<div class="postcontent-align-center" style="text-align: center"><img src="https://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg557/SindarinPrince/banner_zps65b7d133.png" class="user_img" alt="User Image" /><br/><br/><ul><ul><span style="font-size: 10px"><span style="color: steelblue">»» ❝</span><span style="color: lightblue"> W E L C O M E,</span><span style="color: silver"> f r i e n d, </span><span style="color: steelblue">❞</span><br/><ul><span style="color: lightblue">to a world where</span> n o t h i n g <span style="color: lightblue">really makes any sense, </span><br/><span style="color: steelblue">a finite space filled with the</span> <span style="color: darkred">d e l i c a t e l y d i s o r g a n i z e d</span> <span style="color: gold">buzzings</span> <span style="color: steelblue">of my mind,</span><br/><span style="color: lightblue">a realm of</span> <span style="color: darkgreen">imaginative</span><span style="color: lightblue"> and usually</span> <span style="color: darkred">inappropriate</span> <span style="color: lightblue">thoughts.</span></ul><br/><br/><span style="color: silver">welcome to ❝</span> <span style="color: lightblue">d e d u c t i v i s m </span><span style="color: silver">❞</span><br/><span style="color: steelblue">enjoy your stay, and please don't</span> <span style="color: darkred">steal.</span></span></ul></ul><br/><br/><span style="font-size: 7px"><span style="color: silver">banner art by sevnilock</span></span></div> |