That sudden spurt of poetry I did in my last entry was not any serious thing. Just spur of the moment feelings inspired by the ever chaotic weather. sweatdrop Unlike what my good pal thinks. (Ishamaels_Blade, for those who care.) But those who trust me, Myrage_Myst, should be able to accept that I was just doing something completely random contrary to my nature as a very serious person. blaugh Ok so maybe I'm not all that serious, if you know me very well. There are some cases when I can be spontaneous, or spooky (as Ishamaels_Blade so colorfully puts it.) But I like doing that at times. Just to scare Ishamaels_Blade. Other times I let him give me hugs ( domokun although I would love nothing more than to pound his scrawny little body into the asphalt at school.) But there are times when he has his moments, when I want to hug him back (trust me that is not very often. xd )
~Legendary Black Wolf · Sun May 08, 2005 @ 03:49am · 0 Comments |