March 2011
[03/15/11 07:00am] Randomness 4!
November 2010
[11/01/10 05:07am] Randomness 3...
August 2010
[08/16/10 03:19am] Mt. Everest[08/15/10 07:47am] *yawn 4*[08/10/10 03:06am] Gifts I won! :3[08/06/10 07:30am] Theory, why DemiDuck?[08/05/10 02:24am] ideas for characters[08/03/10 09:08pm] Because it's fun :3
July 2010
[07/25/10 09:47pm] *yawn 3*[07/10/10 07:59am] Randomness 2[07/04/10 03:39am] *yawn* 2[07/03/10 03:04am] Randomness
June 2010
[06/28/10 07:47am] *yawn*[06/21/10 06:28am] Notes to myself before I forget 1
May 2010
[05/05/10 10:51pm] Just some few toughts
January 2009
[01/01/09 04:56am] Happy New Year! Best Wishes for 2009
December 2008
[12/31/08 04:02am] random[12/26/08 01:58pm] W-WOW!!!! O__o Thanks![12/23/08 11:41pm] Merry Christmas and Happy New Year[12/11/08 11:05pm] *sigh*
November 2008
[11/30/08 04:53pm] Waiting and waiting...
August 2008
[08/04/08 08:17pm] Reborn / KHR fanarts ~.~;
June 2008
[06/16/08 12:00am] Reborn Manga X Reborn Anime, things that annoy me...
May 2008
[05/04/08 11:38pm] Lalalalala~
April 2008
[04/27/08 10:06pm] Eh, eu tenho medo mesmo!...[04/23/08 12:55am] 22th April, Earth day :3[04/21/08 04:21am] UEM... I guess I'll try...[04/12/08 02:45am] Fear, Anxious, anti social mood[04/06/08 10:44pm] Cousin's Wedding[04/02/08 10:15pm] If I already had a job... =.=
March 2008
[03/30/08 06:33pm] Diet...[03/29/08 08:18pm] Hopeless...[03/27/08 10:56pm] fixing old problems...?[03/24/08 08:57pm] anti social mood[03/23/08 01:12am] Maybe...[03/21/08 09:16pm] Trying again....[03/17/08 03:18am] Stress...[03/15/08 06:32am] Trying to keep...[03/12/08 01:29am] Damn...! =.=[03/10/08 08:41pm] It's not a choose, It's more a decision[03/09/08 09:27am] OK, time to choose...[03/02/08 09:50pm] Yaaaay, a Scanner, a scanner :3
February 2008
[02/27/08 08:40pm] Motionless[02/20/08 08:31pm] Well.... again.... self control to achieve something?[02/18/08 02:40pm] quiz?[02/18/08 01:26am] Hahi~[02/16/08 11:41pm] Not in the mood... Feelings are like chains....[02/16/08 04:22am] KHR and ES21 RLZ XD[02/12/08 08:31pm] pois eh... pois eh...[02/11/08 02:59am] quiz ~.~[02/04/08 03:29am] wt.... I really want of my life?!
April 2007
[04/22/07 05:43pm] Today Today Today ^^[04/21/07 04:34am] 2 days for.... guess what XD[04/08/07 06:17pm] so.... ... idk... ... and....[04/02/07 02:59am] drawings done recently ^^
March 2007
[03/30/07 04:52am] quizzes... again XP[03/28/07 12:08am] Should I use Adobe Illustrator? @_@[03/25/07 04:08am] Soo... tired[03/17/07 06:48pm] Broken glasses[03/16/07 01:33am] Busy @___@[03/03/07 12:53pm] ~.~
February 2007
[02/28/07 03:24am] Shop re-openned[02/27/07 02:34am] back to study XP[02/26/07 05:49pm] recent requests[02/24/07 06:39am] Soon course will start...[02/21/07 08:51am] Requests done recently @_@[02/16/07 12:22am] I'm back w/ my shop! ^^[02/15/07 10:06pm] More quizzes?! Oh yeah! XD And did more then 1 tim...[02/13/07 10:40am] Azumanga Quizzes and others quizz because is fun![02/12/07 09:26pm] Maybe another year......[02/11/07 04:59pm] ....[02/11/07 05:00am] Right hand hurting....[02/08/07 05:37pm] lasts requests[02/06/07 10:49pm] 1st call[02/05/07 10:26pm] Elecman request
January 2007
[01/30/07 04:16am] 255 characters only... =.=;;[01/28/07 10:58pm] The event ending for me :p[01/27/07 03:45am] Anime Dreams / Event[01/23/07 09:51pm] Just tired ~.~; (updated 24)[01/18/07 04:13pm] tests, tests and... tests
November 2006
[11/28/06 02:33am] Ok, agora eh o evento de natal ^___^
October 2006
[10/14/06 08:56pm] Halloween chegando :D
July 2006
[07/17/06 10:30pm] =.=
May 2006
[05/26/06 11:43pm] Forget....[05/15/06 03:56am] Neopets...
April 2006
[04/11/06 02:44am] Simulado P-2 no Anglo =.=
March 2006
[03/29/06 02:28am] É momentaneo, eu sei...[03/20/06 07:40pm] *sigh*[03/01/06 12:52am] "Me sinto só, me sinto só" (de quem mesm...
December 2005
[12/23/05 01:54pm] Milagres acontecem[12/15/05 12:27am] "Tudo bem?" "Na mesma de sempre...&...[12/03/05 09:24pm] Aleatoriedade
October 2005
[10/12/05 01:07am] Ideias para roteiro de fanzine[10/10/05 03:00am] medo... =x
September 2005
[09/20/05 10:56pm] teste
February 2005
[02/04/05 11:52pm] Eiaaa*
January 2005
[01/16/05 11:00pm] Sentindo péssima
October 2004
[10/15/04 04:58pm] bRO forum is on air again! XD[10/15/04 04:31am] Desisti deste projeto....[10/15/04 04:10am] Hmmmm...