December 2009
[12/26/09 06:21am] I'm alive. >:U
October 2009
[10/07/09 10:06pm] FFFFFF.
September 2009
[09/27/09 01:57am] So there was a party going on at the City Park...[09/06/09 01:21pm] So, my cat is giving birth.
August 2009
[08/26/09 07:47pm] Marching band. 3[08/07/09 09:09pm] So I was watching "A Haunting" on TV...[08/07/09 12:27am] This day is TOO FUCKING AWESOME!!!! ;D[08/06/09 08:00pm] Kekeke. :3[08/06/09 12:35am] Important stuffs.
July 2009
[07/31/09 06:04am] Those fucking repair monkeys...[07/30/09 10:33pm] MyYearBook. :/[07/25/09 07:03am] Meow[07/24/09 03:36am] Arts? o 3o[07/16/09 04:12am] ;D[07/13/09 09:30pm] Why...[07/13/09 06:56pm] WTF. D:/[07/12/09 09:25pm] THAT WAS CLOSE DAMMIT.[07/08/09 07:49pm] My laptop got fucked. 3
June 2009
[06/28/09 08:11am] o ~ O
May 2009
[05/11/09 10:13pm] *headdesk* x~x'[05/02/09 06:36am] *scribblescribble* 'o'[05/01/09 02:55am] ~o~''
April 2009
[04/20/09 12:07am] ~~[04/19/09 01:02am] *blows dust off my Diary* o:[04/08/09 12:03am] Karma-much?[04/04/09 10:10pm] Birthday Wishlist.[04/04/09 05:35am] It's been, what, several weeks? ...
March 2009
[03/31/09 12:57am] D: Damn it.[03/27/09 12:32am] Bye bye, Br0kenDoll...[03/18/09 11:26pm] Doodle. :3[03/16/09 03:59am] [Insert Title Here][03/15/09 10:23pm] In my dreams...[03/12/09 10:04pm] Best day on Maplestory. Ever.[03/12/09 01:30am] -sigh- ...[03/10/09 04:04am] Notes. ~private~[03/08/09 01:59am] Snap OUT of it.
February 2009
[02/26/09 10:24pm] Uh oh... <.< >.>[02/23/09 09:15pm] Bubble, my sick birdy.[02/22/09 07:32pm] @.@;;[02/21/09 04:48am] Tina.[02/15/09 12:40am] Someone is going to die for ruining my day...[02/13/09 11:23pm] Weeee! -spins in a circle-
January 2009
[01/31/09 04:00am] How could he just do this...?[01/30/09 04:36pm] Haven't I talked about this before?[01/27/09 05:33pm] Icy Rain.[01/26/09 10:56pm] Miracles do happen...[01/22/09 09:50pm] Announcements again? :][01/22/09 04:59am] His biggest mistake.[01/20/09 09:49pm] Secrets Revealed...[01/14/09 09:36pm] Darky, Carly, Bubbles, everyone else...[01/11/09 01:51am] My internet died. ._.[01/08/09 10:33pm] Darky, Alicia, Angie, Carly, and whoever else is a...[01/08/09 12:16am] How to have fun with a foot spa jacuzzi thingy. :D
December 2008
[12/24/08 09:02pm] Important announcement.[12/21/08 04:15am] Summers like that only come once in a lifetime...[12/14/08 07:10am] It's the season of giving...
November 2008
[11/30/08 06:44pm] Too Much Fucking Drama Llamas![11/28/08 07:40pm] He was just a bandaid.[11/24/08 12:16am] Being the leader...[11/23/08 12:11am] Now that I got her thoughts straight...[11/22/08 07:38pm] One of my friends....[11/22/08 03:13am] My friend...[11/02/08 09:05pm] To My Old Time Friends...[11/02/08 04:44am] The Group Pics Are Over HERE now!
October 2008
[10/25/08 07:25am] Dear Diary, Its Freaky Friday...
September 2008
[09/21/08 06:51pm] Dear Diary, it was such a Saturday...[09/20/08 01:04am] Dear Diary, I did it.[09/15/08 05:54pm] Dear Diary, Saturday was crazy.[09/15/08 05:53pm] Dear Diary, Saturday was crazy.[09/13/08 09:31pm] Dear Diary, it's one hectic weekend...
August 2008
[08/26/08 04:18am] Dear Diary, God has performed a miracle...[08/24/08 02:17am] Dear Diary, I'm losing hope...[08/23/08 04:07am] Dear Diary, I miss him immensely...[08/14/08 12:02am] Dear Diary, THE OLD WORLD IS BACK~!![08/04/08 11:21pm] Dear Diary, school is starting on Wednesday...[08/02/08 11:17pm] Dear Diary, they closed the old Kuttiez world today...[08/01/08 06:27am] Dear Diary, I give up...
July 2008
[07/19/08 11:00pm] Dear Diary, I have 2 topics today![07/19/08 07:14pm] Dear Diary, Gaia is too expensive...[07/19/08 04:53am] Dear diary, I feel betrayed...[07/17/08 11:24pm] Dear Diary, Im very confused...
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