Evil scheme 2 get rid of all ugly guys! me & carrie made it
ally says: know... we should get all the ugly guys in universe and make them wear a mask for eternity. w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol w_o_w@comcast.net says: so they'll be nice and good looking! lol ally says: and everyone would be jealous. w_o_w@comcast.net says: so they'll be nice and good looking! lol ally says: and everyone would be jealous. w_o_w@comcast.net says: untill they figured out they were wearing masks ally says: good point ally says: new idea! we glue the masks to there face! make it super glue!no elmers glue. w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol w_o_w@comcast.net says: right elmers peels w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol ally says: we can glue ugly mask to A.J for alex ! she will love it! w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol w_o_w@comcast.net says: or she'll hate us for ruining her eyecandy ally says: welll itsgood in a way. ecuzthen his G/f will dump him and alex can date him. w_o_w@comcast.net says: we better use elmers then, so once al is dating him we can remove the mask ally says: ok! w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol ally says: then his face will have glue peels allover! w_o_w@comcast.net says: and he'll look like he's peeling w_o_w@comcast.net says: ewww! ally says: it wil be awesome! w_o_w@comcast.net says: it will ally says: alex could kiss A.J.'s peelng face! w_o_w@comcast.net says: i don't think she'd want to ally says: she will if we blind fold her beore she sees A.J's face. w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol w_o_w@comcast.net says: it could be her surprise b-day present! an aj kiss ally says: that would be ally says: THE BEST PRESENT EVER! w_o_w@comcast.net says: YEAH! SHE'LL LOVE IT! ally says: A.J BETTER LOVE IT TOO! w_o_w@comcast.net says: of course he will, he'll be like "damn that was a good kiss, i better DUMP MY GF AND GO OUT WITH ALEX!" ally says: & if he doesnt will beat him with a stic. ally says: stick w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol w_o_w@comcast.net says: a BIG stick ally says: and Wide! w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol w_o_w@comcast.net says: with thorns! ally says: & tree sap dripping over him! w_o_w@comcast.net says: into his eyes so he goes blind ally says: and put it in his hair., w_o_w@comcast.net says: and then he'll get a disease and loose his hair! lol ally says: then we can pu him into a mental house! w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol w_o_w@comcast.net says: and claim he should be locked up cause he beat himself with a stick w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol ally says: and we can hook him up with a gay guy for a bunk mate! w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol. only if he's homophobic ally says: yeah! w_o_w@comcast.net says: lol w_o_w@comcast.net says: the gay guy probably wont do anything, he'll be all bald and peeling, no one would want him then.
LMAO thats awsome! and yeah he already broke up with his g/f.........YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he asked me if a guy asked you out from your school would what would you say? i would say no there all ugly! if a guys at your swiming asked you out what would you say? i would say no EWW!! if a guy from zachs hockey asked you out what would you say?? EWWWW THEY ARE ALL 9!!!!!!!!! no i mean like one of there older brothers asked you out? uumm.... i would say no i dont know any of them... you know me! yeah but what about your g/f????? i broke up with her! oh i see HA HA SEE except i was talking to him in person and i never gave him a strait answer lololol and he was tickling me all the time and holding my hand (GOD HES HOT) and i cant wait till i see him again omg! and we where talking about truth or dare and he said that he only says truth and i said he was a baby and that he needs to say dare or hes a baby and then he said ok then alex truth or dare? dare ok i see ........... ........ . then you have to kiss a guy you know and not in your family so if he brings it up i will kiss him on the cheek redface im so nervois to see him heart
plumpfuji · Community Member · Fri Oct 15, 2004 @ 03:34am
thats great.
i would be nervous to . i never kissed a guy either. i neve goten a kiss either.
Cr8zy · Community Member · Fri Oct 15, 2004 @ 03:43am
well you are SEXY so u desirve a kiss MWAAA!! *kisses cheek* HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I heart U CUZ (not in that way)
plumpfuji · Community Member · Fri Oct 15, 2004 @ 03:52am