Update: She's found a yaoi RPer, but she's still accepting any .hack yaoi RPers willing to RP with her.
Me and my friend need some help. We used to do a HaseoxEndrance RP, but due to some...things happening and me ending up disliking it, we quit it. Now we do a different RP instead, but my friend still wishes for a RP buddy that can do a yaoi RP with her. She would really like HaseoxEndrance, but she also likes HaseoxOvan and HaseoxSilabus. Also she prefers that you use Haseo and she uses Endrance or whoever. Please at least type literately, no chatspeak. She likes a good literate RP or a simple RP (etc: Name: Text *action*) but she doesn't really have any limits.

If anyone's interested in helping out, please post here or PM me and I'll tell you when her computer starts working again so I can tell you her username. (She also has MSN and IMVU.)
