Actually I've been back if anyone has paid attention. A few have but most haven't. So is the life of me....destined to be a shadow that hardly anyone notices....
My past 2 weekends went fine but were quite busy. I'm just now getting back into my routine and relaxing *if you can call it that* again. My bfs bday went well although it didn't go as expected. He and I ended up not having much time alone together since his friend stayed here so long and then had us go do something. Yes, it was something kind of important but I wish we would've done it. We had 1 whole day together and that's it.....Out of 4 days we had 1 stare
Moving right along, my daughters bday went well. She had a really good time and got some nice gifts. She had 2 parties again this year with each side of the family, though they weren't as big and prominent as last year. Much more on the low-key side, which was actually nice. We had the standard cake and ice cream as well as a few gifts. Seemed like overall everyone had a good time. I was just glad to get back home.
I guess for now that's about it. Family all seems to be doing ok. My gram is handling her chemo great and looks pretty good. Everyone else is basically healthy and doing well. I certainly hope it stays that way since I've had enough excitement to last me for awhile.
On another note later next month might be a little hard for me and I may not be around much. For those that got to know me well enough, you know that July 23rd is the son I put up for adoptions 8th bday.....I don't breakdown or anything but I do get a bit more emotional than normal. Yes it's been 8 years but it still hurts and it's not something I can just "get over". So if anyone speaks with me next month please try to be kind and think of my emotional state. Just wanted to prepare everyone before it gets here.
Well folks, that's it for my life right now. Nothing else has really happened but if anything does I'll be sure to post in here when I get the chance. Take care all and I'll see you around.
Until next time america.....
P.S. In case anyone was curious about my daughter, her bday or anything about us, go to this link:
My Daughters Webpage
~ NIHL ~ · Thu Jun 09, 2005 @ 09:07pm · 1 Comments |