ll have to remember to do that when I get out—if I get out.

I had chosen to where a pair of navy blue shorts and a royal blue spaghetti strap tank top to bed since it was getting oddly warm lately. Silly me.

“Mmm” Carlisle hummed “I don’t know how I was even able to offer to change you before.” He was only inches away from me now; death was at its doorstep. “Maybe it was because it wasn’t as ripe with fear as it is now.” I stumbled backwards and fell on the couch.

“Any last words?”

So there's the first chapter so far! ^.^
Does anyone like it?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:13 am
That was super excellent!!!!!! but i'm not so sure i like the fact of carlisle being the bad guy. i thought it was going to be jacob or someone.... But anyways it was written beautifully!  



PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:54 am
WOW!! That was cool! When's the next chapter coming?  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:54 am
did u write that???im scared.....  



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PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:41 pm

@ Missbella14, Thanks! I just thought it needed a twist... at first it was going to be Victoria, but then that was too obvious. But no one would really expect Carlisle... so wait until you learn what his plans are. twisted

@ Angle12cutiegirl, Thanks, I don't know... probably sometime next week... I wanted to see if it was even worth it to continue or if it was to... eh... to even spend my time on it...

@ Kitkatkittycat, lol, yes, I wrote that. I have a very twisted mind for the average thirteen-year-old. I guess that's what comes with reading so many books. ^.^
PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:06 pm
Wow, I love it! I don't really like Carlisle being the bad guy...he's one of my favorite characters crying but great story!  

Azarni Usagi


PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:29 pm
Well-written...Carlisle's evil now?! crying  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:04 am
Well-written...Carlisle's evil now?! crying
Well.... I decided that's not Carlisle, and that I'm going to have to go back and re-write all of chapter two... but to be nice, I'm having it be in Edwards POV so yeah...


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:11 pm
Chapter Two
Nothing Is What It Appears To Be

Edwards POV

I was furious, why did Charlie have to jump to conclusions?! As soon as I got back from hunting in the Sierras and showed up at school the next day I had been arrested and blamed for Bella’s disappearance! Luckily, since they had no evidence that it was me, they had to release me after twenty-four hours of pointless interrogating.

I had been pacing in our meadow for about an hour now, and still, I could find no mind thinking that they knew where my precious Bella was. None. So, either the kidnapper knew about my talent—which was very unlikely—or they were far enough from Forks that I couldn’t hear her captors thoughts. My Bella, my defenseless Bella, had been kidnapped while I was off hunting in order to keep her human. Emmett had almost literally had to tear us apart before him, Alice, and I went hunting.

When Alice had had a vision on the way home… I nearly crashed for the first time in my entire existence. She told me that someone had kidnapped Bella, someone with terrible plans and was using her as bait, but not letting her know that, and telling her she was a bargain tool.

That couldn’t be right… bait? Bait for what?

I had to talk to Carlisle, to see if he knew anything about what was going on. I needed to see if he had any old enemies that would try to get to him by using Bella to get to me.

And then I realized who it had to be… Victoria.

It had been months since we had destroyed James in order to keep Bella safe, but with Victoria still on the loose… this could very well be the end of Bella and the end of me.

I faster then I ever had before and got back to the house in record time that Emmett would surely try to beat some other time.

I burst into Carlisle’s office where he had been working on some medical paperwork. “Have you figured out anything on Bella’s disappearance?” He asked.

“No… well, possibly… I don’t know, I was wondering if you had any idea yourself.” I didn’t want to even think that it could be Victoria sick, it made my dead heart ache worse then it usually did when Bella was in danger—which was almost every day.

Carlisle looked up from his papers and stared at me with almost emotionless eyes. Edward, you and I both know who it most likely is. We have to wait for either Alice to have a vision of where Bella is, or for you to hear the thoughts of the kidnapper.

“NO!” I shouted, “It could be too late by then!” My breathing was heavy and I ran from the office, slamming the door on my way out.

Edward, I need to talk to you.

The thought was loud and clear, it was coming from Alice, had she finally had a vision of where Bella was or something that would lead us to her? I had to know.

