This guild used to be called The Tempest of Light. It was originally planned to be a private roleplaying guild for my friends and I, especially since I have no skills for recruiting people, period. However, some people randomly ended up joining, and I figured that people wouldn't like being restricted to just roleplaying, so I added some more sub forums.

In light of some problems, I ended up disappearing and falling off of the face of the earth. Now, I've come back, and I've decided to start my guild anew. We've got a new theme going, too.

Why the Antique Mannequins? It sounds cool, and I want an excuse to do some ******** up and twisted artwork for our banners and such. So, thus we are the Antique Mannequins.

Please be sure to read the rules posted in all of the sub forums, and any new updates and announcements. As always, and as I probably post a few hundred times in this guild, please be sure to follow Gaia ToS.

If you're unsure of where to go, you can check out the Navigation thread, which is in the main forum. It gives a quick review of the sub forums, and should give you a good idea of where to go.

If there's a problem, you can try posting it in the Ask Rosiel thread, or you can PM me, Raine Dragon, Faye Jarlon, or Lilwolf Wolfenheart. Raine and Faye are Co-Captains, and Lilwolf is a forum moderator. They will do their best to assist you, and if they cannot solve a problem, they'll be sure to make sure I know about it.

Come play with us... forever and ever and ever.