Heeeey, how's it going? Don't know about you but I love Fashion and clothing accessories. I just love how they look on me, specially the shades and sunglasses. Those things are the greatest invention since guns. I love the feeling It gives to my eyes when I go outside, I'm a nocturne person myself so sunlight bothers me just as much as humans do, and that's alot. So I wear 'em all the time when I go out, I don't care what time of the day it is or if it's even stormy outside. I LOVE WEARING SUNGLASSES.
BUT, there's always a ******** waste of DNA, who always have to say something stupid about you wearing shades. No matter what, he or she always has to disapprove something that you wear like they're ******** Ceasar, like their ******** opinion matters to the world. You know what? The next time one of these jackasses say something about me wearing sunglasses like "Oh is not sunny out or Ooo there's alot of sunlight in here" or some sarcastic s**t like that, I'll take my glasses off when they are giggling like idiots put them back on and say " yea you know what there's no sun, but your teeth are so yellow that you could've blind any1" or better yet, take them off break them and stab them in the eyes with the broken pieces. Yeah I like that idea better too.
Another clothing accessory that I think totally kicks a** is those pants chains, I have a triple one and I love it, that thing is so cool and what's better is that you can take it off so easily... and choke people to death with them. THANK GOD FOR LEGAL WEAPONRY.
So in closing, clothing accessories are your friend, love them, cherish them, and beat the s**t out of any1 who decides to open their s**t eaters to talk crap about you. It's fast, affective and you can avoid fingerprints
Thanks for reading
Lord Ender Havok · Wed May 30, 2007 @ 03:45pm · 1 Comments |