Jasper and Alice were sitting on the couch in the living room. “What is it Alice?!” I asked anxiety in my voice. I felt a wave a calmness wash over me, I glared at Jasper. “Not now.” I demanded in a bitter tone. Jasper simply got up and left the room to leave Alice and I to talk.

“What did you see Alice?” I asked, trying to stay calm.

Edward, it’s… her kidnapper looked a lot like Carlisle.

I stared wide eyed at her. Carlisle? No way, this couldn’t be happening, Carlisle would never do anything like this to any of us… it just… wasn’t him. “Are you sure, Alice? Are you positive that that’s what you saw?!” She simply nodded, too stunned about her vision to even speak, to even think straight.

I ran to Carlisle’s office so fast that a human might have thought I had flown.

I had both hands gripped around his throat before the door shut. I new that it wouldn’t do anything anyway… but it would let him know that I was serious about this.

“Where… is… Bella?!” I shouted.

“Edward, you guess is as good as mine I have no idea where she—“


“I really have no idea what you’re talking about.” His eyes were full of questions, but I was ready to kill him here on the spot if he really had anything to do with Bella disappearing.

What on earth is going on in there? Esme thought and entered Carlisle’s office. “Edward,” her voice sounded appalled, but she managed to stay calm. “What are you doing?”

I looked back at her and saw the sadness in her eyes. She was already sad with Bella disappearing, it was like losing a daughter to her, and now the fact that one of her ‘sons’ were implying death was near for her husband… I was truly disgusted with myself.

I let go of Carlisle’s neck and stormed out of the room.

I went to my room and blasted the volume listening to some of Bella’s favorite bands.

Edward, I think I know who has her. Carlisle thought, as I was about to switch CDs for the second time.

So what is thought of the entirely re-written chapter two?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:20 pm
i really like ur story! and im so happy that carlisle isnt the bad guy.
that wouldnt have made sense because of how he works in the hospital and has been controlling his thirst and like he said... the scent doesnt even bother him anymore....
cant wait for your next chapter!!!  

Edward Cullen is My Life


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:15 pm
Chapter Three

Nervous But No Wreck


I had the Volvo practically flying down the deserted freeway. Had there been even one person in sight, I still wouldn’t have slowed down like I normally would. But there wasn’t anyone around, so I didn’t even need to worry. I couldn’t slow down no matter what, my angels very humanity was in danger here, the humanity I fought so hard to protect for her. I pressed harder on the gas pedal—if that were even possible—and had this silver machine going as fast as ever.

I was so lost in my own thought’s that I had managed to block out Alice’s and Emmett’s who were in the car with me, Emmett sitting next to me where Bella normally sat, and Alice in the back.

Alice I had brought in case she had any visions that would help me find Bella; and Emmett because I needed someone to kill the stupid b*****d who kidnapped an angel, and made everyone who cared about her worry.

And why shouldn’t they be? She was with a shape-shifting vampire! He could trick her into going to any place in this god-forsaken planet!

I couldn’t let that happen.

“Edward, are you sure you don’t want me to drive?” Alice asked for the third time.

“Positive.” I clenched my teeth. I was already nervous for Bella, what if we were too late? No, don’t think that. I couldn’t be to late, I just couldn’t. There was no way I would be able to hold in my anger if she asked again, I would take it out on her, Bella would find out, and then Bella would be upset.

I wish Jasper were here…

I shot a glare at her and quickly turned back, as she was staring intently at the floor.

He would have warned me that you were in a horrid mood.

She must have sensed my glare at her.

God damn it! That a** is seriously going to pay! Kidnap my little sister… why I ought a…

Had it not been the same situation, I probably would have laughed at Emmett’s thoughts, they weren’t focused on Rose, and they weren’t focused on competition, this was something new for him.

I turned off the freeway and started into a dead neighborhood, only one houses lights were on, and someone was thinking about Bella in that house.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:20 pm
Hoping For Your Return

Bella's POV

“Don’t even think that about Bella!” Edward shouted, nearly knocking the door off of its hinges.

