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Another school day. What was it? Monday? You think Takeru would be like everyone else and hate Mondays, but instead this blonde teenager hated Sundays. They were a bother reminder of how he needed to get to bed early and get up so blasted early to get his butt to school on time. Takeru's mother always made Takeru get up early enough to get there on time. She was all about perfect. Takeru got his perfect enough grades on his own, not because he wanted his mother to stop bothering him about those, but because he was just smart as a blonde. Very smart. One of the most smartest blondes a person would ever meet in their lives.User Image

But there was another reason that Takeru liked on Monday. Hell, the whole week days were good for him. All the cute guys at school that were willing enough to take their time out and be him with either in the boy's room or a closet that didn't look like that was going to be used anytime soon. No, not for that you perverts. Just simple making out. Takeru never dated. Everyone knew this, probably even the teachers. The blonde had his reasons though for this. He did. He didn't feel like telling anybody though. It was nobody's business but his own and he wanted it to stay that way.

I'm not good enough to be loved like him. Like Yamato.

Takeru had dated a few times in the past sure, but every single time ended up in a broken heart that still needed pieces to be picked up and put back together. Nobody was able to love him. Yamato was able to find love so easily it seemed. Yamato, his older brother, was gay just like his younger brother and was dating Takeru's best friend Hikari's older brother. Taichi. God, they always looked so happy together. Why couldn't Takeru ever get that? Maybe it was never meant to be for the younger blonde. He was to be a wanderer forever. Either single and lonely or just making out with random guys he thought were extremely attractive. As much as he wasn't proud of it (thought he still liked the feelings he got while kissing these guys), it seemed like the only solution. And thank god that Yamato had not heard about what his baby brother was known as for doing. Nor Taichi. Hikari never said anything to either of them no matter how upset she was with him for doing it. She figured Takeru would let them know once Takeru felt like he needed to tell them. Though he honestly didn't see that moment of day coming any time soon.

With all the thoughts that were running through his head, all the blonde managed to do thus far was pull the covers off his body and pulled himself to stand up, still standing next to his comfortable bed. His eyes were still full of bags of sleep and his mass of hair clumped together in a mess due to being pressed against his pillow overnight. He needed to splash himself with some cold water to get himself fully awake and then comb his hair out to its nice neat shape and form before finally toping it off with brushing his teeth and then getting dressed in his annoying school uniform. Ah, he hated that thing so badly. It seemed itchy at times. He wished their school were more like the public schools he heard about in America thanks to his older friend Mimi. She always was telling everyone how they could wear whatever they wanted as long as it was okay by the school's dress code. He envied her so much. A pink dress was even more comfortable imagining than this stupid uniform.

I gotta move my rear before mom comes in and starts saying I'll be late. The teenager took a glance at his alarm clock that he never brothered setting to a time to go off. His mother was his alarm clock for all that matter. The piece of technology read 6:00 am. She freaks out too much.

So Takeru made his way out of his bedroom and into the bathroom where all his bathroom supplies - and his mothers - were. He turned on the cold water first and splashed himself in the face with some cold water. Once that was over, he found his brush sitting in the first draw of the sinks cabinet. It didn't take him too long to brush out the tiny knots in his hair before he it looked enough to perfect as fit. Now his teeth. He didn't need any cavities. Plus that would only give his mother something more to scream about. So he took care of them all with several scrubs before rinsing and the spit takes.


Good morning, dear. You better hurry on up or you'll be late for school."

Takeru didn't seem to make it out of the apartment in time when he finally got the 'you'll be late' treatment. He just smiled at his mother and nodded before grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl. "Yeah I know mom. I'm leaving now. See ya when I get home," He placed a kiss to his mother's cheek before grabbing his backpack and flung it over his shoulders, now already dressed and even grabbed his white hat he always wore everyday. He had it ever since he was a little kid. He never went a day without wearing it at least over half of the day. In gym class, they made him take it off.

It didn't see why his mother was so strict about this being on time business. He glanced at the kitchen clock before he made his way to the hallway and its front door. It read now 6:20 am. School didn't start until 7 am. He still had a lot of time on his hands. "Bye mom!" Takeru slipped out the front door and was gone, on his way to school.

Maybe I could stop by a store or two and see what's being sold. It's not that far to school from here. Is there anything even open at this early hour? Probably not. Maybe I should just go straight to school. Besides, I'm sure there will be a guy wanting me to show up so early like I always do and want to get me alone.

And how the blonde was always right, it took the blonde maybe 10 minutes to walk himself to school. So after last seeing the clock, it should be now 6:30 am. 30 minutes before first class would start. And if the first guy didn't show up in the first 10 minutes, he'd go to his first classroom and find Hikari and talk to her. That girl was in nearly all his classes. He sighed however as he walked past the front gates where other students that were early birds as himself were standing around once chatting only to stop their chit chat and glare at him. Some were girls who had boyfriends cheat on them to go make out with Takeru or jealous girls who wanted a guy that had previously made out with the blonde. Or even just people who were homophobic.

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