Late fourth of July entry.
Sorry all I would have posted yesterday but I was busy and alittle tired. Well as you all know yesterday was the fourth of july. I was able to spend it with my boyfriend and I had so much fun. Well at first I went up to the Zoo in Indianapolis with my friend Iruka. That was cool but it was to hot. Well lets skip to the fireworks. They were awsome but it started to rain during the end and we both got wet but before that my childish ways came and left me sitting there mezmorized by the lights. They were amazing and they looked even better with Neji next to me. I love him so much and every day I figure out more and more why. He makes me feel so special and my heart just melts whenever I'm around him. I feel so strong now and I've never really felt this way before. Well that's all I'm gonna say for now good by all! ~Hinata
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