December 2013
[12/19/13 11:11am] GD Rap Battle.
February 2013
[02/02/13 03:57pm] Survey 8#
September 2012
[09/11/12 10:49am] Survey 7
November 2011
[11/12/11 09:05am] Survey 6.
May 2011
[05/26/11 10:37pm] Survey 5.
February 2011
[02/19/11 10:18am] Survey 4: Truth Time
January 2011
[01/30/11 09:29am] Survey 3.[01/30/11 09:17am] Survey 2.[01/29/11 09:01am] Talking to myself.
December 2010
[12/23/10 08:28am] Survey 1.
July 2010
[07/19/10 09:07am] Update on my life.
April 2010
[04/12/10 10:15am] Note to self. 2010
February 2010
[02/02/10 02:12am] Note To Self.
January 2010
[01/18/10 01:27am] A year ago yesterday.[01/12/10 10:49am] So I just realized.[01/07/10 08:54am] Note to self.[01/01/10 11:25am] Things you didn't know about me.[01/01/10 03:08am] Awch..
December 2009
[12/29/09 08:38am] A Year Ago Today, 28th.
November 2009
[11/21/09 10:47am] Up date.
October 2009
[10/10/09 09:59am] Note to self.
September 2009
[09/29/09 10:01am] My little sister today.[09/27/09 06:28am] Life lately.[09/03/09 07:47am] Ghost.
August 2009
[08/21/09 03:36am] Rate on my little sister..
July 2009
[07/26/09 03:29pm] Didn't sleep..[07/22/09 08:39am] Updated on myself..[07/18/09 10:52am] Ran from a guy with a shot gun..[07/16/09 09:02am] Thoughs, LMC, Hair cut.[07/11/09 05:49am] Today..[07/07/09 12:00am] I fucking love life right now.[07/06/09 09:27am] Cops.
June 2009
[06/22/09 06:02pm] Tomorrow.. and lately
May 2009
[05/07/09 10:38pm] School computers.
April 2009
[04/28/09 06:14am] Weekend. =/
March 2009
[03/30/09 04:15am] Upset.[03/23/09 07:58pm] Text me! ^_^[03/15/09 01:34pm] The melt down.[03/06/09 03:07pm] Play today.[03/01/09 07:02pm] Boredom.
February 2009
[02/15/09 06:28pm] Lately.[02/04/09 03:28am] Thing suck again. =D
January 2009
[01/31/09 04:43am] Things have been going well.[01/16/09 06:09am] I want a RPing bubby. D:[01/12/09 01:54am] Sundays are boring.[01/11/09 03:48am] Okay, I addmit it.[01/08/09 06:55am] Today went pretty well.[01/06/09 05:38am] Lately.[01/01/09 10:15pm] What I find funny.
December 2008
[12/30/08 10:20pm] Back from Corey's places.[12/27/08 08:16pm] No more jumping throgh Helena's window.[12/25/08 06:31am] I have Free time! =D[12/22/08 06:35am] A dream avi.[12/15/08 10:59pm] What I have desided.[12/13/08 09:23am] Goes without saying..[12/09/08 01:59am] Jeans.[12/07/08 05:25am] Happy hyper again![12/07/08 12:50am] So Just who the hell saw me kiss Josh?[12/06/08 10:07am] Happy Hyper and VMK.
November 2008
[11/30/08 06:21pm] Ah, like-ness.[11/27/08 07:57pm] This Anime i got in to yesterday.[11/26/08 07:07pm] Arrg! feelings. >_>;;;[11/26/08 04:21am] Thoughts, Happy Hat story.[11/22/08 07:21am] Diging my own grave again, Yesterday.[11/19/08 06:25am] Ummm we may have a bit of a probem here.[11/16/08 06:19pm] Sad but funny and so ture.[11/16/08 08:35am] The dream i have yet to tell you about.[11/14/08 04:58am] Ah, the last cupple of days.[11/12/08 05:21am] I talked to iGod .. Again!![11/09/08 10:34am] My talk with iGod![11/08/08 05:11pm] Kinda better now.[11/08/08 01:49am] Well i was in a pretty good mood this week .. tell now.[11/05/08 05:55am] Happy but pissed off >_>[11/02/08 03:59pm] My Weedend with Corey =P[11/01/08 06:23pm] Halloween
October 2008
[10/31/08 06:37am] YAY it Rained today![10/30/08 04:32am] Mostly todays mind ponit! ...[10/27/08 12:34am] Nikkys Patry.[10/25/08 04:06pm] YAY!!! [10/25/08 09:08am] So today was pretty awesome. ^_^[10/24/08 02:51pm] My dream last night was amazing! ^_^[10/24/08 01:37am] Just anyother day at school.[10/23/08 02:09am] TPP felled trip, and my day.[10/22/08 03:57am] Umm today? and tomorrow.[10/21/08 06:19am] My day dream in English class today.[10/20/08 07:31am] My day at Nikkys house ..[10/18/08 08:22am] Ummm so yea, football ...[10/18/08 01:32am] Going off on want i think.[10/17/08 02:05am] Well i was depressed untell lunch ... ^_^[10/16/08 05:37am] Today was kinda depressing. >_>;;[10/15/08 01:19am] My thoughts of the day.[10/14/08 06:32am] Okay im gonna try to be quick with this journal.[10/13/08 12:56am] Went to the cabin, was pretty depressed though.[10/10/08 06:29am] This song i got in my head. >_>;;;[10/09/08 09:07am] Adam and The Ranner ^_^;;;;[10/08/08 10:44pm] Arrg!![10/06/08 04:07pm] My best friend died in my dream T_T[10/03/08 05:09am] Do you realize?[10/02/08 06:43pm] The drean i had last night :heart:[10/01/08 01:35am] Monday to Tuesday, and little more.
