((Spoilers ahead))
For the past few days I've come to like Kaguya Kimimaro a lot for some reason. He's such an interesting character. For those of you who don't know who he is he's one of the Sound Five, which is a team Orochiaru assembled to capture Sasuke. This particular member can manipulate his bones and make trhem into weapons. Unfortunately he had a pretty bad sickness, so he didn't get to do what all he wanted to.. I feel really bad for him...
Anyway.... I'll talk to everyone later.^^ Just thought I'd mention.
heart ~Sasoris_Puppet~ heart
Sasoris_Puppet Community Member |
Community Member
yeah Kimimaro is a nice guy <3
agh! gotta have Naruto ninjataisen or Ultimate heero 2.. live Kimi live!!! D :