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Naruto RP: Another World (OPEN and Accepting Profiles) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 13 14 15 16 [>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:12 pm


1: Rules
2: Plot
3: Character Layout
4: Original Characters
5: Black List/White List
6: Special Events
7: Current Plot Objectives
8: RP status
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:16 pm

1: Be literate to semi-literate
2: No posting until it is RP is open! Any posts will be deleted if this rule is not followed!
3: Please keep it at LEAST pg-16
4: No cybering (ew)
5: No godmodding
6: PM the profiles to me PLEASE!
7: You will be removed from this RP if you do not follow certain rules
8: You can swear, just don't swear every other word.
9: Put in your profile Kurayami so I know that you read the rules.
10: No Auto-Hitting
11: If you do not PM your profile and post it, then I will require that you Delete the one you posted, then PM them to me. A few exceptions were made. If you do not follow this rule from now (July 25, 2007) I will automatically assume you didn't read the rules.
12: If your going to talk OOC then please use (()) [] or {}
13: Don't use ** -- or <> for actions, Example: -He killed some ugly f**-
14: Don't kill another RPers character unless they agree.
15: For god futchzing sakes! Stick with the Character Layout I provided. If you say that it's to long, or you don't like it, then your obviously not imaginative enough to RP. This tells me your a n00bL3t. (One exception was made)



PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:20 pm


It is a momentary time of peace for the villages, everyone from every village has stopped fighting, and for one purpose. A portal to another dimension has opened, whether someone did it, or just a unforeseen occurance is unknown. Evil creatures have come out of the portal, appearing and disappearing. They attack everyone and everything insight, without mercy. Sometimes they kill their victims, other times they get tired of their victim and leave.

Everyone, including the usual bad-guys-out-to-destroy-the-good-guys have ceased their attempts on every one else's life. They all have joined forces to stop these creatures from appearing. Take your place as one of your own characters or one of the original characters!

The basics of the Creatures is that they are basically blobs of black, taking on crude human forms. You can kill them but you can't stop them from coming back to life. The only way to keep them from destroying the current world-as-you-know-it is by closing the portal. Certain items are needed to close the portal, only obtainable in certain places, all heavily gaurded by the creatures. Who knows where these items are? One person. Very few know who she is, and even fewer know where she is. Can you stop the infestation of darkness?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:39 pm

Character layout:

Gaian Name -
Character Name -
Gender -
Rank - (sensai, hokage, etc.) {Hokage needs my approval}
Weapons - (If your going to use a picture, then PLEASE use URL format, not IMG, cause that takes up space, and no more than 4 weapons per charactor)
Appearance - (Picture if possible please)
Age -
Favorite Jutsu/s - (Can be made up, as long as it has a good description)
Sexual Preference - (Gay, Straight, Bi, etc.)
Origin - (Place of birth)
Likes -
Dislikes -
Bio/History -
Personality -
Other - (Anything else you'd like to tell me: who they have a crush on, etc.)



PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:33 pm

Character Profiles: (You can send me a PM to tell me how you want your profile changed, I will change it for you. And for a reminder: Please PM me your profile, and if possible, use a picture for appearance, it helps.))

Gaian Name - Legandary_Pirate
Character Name - Xanai Masamoi
Gender - Female
Rank - Ex-Kyoukan (Ex-assassin)
Weapons - It is seen in the Appearance picture
Appearance - User Image
Just for the heck of having another picture of my character.
Age - 23
Favorite Jutsu/s - Screeching Sun (Emits high pitched noise and blinding light. Uses the power of the Sun)
Green Moon Mist (Creates a Green mist, shrouding herself and everything around her in it. Uses the power of the Moon)
Master of the Shadows (Allows her to take any form at any time. Uses the power of the Shadows)
Sexual Preference - Straight
Origin - Unknown
Likes - Unknown
Dislikes - Unknown
Bio/History - Not much is known about her, Seeing as she is always changing her form from time to time, which helps her with her job. What is known about her is that she roams through the villages, using different appearances every now and then.
Personality - Calm in any situation. Never becomes angry. Rarely smiles, showing happiness. When she takes a different form she can act out a differant personality, using certain forms for certain situations. In certain situations she may take on her true personality, no matter what her Appearance.
Other - Differant forms she takes: Mysterious