September 2008
[09/27/08 11:14am] FOOTBALL!![09/26/08 05:34am] My blankey T_T [09/26/08 02:09am] Woke up at 5am, Cryed in art, and my school day. [09/25/08 02:27am] I just cant sleep >_>;[09/23/08 02:34am] My weekend at Nikky's.[09/21/08 05:53pm] My E-mail with Rain (its vary depresssing)[09/20/08 04:21pm] A dream i had lastnight. That made me want 2 wake ...[09/19/08 08:01am] My Journal i didnt finsh yesterday night,[09/18/08 06:15am] Today was great! .. so why do i feel so depressed?[09/17/08 04:16am] Okay so maybe i am depressed ... >_>[09/16/08 01:28am] All mondays suck ..[09/15/08 04:18am] Just some stuff thats going thro my mind this weekend.[09/14/08 10:06pm] So i went to Hot Topic today.[09/14/08 07:34am] I got to see Areacli today!! [09/13/08 08:02am] Couldnt have asked for a better Friday! ^_^[09/12/08 04:35am] What i friend asked me ...[09/11/08 01:13am] This morning / thinking / looking back / Poem.[09/10/08 01:46am] i totally wasn't joels ... >_>[09/09/08 01:26am] Okay so anyways ...[09/09/08 12:57am] i saw him again 3 times.[09/08/08 06:25am] A heart jump ...[09/07/08 06:08pm] Every little thought ...[09/06/08 01:16am] How i really feel, about this all ...[09/05/08 05:25am] What knew[09/03/08 01:55am] Why am i worried ...??
August 2008
[08/28/08 02:58am] Haven't been online for 2 days? & hang out next we...[08/24/08 08:57pm] My Friday an Satday / Who my mom thought i was dating.[08/17/08 08:23am] My Day Was Awesome! :heart:[08/13/08 06:27am] The only resen why my school day sucked![08/09/08 11:01pm] OMG IM SO HAPPY!! ARACELI IS COMEING HOME IN 4 DAYS!![08/09/08 08:00am] LabTop[08/08/08 03:11am] DUDE!! / Job?? / haha / <3 / bye[08/07/08 05:58am] So i have this idea ..[08/02/08 04:32am] Okay journal time.
July 2008
[07/23/08 10:05pm] Okay lest try this again. 'Maybe im not going crazy'[07/23/08 09:00am] WFT!!! 3 hours and it didnt post it T_T[07/17/08 11:54pm] Someone tell me im not going Crazy!![07/03/08 08:07pm] My bulliten from MySpace, bc i dont want to re-type it.[07/02/08 12:08am] I past my Driving Test!!
June 2008
[06/20/08 08:46pm] After today 2 more days untell my B-day :sweat:[06/12/08 06:01am] Your computer ever freaked out on you? YES? Then r...[06/05/08 07:47am] Last day of school this year
May 2008
[05/28/08 06:57am] The cabin[05/23/08 06:52am] Pix for Me ... random times[05/23/08 06:42am] My day .. and stuff[05/01/08 04:23am] My Wedsday
April 2008
[04/20/08 07:04am] I WENT TO THE CABIN!![04/15/08 07:04am] How my life is going[04/08/08 07:52am] Pix of me falling out of my chair .... lol
March 2008
[03/27/08 08:26am] Yay we got Sadie today!![03/22/08 07:05am] Tomorrow Im going DRIT BIKE RIDING!!![03/21/08 10:25am] WereMyWeekGo?? Dog we R getten &A sad store about ...[03/15/08 06:56am] I WRITE ANOTHER POEM THING!! :mrgreen:[03/05/08 05:52am] I WRITE A PORM!! well i think it is a Poem[03/02/08 11:52am] Yea yea i know what time it is lol
February 2008
[02/27/08 06:11am] My X what's to start a band ..... hahaha thats funny [02/23/08 06:10am] okay im mad but also sad[02/11/08 06:36am] This Show i found on VJ[02/06/08 06:40am] When is the last time i wrote something in here?
January 2008
[01/20/08 06:16am] just long on !! [01/15/08 06:38am] umm well im just bored
December 2007
[12/27/07 08:35am] yea i got what i wanted[12/23/07 07:44am] yay, aww :([12/12/07 06:40am] Today i did ................ Nothing[12/02/07 08:02am] Today i did ... nothing really[12/01/07 04:55am] Wow how when is the last time i wront in this?
November 2007
[11/22/07 07:55am] Thanksgiving is tomorrow[11/17/07 10:41am] i hate being sick[11/11/07 07:54am] im back for the dirt bike place[11/10/07 09:42am] DRIT BIKE[11/07/07 05:55am] bored[11/07/07 01:12am] My Day[11/06/07 12:32am] ummm