--------About Me ---------
1.Am I A Good Friend?? yea
2.Am I Crazy??? yea
3.Am I Ugly??? nope
4.Do I Seem Emo??? sometimes
5.Do I Always Seem Depressed?? soemetimes
--------- Would You---------
1.Hugg Me??? yes
2.Kiss Me??? maybe
3.Kill Me??? na
4.Listen To Me??? sure
5.Help Me With Problems??? sure
6.Hold Me When I Cry???? of course
--------- About You---------
1.What Is Your Real First Name??? just call me andres
2.What Is Your Favorite Band??? idk maybe MCR or 30 seconds to mars
3.Favorite Hobby????? play videogames
4.Do You Have A IM???? i have IM, MSN and google talk lol
5.What Is Your Favorite Anime/Manga???? i like lots of mangas like elfend lied, blood+, FMA, and action blody mangas like that
6.Do You Like Me????? is not a valid answer bu: we are friends
7. Do You Have A Crush On Me???? we are friends
----------- More About Me----------
1.Am I Nice???? sure
2.Am I Annoying???? sometimes xp jk
------------What Would You Do----------
1.If I Was Killed???? revenge
why these question are not for girls? xd lol
2.If I Said I Love You((to guys only))???? say that u love me and find the answer
3.If I Kissed You(( to guys only))??? kiss me and find the answer
4.If I Hugged You((to guys only))????? hug back
5.If You Killed Me By Accident??? it was just an accident u were my friend lol so maybe i'll miss u
6.If I Was Killed In A Car Accident????? depending the car lol
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