Have you ever had one of those days when you were like man please I've got so much to do and your friend was like girl please wut you talkin bout and your best friend said amma if you dont put some punctuation and grammar grammer in this sentence Im going to track you down and put a fat steak through your heart no I was wrong Im gonna put a stake in your heart a steak is just what I really want for dinner but cant have because I dont eat pork
::deep breath::
But wait steak isnt pork I dont think its probably beef but I dont eat that either so now weve reached a bit of an impass but it doesnt matter because amma if you dont give me some punctuation I will be forced to hurt your mother
::deep trailing breath::
but then if youve vever gotton ete the poiknt where allof a sudden you cant type or spell atfdst all and so you just start typkiing all of thils lsutlf that doenst make sense adn you keep typing hpoing that someone will read it eaven thyou you know that it will probably never make sense to anyone other than you and your dog mr. muggles who caont understand you even though he has won a bunch of doggy awards?! Ah look puhctuationj!
Yeah, it's been one of those days... xd
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Community Member
red fishnets?! nice/ i have light blue ones, but those are for friday xDDDD
i wish it was like freaking WINTER, gods above, i love winter [assionately, it's so beautiful and stunning, how ironic is it that i hate victor, king of ice....
Exercise for the day?? >_>
gotta love life, gotta love it.
since you so magnificently asked for it:
oh, and this next [art, don't ask me to get it with the mouse AND my eyes closed, cause it won't work, oh no....