Gaian Name - Mobius Nightshade
Character Name - Sune-ku Hebi
Gender - Male
Rank - Doesn't have one yet, just discovered villages
Weapons - Body
Appearance - Silver hair, black pants, medium build.
Age - 15
Favorite Jutsu/s - Mild tissue stretching (That thing Orochimaru does to stretch his neck), Summoning Jutsu: Thousand Serpents of The Pit (Thousand black snakes form around him, can be used as wepons or armour, or as themselves) Summoning Jutsu: Forest Summoning Jutsu
Sexual Preference - Heterosexual
Origin - Forest of Death
Likes - Eating rabbits
Dislikes - Orochimaru
Bio/History - Raised by snakes in the Forest of Death, he seeks to live in the human villages and become a ninja. Abandoned at birth by unknown nin.
Personality - Curious, Noble, Spartan (used to living with few to none comforts)
Other - Does not know how to speak English, but will learn later.

Gaian Name - The Axl Rose
Character Name - Teyo Myatoshi
Gender - Male
Rank - Chunin
Weapons - Kunai, Throwing Stars, Broadsword
Appearance - looks exactly like my character, if the appearance changes over time, pay no attention unlessI am in a warm area cuz then i will change it to clothes for warm places. User Image
Age - 15
Favorite Jutsu/s - Ice spear, Ice spikes, Crystal Ice Prison
Sexual Preference - Straight
Origin - Village hidden in the Snow
Likes - nobody
Dislikes - Sasuke Uchiha
Bio/History - He has escaped from the land of snow just as the Creatures have destroyed it. He has no home to go to, no family, and no friends.
Personality - loner, works with others if the situation cals for it or has known the people for a while.
Other - (none)

Gaian Name - king phar
Character Name - flense phar
Gender - male
Rank - (sensai, hokage, etc.) {Hokage needs my approval} none though has fought high level ninja he was trained by his father and never took the test
Weapons - flense has a number of blades used for torture
Appearance - black hair that falls infront of his eyes whitch are red, he is skin and bones, wears black rags that are blood covered, and verry pale.
Age - 27
Favorite Jutsu/s - flaying hands (like gental fist but insted it rips the top layer of skin apart in a large area it is used to eather blead his opponents to death or cause them to black out from the pain)
Sexual Preference - strait
Origin - the hiden village in the swamp (made up)
Likes - ambushing his foes, other ninja of the swamp.
Dislikes - leaf village ninjas, good doers
Bio/History - flense was named after his jutsu as is a custom in the swamp village a village stuk in the stone age it harbors a hatred to the leaf village for pushing them out of their land he was trained by a his father also named flense. in the swamp village has all types of clan members even uchiha though they have different abilitys.
Personality - down to earth, paranoyed
Other - (Anything else you'd like to tell me: who they have a crush on, etc.) he has a sick ubsetion with pain.

Gaian Name - Legandary_Pirate
Character Name - Zevarani Yetechi
Gender - Male
Rank - Ex-sensai
Weapons - Retractable Axe (Just the handle part is retractable of course)
Appearance - User Image
Age - 27
Favorite Jutsu/s - Hells Fury (Axe becomes engulfed in flames, spins to create a vortex of fire) Flaming Shuriken (Self-explanatory) Dragon's Breath (Fire comes out from mouth, almost like Sasuke's jutsu, but more extreme)
Sexual Preference - Straight
Origin - Volcano village (non-existent/ceased to exist)
Likes - Hot and Dry weather. Fire.
Dislikes - Rain. Large crowds/crowded areas.
Bio/History - He was raised in a Village, inside of an extinct volcano. He was always getting into trouble, starting things on fire, lighting very loud fireworks at mid-night. His life completely changed when creatures attacked the village, they slaughtered his family, destroyed his village, and even scarred him for life. He was taken in by a retired Ninja school teacher outside of his town. The man taught him the ways, teaching him a few fire based jutsu. When he was old enough, he left the old man, vowing to destroy the evil that destroyed his village and left him an orphan. One day he went into a cave, it was on the side of a very active volcano, and something terrible happened. A spirit attacked him, sealing itself inside Zeverani's body. Now whenever his rage overcomes him, he takes a new form, his Jutsu becoming more powerful. Over the years he has developed a mastery of this spirit, now being able to control it, calling it the Volcano's spirit.
Personality - Cheerful and outgoing. It takes a lot to make him mad. Doesn't hesitate to help some one in need. Although he is a people person, too many people will overwhelm him, making him nervous and jumpy.
Other - Volcano Spirit

