Another day in the life of me. I am constantly drowing in a ton of paperwork. Stressing out bc people cannot seem to comprehend that I am busy when they need my help. Bc they cant seem to do the s**t themselves. It makes me so mad. stressed The only good thing is the end of the day, when I get to come home and see my WillyBear. ^.^ Things with him are great btw. Still fighting and cussing eachother out but in the end the reconciliation is worth all the buttheadedness of those fights.
In other news I went shopping this weekend and spent a little over $400 in clothes and sneakers! It was so exihilirating. I havent shopped like that since I went to New York for Christmas. New clothes ROCKS!! lololz xd I guess I only really shop when I'm happy. And I am. Very happy. Everything is just terrific. My life, my job, despite the stupid people, my spiffy bough heart just everything. I'm finally starting school in October so that is also good to go! I am relaxed, at peace with life and the world. Life is just life. I live it one day at a time with Will by my side. Putting up with all my crazy mood swings and just being unbelievably understanding that it makes me wonder "how can he possibly stand me?" Since half the time I can barely stand myself, but I guess its his maturity and the fact that he too feels for me as strongly as I feel for him, and despite it all we have an understanding.