Carlisle was just about to sink his teeth into my skin just below my collar bone—which for some reason, was already bleeding.

“Oh, this isn’t any fun.” Carlisle said darkly and turned his head to face an angry Edward. “But I know just how to shake things up a bit.” He pulled a knife from his cloak and held it so close to my throat that I feared that if I even breathed, my life would be over, so I held my breath.

Edward stopped, his eyes wide in fear. “Don’t.”

Carlisle must have been talking through his mind, because he didn’t even say anything when Edward was shouting at him, pleading for him not to kill me, and that if he did, he would kill him as soon as he killed me.

“I’m sorry Bella, it’s the only way.” And with that, he turned and ran out the door.

“See, what did I tell you? Having your life in my hands keeps him at bay.” He smirked and pulled the knife away from my throat.

I took a deep breath, “Carlisle, what did you tell him?” I asked, both frightened and enraged at the same time.

“Oh, just that I would kill you if he didn’t leave that instant, and if he did leave that I would keep you alive. Although, I never said anything about you not going through any pain.” He smirked, “but I’m going to keep my word, and I will not bite you,” There was a bit of sadness in his voice. “Even though your blood smells so appetizing.”

He left the room soon after that and jammed the door so I couldn’t get out again. He told me that if I even tried to open the door, that he would tie me up again so tight I would have to have my hands and feet amputated afterwards.

I lay on the couch crying for so long, I didn’t even notice when Carlisle came in with my dinner. I just looked up after a little while and I saw that Carlisle was there.

“I’m not hungry.” I said, not wanting to be anywhere near him, even if it meant I had to starve.
“Of course you’re not.” He chuckled, and turned on the TV again. A commercial for some loan company was on. “Would you like to see how everyone else is doing on the outside world?”

I didn’t say anything, but I felt a spark of hope that Edward had told someone about where I was light on my face. But when the news came back on with Renee, Charlie, and all of my friends crying about me missing, that spark quickly died.

Charlie looked furious, like he knew Carlisle took me, but he couldn’t tell anyone else.

“Edward Cullen somehow managed to escape the custody of the police earlier this afternoon. Is there anything you have to say about that?” A tall skinny woman with beautiful brown hair asked as she put the microphone so Charlie could speak into it.

“It’s too coincidental. I think that… no, I know that he took my daughter. He wouldn’t say anything when he was at the station, and now he’s gone. I just know that he has her.”

The corner of Carlisle’s mouth raised a little bit.

The woman passed the microphone over to in front of Renee, “is there anything you’d like to say?”

Renee’s cheeks were stained with tears. “I just want my baby back. She’s such a good kid, I don’t know why anyone would take her away from her family.”

The woman talked to everyone and basically all that they said was how much they missed me… and then she talked to Jacob.

Oh no, oh no, oh no…

What if Jacob and all of the others thought that the Cullens had turned me into a vampire of killed me already?

I thought I had gotten them all out of trouble by being kidnapped… now Edward and his family could be killed and it would be all my fault.

“No. No! NO!” I screamed and ran for the door again. Before I was even half way there Carlisle had thrown me back on the couch and was putting tape on my mouth and tying my wrists and ankles together.

“I warned you.” He said, glaring at me.

“Carlisle, don’t you even care?! The werewolves could kill Esme and the rest of your family! KILL!” I tried to say, but, again, it came out as a bunch of mumbles and murmurs.

“If I find out that Cullen did this,” Jacob looked severely pissed, like he was just about to turn into a wolf. “Then I’m going to tear his throat out.” He shook his head and the news woman looked a little shocked.

After a while Carlisle turned the TV off, came over to me, and kissed my forehead. What the hell? Why did he just do that? I love Edward! He loves Esme, so why the hell did he kiss me?! I looked at him, my eyes wide with shock.

