Well, it was a interesting day. First off, I pulled an all nighter playing Warriors Orochi, pretty good game if you ask me. I like the improvements to the gameplay, though, I miss create a warrior, though that hasn't been implemented in a Warriors game in a couple installments. But any who, a couple I know were feeling ill so I made them a giant batch of Lentil Soup. They liked it by the way. They were glad that they didn't have to cook their own meal. Any one would if they aren't feeling to chipper, eh?
Besides that my dog escaped yet again. Spent a few hours prowling the neighborhood annoying the houses on the street, I swear I gotta get that dog trained of something. My dumbass Nephew as I like to call him sliced his finger darn near to the bone getting that dog out of the street, a speeding car almost flattened him.
I love my dog, but, golly. He's about as smart as a Gamefaqs member.
Bacon Praline · Sat Oct 06, 2007 @ 01:12am · 0 Comments |