WaNna PlAy A GaMe? WeLl I dO! I cAlL It The "......WoUlD YoU RaThEr?....." GamE The ObJeCtIvE Of The GaMe Is tO SoMoNe WiLl GiVe 2 InSaNe ChOiCes And ThE oThEr ONe HaS to ChOoZe 1 InSaNe ChOiCe And MaKe nEw CHoIcEs FoR The 2Nd OnE tO ChOose.
Person A: Eat booger or kiss a monkey? Person b: kiss a monkey. Wear your undies upside down or dance in front of all people like a crazy woman. person C: wear my undies upside down. And so on and so forth......
Me 1st:
Drink 5 bottles of ketchup or Break up with your boyfriend? (if you dont have, pretend!)
XxPrEtTyPuNk_pRiNcESsxX · Sun Aug 05, 2007 @ 03:15am · 1 Comments |