An exception was made for this one:
name:John( played byThe-Darkest-Knight)
age: 15
prefered element of jutsu(water,fire etc.):
Nature (wood)

backround info:
Born in the cliffs surrounding konoha, and was only brought into konoha when found to have the Firsts signature element manipulation. He has long red hair with black highlights that cuts off at his shoulders and hangs loosly infront of his face. headband is worn around his left leg

3 special moves:
Aboragen-allows for the user to send their chakra into nearby vegitation causeing them to grow,shrink, or move according to the users will

Nature Shuriken- Allows for the user to shoot poiseness barbs from their arms at a great expense to their chakra

Feild of dreams- A powerfull genjutsu created by a powerfull gland in the users body cuasing all who he wishes and who are in the imedit area to fall into a sleeplike state where they experence many wonderfull things in an instant but feels like a life time to the affected...untill all the things soon get crushed slowly infront of them causeing great mental stress. including death. This jutsu Takes a great ammount of chakra and can cause the user to pass out from chakra exuastion.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:47 pm

Original Characters: (PM me if you want to be one)
Naruto -
Sasuke -
Sakura -
Kakashi -
Orochimaru -
Gaara -
Itachi -
Kabuto -
Jiraiya -
Tsunade -
Hinata - Goddess Neko15

(PM me if I missed any)



PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:52 pm

White List: People whom I trust

Black List: People who get kicked on sight
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:55 pm

Special Events:*

July 23, 2007: Start Sending Profiles.
July 25, 2007: First profile rejected. Second chance offered to the rejectee.
July 25, 2007: New rule added.
July 25, 2007: I had a peanut butter and prune jelly sandwich, ate half, rest clogged the toilet.
July 27, 2007: First objective eliminated. I also ran out of Nacho Cheese Doritos.

* I will put anything I think is important here, including crap like "I FARTED AND IT BLOWED T3H HOUSE UP!"



PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:57 pm

Current Plots Objectives:
1. Find Xanai Masamoi
2. Find the Three Jewels of Shadows
3. Unknown

Information: The Plot Objectives system helps you keep on track. Each objective that is completed will be crossed off and the next objective will become known. When the Plot is finished, the Objectives board will be erased, a new plot will take place, and the new objectives will be posted.

Note: Sometimes I will have made a mistake and will change the objectives.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:58 pm

Aww heck with it




PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:18 pm

She was sitting in the middle of a hut, in the middle of a desert like place, in the middle of nowhere. Her name: Xanai Masamoi. Her objective: To keep herself a secret. She was making hand signs, she was going to change her form again. Her eyes were closed, and she was kneeling in a small room with the basic necessities: A small ice-box with food and a small well outside the hut that provided her with water. Her weapon lay beside her. This was going take a lot of chakara to perform, and a lot of concentration.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:14 am

Teyo had been wandering the frozen tundra for a week now. He was running away from the creatures who were responsible for destroying his entire village. He was barely clinging on to life. Suddenly, as if from nowhere, Teyo saw a figure in the distance, it was walking towards him. Who was the figure? What was the figure? Before he could see who the figure exactly was, Teyo passed out.

Kazuya Maeda

Kazuya Maeda

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:52 am

Teyo awoke to find himself in a hospital. He looked outside the window to see that he was no longer in the Snow country, it was sunny and there was no sign of snow anywhere. Soon after Teyo awoke, the same figure that Teyo saw in the Land of Snow came into the room. It was Kakashi Hatake.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:11 am

"Well, hello there," Kakashi said in his usual nonchalant voice," it's good to see you woke up." Teyo looked at the jonin with confusion. "Where am I?" asked the Snow ninja. "You are in he Village Hidden in the Leaves." Kakashi replied.

Kazuya Maeda

Role Playing IC and OOC

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