Here's my Naruto quiz to see how much you guys know and pay attention.
How about the first person who gets it right gets 100g? (woohoo... stare )

1. What is the name of Sasuke and Kakashi's Special Technique?

-Lightning Blast
-Konoha Senpuu

2.What is the name of Sasuke and Kakashi's Special Technique?

-Lightning Blade
-Leaf Hurricane
-Uchiha Barrage

3. What is Naruto's Rank right now?

-Academy Student

4. (Getting tougher..) What does Naruto look at Jiraiya as? (Mostly)

-A Closet Pervert
-A Perverted Sage
-A stranger
-An Idiot

5. What is the name of Naruto's Strongest Attack?

-Naruto Rengan
-Harem Jutsu
-oodama Rasengan
-Kage bunshin no jutsu

6. What are Jiraiya and Kakashi considered as?

-Naruto's Private trainers
-Naruto's Parents
-Orochimaru's Rivals
-Background Charicters
-Very Skilled Jonin

7. How many Seasons were there in Naruto?


8. What is Naruto Shippuden?

-A series of Naruto before episode 1
-One of naruto's techniques
-Some Random word I made up after Naruto
-A series of Naruto after every episode.
-The third theme song of Naruto

9. Where does Naruto Fight Sasuke for the first time?

-On training Grounds
-On a Roof
-On top of Water
-On Land That is neither one of those answers

10. Where do they start a Huge Showdown?

-On Training Grounds
-On a Roof
-On top of water
-On Land that is neither one of those answers

11. (LAST ONE) Which episode made them look younger while fighting? (When Naruto First lets out kyuubi against Sasuke)