Carlisle laughed, “have to have something in my mind that happened that will really anger your knight in shining armor!” He left the room and soon after that I fell asleep.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:27 pm

All Too Tempting


Flashes of terrible things ran through the mind of the monster who had kidnapped Bella danced in my mind. He liked confusing her a bit much, a bit too much for my approval. Then a thought that I wouldn't let anyone in this world live with ran through his mind and then mind. No one would do that to her, not on my watch.

“Don’t even think that about Bella!” I shouted, nearly knocking the door off of its hinges when I found the room. I had told Alice and Emmett to stand guard up at the front of the house and wait for me to come back with Bella before they went down.

The imposter Carlisle was just about to sink his teeth into my angels skin just below her collar bone—which was already bleeding. The aroma was intoxicating, and it took all I had to control myself right then-and-there.

Come take a bite Edward, you know you want to. The imposter taunted through his thoughts. My entire body tensed, and I stopped breathing. A single image showed up in his mind; a rather sharp knife.

“Oh, this isn’t any fun.” The imposter said darkly and turned his head to face me. “But I know just how to shake things up a bit.” He pulled a knife from his cloak and held it so close to her throat, his thoughts didn't betray him, he was ready to kill such a perfect angel. The perfect angel who wanted to be damned to a life of misery like mine.

“Don’t.” Was all I managed to say.

If you leave, I won't. And I promise not to bite her, either. But my goals have not been fulfilled, Edward. I still need to get my revenge, and having her suffer is the best way to get to you. In return for my promise, you must not tell her anything about me. She is to believe I am Carlisle, and if she get's even suspicious... horrible images flashed through his mind. Well, she won't, will she?

He smirked, he had thought this all out. There was no way I would do anything to endanger her, and I would most definately return for Bella, there wasn't even a possibility of me getting out of range so I could hear and see his every thought, though. Alice and Emmett would have to get the others for me, there was no other way.

I looked at Bella, fear consuming her eyes. Oh, if only I could read her precious mind. I wished for the billionth time. This was the only way to make her live... and if I wasn't dead already, these words would have killed me.

“I’m sorry Bella, it’s the only way.” And with that, I turned and ran out the door.

As soon as I was out of the house Alice and Emmett bombarded me with their thoughts.

I glared at them both and told them what had happened. Alice looked scared, shocked, angry. Emmett looked angry, no, not angry, far worse then that.

Emmett cursed under his breath and Alice let out a dry cry.

"Alice, Emmett, I need you two to go get the others. Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Rosalie. Everybody." Emmett looked stunned for a moment.

That's a first, he never asks for her help. Half naked images of Rosalie ran through his head. Damn, I miss her so much, when this is all over--

"EMMETT!" I shouted, not wanting to hear or see any of this.


"Well, there's a first for you, too." I bit back at him, "you apologized."

Normally after saying something like that, he would have either A. doubled over from laughter. Or B. got into a fight with me.

There was no C. option, not with Emmett.

"I'll be staying here, if he lays one hand on Bella, I swear he's going to be put through so much pain he'll wish he wasn't immortal."

We had already made it to a small blue house that had a dead lawn and broken steps. Abandoned long long ago.

I checked back into the other vampires' thoughts. Smashing the mailbox as soon as I saw them.


I was already about to explode from rage, and now he had kissed her. I was supposed to be the only one to kiss her. Jealously burned hotter then all my other emotions--besides fear for Bella's life--right now. It had been days since I had felt her warmth. Her kind human warmth. The scent of her blood had been almost enough to make me attack her right then, but, somehow, I had actually managed to hold back.

We're leaving now Edward.

I looked up to find Alice staring at me with concern from the doorway. "Okay then... get there and back as fast as you can."

You know we will.

Hell yeah, brother! We'll be there and back with forever to spare. He laughed at his own joke, but Alice and I didn't, and with that, they left, Alice scolding him in the car.

We're going to save you Bella, count on that.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:51 am
I like it a lot, but I just have one small problem. I'm a grammar geek, and honestly, it needs a lot of editing. But as far as idea goes, good work!  

The Kraken

Dapper Dabbler


PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:00 pm
I heart it!! I t is positively brilliant idea idea But question. Why carlisle???????!  
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