User Image

It's been a while since I've had a contest so this is one of the few contests I'll be running this week.

If the title didn't give it away, this is an avatar contest. NOT a Tektek contest. This means that the avatar you submit MUST be yours. It cannot be a dream avatar.

There will be 10 slots and it will be first come, first serve. So the first 10 people who PM me their entries and trades will be entered. Anyone after that will be denied and their trades canceled.

Yes, there will be an entry fee. ...of only 100 gold. This gold will go towards the prize of 1,000 gold.

Interested? Then here are your instructions:

User Image 1. Save your desired avatar (remember it HAS to be yours... NO DREAM AVATARS!) and upload it (, ect.).

User Image 2. PM your uploaded avatar to the guild mule, Net Slum Dweller and title the PM "Avatar Contest I" so I know what contest it's for.

User Image 3. Send Net Slum Dweller a trade with 100 gold. Also title that "Avatar Contest I."

I will then reply to your PM telling you that you're on (or not depending on if you're one of the first ten entries). And I'll accept your trade (or not depending on if you're one of the first ten entries).

When I get all 10 entries, I'll put up the contest and let everyone know. The first to 10 votes wins the 1,000 gold.

If you have any questions, please either post here or PM me. :]