ok so i leave for my trip to Sunnyvale tomorrow morning and i so can't wait! i'm a little scared cuz its my first trip olone and my first trip so far and on a train and bus! its a bit mind blowing! nut i can't wait to see Worm and Manpants and my c***k! and everyone! its not fair that Fanime ended so soon! lol thats why i'm taking this trip! to see everyone in the normal life! lol normal life sux!!! anyway my friends here at home don't miss me too bad i'll only be gone a week lol! anyway heres my trip times so you guys will know how i'm getting there:
July 11, 2007 at 8:57am take train 799 Pacific Surfline leaveing Moorpark station to 12:45pm San Luis Obispo bus/train station then 12:50pm take bus 4799 to 4:50pm San Jose station then get picked up by Worm around 5-ish (if everythings on time) head to Worm's Dad's House for week of fun!
July 17, 2007 at 11:59pm take bus 4768 leaving San Jose station to 6:30am Santa Barbara bus/train station then 6:45am take train 768 Pacific Surfline to 8:06am Moorpark station then get picked up by Mom or Dad around 8-ish on the 18th (if everythings on time) head home to sleep and rest
ok so thats my plans lol its cool i can't wait! ok i gtg get ready laterz! wish me luck!
Willow17 · Wed Jul 11, 2007 @ 12:40am · 1 Comments |